Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Another update from Medhurst. For a young bloke he's got a pretty sophisticated grasp on the Middle East situation. I enjoy his content, it's good to know there's still people who get it. Not nearly enough, but it's starting to stir a little now, the recent wave of protests are a testimony to that. It's a little bit like "The Tortoise and The Hare", as we wait for the sleepy silent majority to belatedly find their voice. I've been reading about Israel since 1998, and my understanding of all these years from the savage reign of Ariel Sharon all the way to now with Bibi the psychopath, has grown in time. In his mind we are Amalek, an eternal spiritual enemy. Whereas with me he's also an eternal foe, plus he's also completely evil and devoid of soul. It's been interesting to note that the left have been understanding this aspect far more frequently than the right have in the UK. Conservatives are bloody terrible in UK politics, we've got the return of David "Diamond Dave" Cameron back in the foreign office now, reprising his grim tenure when he oversaw the Libyan tragedy along with those old bastards William Hague and Iain Duncan Smith. For 25 years I've been watching the same dynamics play out over and over again, as I suppose most of us on here have. I'm impatient for change basically. Praying for cosmic justice.....

Norman Finkelstein was interviewed by (the insufferable) Piers Morgan. From the beginning, it is clear that Piers was out for blood, and Norman was out for truth and integrity. The interview turned out to be not so much about Gaza, but about the contrast between two personalities - one of a media talking-head with an 'acceptable and balanced' stance but shallow - the other of a man who thinks deeply and knows the light and the dark of reality and human nature first hand, and is therefore capable of questioning himself and his own moral judgements, and is sincere and brave enough to say 'I don't know what I would have done in that situation, so I cannot condemn it'. Kind of like a carboard person vs a real person. In the end I felt Finkelstein was way too kind to Piers Morgan, but that's just me.

the other of a man who thinks deeply and knows the light and the dark of reality and human nature first hand, and is therefore capable of questioning himself and his own moral judgements, and is sincere and brave enough to say 'I don't know what I would have done in that situation, so I cannot condemn it'.
Finkelstein has given this subject the best years of his life. He admitted recently that he was thinking of giving up talking about the subject because things never change, and like you say he strives to be able to see all facets to the problem. It's a very ill-tempered war of words to have to come to terms with. For instance 2 Jewish women I know in my area won't talk to me now because of my views on Israel. That's low level ostracisation but he has endured way worse for his stance. And what would I do if I was an Israeli citizen? What if I lost a relative to an attack? It's a hell of a thing to think about, and putting myself in an Israeli's shoes is a tough burden, and I have no easy answers. As for Piers Morgan, he's an entitled oaf, a kind of effete, condescending type. I guess Finkelstein figured it was worth putting up with Morgan just to get his view out to a larger audience.

Oh No, not James! I used to follow James Woods on Twitter, what a surprise and disappointing. James has "turned" all of a sudden.
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'Holocaust' actor James Woods has been at the receiving end of Internet criticism after he blatantly rejected the idea of a ceasefire in the escalating Israel-Hamas war and controversially endorsed genocide.
In a post made on November 19, the Emmy-winning actor wrote a short message decrying the humanitarian move in the war that started after Hamas' ambush at an Israeli music festival on October 7.
Referring to a disturbing post made by Oli London, the 'Ghosts of Mississippi' star wrote on his account on X, "No ceasefire. No compromise. No forgiveness," adding a hashtag, "#KillThemAll." The hashtag did not sit well with the netizens as they didn't hold back from calling out the prolific actor.
James Woods's post (X/@RealJamesWoods)
James Woods' post (X/@RealJamesWoods)
Author Oli London, in her post, shared a picture of a group of Palestinian supporters with one of them putting a foot on a puppy wrapped in an Israeli flag. A zip tie can also be seen tied to the dog's neck with a Palestinian flag.

'That’s just pure evil!'​

Following James Woods' controversial message, the Internet went into a rage with many terming it as a genocidal call.
Several users even tagged X CEO Elon Musk with the message, "@elonmusk I believe this is a genocidal statement."

"Saying kill them all doesn’t make you the good guy James," warned someone.

Someone else said, "@elonmusk does the explicit "kill them all" hashtag count as a genocidal statement or is it only for misinterpreted Palestinian slogans?"

"Unfollowed. war mongerer (sic)," said another disgruntled social media user.

Someone else chimed in, "What sort of person tweets this s**t????"

"That’s your last shred of credibility gone, you bitter old man," a user remarked.

"A person with 3.6M followers is publicly calling for a gen0cide and doesn’t have to fear any consequences. Crazy times, @elonmusk," slammed another netizen.

