Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Wait till the end :lol:
Add: Is anime like. Not for every body, the end is really good.
The context for the names of the combatants in the animation is the Israeli soldier who pointed to a white board in the al-Shifa hospital's basement where a calendar was drawn, and as a "smoking gun", declared that it contained names of "Khamas" combatants, while all it was where weekday names in Arabic "Friday, Saturday, Sunday, etc."


  • Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 15-55-21 The Times of Israel.png
    Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 15-55-21 The Times of Israel.png
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Bad, worst I think, It can scalate.

Statement on Shooting of Three Palestinian Students in Vermont
Washington, DC | | November 26, 2023 — Earlier this morning ADC was aware of the shooting of three Palestinian-American, Arab students in Burlington, VT. After reviewing the initial information provided we have reason to believe this shooting occurred because the victims are Arab. All three victims survived the initial shooting, however two of them are currently in ICU, and one of the students has sustained very critical and serious injuries. The full extent of injuries is unknown at this time.
The students, each of them 20 years of age, are Mr. Hisham Awartani of Brown University; Mr. Kinnan Abdalhamid of Harvard University; and Mr. Tahseen Ahmed of Trinity University. The students gathered together to enjoy Thanksgiving break. According to the information provided the three victims were wearing a Kuffiyeh and speaking Arabic. A man shouted and harassed the victims, then proceeded to shoot them.

ADC calls on law enforcement in Vermont to investigate this shooting as a hate crime. In addition, ADC has reached out to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to also call on an immediate hate crimes investigation.

ADC National Executive Director Abed Ayoub said,
“We are praying for a full recovery of the victims, and will stand by to support the families in any way that is needed. Given the information collected and provided, it is clear that the hate was a motivating factor in this shooting, and we call on law enforcement to investigate it as such. The surge in anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian sentiment we are experiencing is unprecedented, and this is another example of that hate turning violent.”

More information will be provided once available. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger please call 911. If you’d like to report a hate incident that has occurred please email
The context for the names of the combatants in the animation is the Israeli soldier who pointed to a white board in the al-Shifa hospital's basement where a calendar was drawn, and as a "smoking gun", declared that it contained names of "Khamas" combatants, while all it was where weekday names in Arabic "Friday, Saturday, Sunday, etc."

That explains the scene where Wendesday tries to decapitate his baby brother(...)


Palestinians with disabilities face immense hardship in Gaza

About 50,000 Palestinians with disabilities are among the most vulnerable people in Gaza, as Israel’s total siege has left them without necessary assistance and the continuous bombardment has made getting to shelter impossible for many.
I am guessing the '50,000' reflects those who were assessed long before Israel feverishly unleashed its 24/7 slaughter campaign upon the people of Gaza. One can only begin to imagine the true reality of this situation now for those with preexisting disabilities, those with serious debilitating health issues - adding to this number would be the massive number of terrible and complex casualties from the relentless bombing of civilians / refugee camps.

This short 2 minute link (above) touches lightly on what is happening for so many with disabilities. People who have no hearing aids, no access to basic sanitary needs, ie: adult diapers, no access to disabled toilets / showering facilities / people who can't even leave their homes because of those with disabilities or conditions they are caring for / adults and children who have lost limbs who are suffering monstrously with likely no pain relief / antibiotics / medications / clean dressings, continuity of care.

As if the lives of those who have a disability are not already challenging enough on a day to day basis, to then have to contend with what is occurring even more intensely now, trying to cope. It's utterly sickening to see what is happening to everyone in Gaza - but for those with disabilities or severe injuries who cannot move easily, if at all, those who cannot see, cannot hear, those who have family with special needs, those who have multiple disabilities, those who are 'on the spectrum' etc, it is even more terrifying for them in many ways and their situation likely makes it so much harder for them to cope.

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This man fled his house with two sons, while in a wheelchair.
Ousama Abu Safar says the journey south from Gaza was incredibly hard.
He is now sheltering at a UN-run school with his family.
"The situation in Gaza is very difficult for those with disabilities.
There is no medicine for illnesses.
The other major challenge is getting food. You can't stand in a long line for hours if you have a disability.
We also can't shower."

The school has no ramps. They have squat toilets - which Ousama can't use.

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People with hearing loss say air strikes are bewildering.

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"I don't have a hearing device, so I don't know when they are bombing.
I feel the ground shaking and I see the people running, without knowing what is happening.
I feel alone, isolated from everyone."

19 year old Iman and her sister can't find hearing aids due to the Israel's siege.

Israel signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, but Israeli evacuation orders have not taken their needs into account. Emina Cerimovic (Human Rights Watch Researcher): "In particular it obliges stated parties to take all necessary measures to ensure protection and safety of people with disability in armed conflict. Israeli authorities are not taking the minimum measures."

Rather than protecting disabled people, Israel's bombardment has maimed thousands more.

