Volcanoes Erupting All Over

Re: Colima's volcano recent activity

It did it again, well, its activity is ongoing, more some days than others, as it happend past weekend. Yesterday around 3 pm, it had an exhalation of +- 3km.

Photo taken from here: _https://twitter.com/PCJalisco/status/557312325599121408/photo/1
More photos here: _https://twitter.com/PCJalisco/media (spanish)


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Re: Colima's volcano recent activity

It did it again.

http://rt.com/news/224931-mexico-colima-volcano-stong-explosion/?utm_source=browser&utm_medium=aplication_chrome&utm_campaign=chrome said:
Mexican volcano spews ash 29,000 ft in the air

A huge ash column exploded into the sky from one of Central America’s most dangerous volcanoes on Wednesday, reaching airplane-level heights of the atmosphere.

Mexico’s Colima volcano played host to a “strong vulcanian-type explosion” at 9:15 a.m. local time on Wednesday. The mountain belched an ash column more than 4 km above the summit, with volcanic matter rising to 29,000 ft (9 km). The resulting ash flow eventually drifted to the northeast, Volcano Discovery reported.

A webcam focused on the active stratovolcano captured the powerful blast.


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Re: Colima's volcano recent activity

From _http://www.excelsior.com.mx/nacional/2015/01/27/1004925

"Activity of the Colima's volcano had increased since the explosion on January 21, (above video), since then, it was determined that the volcano had entered into a new effusive phase, told by Mauricio Bretón González, resposible of the visual observer area from the Vulcanological Observatory of the University of Colima.

Example of this activity is the explosion that the volcano registered on Mondy 26 at 6:45 am, after that, had occurred another 7 of medium activity."

We are going to see more activity.


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Historic of number of active volcanoes


Since a few months, I go on this page _http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/erupting_volcanoes.html and I count manually the number of active volcanoes on earth.
Today the number is 41.
A few months sooner, it was 32, 15 days sooner, 40. Well, it's raising.
Logically, I searched for an historic of the number of active volcanoes, just to check/verify if it's normal that there are actually 41 actives ones, or if it's unusual. This graph would be simple, a daily/weekly graph with the date in X and the number of active volcanoes in Y - but I did not find such an historic ...

If anyone here find such a graph, I would be pleased, and I think this would be an interresting information to share.

Cheers !
Villarrica volcano erupts in southern Chile

PUCON, Chile (AP) — One of South America's most active volcanoes erupted early Tuesday in southern Chile, spewing heavy smoke into the air as lava surged down its slopes, prompting authorities to evacuate thousands of people.

The Villarrica volcano erupted around 3 a.m. local time, according to the National Emergency Office, which issued a red alert and ordered evacuations. Local media showed images of the volcano bursting at the top, glowing in the dark amid heavy smoke and rivers of lava. Authorities worried that mudslides caused by melting snow could endanger nearby communities, but no injuries were reported.

The 9,000 foot (2,847-meter) volcano in Chile's central valley, 400 miles (670 kilometers) south of Santiago, sits above the small city of Pucon, which has a population of about 22,000 people.

"It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen," 29-year-old Australian tourist Travis Armstrong said in a telephone interview from Pucon. "I've never seen a volcano erupt and it was spewing lava and ash hundreds of meters into the air. Lightning was striking down at the volcano from the ash cloud that formed from the eruption."

Chilean authorities had issued an orange alert on Monday because of increased activity at the volcano. About 3,500 people have been evacuated so far, including tourists, said Interior and Security Minister Rodrigo Penailillo.

Penailillo warned that the eruption was causing numerous rivers in the area to rise as snow along the sides of the volcano began melting. Villarrica is covered by a glacier cap covering some 40 square kilometers (15 square miles) and snow from about 1,500 meters (about 5,000 feet) on up.

Authorities were keeping an eye on four nearby communities that could be endangered by mudslides as the snow melts. Officials were also monitoring nearly 200 people who were cut off from main roads when two bridges were destroyed by rising waters from nearby rivers.

Rodrigo Alvarez, director of the National Service of Geology and Mining, issued a warning for people in the area, especially at tourists, to be careful. "This is not a fireworks show," Alvarez said, calling on people to obey official prohibitions to stay away from the volcano.

"It's an unstable volcano, all of its borders are altered," Alvarez added.

President Michelle Bache let arrived in Pucon amid cheers and boos later Tuesday to check on safety preparations, and declared an agricultural emergency to help local farmers.

"You never know when an eruption will take place but what we do know is that the activity is lower, that's visible," Bachelet said after flying over the affected areas and meeting local authorities.

Witnesses said Pucon looked like a deserted town at dawn. But as the volcanic activity decreased, some local residents had decided to return to their homes, more cars were seen in the streets, and some people had even decided to sunbathe at a nearby lake. By midday, the community's bus terminals, banks, restaurants and other businesses were operating normally.

