Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Fully agree with you Obi, it was high time for that reptile to go. Unfortunately he left a devastating "legacy".

After visiting Cambodia, Anthony Bourdain famously had some choice words about Kissinger:

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yes. it seems that genocides never happened before today except for the one that generated the creation of a known state, perhaps the biggest disaster created by the united nations. maybe because before today there was freedom of speech :-)
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It's about time this psycho finally passed away. Good riddence...

Edit: I hope Soros follows suit soon... world will be a better place without these two lizzards...
A disastrous man for Humanity, worthy winner of the Nobel Peace Prize: Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Indonesia, Pakistan, Palestine, among others touched by his magic of almost a century of impunity.
Here is part of an article from the Intelligencer that I think concludes nicely:
He died as he lived, talking often to the world’s elite but without ever having to answer to the people affected by his years of power. The only time the powerful stopped listening to him, long after they should have, was when he was finally dead.

Here another article about this monster.

Grandin adds that Kissinger had the blood of at least 3 million people on his hands as he helped extend the Vietnam War, assist with genocides in Cambodia, East Timor, and Bangladesh, and further escalate civil conflicts in southern Africa, and support coups and death squads across Latin America.
I don't think that 5,000 children murdered atrociously by Israel is going to wake people up, if you can call it that.
Not everybody, no. But have you not seen the demonstrations for Palestine all over the world? I think that that is a display of conscience, or 'collective conscience' among a large percentage of participants. Sure, many on the left will blindly support anything considered 'left'.
Same for many on the right. The C's said people were going to wake up due to suffering, and that probably means suffering for others as well as self as fully half of humanity possesses individuated souls. That includes a strong minority, even in Israel. The United States is suffering under Zionism and Christian Zionism, but many people are waking up to the massive control Israel has over our systems.

God will pour his spirit out over the earth in the latter days I hear. Something about casting [spiritual] fire on the earth, a sword, not peace, and the enemies of a man will be in his own household.

The most difficult part for me is accepting that some people, including some friends and members of my own family, will probably never see because they have no light to see and never had any light.

I guess we have to be ready to experience our own unique suffering. At least the tide has turned and the WAVE is thundering.
Map indicates 'new format' of Israeli military operations
The IDF has published an online map dividing Gaza into grid squares, which it says it will use to indicate which areas civilians should evacuate.
Addressing the residents of Gaza in Arabic, its website said they should check the map and follow instructions from the IDF "to preserve your lives".
The IDF said an Arabic-language video had been released on social media and the map was being distributed by the army in Gaza.
"This divides the territory of the Gaza Strip into areas according to recognisable areas to enable the residents of Gaza to orient themselves and understand the instructions, and to evacuate from specific places for their safety if required," a statement said.
Our Middle East correspondent Alistair Bunkall said Israel appeared to be trying to avoid displacing people en masse, as the US has objected to.
They may be trying to operate in one area of a few hundred square metres at a time, he said.
"I think it will be easier for the Israelis to resume their military operations in the north with a similar sort of tempo," said Bunkall.
"It is in the south that we might see a different format of Israeli military operations."

In detail: Dividing the Gaza Strip into blocks...a new phase of the war

The occupation army published a map dividing the Gaza Strip into more than 2,300 small blocks

The army asked the people of Gaza to find out the number of the block in which they live from the map

- The occupation will later decide to inform the residents of Block No. (X) to move to Block No. (Z) and thus implement a new displacement with a more precise methodology.

This division comes after the United States asked the occupation not to resume the war, before they developed a plan to protect civilians

This division will be used as a justification for mass death, just as reconnaissance missiles were used as a warning message before destroying homes

In conclusion, in the second part of the war, Israel continues to kill and displace, but in a more professional manner this time. The world rejected indiscriminate killing, so the move was towards organized killing. #Gaza
Translated with google traductor

Regarding the red buffer zone, interesting replay. Although, one is left with a hint of suspicion anyway.

Technology IA

‘The Gospel’: how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza

Israel has been using AI to generate targets to strike during its war on the Gaza Strip.

