Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

As of today we're now at 20,031 people dead, including 8,174 children, and rising with the recovery of the martyrs still ongoing, according to the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor.

Recent footage has emerged of a mass grave being dug for over 100 people in Khan Younis in Gaza

Back on Nov 16 it's been reported that the IDF stole the bodies of over a hundred martyrs during their seizure of the Al-Shifa hospital.
IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari dodges a reporter’s question on claims that the IDF took bodies from Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital during operations today....Earlier today, Shifa’s director, Muhammad Abu Salmiya, and Hamas health authorities in Gaza claimed in an interview with Al Jazeera that the IDF removed many bodies from the hospital morgue.

On Nov 23 the NYT confirms that and reports that 111 bodies were taken by Israel and then returned for these mass graves.
In Khan Younis, a city in the southern Gaza Strip where many Palestinians have fled to escape Israeli bombardment of the north, 111 bodies wrapped in bright blue bags arrived on Wednesday in a shipping container on the back of a truck.... The bodies were believed to be from Al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza, which Israeli troops seized last week, and Beit Hanoun, a city on the northeastern edge of Gaza. Israel returned the bodies to Palestinian authorities earlier this week.

The internet speculated that they were collecting and harvesting skin and organs from the dead. Al Jazeera reported in 2009 that the Israel has been known to steal the organs of Palestinians after killing them.

Donald Bostrom, the journalist who broke the story in Aftonbladet, told Al Jazeera: “UN staff came to me and said that you have to look into this very serious issue. Palestinian young people were disappearing in the areas and five days later they appear back in the villages with an autopsy done on them against the will of the families.
Scheper-Hughes said that some of the dead Palestinians from whom organs were harvested were killed during military raids.

“Some of the bodies were definitely Palestinians who were killed in conflicts,” she told Al Jazeera.

“Their organs were taken without consent of families and were used to serve the needs of the country in terms of hospitals as well as the army’s needs.”
She said that Hiss told her “that the people who did the harvesting were sent by the military. They were often medical students”.

“He did it informally and without permission, and it was technically illegal,” she said.

The military establishment gave their “sanction and approval” to the procedures, according to Scheper-Hughes.

Another theory about the removal centered around the use of the bodies as props for propaganda. Right on cue:
Indeed, psychopaths feel no empathy for anyone and think their responses are humane and intelligent.

Evil eats up people's brains. That whole thing about how "the Jews are so intelligent, it's in their DNA", this past month fell to the ground and was trampled upon by everyone watching the Israelis coming up with the most inane, dumbest excuses and justifications in the book for their murderous spree. The same goes for all their supporters. I haven't seen as many stupid utterances before, worse even than the 2020 plandemic propaganda extravaganza. And the Israeli Jews/supporters are gonna need all their wits about them because the majority of the Earth's population simply hates them right now, and we are not going to forget any time soon. Popularity-wise, Israel has lost this war big time.
The Hamas has delayed the release of the second group of Israeli hostages after Israel violated the prisoner release deal.

25 NOV, 2023

25 NOV, 2023

25 NOV, 2023

Iran says it helped broker release of Thais held in Gaza

Iran said Saturday it helped broker the surprise release of Thai nationals who had been held by Palestinian militants in war-ravaged Gaza since their shock attack on Israel last month.
On Friday, Hamas unexpectedly released 10 Thais and a Filipino, along with the 13 Israeli women and children that were part of a temporary truce deal with Israel. Israel in turn freed 39 Palestinian women and children from its prisons.

“The issue of Thai prisoners was jointly pursued by the Islamic Republic of Iran and Qatar,” Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani told the official IRNA news agency.
The Thai foreign ministry confirmed the releases on Saturday, saying the 10 individuals — nine men and one woman — had been taken to Israel via Egypt.Agregó que aproximadamente 20 tailandeses se encuentran entre las 215 personas estimadas que aún permanecen como rehenes en Gaza.

