Venezuela's Presidential Elections 2024

I suggest you watch this analysis. When the Cass mentioned that Maduro still had a lot of support, I asked myself, support from whom exactly?
From the people… who else? I think it’s important to notice that the opposition has a false sense of majority because the vast majority of MSM and accounts are controlled by them and their boss the US. Maduro’s rallies are the least shared on the media and many account post edited pictures and images of those, too much desinfo out there… but even if it’s hard to see, Maduro still hold a majority popular vote.

If yes, you need to get on X or western press sites and read what US representatives and other western leaders are saying about his election.

Yup. Specially with Maduro’s plan on invest in the BRICS now more than ever in this new term, many western companies oil related or not won’t be happy at all! Alma.innovadora or are you suggesting that Chinese or Russian companies helped him to get reelected?
President Maduro responds to President Milei of Argentina

And to Milei I say: Milei, you can't hold me one round, you cowardly bug, traitor to the Homeland, you can't hold me one round, you cowardly bug, you are a trunk... fascist. This people have already said no to savage capitalism, no to fascism and from Caracas Venezuela I say no to Milei, no to the Nazi-fascist Milei. We are giving an example to the world. We are a people of warriors [The people attending the rally begin to shout: Milei, garbage, you are the dictatorship].

Maduro won with a 5% lead over his closest competitor. That percentage would have been enough to annul the elections in Mexico. That is why, in the last two elections, Mexicans understood the need to come out en masse. In this last election Sheinbaum won with 58% against 26% for the opposition. Now there remains another battle which is against the Electoral Trubunal which has been tempted by the elite to declare the election null and void because of the "illegal intervention of President Amlo".​
One thing for sure, is that the gap between opposition voters and government supporters is getting smaller with each elections, before used to be 7% and 8% now it was 5% with only 80% of all acts counted, so Maduro this time around needs to keep up and work a bit harder than previous terms.
When the Cass mentioned that Maduro still had a lot of support, I asked myself, support from whom exactly? it has to be a support beyond the ordinary population.
Think you're wrong there. See this tweet:

Don't turn off your critical thinking skills just because you have been told Venezuela is "socialist" your whole life. The Venezuelan opposition have claimed fraud and contested virtually every election that they have lost since Chávez came to power. Yet they can never provide evidence, and that is because Venezuela's electoral process is far more secure than what we have in the United States. I describe the voting process in the country, which I have observed firsthand, in my book, Corporate Coup:"

In Venezuela, voting machines were activated through a two-step verification process consisting of a physical check of the voter’s national identity card and a digital scan of their fingerprint. After casting their vote, the voter received a physical receipt of their ballot which they then personally dropped in a secure box on site. The voter then signed their name and stamped their thumbprint on a physical electoral registry to certify their participation. When polls closed, authorities assuaged fears of digital vote tampering by checking their final electronic tally against a random sampling of 54 percent of the physical ballot receipts submitted by voters at polling stations."

Citizen and international observers are present throughout this process. Do not fall for claims of fraud unless hard evidence is produced. Especially because further escalation in Venezuela will only result in civil conflict and perhaps even regional war in the Western hemisphere. You think our border looks bad now? Wait until Washington turns up the heat on Caracas. Oh—and the Russian military has strong military ties with Venezuela and a presence within the country. We are not only talking about regional war here, but an expansion of the World War currently raging against Russia and its allied rising powers. Are you ready for that war to hit "Washington's backyard"?

One more point: the vast majority of Venezuela's economy—hotels, restaurants, stores—are privately owned and operated. Venezuela's "socialism" is largely defined by the fact its industries, including its oil sector and precious mineral reserves, are nationally operated. This makes Venezuela comparable to Russia and many other modern states that consider the natural resources stored within the nation to be the property of the Republic rather than a few at the top. Venezuela is an obsession in Washington because before Chávez, US and European companies practically owned the country and the IMF set its domestic economic agenda. Venezuela is home to the largest oil and untapped gold reserves in the world. This is why Americans have been inundated with propaganda about Venezuela since it began the process of asserting sovereign ownership over that natural wealth. That is what their "socialism" is primarily about.
I see it's Bash Venezuela Time, again.

