Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Go F**K yourself!.... GO F**K YOURSELF! is that clear?

Musk delivers harsh rebuke to X advertising boycott (VIDEO)

"Anyone who tries to pressure X (formerly Twitter) through advertising can “go f**k yourself,” the platform’s owner, tech billionaire Elon Musk, said on Wednesday."

"New York Times columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin asked Musk at the DealBook Summit event on Wednesday whether his recent trip to Israel was “an apology tour” prompted by allegations of anti-Semitism on X that caused many major advertisers to ditch the platform."

“I hope they stop. Don’t advertise,” Musk responded, to Sorkin’s shock. “If someone’s going to try to blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money? Go f**k yourself.”

“Go. F**k. Yourself. Is that clear? I hope it is,”
he added. “That’s how I feel. Don’t advertise.”
Happens somehow similar to me, of the babies she mentions... Had not posted it here, is too much, I have seen the video and images, though.
Sometimes Israel’s crimes are so horrific that at first you don’t even understand what you’re looking at. You just stare at it trying to make sense of what you’re seeing for a bit, like you would if you suddenly saw a space alien or a leprechaun or something.

It happened to me yesterday when I was watching a Sky News report about a teenage boy who was shot by Israeli forces in Jerusalem for celebrating the release of Palestinian prisoners in the hostage negotiations with Hamas. I was watching it thinking to myself, I must be misunderstanding what I’m looking at. I know that Israel does gross things, but surely the story here isn’t that they shot a kid for being happy about something.

Then, as has happened so many times over the last two months, I kept watching and learned that yes, that is indeed what happened. The deputy mayor of Jerusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum is seen defending the shooting by saying “part of the deal is that there would be no celebrations for the release of attempted murderers” (this was actually not a part of the deal, it was just a decree issued by Israel’s national security minister) and claiming dishonestly that “we’re talking about the release of attempted murderers” (the vast majority have not been convicted of any crime and have been denied any due process for the accusations against them).

The band Eve6 nicely summed up what it felt like watching the clip of the deputy mayor’s comments, tweeting, “The remarkable thing about this clip is her self assurance. Like she’s supremely confident that ‘we shot the teenager because he was celebrating’ is a thing that people will find reasonable.”

I had the same experience reading about the five premature babies who were left to die after the IDF raided al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza earlier this month, their decomposing bodies only discovered when the temporary ceasefire allowed access to the hospital. It’s just too insane to believe — they attacked a pediatric hospital? And then they left the babies there to die? What??

The only reason we’re learning about this now is because the pause in fighting allowed journalists to get cameras into the building and show the dead infants to the world. This calls to mind the Politico report immediately prior to the ceasefire which said that the White House was worried “an unintended consequence of the pause” would be “that it would allow journalists broader access to Gaza and the opportunity to further illuminate the devastation there and turn public opinion on Israel.”

Indeed, since the pause in fighting began the world has been receiving drone footage from mainstream platforms like Reuters and The Washington Post revealing vast expanses of urban terrain completely destroyed by a blanket of Israeli military explosives spanning from city block to city block. Looking at the blatantly indiscriminate devastation that’s been caused by Israel’s assault on Gaza since October 7 makes it clear that the IDF are not targeting Hamas but Gaza itself.

I’ve been amazed at how much I’ve been sleeping since the ceasefire started; that’s why I haven’t been writing as much. I guess spending weeks staring at unbelievable horrors unfolding on your screen can be pretty hard on your system if you’re sensitive to that sort of thing, so my body’s been resting up as much as it can while there’s an opportunity.

And I’m just here watching this all unfold safely from my home in Melbourne. I cannot imagine what it’s like to be living in the midst of this horror for the last two months, trying to figure out the best way to survive while also grieving the family, friends and neighbors you’re losing along the way. These people have all been deeply traumatized in ways that will haunt them for the rest of their lives, if they survive the violence, disease and deprivation that’s to come.