A user observed, "I've known you for a long time, and I've always respected your points of view because they were well-founded, analyzed and well formulated. But now, I have to ask, aren't you going off the rails?"

"I don’t know man but “kill them all” sounds very genocidal for me, let’s see if you’re really a man of principles @elonmusk," said another.

Someone else said, "That’s just pure evil!"

James Woods has been a vocal supporter of Israel​

Woods is an active user of social media and often posts about several geopolitical and social issues, including the repercussions of the Israel-Hamas War along with America's involvement in the whole conflict.
In another tweet dated November 19, as a support post in remembrance of the deceased Israeli citizens, he wrote, "It was rape unto death, rape as massacre, rape and crimes made to kill and torture women…It was rape to be seen and heard by others, women’s and girls’ bodies used as spectacles of victory, trophies of war." #KillThemAll."
"It was rape unto death, rape as massacre, rape and crimes made to kill and torture women…It was rape to be seen and heard by others, women’s and girls’ bodies used as spectacles of victory, trophies of war."#KillThemAll Israeli police say extreme sexual violence, rape by Hamas terrorists was systematic
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 19, 2023
This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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Ran across this tonight

Israeli minister calls for sanctioning Haaretz newspaper for "sabotaging" the state "in times of war"

Shlomo Karhi asked to stop any type of advertising, subscription and commercial links with that local newspaper.

Israel's Minister of Communications, Shlomo Karhi, presented to the Government a proposed resolution to sanction the local newspaper Haaretz, for allegedly spreading "defeatist and false propaganda" against the Jewish State in the midst of war with the Palestinian movement Hamas.

Specifically, Karhi proposed stopping the Government from purchasing advertising in the newspaper and subscriptions for public officials, as well as any other type of commercial links with that medium.

In a letter sent to Cabinet Secretary Yossi Fuchs, the minister noted that since the start of hostilities his office has received "numerous complaints" that the newspaper has "a harmful editorial line that undermines the objectives of the war and weakens the military effort and resilience". He said that "it is possible" that some of his articles even "cross the legal line of sections of the Penal Code reserved only for times of war."

"Ending the purchase of Haaretz services by government agencies will lessen the serious harm felt by the citizens of Israel, not only because of the newspaper's content, but also because of the fact that they are forced to finance it with their taxes," he alleged.

The head of the Communications portfolio asserted that "it is inconceivable that an Israeli newspaper continues to be financed mainly by the Israeli public while spreading incitements from Israel's enemies," especially taking into account the recent actions taken against foreign media.

The country previously approved the closure of the pan-Arab channel Al Mayadeen, as well as the promulgation of regulations that allow foreign media outlets to be temporarily closed in the event of a state of emergency. The two measures were promoted by Karhi and the last one could lead to the blocking of the Qatari media Al Jazeera, although for now that decision has been postponed.

Journalists against the proposal

Local journalistic associations spoke out against the initiative of the head of the Communications portfolio. Thus, the Union of Journalists of Israel said that Karhi "has lost his way" and described the proposal as "populist, lacking any viability or meaning."

Likewise, the Jerusalem Journalists Association condemned this possibility and pointed out that "all media outlets in Israel have the right to exist, in accordance with the law, without being financially harassed for the opinions they publish."
The Siege.

From 2009, here is a wordpress from a guy who had been to both Wounded Knee and Gaza (the latter 4 times) - in 2009 it was a grotesque killing field, and long before and steady thereafter unto this day.

If so inclined, one can have a read further, and note a warning of some disturbing images, however much these days is disturbing and it may not abate for awhile.


Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.