During the four-day truce, Hamas is expected to free a total of 50 Israeli hostages, some of them dual nationals, in exchange for 150 Palestinian prisoners, under an agreement brokered by Qatar, Egypt and the United States.
On Thursday, Kanani welcomed the temporary truce as “the first step in the path of completely stopping war crimes committed... by the Zionist regime against Palestinian people.
Evil eats up people's brains. That whole thing about how "the Jews are so intelligent, it's in their DNA", this past month fell to the ground and was trampled upon by everyone watching the Israelis coming up with the most inane, dumbest excuses and justifications in the book for their murderous spree. The same goes for all their supporters. I haven't seen as many stupid utterances before, worse even than the 2020 plandemic propaganda extravaganza. And the Israeli Jews/supporters are gonna need all their wits about them because the majority of the Earth's population simply hates them right now, and we are not going to forget any time soon. Popularity-wise, Israel has lost this war big time.
netanyau epitomizes the fearsome bloodthirsty yaveh, one of the 3 faces of the desert portal religions. and he matches the president of the first democracy in the luxurious western garden shaking hands with the invisible friend of the 4dsts, or the new entry from argentina channeling the dog and his clones. the funniest thing is that there are still those who think that one can destabilize entire continents - openly or covertly, by the vilest means, by a system that as voted (who cares if left or right) acts in the name and on behalf of the voters, and therefore its acts fall under their WHOLE responsibility - and simultaneously, hypocritically defend themselves by demonizing invading aliens and closing borders. Personally, I have lived in their lands and been helped to survive in extreme situations without asking for anything in return. and I do and will do the same with regard to them in my own land.
Two Palestinians were executed for cooperation with Israel
The execution was carried out by representatives of the terrorist group "Protection of the Resistance" in the West Bank of the Jordan River. People were executed with extreme cruelty.

During the execution, two men were hung upside down on power line poles in front of the crowd, after their death their bodies were subjected to mockery, and then thrown into garbage cans. This is reported by the online edition "Vesti. Israel in Russian," specifying that the execution was carried out on the night of November 25 in the refugee camp in Tulkarma in Samaria. The information is also confirmed by The Jerusalem Post newspaper.

The Palestinians allegedly confessed to cooperating with Israel during the interrogation. They said that they helped the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) prepare the liquidation of Palestinian militants in Tulkarma in return for a reward. One man received 17 thousand shekels, the other – 10 thousand shekels, in dollar equivalent it is 4.5 thousand and 2.8 thousand, respectively. Their confession was recorded on camera.

The footage below contains scenes of violence. If such content is unacceptable to you, do not open it.

The responsibility for the most brutal crime was assumed by the terrorist group "Protection of the Resistance". She issued a statement in which she threatened anyone who decided to follow the example of executed people. "We want you to know that there is no protection for traitors and informants of the enemy. We will pursue, attack and execute everyone who turns out to be involved in the murder of our fighters," the terrorists said in a statement.

The execution took place against the backdrop of a four-day truce agreed by Hamas and Israel for the exchange of hostages and prisoners. On November 22, Hamas announced that an agreement on a humanitarian truce in the Gaza Strip for four days had been reached with Israel through the mediation of Egypt and Qatar. The agreements envisage the release of 50 women, children and adolescents under the age of 19 held in the enclave in exchange for the release of 150 women and adolescents under the age of 19 from Israeli prisons. The truce came into force on November 24 at 08:00 Moscow time.

On Friday, Hamas released 13 Israelis, including four children. In exchange, Israel agreed to release 39 Palestinians (24 women and 15 teenagers) from prison at the rate of three Palestinians for each Israeli. In addition, the Palestinian movement, with the mediation of the Qatari authorities, released 10 Thai nationals and one Filipino citizen, who were not covered by the terms of the deal.

However, as it became known tonight, Hamas suspended the exchange. The Izzaddin al-Qassam Brigades group, which is the militant wing of Hamas, announced its decision to postpone the process of releasing the second group of Israeli hostages. The al-Qassam Brigades decide to postpone the release of the second group of prisoners until the occupying government fulfills the terms of the agreement regarding the entry of trucks with humanitarian aid into the northern part of the Gaza Strip and begins to comply with the agreements on the release of [Palestinian] prisoners," the militants said in a statement. The IDF, in response, stated that it was ready to resume the operation in Gaza if the hostages were not released before midnight local time.

The second group of hostages, according to IDF spokesman Rafael Rafovitz, should include 13 Israelis.
Двоих палестинцев казнили за сотрудничество с Израилем
In this conversation between Pepe Escobar and Kevork Almassian (Syrian Analysis) they analyze the different aspects of the current geopolitical scenario in the Middle East, Ukraine and so on. And how all these wars are intertwined. Also, at the end of the video Kevork (starting at minute 46:12) talks about the current situation in Syria which is also quite dramatic at this time.

It hope no one has posted it before.
Israeli military says released hostages have arrived in Israel
The 13 Israeli and four Thai hostages released from Hamas captivity in Gaza have arrived in Israel, the Israeli military (IDF) said on Saturday, according to Reuters.

"After undergoing an initial medical assessment, they will continue to be accompanied by IDF soldiers as they make their way to Israeli hospitals, where they will be reunited with their families," it said.
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