Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

'"Play by the book": The Israel is doing everything to not let Palestinian state to happen.'

21 Nov, 2023

22 Nov, 2023
Ahead of the vote, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the ministers that accepting the deal was “a difficult decision but it’s a right decision,” and vowed that Israel would continue its war with Hamas after the temporary truce.
'Which means that sooner or later they would be killed.'

More than 200 people killed in Gaza over past day — local officials

22 NOV, 2023

22 November 2023
From the above the article there is this:

It shows how triggerhappy or fearful the IDF forces are and that they basically shoot at anything without looking if their own soldiers are in there and certainly not looking to see if there are any civilians. The mission likely is to level it all and so they do.
Lack of sleep, stress, fear, lack of attention (they are all vaccinated).
Sweden's prime minister has faced ridicule after appearing to just stop himself saying "Israel has the right to genocide" during a speech. Ulf Kristersson was speaking to an audience in Gothenburg on Tuesday when he addressed the subject of Sweden's attitude to the war in Gaza.

"Sweden and the EU stand united in that Israel has a right to geno...self-defence," he said.
A number of audience members laughed at his mistake, while others started calling out "Has Israel the right to commit genocide?"

I wonder if the Palestinian people's sacrifice (unwanted, of course) to Israel isn't a collective STO demonstration, not least because of all the consequences it's likely to have on people the world over. It's just a point of view, but it reminds me strangely of a certain similarity to the death of Princess Diana. Creating martyrs to open the eyes of others...
Also a certain similarity to the death of John F. Kennedy. Today (Nov. 22, 2023) is the 60th anniversary of his murder.


Oscar-winning actress canceled over Israel comments​

"Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon has been dropped by her talent agency after criticizing Israel at a pro-Palestine rally last weekend, a spokesman for the agency confirmed. The star also came under fire for sharing social media posts by Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters, a vocal critic of Israel’s war in Gaza."

"In a statement on Tuesday, United Talent Agency (UTA) told Deadline it would no longer work with the Oscar-winning actress after she spoke at a pro-Palestine protest in New York. In particular, Sarandon drew criticism for stating: “There are a lot of people afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country.”

“People are questioning, people are standing up, people are educating themselves, people are stepping away from brainwashing that started when they were kids,”
she told attendees at the rally, going on to thank “the Jewish community who’s come out to have our backs.”
Suffice to say Ms Sarandon has notoriously been all over the map politically. I find the Political section of her WIKI page fully entertaining.

Warning: don’t sip your coffee while reading. Spontaneous bursts of laughter have been known to occur.

“Sarandon is known for her active support of progressive and left-wing political causes, ranging from donations to organizations such as EMILY's List to participating in a 1983 delegation to Nicaragua sponsored by MADRE, an organization that promotes "social, environmental, and economic justice". In 1999, she was appointed UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. In that capacity, she has actively supported the organization's global advocacy, as well as the work of the Canadian UNICEF Committee. In 2006, she was one of eight women selected to carry in the Olympic flag at the Opening Ceremony of the 2006 Olympic Winter Games, in Turin, Italy. The same year, Sarandon received the Action Against Hunger Humanitarian Award. Sarandon was appointed an FAO Goodwill Ambassador in 2010. She donated fruit trees to the New York City Housing Authority's Jamaica Houses in 2018 in the borough of Queens. Sarandon visited the housing complex in person to help plant the trees.

Anti-war activism
Sarandon and Robbins both took an early stance against the 2003 invasion of Iraq, with Sarandon stating that she was firmly against war as a pre-emptive strike. Prior to a 2003 protest sponsored by the United for Peace and Justice coalition, she said that many Americans "do not want to risk their children or the children of Iraq". Sarandon was one of the first to appear in a series of political ads sponsored by TrueMajority, an organization established by Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream founder Ben Cohen. Along with anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, Sarandon took part in a 2006 Mother's Day protest, which was sponsored by Code Pink. In January 2007, she appeared with Robbins and Jane Fonda at an anti-war rally in Washington, D.C. in support of a Congressional measure to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq.

Presidential politics
During the 2000 election, Sarandon supported Ralph Nader's run for president, serving as a co-chair of the National Steering Committee of Nader 2000. During the 2004 election campaign, she withheld support for Nader's bid, being among several "Nader Raiders" who urged Nader to drop out and his voters offer their support for Democratic Party candidate John Kerry. After the 2004 election, Sarandon called for US elections to be monitored by international entities.