This thing is so astonishingly ugly, and it could get a whole lot uglier after the ceasefire ends. If there’s anything positive to be found in this living nightmare, it’s that it’s so earth-shakingly ugly that it just might shake the world awake.
And Erdogan carries on

Turkey warns Israel that it will face the consequences of its crimes in Gaza

Israel will have to face the consequences of its inhuman crimes in the Gaza Strip, according to the final declaration of the Turkish Security Council after its meeting held on November 29.

"Sooner or later Israel will have to face the consequences of the inhumane crimes committed in Gaza, which have gone down in history as a black mark. It is the responsibility of the entire international community to immediately stop attacks aimed at the total annihilation of innocent civilians. "says the statement.

The Security Council stressed that Ankara will continue to take all kinds of initiatives in this regard.
"The Israeli Administration and those supporting the massacre are reminded that, if these atrocious acts are not stopped immediately, they could trigger a spiral of violence whose consequences will last for generations and spread beyond the region," he stressed.

Furthermore, the Turkish Security Council recalled that "lasting peace can only be possible through the establishment of an independent, sovereign and geographically integrated Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital within the 1967 borders."

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan criticized the United Nations (UN) Security Council for not having taken effective measures to de-escalate the situation in the Gaza Strip and for having "failed again and again in its responsibility to guarantee international peace and security".

"It could not declare a ceasefire unanimously. Furthermore, it cannot offer a remedy for the historical injustices that Palestinians have suffered for decades. This paralysis will surely worsen during new crises and reduce humanity's level of trust in the Council of Security," Fidan said at the Security Council meeting.
And then, there's this

I am not sure I would personally call it a victory, but perhaps he's on to something? I thought it was an interesting read and I wanted to share it here.

Scott Ritter: Hamas Winning Battle for Gaza​

The recently announced ceasefire is a blessing for Palestinians and Israelis alike—a chance for prisoners to be exchanged, humanitarian aid to be distributed to those in need, and for emotions on both sides of the conflict to cool down.

While the ceasefire, negotiated between Israel and Hamas by Qatar, was mutually agreed between the two parties, let no one be fooled into thinking this was anything less than a victory for Hamas. Israel had taken a very aggressive position that, given its stated objective of destroying Hamas as an organization, it would not agree to a ceasefire under any conditions.

Hamas, on the other hand, had made one of its primary objectives in initiating the current round of fighting with Israel the release of Palestinian prisoners, and in particular women and children, held by Israel. Seen in this light, the ceasefire represents an important victory for Hamas, and a humiliating defeat for Israel.

One of the reasons Israel eschewed a ceasefire was that it was confident that the offensive operation it had launched into northern Gaza was going to neutralize Hamas as a military threat, and that any ceasefire, regardless of the humanitarian justification, would only buy time for a defeated Hamas enemy to rest, refit, and regroup. That Israel signed on to a ceasefire is the surest sign yet that all is not well with the Israeli offensive against Hamas.

This outcome should not have come as a surprise to anyone. When Hamas launched its October 7 attack on Israel, it initiated a plan years in the making. The meticulous attention to detail that was evident in the Hamas operation underscored the reality that Hamas had been studying the Israeli intelligence and military forces arrayed against it, uncovering weaknesses that were subsequently exploited. The Hamas action represented more than sound tactical and operational planning and execution—it was a masterpiece in strategic conceptualization as well.

One of the main reasons behind the Israeli defeat on October 7 was the fact that the Israeli government was convinced that Hamas would never attack, regardless of what the intelligence analysts charged with watching Hamas activity in Gaza were saying. This failure of imagination came about by Hamas having identified the political goals and objectives of Israel (the nullification of Hamas as a resistance organization by undertaking a policy built on “buying” Hamas through an expanded program of work permits issued by Israel for Palestinians living in Gaza.) By playing along with the work permit program, Hamas lulled the Israeli leadership into complacency, allowing Hamas' preparations for their attack to be carried out in plain view.