This has been going on non-stop since 1998! :lol:

Maduro has, rightly, accused Musk of using his satellites and X to 'amplify global concerns about the Venezuelan election result'.

Last time I checked, there are ~5 million posts on X about it, compared with just ~1 million for the next most trending topic: the Olympics.

Such blatant election interference! Well Americans, you made your bed...
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Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Nicolas Maduro on his election victory and re-election as head of Venezuela. This was reported by the Kremlin's press service.

The Russian leader noted the strategic partnership between the two countries and expressed confidence in the continuation of constructive joint work. In addition, the Russian President noted that the head of Venezuela is always a welcome guest on Russian soil.

According to the calculation of 80% of the protocols, Maduro won 51.2% of the vote and won the presidential election. He has held this position since 2013.
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Think you're wrong there. See this tweet:

Yes, I am aware of it. What am I wrong with or what was interpreted from what I wrote?

Yup. Specially with Maduro’s plan on invest in the BRICS now more than ever in this new term, many western companies oil related or not won’t be happy at all! Alma.innovadora or are you suggesting that Chinese or Russian companies helped him to get reelected?

No, that's not what I mean. I mean, support for Maduro has increased because there are people from the opposition who have decided to elect him as president because they have become a little more aware, both the common person and business sectors that previously only blocked and sabotaged. Additional foreign companies that need the sanctions to be lifted because they also harm them and have expressed that if they change Maduro and elect right-wing politicians, the country will collapse. Did I explain myself better?

From the people… who else?

Of course, but there have been more factors involved that have helped to maintain that majority.

I am not adverse to the government, I support Maduro mainly because I don't want a Milei in my country and it explains itself. But I worked for more than 15 years as a public official and the bad ways of doing things, the inhuman treatment, the corruption, people opposed to the government working in positions of power within governmental institutions, people who get rich overnight stealing, military in positions of presidents in an institution abusing people, obviously makes you ask how does this majority hold up?how have you tolerated that and more and still maintained consciousness? Because it's one thing to see the positive of socialism from the outside and another to be part of it, with all its nuances.

And yes, the opposition always continues to lie with the same script, there is nothing new with it. Already that is stuck in a specific group that seems to have reached its maximum group amount.

Did I explain myself better?
I am not adverse to the government, I support Maduro mainly because I don't want a Milei in my country and it explains itself. But I worked for more than 15 years as a public official and the bad ways of doing things, the inhuman treatment, the corruption, people opposed to the government working in positions of power within governmental institutions, people who get rich overnight stealing, military in positions of presidents in an institution abusing people, obviously makes you ask how does this majority hold up?how have you tolerated that and more and still maintained consciousness? Because it's one thing to see the positive of socialism from the outside and another to be part of it, with all its nuances

It held up because of Chavez and his legacy. He created free hospitals and social needs/anssistance and was the first president ever in Venezuela who spoke directly to the poor. Was the first one to shout truth and gave Venezuela an identity and national sentiment. People vote for Maduro because of the loyalty of what Chavez represented and still represents through him.

Yes, it’s true that powers blinds many people, or power attracts pathological individuals including military personal and whatnot, same thing happens everywhere in any country. But Maduro does have the majority of the popular vote and that’s the only thing that matters, opposition is like 3 times more corrupt than any power within the government of Maduro where corruption could be present (if there is any)

I don’t agree with many things of how Maduro handled situations in the past, he made lots of mistakes and perhaps trusted wrong people too. But he at least tries to keep the image of Chavez and his legacy present, and continues working on that and people sees it. In a democracy what should really matters is the majority of the votes. If Maduro received any kind of help within or without, imagine how much the opposition has received in comparison... Millions upon millions of dollars, and whatever secret tech the deep state has to back them (example of Chavez passing).
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The implication with you writing "it has to be support beyond the normal population" was that Maduro was involved in shady election practices. That's how I read it at least.

