
I didn't see it as a judgment, just that you were able to look at something in a different and less constricting way. That's a good result of sharing your story and networking!
This "judgment" thing is still confusing to me. For some "this" is a judgment, for other it isn't but "this" is. It comes down to judgments are subjective not objective (I think I read that in one of Laura's books?). I guess I'll be figuring that out too.

I am glad I shared this story though. The input from others has given me insight that I never had before. Thanks to all for providing another dimension to the story. (ha ha ;-D)
Last night on my final walk around before bed, a thought occurred to me. Is it possible that the little spirit girl was a representation of the "age and gender" of the soul rather then what she actually looked like at the time of her death? For example: the person was a 48 year old man with a "young 'feminine' soul"? ... hmmm... When I put it like that, it really doesn't sound right, and feels a bit weird.
Might the little girl rocking the baby actually was a past (and passed) member of the family, perhaps an 'elder' daughter who died young (maybe even a miscarriage?) and was soothing her sister's passing? Could be wrong, but the spirit of this girl would seem likely to have some familial bond to the baby to know that she was passing and needed comfort. The story doesn't strike me as something nefarious either, particularly since the baby was not well.

The spirit helping in the passing of the little baby doesn't have to be necessarily a sibling or family relative from the actual life, it could be an ancestor, a close individual (spouse, son/daughter) from a previous life, or even maybe a close relative at the soul level. There are many possible possibilities. OSIT

To add to the above, the Afterlife thread talks about serving others as a means to progress in 5D so the little girl could also have been a soul dedicated to service.

One thing that makes me wonder is that according to multiple sources, including the C's, a soul doesn't get seated in the body until much later in life, at 5-9 years, even early adulthood. Yet Wanda was only 17 days old when she passed away. Maybe that soul needed or wanted the experience of death in infancy, who knows?
Similar to what others here have said, maybe the little girl spirit soothing the baby was there to greet the baby and act as a sort of guide. Reminds me of what I've read of near death experience accounts; people reporting NDEs commonly speak of being greeted by a loved one on the 'other side'; the loved one serving as a sort of guide in the experience. Which also brings to mind how the dying will claim to see loved ones who have died.
Similar to what others here have said, maybe the little girl spirit soothing the baby was there to greet the baby and act as a sort of guide. Reminds me of what I've read of near death experience accounts; people reporting NDEs commonly speak of being greeted by a loved one on the 'other side'; the loved one serving as a sort of guide in the experience. Which also brings to mind how the dying will claim to see loved ones who have died.
That sort of thing is shown in a lot of films. Here it is, depicted beautifully in the final scene of Jacob's Ladder:
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