The October 7 attack by Hamas was not a stand-alone operation, but rather part of a strategic plan possessing three main objectives—to put the issue of a Palestinian state back on the front burner of international discourse, to free the thousands of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel, and to compel Israel to cease and desist when it came to its desecration of the Al Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third holiest place. The October 7 attack, on its own, could not achieve these outcomes. Rather, the October 7 attack was designed to trigger an Israeli response which would create the conditions necessary for Hamas' objectives to reach fruition.

The October 7 attack was designed to humiliate Israel to the point of irrationality, to ensure that any Israeli response would be governed by the emotional need for revenge, as opposed to a rational response designed to nullify the Hamas objectives. Here, Hamas was guided by the established Israeli doctrine of collective punishment (known as the Dahiya Doctrine, named after the West Beirut suburb that was heavily bombed by Israel in 2006 as a way of punishing the Lebanese people for Israel’s failure to defeat Hezbollah in combat.) By inflicting a humiliating defeat on Israel which shattered both the myth of Israeli invincibility (regarding the Israel Defense Forces) and infallibility (regarding Israeli intelligence), and by taking hundreds of Israelis hostage before withdrawing to its underground lair beneath Gaza, Hamas baited a trap for Israel which the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu predictably rushed into.

Hamas has prepared a network of tunnels underneath the Gaza Strip that, in total, stretch for over 500 kilometers. Nicknamed the “Gaza Metro,” these tunnels consist of interconnected deep underground bunkers used for command and control, logistical support, medical treatment, and billeting, along with other tunnel networks dedicated for both defensive and offensive operations. The tunnels are buried deep enough to avoid destruction by most bombs in Israel’s possession and have been provisioned to withstand a siege of up to three months (90 days) in duration.

Hamas knows that it cannot engage Israel in a classic force-on-force encounter. Instead, the goal was to lure Israeli forces into Gaza, and then subject these forces to an endless series of hit-and-run attacks by small teams of Hamas fighters who would emerge from their underground lairs, attack a vulnerable Israeli force, and then disappear back underground. In short, to subject the Israeli military to what is the equivalent of a death by a thousand cuts.

And it worked. While Israeli forces have been able to penetrate into the less urbanized areas of the northern Gaza strip, taking advantage of the mobility and firepower of its armored troops, the progress is illusory, as Hamas forces harry the Israelis continuously, using deadly tandem-warhead rockets to disable or destroy Israeli vehicles, killing scores of Israeli soldiers and wounding hundreds more. While Israel has been reticent in releasing the figures of armored vehicles lost in this fashion, Hamas claims the number is in the hundreds. Hamas' claims are bolstered by the fact that Israel has halted the sale of older Merkava 3 tanks, and instead has organized their inventory of these vehicles into new reserve armor battalions to make up for the heavy losses being sustained in both Gaza and along the northern border with Lebanon, where Hezbollah forces are engaged in a deadly war of attrition with Israel in operations designed to support Hamas in Gaza.

But the main reason for Israel’s defeat to date is Israel itself. Having taken the bait, and fallen into the Hamas trap, Israel went on to execute its Dahiya Doctrine against the Palestinian population of Gaza, carrying out indiscriminate attacks against civilian objects in blatant disregard for the law of war. An estimated 13,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed by these attacks, including more than 5,000 children. Many thousands more victims remain buried under the rubble of their destroyed housing.

While Israel may have been able to garner the support of the international community in the aftermath of the October 7 attack by Hamas, its gross overreaction has instead turned world public opinion against it—something Hamas was counting on. Today, Israel is increasingly isolated, losing support not only in the so-called Global South, but also in traditional strongholds of pro-Israeli sentiment in the US, UK, and Europe. This isolation, combined with the kind of political pressure Israel is unaccustomed to receiving, helped contribute to the Netanyahu government’s acquiescence regarding the ceasefire and subsequent prisoner exchange.
Whether the ceasefire will hold or not remains to be seen. So, too, the question of turning the ceasefire into a lasting cessation of hostilities remains an open question. But one thing is certain—having declared that victory is defined by Hamas’ total defeat, the Israelis have set the stage for a Hamas victory, something Hamas achieves simply by surviving.

