Aoide said:
When I watched the videos about Jodi Arias I just couldn't understand how she could be so calm after such horrible crime. I tried to put myself into her position and I just can't. It starts to hurt so much, my psyche can't endure it. When I observed Jodi's "crying" I tried to imagine what's in her head at that moment that makes her capable of showing such emotion while actually being cold. I know how psychopaths are functioning (based on forum research), but I can't touch it fully, words are hard to find to describe that feeling. It's disturbing to observe them and to see all that coldness.
When you read about them is one thing, but to observe them, like in these videos, makes big difference in experiencing who they really are.
Yes, yes, and yes. And what is amazing is to watch them, and then have Clemente point out the stuff YOU MISSED because you were taken in by the drama. There you are (me, in this case), feeling sorry for her, projecting all kinds of excuses, and then he snaps you up short with the most OBVIOUS thing of all: It's all about them, not a shred of real remorse or empathy! It's like we miss the gorilla in the room. We are so busy looking for NORMAL markers, we miss the biggest one of all.
It's like this Selective Attention test:
Well, if you know about it, then you SEE it. Same with psychopathy, I think.