The eruption "was something beautiful and amazing. We're still a bit shocked but the volcano has calmed down so I'm going to continue with my vacation," Alejandra Paz Bustos, 29, said as she sunbathed at nearby lake Villarrica.

Jose Manuel Reyes, the 37-year-old manager of La Bicicleta hostal in downtown Pucon, said visitors from France, Canada, Australia, South Africa and Brazil watched the early morning eruption from the building's terrace.

"We're still a bit nervous because we don't know what's happening," said Reyes. "There was nervousness, but we haven't seen any panic."

Tourists flock to the area around Villarrica for outdoor activities like kayaking, horseback riding, fishing and hiking around the volcano, which last had a major eruption in 1984. Dozens of tourists were among those evacuated. Officials said late Tuesday that about 15,000 people living in rural areas near the volcano were suffering water shortages after the eruption, and kept the red alert for nearby areas.

The Villarrica has a crater of about 200 meters (yards) in diameter and a lake of lava about 150 meters (yards) deep. It has periodic eruptions every 10 or 15 years.

Chile has more than 2,000 volcanoes in the Andes cordillera and about 90 of them remain active. Villarrica is considered among the country's most dangerous.


PUCON, Chile (AP) - Uno de los volcanes más activos de América del Sur estalló la madrugada del martes en el sur de Chile, arrojando un denso humo en el aire y lava bajando por sus laderas, provocando que las autoridades deban evacuar a miles de personas.

El volcán Villarrica estalló alrededor de las 3 am, hora local, de acuerdo con la Oficina Nacional de Emergencia, que emitió una alerta roja y ordenó evacuaciones. Medios locales mostraron imágenes del volcán que estalla en la parte superior, brillando en la oscuridad en medio de un denso humo y ríos de lava. Las autoridades se preocuparon de que deslizamientos de tierra causados ​​por el deshielo podría poner en peligro las comunidades cercanas, pero no se registraron heridos.

El 9000 pies (2847 metros) volcán en el valle central de Chile, 400 millas (670 kilómetros) al sur de Santiago, se encuentra por encima de la pequeña ciudad de Pucón, que tiene una población de alrededor de 22.000 personas.

"Fue la cosa más increíble que he visto en mi vida", dijo el turista australiano de 29 años de edad, Travis Armstrong en una entrevista telefónica desde Pucón. "Nunca he visto un volcán en erupción y estaba arrojando lava y cenizas cientos de metros en el aire. Un rayo golpeaba el volcán desde la nube de ceniza que se forma a partir de la erupción".

Las autoridades chilenas habían emitido una alerta naranja el lunes debido a una mayor actividad en el volcán. Alrededor de 3.500 personas han sido evacuadas hasta el momento, incluidos los turistas, dijo ministro del Interior y de Seguridad Rodrigo Peñailillo.

Peñailillo advirtió que la erupción estaba causando que numerosos ríos de la zona se eleven en forma de nieve a lo largo de las laderas del volcán. Villarrica está cubierta por una tapa glaciar que cubre unos 40 kilómetros cuadrados (15 millas cuadradas) y nieve de unos 1.500 metros (aproximadamente 5.000 pies) o más.

Las autoridades mantenían un ojo en cuatro comunidades cercanas que puedan estar en peligro por deslizamientos de tierra cuando la nieve se derrite. Los funcionarios también estaban monitoreando cerca de 200 personas que fueron separados de las principales carreteras cuando dos puentes fueron destruidos por las aguas creciente de los ríos cercanos.

Rodrigo Álvarez, director del Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, emitió una advertencia para la gente de la zona, especialmente a los turistas, que tener cuidado. "Este no es un espectáculo de fuegos artificiales", dijo Alvarez, llamando a la gente a obedecer a las prohibiciones oficiales a permanecer lejos del volcán.

"Es un volcán inestable, la totalidad de sus fronteras están alterados", agregó Alvarez.

la Presidenta Michelle Bachelet, que llegó a Pucón en medio de vítores y abucheos más tarde el martes para comprobar sobre los preparativos de seguridad, y se declaró en emergencia agrícola para ayudar a los agricultores locales.

"Uno nunca sabe cuando una erupción se llevará a cabo, pero lo que sí sabemos es que la actividad es menor, eso es visible", dijo Bachelet después de sobrevolar las zonas afectadas y la satisfacción de las autoridades locales.

Testigos dijeron Pucón parecía una ciudad desierta en la madrugada. Pero a medida que la actividad volcánica disminuyó, algunos residentes locales habían decidido regresar a sus hogares, más coches se vieron en las calles, y algunas personas incluso habían decidido tomar sol en un lago cercano. Al mediodía, terminales de autobuses, bancos, restaurantes de la comunidad y otros negocios operaban normalmente.