But Hamas is doing more than surviving — it is winning. Having fought the Israel Defense Forces to a standstill on the battlefield, Hamas has seen every one of its strategic objectives in this conflict reach fruition. The world is actively articulating the absolute necessity of a two-state solution as a prerequisite for a lasting peace in the region. Palestinians held prisoner by Israel are being exchanged for the Israelis Hamas took hostage. And the Islamic world is united in condemning Israel’s desecration of the Al Aqsa Mosque.

None of these issues were on the table on October 6. That they are being addressed now is testament to the success Hamas enjoyed on October 7, and in the days and weeks that followed, as Israeli forces were defeated by a combination of Hamas' tenacity and their own predilection for indiscriminate violence against civilians. Far from being eliminated as a military and political force, Hamas has emerged as perhaps the most relevant voice and authority when it comes to defending the interests of the Palestinian people.
Go F**K yourself!.... GO F**K YOURSELF! is that clear?

Musk delivers harsh rebuke to X advertising boycott (VIDEO)

"Anyone who tries to pressure X (formerly Twitter) through advertising can “go f**k yourself,” the platform’s owner, tech billionaire Elon Musk, said on Wednesday."

"New York Times columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin asked Musk at the DealBook Summit event on Wednesday whether his recent trip to Israel was “an apology tour” prompted by allegations of anti-Semitism on X that caused many major advertisers to ditch the platform."

“I hope they stop. Don’t advertise,” Musk responded, to Sorkin’s shock. “If someone’s going to try to blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money? Go f**k yourself.”

“Go. F**k. Yourself. Is that clear? I hope it is,”
he added. “That’s how I feel. Don’t advertise.”
BDS we're all Palestianians now.
Happens somehow similar to me, of the babies she mentions... Had not posted it here, is too much, I have seen the video and images, though.

Here is the full article with supporting links written by Johnston on substack.

In it she says:

The only reason we’re learning about this now is because the pause in fighting allowed journalists to get cameras into the building and show the dead infants to the world. This calls to mind the Politico report immediately prior to the ceasefire which said that the White House was worried “an unintended consequence of the pause” would be “that it would allow journalists broader access to Gaza and the opportunity to further illuminate the devastation there and turn public opinion on Israel.”

Perhaps the Israelis were hoping that their propaganda would hold up for the ceasefire.
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How Egypt will be forced? With its debt? Should be all, not just a part.

The funny part of the post "Why is UN is obsessed?" 🙄 It does has an interesting info.

Maybe this is hopeful, the take on that by Danny Haiphong is that the countries in favour of a multipolar world have voted for Israel returning to it's 1967 boundaries. I don't know how they could make that happen, nor if anything could make Israel act in humanitarian ways towards Palestinians or anyone else at this stage, but goes to show that the majority of countries are against Israeli actions at the moment. Clear supporters of Israel stand out like a sore thumb when looked at like this.

Perhaps the Israelis were hoping that their propaganda would hold up for the ceasefire.
At this point on time, I do not think of Israel hoping anything, they are pretty sure to accomplish the expulsion of Palestinians, Israel is shocked to realize that common people do not think nor agree with them. The shock has been inversely proportional, we, common citizens, had not agree, nor like the perversity, wickedness and cruelty of their actions.

USA and other countries, seem to proyect concerns, hoping the propaganda do it's magic. Not any more. Seem, because at certain stages, are aligned.

Maybe this is hopeful, the take on that by Danny Haiphong is that the countries in favour of a multipolar world have voted for Israel returning to it's 1967 boundaries. I don't know how they could make that happen, nor if anything could make Israel act in humanitarian ways towards Palestinians or anyone else at this stage, but goes to show that the majority of countries are against Israeli actions at the moment. Clear supporters of Israel stand out like a sore thumb when looked at like this.

