Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Without wanting to get conspiratorial, it could be something like the Havana Syndrome. But beyond that, maybe Musk has seen the writing on the wall and has had to tone down his own posts on X, or, as a second option, we are on our way to censorship on the platform.

Musk culturally is more of an uber-influencer, so perhaps he received a warning and tried to throw a bone at very dangerous people, but I am hoping this doesn't necessarily means nuking free speech/Israel criticism on X-Twitter.
I don't know what they do to them in Israel, but their brainwashing seems to be effective:

Maybe Netanyahu showed him this photo


Or they told him what happened to Challenger
No. He is a hostage.
This is a power trip by Israel. They can take the 'richest' man from his home to the other side of the world and make him say things. Otherwise his 44 billion dollars will go to the drain and his adventure to Mars can be sabotage anytime.
It's either that or Elon is dumb, naive, an NPC, or just plain brainwashed anti Muslim racist.
Now, which is more believable?

(Niall) The Soyuz rocket launch last week that aborted after launch, was that just an accident?

(Joe) And before that there were the holes in a part of the space station.

A: Sabotage.

Q: (Pierre) Is it the same entity that sabotaged SpaceX a few years ago?

A: Yes
This has been on my mind for a while, that a part of Israel's plan for Gaza could well be the creation of conditions where "nature" takes care of the 'Palestinian question'.

There are precedents for it too (since the Israeli govt. likes to refer to past atrocities by Western govt. (the fire-bombing of Dresden) to justify its actions in Gaza. After all, Israel's bombs appear not to be having a sufficiently "speedy effect"

A 1601 letter from Lord Deputy of Ireland Sir Arthur Chichester to Lord Burghley, Queen Elizabeth's chief adviser:

"I have often said, and written, it is famine which must consume them (the Irish); our swords and other endeavours work not that speedy effect which is expected, for their overthrow."

Speaking of genocide by famine and diseases, I've been wondering if there is a part of the plan that involves the release of some "pathogen of unknown origin" that would serve the double purpose of "worldwide freakout pandemic that distracts attention from Palestine" and "Let Israel finish the job". Being malnourished, hungry, exhausted and having no medical assistance, the population in Gaza would be particularly vulnerable to such a pathogen, especially if it's been genetically tweaked in some way or another. Just a speculation.
Speaking of genocide by famine and diseases, I've been wondering if there is a part of the plan that involves the release of some "pathogen of unknown origin" that would serve the double purpose of "worldwide freakout pandemic that distracts attention from Palestine" and "Let Israel finish the job". Being malnourished, hungry, exhausted and having no medical assistance, the population in Gaza would be particularly vulnerable to such a pathogen, especially if it's been genetically tweaked in some way or another. Just a speculation.
I’m still skeptical that any finishing of the job will happen during an election year in the USA. When I think about it, Israel already achieved more than they should have been able to get away with in the last month. They’ve pushed hundreds of thousands out of northern Gaza into the south. Now they just need to cleanup in the north with the normal sporadic air strikes and do the usual of silently moving settlers into the new territory.

I’m also speculating, but I can see things dying down until the world finds a new distraction. Then, after the US elections, revamping and going in for some more land stealing. But at the same time, any gap in the conflict will be political suicide for Ben in Israel, so I’m curious to see how the new ceasefire plays out.
I’m still skeptical that any finishing of the job will happen during an election year in the USA. When I think about it, Israel already achieved more than they should have been able to get away with in the last month. They’ve pushed hundreds of thousands out of northern Gaza into the south. Now they just need to cleanup in the north with the normal sporadic air strikes and do the usual of silently moving settlers into the new territory.

I’m also speculating, but I can see things dying down until the world finds a new distraction. Then, after the US elections, revamping and going in for some more land stealing. But at the same time, any gap in the conflict will be political suicide for Ben in Israel, so I’m curious to see how the new ceasefire plays out.

Well, I don't think it's so easy to just clean up in the North. By most accounts I've read, the IDF has succeeded in killing and removing mostly civilians. The Hamas fighters - the actual military opponents of the IDF - are still entrenched in deep tunnels, inflicting pretty big losses, and are most likely not going anywhere soon. IMO the situation looks like what was predicted by military analysts like Scott Ritter when this all started - in an intense urban ruin, small guerrilla cells that have had years to prepare and provision have a big advantage over larger military formations.

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