La erupción "fue algo hermoso y sorprendente. Todavía estamos un poco sorprendida pero el volcán se ha calmado, así que voy a seguir con mis vacaciones", Alejandra Paz Bustos, de 29 años, dijo mientras tomaba el sol en el cercano lago Villarrica.

José Manuel Reyes, de 37 años de edad, gerente de La Bicicleta hostal en el centro de Pucón, dijo que los visitantes procedentes de Francia, Canadá, Australia, Sudáfrica y Brasil vieron la erupción de la mañana desde la terraza del edificio.

"Todavía estamos un poco nerviosos porque no sabemos lo que está pasando", dijo Reyes. "Hubo nerviosismo, pero no hemos visto ninguna de pánico."

Los turistas acuden a la zona alrededor de Villarrica para actividades al aire libre como kayak, paseos a caballo, pesca y senderismo alrededor del volcán, que el anteriormente habia tenido una gran erupción en 1984. Decenas de turistas se encontraban entre los evacuados. Las autoridades dijeron el martes que cerca de 15.000 personas que viven en zonas rurales cercanas al volcán fueron sufriendo escasez de agua después de la erupción, y se mantiene la alerta roja para las zonas cercanas.

El Villarrica tiene un cráter de unos 200 metros de diámetro y un lago de lava alrededor de 150 metros de profundidad. Tiene erupciones periódicas cada 10 o 15 años.

Chile tiene más de 2.000 volcanes de la Cordillera de los Andes y cerca de 90 de ellos permanecen activos. Villarrica es considerado entre el más peligroso del país.
Re: Colima's volcano recent activity

There had been other explosions in lasts days, some -as I had seen, there are several explosion by the day, but webcamsdemexico usually release the bigger one, reported here http://es.sott.net/article/37556-Grandes-explosiones-del-volcan-Colima-en-los-ultimos-dias-video, there had been others more recent.

Popocatépetl's and Colima's volcano explode within one day of difference.



...the tittles of the explosions have adjectives as "spectacular, great", etc ...perhaps its just me, but explosions are increasing in frequency and magnitude, those adjective do not function to me anymore. :rolleyes:

added: seeing from Puebla City, the larger city near Popocatéptl.


added: and there are also explosions sights more nicier?, this one with a lenticular cloud

Ubinas volcano activity

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Two districts in southern Peru were declared emergency in anticipation of new explosions gas emission, the country's most active volcano Ubinas, which could cause an evacuation of the surrounding towns, said Tuesday the regional government of Moquegua.

"The declaration of emergency Ubinas districts and Matalaque will be sent to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in Lima in order to initiate the necessary measures to help the population for a possible evacuation actions", he told reporters the governor of Moquegua, Jaime Rodríguez.

The decision was made due to the rains of ash and toxic gases released by the explosions of the volcano, most recently two weeks ago, have wreaked havoc on the population of the districts and Matalaque Ubinas and animals and plantations , according to the latest reports from the government.

Moquegua Regional Council adopted the measure having as background the sudden eruption of the volcano Calbuco, Chile, forcing evacuation of nearly 5,000 people and affected tourist regions of southern Chile and Argentina by the scope of the ashes.

The volcano is located in the department of Moquegua, 1,250 km south of Lima and 5672 meters of altitude.


One more? :scared:
Volcanic Eruption off West Coast USA - Oregon undersea volcano now erupting

Volcanic Eruption off West Coast United States - Oregon undersea volcano now erupting

Re: Volcanic Eruption off West Coast USA - Oregon undersea volcano now erupting

Thanks Ocean. Dutchsinse really gives interesting video presentations with a fast paced detailed analysis. I am not scientifically qualified enough to know how sound his logic is but his observations are surely more details than local weather and news channels. The volcanic and seismic activity displays he uses are very visually dramatic.
More volcanic eruptions

Here are some links to the recent volcanic eruptions:

Mount Karangetang Volcano erupts in Indonesia -- Large blast causes Evacuations


11 Large volcanic eruptions in 1 day! Sakurajima Volcano in Japan


Re: More volvcanic eruptions

Shared Joy, thanks for sharing, that Indonesian volcano looked like it was giving off a pyroclastic flow. I'd hate to be down wind of that.
Re: More volvcanic eruptions

Shared Joy said:
Here are some links to the recent volcanic eruptions:

Mount Karangetang Volcano erupts in Indonesia -- Large blast causes Evacuations


11 Large volcanic eruptions in 1 day! Sakurajima Volcano in Japan



On STR's Truth Perspective (May 9), the guest Michael Snyder mentioned that there are currently more volcanic eruptions going on now than the average per year! Seems things are really lighting up...
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