The war which broke out after Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October has given Israel the opportunity to “use [AI] in a much wider theatre of operations and, in particular, to deploy an AI target-creation platform called ‘the Gospel,’ which has significantly accelerated a lethal production line of targets that officials have compared to a ‘factory,’” the outlet reported.
Israel’s military has made no secret of the intensity of its bombardment of the Gaza Strip. In the early days of the offensive, the head of its air force spoke of relentless, “around the clock” airstrikes. His forces, he said, were only striking military targets, he added: “We are not being surgical.”
According to The Guardian, the Gospel AI platform has played “a central role”The platform works to produce targeting recommendations The Gospel system, according to the Israeli army, generates targets at a quick pace and reduces the chances of civilian casualties. However, AI experts cited by The Guardian say they are skeptical. Richard Moyes, a researcher who heads the Article 36 campaign group, said:
Look at the physical landscape of Gaza. We’re seeing the widespread flattening of an urban area with heavy explosive weapons, so to claim there’s precision and narrowness of force being exerted is not borne out by the facts.” noting that they “don’t necessarily know how the list has been created or have the ability to adequately interrogate and question the targeting recommendations.
There is a danger that as humans come to rely on these systems, they become cogs in a mechanized process and lose the ability to consider the risk of civilian harm in a meaningful way,” he added.


Technology IA

‘The Gospel’: how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza

Israel has been using AI to generate targets to strike during its war on the Gaza Strip.

The war which broke out after Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October has given Israel the opportunity to “use [AI] in a much wider theatre of operations and, in particular, to deploy an AI target-creation platform called ‘the Gospel,’ which has significantly accelerated a lethal production line of targets that officials have compared to a ‘factory,’” the outlet reported.
Israel’s military has made no secret of the intensity of its bombardment of the Gaza Strip. In the early days of the offensive, the head of its air force spoke of relentless, “around the clock” airstrikes. His forces, he said, were only striking military targets, he added: “We are not being surgical.”
According to The Guardian, the Gospel AI platform has played “a central role”The platform works to produce targeting recommendations The Gospel system, according to the Israeli army, generates targets at a quick pace and reduces the chances of civilian casualties. However, AI experts cited by The Guardian say they are skeptical. Richard Moyes, a researcher who heads the Article 36 campaign group, said:
Look at the physical landscape of Gaza. We’re seeing the widespread flattening of an urban area with heavy explosive weapons, so to claim there’s precision and narrowness of force being exerted is not borne out by the facts.” noting that they “don’t necessarily know how the list has been created or have the ability to adequately interrogate and question the targeting recommendations.
There is a danger that as humans come to rely on these systems, they become cogs in a mechanized process and lose the ability to consider the risk of civilian harm in a meaningful way,” he added.

I'm finally getting the picture that this is what James Corbett was talking about when he said that 'Data is the new oil' a few years ago. When he first said that, I didn't exactly get it. It's coming a bit clearer to me now.

AFAIK this 'Gospel' situation is similar to the information warfare techniques that really got started in the global war on terror after 9/11, in particular in the war in Iraq. Military intel collected a lot of personal data via cell phones.

All of this data is collated and was used in places like Iraq and Afghanistan to generate 'heat maps' of likely terrorist activity. In other words, its sort of like the pre-cogs in Minority Report. They were trying to read the minds of the population and predict behaviour. This info was then used to target 'likely terrorists', and in many cases, innocent civilians.

“Over 80% of combat operations in Afghanistan are driven by SIGINT or have SIGINT contribution,” former NSA Afghanistan representative Brian Goodman told SIDtoday in 2009. ”That is an indisputable fact. … Not a single combat operation goes on without SIGINT coverage.”

Two years later, in 2011, RT-RG “played a key role in 90 percent of all SIGINT developed operations,” according to the conference presentation. This translated to 2,270 capture/kill operations, 6,534 “enemies killed in action,” and 1,117 detainees. In comparison, the U.S. recorded 415 casualties in Afghanistan in 2011, while the U.K. and other nations recorded a total 148, according to (The presentation did not qualify the terms “enemy” or “killed in action,” or mention whether operations based on intelligence from RT-RG lead to the death or capture of the wrong people.)


The U.S. side of this system for killing people, often on the basis of phone monitoring, has been documented. One Intercept report described how U.S. drone strikes would hit the wrong people because targets had begun swapping identifying SIM cards out of their phones, aware of their adversary’s ability to track handsets. Another report, part of the Drone Papers, detailed how, during a five-month campaign in northeastern Afghanistan, “nearly nine out of 10 people who died in airstrikes were not the Americans’ direct targets.” The Drone Papers also revealed how “military-aged males” killed in drone strikes would be labeled as enemies killed in action unless there was information indicating otherwise.


In 2010, U.S. Special Forces killed a number of people in a convoy that belonged to a candidate in the Afghan parliamentary election. It later turned out that the U.S. military had targeted the SIM card of a person believed to be a senior Taliban leader, when in fact the card belonged to a completely innocent person who contributed to the election campaign of a relative.