—Arundhati Roy

The Massacres At Wounded Knee And Gaza December 29, 1809 & December 27, 2008
Are there significant parallels between the massacre at Wounded Knee and the current massacre in Gaza?
Lakota Sioux, 1890Palestinians, 2008-2009
Some 300 killedAs of January 9, 2009, more than 780 killed, 3300 injured and increasing
A few rifles, knives, perhaps bows and arrowsRudimentary rockets and mortars, some rifles
Against rapid firing Hotchkiss cannon
and other heavy weapons
Against Apache helicopters, F16 fighters, artillery, gun boats
Few noticed but some outcry existedFew noticed or spoke out, even among Arab-Muslim states, limited UN role
Massive firepower did not discriminate between Indian and civilianMassive firepower did not discriminate between Hamas militant and civilian
Forced onto reservationsForced into a concentration camp
White fear, in part a misreading of the Ghost DanceJewish fear, in part a misreading of the Hamas Covenant
Memory of Indian raids, and especially Custer’s loss 14 years earlierMemory of the holocaust and two millennia of persecution of Jews
US belief in armed force, the
government resisted negotiations
Israeli belief in armed force, the government resists negotiations
Faulty treatiesFaulty agreements, such as Oslo
Awarding Congressional Medals of Honor to 27 officers and soldiersPossible lauding of the officers and soldiers
Widespread white supportWidespread Israeli and international Jewish support
Last major armed confrontation between Indians and rulersLast major armed confrontation between Palestinians and rulers?
Cemented white supremacy in the
United States
Cemented Israeli supremacy?
Accountability: virtually none altho some called for a truth and reconciliation processAccountability: virtually none altho some might call for a truth and reconciliation process, tribunal, or other forms of international adjudication
No rebuilding of the nationHow will rebuilding of Gaza occur?
As long as it remains only in the "reprimand".... Moreover, knowing Israel and its lackeys, I wonder what punishment Spain may received?
ActualidadRT Sanchez says Spain could recognize the Palestinian state and Israel accuses him of "supporting terrorism".
The Israeli foreign minister condemned the statements and asked to summon the ambassadors of Spain and Belgium to hold "a tough conversation of reprimand".
The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchez, said Friday from the Rafah crossing, between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, that the time has come to recognize the State of Palestine and that if European countries do not do so jointly, Spain "will adopt its own decisions", which provoked Israel's reaction.
"The time has come for the international community, especially the European Union (EU) and the individual member states, to finally recognize the state of Palestine. It is something that is important enough. It is something that many EU countries believe we should do together, but if this is not the case Spain will take its own decision," he said at a joint press conference with Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, who will replace him on January 1 in the presidency of the EU Council.
The Spanish leader made these statements after meeting with the President of Egypt, Abdelfatá Al Sisi, on the last day of his visit to the Middle East. "The hostilities must end and my country, Spain, will continue to call for a humanitarian and lasting ceasefire, and will continue to work to offer a horizon of peace and prosperity to this region".
Sanchez spoke of the need to break "the endless cycle that has condemned the region for decades. "Israel must be the first to adopt a comprehensive approach, dealing also with the West Bank and East Jerusalem. This will only be possible through the implementation of the two-state solution, including the recognition by the international community and Israel of the State of Palestine," he reiterated.
Translated with deepl

Today in Palestine Chronicle

GAZA LIVE BLOG: War and Pause | Last Minute Massacres | Indonesian Hospital Raided | Intl. Solidarity Grows – Day 49​

November 24, 2023

At 7 am sharp Gaza time, a four-day humanitarian truce kicked in. Aside from the sound of an Israeli shell east of Khan Yunis and the brief sounding of sirens in the Israel-Gaza border area, the truce seemed to be holding.

Until the last minute, however, Israel continued to kill Palestinians, from Khan Yunis to Nuseirat to the Indonesian Hospital.

Hundreds of thousands of people rushed to the streets to check on their homes and ravaged lives, yet still praising the Resistance.
When the whole world has failed them, only the Resistance fought for them.


Friday, November 24, 5:40 pm (GMT+3)

KAN: The released Israeli prisoners are currently meeting with Shin Bet representatives.

REUTERS: Israel summoned the ambassadors of Spain and Belgium.

AL-JAZEERA: Al-Qassam Brigades handed over 24 detainees, including Thai workers.

AL-JAZEERA: Israeli forces attacked Al-Jazeera correspondent in front of the home of prisoner Amani Al-Hashim.

ISRAELI MEDIA: Ben Gvir calls on the police to prevent taking a victory photo of Palestinian prisoners.

AL-JAZEERA: Israeli occupation forces stormed the home of the family of prisoner Amani Al-Hashim in Beit Hanina, north of occupied Jerusalem [who were expecting a family member (woman or child) to be released from Israeli prisons tonight--as part of the prisoner swap deal between the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli occupation.…]

ISRAELI MEDIA: The Red Cross handed over the Israeli prisoners who were released by Hamas to the Egyptian side.

PALESTINIAN RED CRESCENT: A Palestinian child was shot by Israeli occupation forces in front of Ofer Prison in Beitunia, near Ramallah.

Friday, November 24, 4:40 pm (GMT+3)

AL-AQSA TV: 7 Israeli spy planes flying over the city of Rafah.

KAN (QUOTING EGYPTIAN SOURCES): Hamas handed over Israeli prisoners to the Red Cross

AL-JAZEERA: Helicopters will transport Israeli prisoners heading to the Kerem Shalom crossing.

THAI PM: 12 Thai workers who were detained in Gaza were released.

SPAIN: We may take a unilateral decision to recognize the State of Palestine.

BRITAIN: Israel must prevent settler violence in the West Bank.

BELGIUM: The Gaza truce must turn into a permanent ceasefire.

Friday, November 24, 3:50 pm (GMT+3)

GAZA GOVERNMENT MEDIA OFFICE: Egypt is preparing to receive Israeli prisoners.