Funny Comunity Note here, once denied - in most cases - means that this is indeed the case.


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I don't think people are going to wake up to this horror. The Covid has set up a totalitarianism that has turned the population into a frightened, docile mass, and as Ariane Bilheran says so well, totalitarianism controls not only people's gestures but their heads. I don't think that 5,000 children murdered atrociously by Israel is going to wake people up, if you can call it that. They didn't wake up when it affected them personally, during the Covid, accepted the injections, the masks, the confinement, accepted that their grandparents die of loneliness, thirst and hunger without moving a finger, and they're going to wake up because children are dying over there? They've agreed to give the injections to their own children!

Psychopaths aren't going to change. On the contrary, they're proud of what they've done and will continue to kill. I'd even say they're happy for us to see what they do. Sadists, they know that what they're doing isn't just hurting Palestinians but others too, and what's more, they know that nothing will happen to them because what they're doing is right. They're not like us, they don't think like us. There's nothing to be done.

Can you change the mind of a psychopath? No.

I think there's no solution. Look around you: people seem happy, they can finally travel, go to restaurants, prepare for Christmas as if nothing had happened, as if the Covid hadn't turned society upside down. For them, life goes on and what's happening in Palestine only affects them from a distance. The demonstrations aren't going to change anything. And demonstrations, even if people feel solidarity for a moment, are a heap of emotions (rage, grief, injustice, etc.) that feed those who feed on these negative emotions.

Under totalitarianism, people don't think the way we do. They're part of the sect. It's a question of survival there, too, for them. They can't conceive of anything other than what the tv tells them, i.e. the totalitarians in power. So what can we do?

I don't consider myself a pessimist, but a totally ignorant person trying to understand. In fact, I think that for those who see what's going on, outside the covidian sect, it's to keep watching, studying and praying. And waiting for the Santa Cometa!


+ Israel and Hamas signal preparations for return to battle, as end of truce nears

Israel and Hamas are signalling they are ready to return to battle as the final hours of a six-day truce approach.
Hamas' armed wing issued a statement telling its fighters to be ready to resume combat with Israel if the temporary truce expires on Thursday at 7 am local time.
"The Al-Qassam Brigades asks its active forces to maintain high combat readiness in the last hours of the truce," the group said in a statement.

Meanwhile, Israeli media has reported that Israel threatened to “resume battle” if it doesn’t receive an “improved list” of Israeli captives to be released by Hamas in the next stage of the truce.
Israel’s war cabinet met on Thursday without reaching a decision to extend the truce, Israel’s national public broadcaster, Kan, reported.
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is in Israel to discuss extending the truce.

Meanwhile, mediators from Qatar and Egypt have been pushing Hamas and Israel to extend the agreement which has allowed some desperately needed aid to enter Gaza and captives to be released.

+At least two killed and seven injured in Jerusalem shooting

At least two people were killed and seven injured in a shooting attack near the entrance to the city of Jerusalem, according to Israeli media reports. A 24 year old women and a 73-year-old man were killed in the shooting, Israel's ambulance service said. At least seven people were injured.
Israeli police said two shooters had been “neutralised on the spot.”
The shooting took place along Weizman Boulevard and
opened fire on people waiting for buses and rides along the main highway at the entrance to Jerusalem.

+ Israel's military considers Gaza government backed by Saudi Arabia and UAE: Report

Israel is considering how to create a new government in the Gaza Strip that would be backed by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

The report says that Israel’s military think-tank has drafted a paper detailing ‘Hamas-free safe zones’ that could be created in Gaza and managed by an authority backed by Riyadh and Abu Dhabi.
The article says that Israel and the US have also floated an idea to expel rank and file Hamas fighters from the Gaza Strip, by potentially offering them safe passage.