Randomly tagging along to this conversation, but I just wanted to clarify some of my own confusion. Out of the endless number of people from Venezuela (and even Cuba) that I talk to on a daily basis (here in the US), I’ve never heard anyone say they support their home country’s government. And this makes sense considering the quality of life in these countries. So while things look great on paper, the reality that these people live or have lived in such places leave a lot to be desired. Obviously I wouldn’t want a Nazi running my country either, but the alternative hasn’t necessarily been working. So what is the end goal here exactly? It’s very heroic for a country to fight back fascism disguised as democracy; but at the extent of its people?
Alma.Innovadora, what are you saying? That Maduro was re-elected because the US wanted him to?
That's what pretty much they guy at the video says. Also mentions that Maduro stated last Sunday that if the opposition were to win, the country would descend into chaos and violence, So, since, oil business had been re-instated or sanctions have eased since Biden get into power, so it is basically in the interest of the Biden administration and therefore of the oil companies that Maduro remains in power.

What the guy in the video fails to realize or mention, is that once the U.S. claws into Venezuela via candidate of its preference, the more fruitful oil business it will be for the U.S. government and oil companies.

U.S. nearly triples oil purchases from Venezuela so far in 2024
Venezuelan crude oil shipments to the United States increased from 6.3 million barrels in the first quarter of 2023 to 14.6 million barrels in the same period of 2024, according to the most recent figures released by the EIA.
U.S. foreign policy towards the Venezuelan dictatorship during Joe Biden's administration has been more than complacent. The defense of the return of democracy to the South American country has taken a back seat for the Democratic Administration, which has prioritized access to cheap oil near its shores for both economic and political reasons. The reimposition of sanctions on the regime of Nicolás Maduro for non-compliance with the Barbados Agreement has been a symbolic measure. This is evidenced by the long list of exceptions and the figures that reveal how Miraflores continues to enjoy a commercial opening that oxygenates the oil industry with which the Chavista leadership finances itself, thanks to concessions from the White House.

While on the one hand the State Department announced in April the non-renewal of General License 44 for Venezuelan oil and gas, on the other it has been granting individual authorizations to operate in Venezuela to the US oil company Chevron, the Spanish Repsol, the French Maurel & Prom (M&P), the British BP (BP.L) and the state energy company of Trinidad and Tobago, NGC. All this translates into resources for tyranny, which have been increasing with the progressive easing allowed by the U.S. government since the end of 2022, and which have reached a peak so far this year.
Since Joe Biden became President, the United States has purchased a total of 63.3 million barrels of oil from Chavista Venezuela, considering that the negotiation resumed in January 2023, after having been totally paralyzed since July 2019 in the framework of the severe sanctions imposed on the Venezuelan dictatorship by then U.S. President Donald Trump.

If yes, you need to get on X or western press sites and read what US representatives and other western leaders are saying about his election.

And what if he drills the country's oil and has contracts with other nations for its distribution? Isn't that what governments do with their national resources? If they are lucky and nobody else got hold of their resources already and sell it as if it belongs to them, giving nothing back to the native population.

Again, I am not sure I understood your point, so my apologies if I am off here.
It held up because of Chavez and his legacy. And continues working on that and people sees it

Yes, exactly. Totally collinear with it.

or power attracts pathological individuals including military personal and whatnot,

And more than that.

Well, listen to the news, there were protests today where I live. 20 minutes from Miraflores, there were shots fired. They were trying to go to Miraflores.

The implication with you writing "it has to be support beyond the normal population" was that Maduro was involved in shady election practices. That's how I read it at least.

Oh! I was already afraid that it would be interpreted that way, I thought it was clear enough.

No, that kind of "help" is not what I meant. I was referring to the help of some private sectors, from business people who have been becoming aware to support the country in a productive way and stop sabotaging. This has led to these people in important positions in the national and international market due to their influence, requesting that they stop sanctioning Venezuela, including companies in the United States.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that important oil businessmen in the United States consider that the re-election of President Nicolás Maduro on July 28 is the best option for Venezuela. According to the US media, these businessmen have exerted pressure on President Joe Biden to lift the sanctions imposed on the South American nation.

The businessmen argued that an opposition victory could plunge Venezuela into chaos, putting at risk the hope of restoring the country as one of the world's main oil suppliers. In addition, they suggested working with Maduro for at least six more years to ensure the stability and growth of the Venezuelan oil sector.