ISRAELI CHANNEL 12: Families of the Israeli prisoners received calls to go to meeting places.

ISRAELI DEFENSE MINISTER: We will resume operations in Gaza forcefully after the truce.

WHO: The truce and the introduction of aid into Gaza is a correct step.

ISRAELI FM: We will resume the war until Hamas is eliminated.

CNN (QUOTING US OFFICIAL) There are no Americans among the first group of prisoner exchange.

ISRAELI ARMY: We will confront any violation of the temporary truce in Gaza with strong force.

ISMAIL HANIYEH: We affirm our commitment to implementing the armistice agreement and making it successful as long as the enemy commits to that.

Friday, November 24, 2:30 pm (GMT+3)

UN: Many of Gaza’s displaced people are sleeping outdoors.

HAMAS: The head of the Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, received – today, Friday – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

Friday, November 24, 1:30 pm (GMT+3)

AL-JAZEERA: Before its withdrawal, the occupation blew up the facilities of Al-Shifa Hospital.

ABU HAMZA: Al-Quds Brigades adhere to the truce as long as the enemy adheres to it.

WHO: We are working to implement more evacuations from Gaza hospitals.

Friday, November 24, 12:45 pm (GMT+3)

AL-JAZEERA: Israel completed the procedures for releasing 39 Palestinian prisoners.

WAR CHILDREN ORGANIZATION: The War Children organization said that a 4-day ceasefire is not enough for relief agencies to reach 1.1 million children in Gaza in urgent need of assistance.

EILAT MUNICIPALITY: Sirens were accidentally sounded due to a suspected foreign object

ISRAELI ARMY: Sirens sounded in the port of Eilat on the Red Sea, and also warned of a possible air attack from Yemen.

Friday, November 24, 11:30 am (GMT+3)

AL-JAZEERA: Two Palestinians were killed and others were injured when the Israeli occupation army opened fire on citizens who tried to return to the northern Gaza Strip.

EGYPTIAN PRESIDENT AL-SISI: The priority now is to contain the escalation and provide aid to the Gaza Strip.

TURKISH PRESIDENT ERDOGAN: The international community has failed to confront Israel’s brutality

UNRWA: We planned to deliver aid to Gaza City and the northern Gaza Strip

Friday, November 24, 10:30 am (GMT+3)

IRANIAN FM: We hope that this truce will be the beginning of putting an end to Israel’s crimes.

ISLAMIC JIHAD: We will later force the enemy into a major exchange.

RED CROSS: The losses of workers in Gaza are unacceptable.

MAARIV POLL: The ruling Likud Party is losing about half of its electoral strength, and would win 18 seats if the elections were held today.

Friday, November 24, 09:00 am (GMT+3)

AL-JAZEERA: Trucks carrying aid begin entering the Gaza Strip through the Rafah land crossing, noting that ambulances began leaving through the same crossing.

Friday, November 24, 07:00 am (GMT+3)

The Gaza humanitarian truce takes effect.

AL-JAZEERA: The Israeli army opened fire in the vicinity of Rantisi Hospital, to prevent citizens from returning to their homes.

ISRAELI ARMY: We have completed the positioning of our forces at the ceasefire lines.

AL-JAZEERA: Sirens sounded in Nir Oz in the Gaza Strip.

AL-JAZEERA: Israeli occupation forces dropped leaflets warning residents of the southern Gaza Strip and those displaced there against heading to the northern areas and Gaza City during the temporary humanitarian truce.

PALESTINIAN MEDIA: Israeli occupation forces stormed the Old City of Nablus in the West Bank.

AL-JAZEERA: Several areas in the Gaza Strip are being subjected to Israeli bombardment before the truce takes effect at 7 am Gaza time.

Friday, November 24, 06:00 am (GMT+3)

AL-JAZEERA: Journalist Amal Zuhd and a number of her family members were martyred in an Israeli bombing that targeted her home in Gaza City.

AL-JAZEERA: Israeli gunboats bombed the coast of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, with rocket shells.

AL-JAZEERA: Several Palestinians, including children, were killed in an Israeli bombing that targeted a house in the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip.

Friday, November 24, 05:00 am (GMT+3)

DIRECTOR GENERAL OF GAZE HEALTH MINISTRY: The Israeli army stormed the Indonesian hospital and launched raids, leading to the killing of a woman, the wounding of three, and the arrest of three others.

RUSSIAN EMERGENCIES MINISTRY: More than 100 Russians were evacuated from Gaza on a special flight.

EGYPT: Egypt said that 130,000 liters of diesel and 4 gas trucks will be delivered daily to Gaza when a 4-day truce begins.
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