The idea to give “low-level” fighters in Gaza safe passage out of Israel stems from a 1982 agreement that saw Yasser Arafat and about 11,000 Palestinian fighters belonging to the Palestinian Liberation Organization leave Beirut for Tunisia, after Israel laid siege to the city, according to the WSJ.
Israel has said it doesn’t want the Palestinian Authority (PA) to govern the Gaza Strip if and when it defeats Hamas.
The US has said it wants Gaza and the occupied West Bank to be governed by the PA.


Israel and Hamas extend truce after last-minute mediation efforts

Israel and Hamas agreed to extend a truce, which began on Friday, by at least one day, mere minutes before it was set to expire. The two sides will continue to exchange captives. On Wednesday Hamas freed 16 hostages in return for 30 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons. Meanwhile two Palestinian gunmen killed three people and injured eight at a bus stop in Jerusalem.

  • Both Hamas and Israel agreed to a last-minute one-day extension to the truce moments before the six-day agreement was due to expire.
  • The truce extension coincides with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to Israel on Thursday.
  • The agreement came after Hamas sent Israel a list of women and children it would free on Thursday.
  • Hamas has also sent a list to Israel of women and children prisoners it would like released from Israel’s prisons.
  • Hamas freed 10 Israelis, two Israeli-Russian dual-nationals and four Thai citizens, according to Qatar's foreign ministry on Wednesday.
  • Among the 30 released from Israeli jails on Wednesday was Ahed Tamimi, a prominent 22-year-old Palestinian activist and writer who was sentenced to eight months in prison for slapping and kicking an Israeli soldier in 2017.

Henry Kissinger, a former national security adviser and secretary of state for America, died aged 100.

I don't think people are going to wake up to this horror. The Covid has set up a totalitarianism that has turned the population into a frightened, docile mass, and as Ariane Bilheran says so well, totalitarianism controls not only people's gestures but their heads. I don't think that 5,000 children murdered atrociously by Israel is going to wake people up, if you can call it that. They didn't wake up when it affected them personally, during the Covid, accepted the injections, the masks, the confinement, accepted that their grandparents die of loneliness, thirst and hunger without moving a finger, and they're going to wake up because children are dying over there? They've agreed to give the injections to their own children!

Psychopaths aren't going to change. On the contrary, they're proud of what they've done and will continue to kill. I'd even say they're happy for us to see what they do. Sadists, they know that what they're doing isn't just hurting Palestinians but others too, and what's more, they know that nothing will happen to them because what they're doing is right. They're not like us, they don't think like us. There's nothing to be done.

Can you change the mind of a psychopath? No.

I think there's no solution. Look around you: people seem happy, they can finally travel, go to restaurants, prepare for Christmas as if nothing had happened, as if the Covid hadn't turned society upside down. For them, life goes on and what's happening in Palestine only affects them from a distance. The demonstrations aren't going to change anything. And demonstrations, even if people feel solidarity for a moment, are a heap of emotions (rage, grief, injustice, etc.) that feed those who feed on these negative emotions.

Under totalitarianism, people don't think the way we do. They're part of the sect. It's a question of survival there, too, for them. They can't conceive of anything other than what the tv tells them, i.e. the totalitarians in power. So what can we do?

I don't consider myself a pessimist, but a totally ignorant person trying to understand. In fact, I think that for those who see what's going on, outside the covidian sect, it's to keep watching, studying and praying. And waiting for the Santa Cometa!

I share your opinion.
As it is written by Gurdjieff in "Beelzebub's Tales for his grandson" at the end of the book.
Here I will write from memory , because I do not have where to get the quote from:
When the grandson asked Beelzebub, is there no hope for his favorite three-brained beings from the planet earth?
Beelzebub replied that only a fatal event for completely everyone, which will not spare anyone is able to awaken humanity from their hypnotic sleep. Such as the impending impact of an asteroid (comet).
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