Palestinian people are clearly phenomenally resilient, having been conditioned through decades of torture on every possible level, being subjected to relentless acts of cruelty, violation and abuse on every level possible. I find it astonishing that many of these people do not seem to have an all consuming hatred and anger, instead I often see such a beauty and powerful dignity in so many of these people, a particular 'frequency'... an inner light that shines through. Many of them seem to stand together and truly help one another, finding creative ways to keep going... to survive.

With such massive of numbers of people homeless, starving, desperate beyond measure and deeply traumatised, any Humanitarian Aid will bring very little physical relief, it will barely scratch the surface and certainly won't reach everyone.

Now Israel is poised to start bombing the living crap out of everyone + everything again...
and winter is coming - literally.

Wounded patients left at al-Shifa Hospital face dire conditions

Al-Shifa Hospital has been a major focus of Israel’s ground offensive in northern Gaza, with the World Health Organization, the United Nations health agency, calling it “a death zone”.

More than 200 medical personnel have been killed and most hospitals shut down in the weeks of indiscriminate bombing by Israel.

The Israeli army ordered an evacuation of Gaza’s largest medical facility on November 18, but it was not possible to evacuate all the patients, as for some, an evacuation would have presented high health risks.

Israeli forces, which raided the hospital last week, alleged that Hamas fighters used a tunnel complex beneath the facility in Gaza City to stage attacks. Hamas and hospital officials have repeatedly denied the claims.

Israel has also taken into custody Muhammad Abu Salmiya, the director of al-Shifa Hospital.

Imagine your child / loved one being in this situation, the stress, the vulnerability and overwhelm they/you would feel, trying to cope under these conditions.

Imagine being a doctor / medic / carer.

Photos below are from al-Shifa hospital after the imposed evacuation November 18.

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Dire conditions at al-Shifa Hospital revealed during Gaza pause

(very short video)

New video from Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital has emerged, made possible by the pause in Israel’s attack. It shows badly injured and elderly patients stranded in hospital beds outside among debris in the carpark.
Ibrahim Zakariya describes how the IDF would come to the hospital and terrorise them around 1 or 2 in the morning and in the afternoon. They interrogated and arrested a 14 year old boy - he was not returned.

Al-Shifa testimony.png
so, in London today there were marches in favor of Israel, and against antisemitism or so they say.

Interestingly enough, it was being reported as such a good protests.. yesterday however, there was one pro Palestinian, and 18 arrests were made, according to the Metropolitan police.

You can read through their communique, for some reason it all feels rather flimsy and shoddily put together to make it seem like pro Palestinian protests are infiltrated by proscribed organizations.
The deaf comment is a bit sketch. I lived in a house with deaf people. They feel vibrations. They would stomp on the floor to get the attention of another. They would certainly know when a bomb blows up.
I get what you are saying... but if the bombs were heard in the distance in another area one minute and then raining down on you the next, you wouldn't 'know' until it had hit because you wouldn't hear it. What if you are in a room looking out a window, nobody else is home, maybe others who live with you have gone to line up for hours to get a tiny loaf of bread - the only way you would know a bomb was nearby is by watching other people and their behaviour - which direction they are running in, where they are looking. For a person who has normal or even partial hearing it would be utterly terrifying - for someone with no hearing they would never be able to relax, their cortisol levels would be super high, their adrenals working overtime... it would be so incredibly exhausting, feel very alienating, scary and lonely, I am sure, living through this absolute nightmare.

I doubt that these women are making stuff up (for a start I'm pretty sure they aren't Israeli 'actors' pretending to be Palestinians while posting total BS on twitter 😂). Neither of the sisters looked happy about being interviewed, I felt they were genuine - but that's just my feeling from observing their body language. I appreciate it pays to look closely at everything and be discerning.
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+ 'Cautious calm' on Lebanese-Israel border

+ A senior leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) group told Al Jazeera that the proposal to extend the humanitarian truce is still under “evaluation” by PIJ.

+ US Secretary of State Antony Blinken thanked Egypt for its role in helping reach a deal for the release of captives held by Hamas in Gaza.

+ Ballistic missiles from Houthi areas of Yemen land 10 miles from US vessel

+ Ahead of a 10 October address, US President Joe Biden rejected advice from his staffers to omit a line referencing an unverified claim that Hamas beheaded babies.

+ The US Navy said that its aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower crossed the Strait of Hormuz and reached the waters of the Gulf.

+ The US also said two ballistic missiles coming from Houthi-held Yemen landed just 10 miles away from an American vessel.

Israeli news channel correspondent says hotages treated well by Hamas
Alon Ben David, a senior defence correspondent for Israeli Channel 13 described the conditions of the captives recently released by Hamas saying the hostages were treated well by Hamas and they were not subjected to torture or ill-treatment

Elon Musk begins wartime visit to Israel, aviation tracker says

Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk landed in Tel Aviv on Monday, an aviation tracker said, beginning a visit during which Israeli leaders plan to bring his attention to the plight of hostages held in war-torn Gaza and discuss rising antisemitism online.
Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s office announced on Sunday that Musk would be coming to meet the head of state. According to Israeli media, he will also meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Musk’s office had no immediate comment.
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