This was back when the PTB used to care a bit more about managing the public perception of killing civilians. The main difference in this ongoing Gaza massacre is that the IDF and their US supporters just doesn't seem to care anymore. They're not even trying to hide it. It's pretty crazy. It's like they can't help themselves or something. They have really gone full psycho. I think maybe they're glad to be 'out in the open' - but I'm not sure.

Anyways, as Robert Malone has said, it's 5th generation info-warfare, cognitive warfare. So informational surveillance results in cognitive control. I'd say it probably plays some large role in getting the conservative right in the West to accept the IDF's massacre. They had enough data gathered by Big Tech to know how to shape the narrative and the images on Oct 7th to warp the cognition and capture the souls of those pesky right-wingers in a big lie. Supporting genocide surely has consequences for their FRV.

Another option that occurred to me early on after Oct 7th is that a number of the right-wing social media stars are actual human-alien hybrids who helped capture the right winger in the big lie. Either that, or those social media stars were handled by hybrids in a big way.

(Ze Germans) How many humans/humanoids from the underground civilization are on the surface of the Earth at the moment?

(L) Who asked this question?

(Chu) The Germans.

(L) Germans. They ask weird stuff like that. How many humans/humanoids from the underground? So, how many?

A: Varies with circumstances, but average is about 2 to 2.5 million.

Q: (Andromeda) Walking around up top.

(Joe) And do these people know who they are? I mean...

A: Of course!

Q: (Joe) Okay. And do they have a mission that they're aware of? Do they know why they're walking around?

A: Indeed. Usually acting as "handlers" or agents provocateur.

Q: (Joe) So from our perspective, their mission, it would be nefarious?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are there any of them running that show over there in Ukraine?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are there any of them handling members of the US government?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Handling high-level members of other governments?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Handling leaders of different types of, like, media or whatever, like influencers and such?

A: Yes yes yes

Q: (Joe) Are any of them on YouTube?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) With large-follower channels?

A: Yes

Maybe the fact that AI is being introduced into the process with the 'Gospel' program is the next ante-up with this cognitive population control technology. No more human oversight and error - let the machines make the decisions about who to target for punishment. In particular, the ones who don't think right.

That's what Whitney Webb wrote about this recently - she thinks Gaza/Palestine is a testing ground. One can see how any technocratic regime would be drooling over the ability to use mass surveillance tech paired with AI's mass info-processing abilities and non-emotional 'objectivity' for targeting unwanted surplus populations.

Just wait until these AI systems are marketed globally to governments around the world after the conflict and the "Big Tech Nakba" goes global. Silicon Valley/AI-enabled killing fields and postwar technocracy aren't going to stay just in Palestine, Palestine is a testbed.

They may wanna do that, but maybe it won't get very far. Especially if the global resistance to this massacre is anything to go by. Plus there's mother earth who will have something to say about it all sooner than later...
This was in my x newsfeed from the Zionist Federation of Australia. Decided not to give them any traffic by linking directly to it.
The Zionist Federation of Australia continues to stand with Israel in its difficult decision to resume the ground operation. ZFA President Jeremy Leibler said, “Israel has clear and moral objectives in this war – ending the terrorist organisation Hamas’s rule of Gaza and bringing home the hostages. When hostages were being returned, Israel paused its operation. Indeed, the only reason Hamas handed the hostages over was because of Israel’s military operation. “The Australian Jewish community stands in solidarity with the families of the hostages still in Gaza. We know the resumption of the operation must be particularly difficult for them, but we strongly believe that it is only by defeating Hamas that all the hostages will come home.” Mr Leibler concluded, “We are aware of the difficult humanitarian conditions in Gaza, and the impact this war has had on many Gazans. We are proud of Israel’s facilitation and provision of humanitarian aid into Gaza, even during war. This war is entirely because of Hamas’s actions, and the impact of the war on Gazan civilians is legally and morally entirely Hamas’s fault. All those who care for Palestinian welfare and Israeli-Palestinian peace should be calling for Hamas’s unconditional surrender and the return of all the hostages.”

They are getting hammered in the comments with the majority of commenters seeming to see the situation for what it is.
Well, on that front, things are moving fast:
Add to that cop28 nonsense, digital identity wallet (vaccine and carbon passport included), 15min concentration camps, they're promising a peace and love utopia for all.
Guys, I'm sorry to see so many sad and angry faces, it's obvious to feel so helpless and affected, I can only tell you to remember that it is the way to reach a balance soon, to unveil knowledge and help us to be sovereign on another level. 💪
"Cosmic justice" is already being felt and that is why you are desperate.
Remember: "You are all potential transducers of information. may that information be Love/truth". Cass.
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