For a long time and various factors, whether disinformation, bad policies that disadvantaged the private sector, not working for free, not lowering their prices for fear of big losses, fear of losing invested capital or simply hatred of socialism, made it impossible for private sector entrepreneurs not to contemplate the opportunity to work together with the government and especially by radical people in the government who did not want to work with the private sector either. With the passage of time that has been changing little by little.

Nicolás Maduro, urged private sector dentists to participate in the Smile Mission (Spanish)

"We are going to make a public and private effort so that you join the Smile Mission, that you make your social contribution and we put the burden on ourselves all together (...) We are thinking about all this to summon you, private clinics, private practices, dentists who practice privately, to summon you to join the Smile Mission in love, solidarity and Christianity,” the head of State stressed.

The announcement was made during a television connection with Araure, in the Portuguese state, where he inaugurated the new headquarters of Misión Sonrisa with four dentistry offices, among other areas.

The president said that this social program guarantees oral care for grandparents, pregnant women“ "and those who need their prosthesis to have a healthy, dental peace of mind.”

"I reiterate the call to the Governors, Governors, Mayors and the Single Health Authorities of all the states, we are going to convene the authorities of Private Dental Clinics and Clinics, so that in an alliance and in solidarity action they join the Smile Mission. I am waiting for your proposals! Our support to the dental guild to support the people"


Is it better understood now?
Alma.Innovadora, what are you saying? That Maduro was re-elected because the US wanted him to?

Nop, I refer to the last thing I posted to that doubt you comment:

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that important oil businessmen in the United States consider that the re-election of President Nicolás Maduro on July 28 is the best option for Venezuela. According to the US media, these businessmen have exerted pressure on President Joe Biden to lift the sanctions imposed on the South American nation.

I'm going to be more careful when correcting the translator, I always have this problem that I try to say one thing and I don't know why it changes the meaning of what I'm trying to say.

What the guy in the video fails to realize or mention, is that once the U.S. claws into Venezuela via candidate of its preference, the more fruitful oil business it will be for the U.S. government and oil companies.

Are you referring to the Barbados Accords?

In fact, part of the dirty game of the United States was for Maduro to allow Maria Corina to participate as a candidate in these elections, in exchange for eliminating the sanctions against Venezuela. That was undone precisely because of that, because it was the typical trap of interventionism in the Venezuelan elections by the United States.

The day Maduro does that, it will have been because he will have been brainwashed like Jordan Peterson, it would be something very "extraordinary".

Nicolás Maduro assures that the Barbados agreements are "mortally wounded"

The government of Venezuela denounces that the opposition maintains a ”pattern" of violence and expects a statement from the opposition negotiating delegation in the Barbados agreements, to whom they will deliver evidence about alleged conspiratorial plans.
"Today the Barbados accords are mortally wounded, I declare them in intensive therapy, hopefully we can save the Barbados accords, without plans to assassinate me,” Maduro said in an activity broadcast on the state channel.
"That Barbados agreement is winding (...) because these sectors of the Venezuelan right have a bad habit of signing papers and then not making their word respected," he said.

"There is no way for this woman to be a candidate for anything in any election in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela," he said during a session in the ruling-majority National Assembly (AN) that he presides in which he assured that Maduro will be the candidate in the presidential elections.

And now we have this, I think you can see the correlation:

The United States offered incentives to Nicolás Maduro to leave power in Venezuela: what was proposed to him?

On Tuesday, Jorge Rodríguez, president of the National Assembly and head of the ruling party in the dialogues with the opposition, confirmed that the United States has made offers to Maduro and one of them was in Mexico. However, he did not specify the date
“We give him the millions of dollars. The first combatant, Cilia Flores, we have a mansion for her in the Dominican Republic, we are not going to touch her,” the parliament speaker revealed, noting that the Venezuelan president, when asked what Rodriguez's response had been, replied that he had “sent the Gringos to hell.”

During the press conference, Rodríguez insisted that the Venezuelan opposition ”receives" orders from the United States constantly and that, on the contrary, the Venezuelan government is not following that line.
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