Sarandon and Tim Robbins appear alongside John Edwards at a presidential campaign rally in 2008
In the 2008 U.S. presidential election, Sarandon and Tim Robbins campaigned for John Edwards in the New Hampshire communities of Hampton, Bedford, and Dover. When asked at We Vote '08 Kickoff Party "What would Jesus do this primary season", Sarandon said, "I think Jesus would be very supportive of John Edwards." She later endorsed Barack Obama.

In the 2012 U.S. presidential election Sarandon, along with film director Michael Moore, said that they were not thrilled with Obama's performance but hoped he would be re-elected. She said she and the administration haven't been allies. "I wouldn't say the White House has taken me under its wing and made me one of its best buddies," Sarandon said.

In the 2016 United States presidential election, she made public her support for Senator Bernie Sanders. On March 28, 2016, in an interview on All In with Chris Hayes, Sarandon indicated that she and other Sanders supporters might not support Hillary Clinton if Clinton is the Democratic nominee for president. She stated: "You know, some people feel that Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately. If he gets in, then things will really explode." Hayes inquired as to whether it would be dangerous to allow Trump to become president, to which she replied: "If you think that it's pragmatic to shore up the status quo right now, then you're not in touch with the status quo". On October 30, 2016, she endorsed Green Party of the United States presidential candidate Jill Stein.

In an interview with The Guardian published on November 26, 2017, Sarandon said about Hillary Clinton: "I did think she was very, very dangerous. We would still be fracking, we would be at war [if she were president]"

Civil rights
In 1995, Sarandon was one of many Hollywood actors, directors and writers interviewed for the documentary The Celluloid Closet, which explores how Hollywood films have depicted homosexuality.

Sarandon and Robbins appeared at the 2000 Shadow Convention in Los Angeles to speak about drug offenders being unduly punished. In 2004, she served on the advisory committee for 2004 Racism Watch, an activist group.

Sarandon has become an advocate to end the death penalty and mass incarceration. She has joined the team of people fighting to save the life of Richard Glossip, a man on death row in Oklahoma. In May 2015, Sarandon launched a campaign with fundraising platform to sell T-shirts to help finance the documentary Deep Run, the story of a poor North Carolina teen undergoing a gender transition.

Since 2011
On March 12, 2011, Sarandon spoke before a crowd in Madison, Wisconsin protesting Governor Scott Walker and his Budget Repair Bill. On September 27, 2011, Sarandon spoke to reporters and interested parties at the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York City. Her use of the word Nazi to describe Pope Benedict XVI on October 15, 2011, generated complaints from Roman Catholic authorities, and the Anti-Defamation League, which called on Sarandon to apologize. Sarandon brought activist Rosa Clemente to the 75th Golden Globe Awards and participated in a rally against gun violence in June 2018.

On June 28, 2018, Sarandon was arrested during the Women Disobey protests, along with 575 other people, for protesting at the Hart Senate Office Building where a sit-in was being held against Donald Trump's migrant separation policy.

On May 27, 2021, Sarandon tweeted in support of the Palestinian people, in her words, "fighting against the apartheid government of Netanyahu", and of the Israeli people "that they too, will enjoy peace". She expressed support for Palestinian-American model Bella Hadid "for having the bravery to stand in solidarity with her people". She also co-signed an open letter criticizing Israel for labeling six Palestinian human rights groups as terror organizations, and quoted Desmond Tutu on the conflict saying that "true peace can ultimately be built only on justice". Sarandon was the executive producer for Soufra, a documentary that covered the development of a food truck in the Bourj el Barajneh Palestinian refugee camp in Beirut, Lebanon.

In February 2022, some law enforcement organizations criticized Sarandon for sharing a tweet that described a photo of police officers honoring a killed officer as fascism. She later deleted the tweet and posted a message on Twitter to apologize.

2023 Israel-Hamas war
In November 2023, Sarandon said that Israel committed war crimes during the 2023 Israel-Hamas war. At a pro-Palestinian rally in Union Square on 17 November Sarandon said "There are a lot of people afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country, so often subjected to violence". On November 21, 2023, Sarandon was dropped by United Talent Agency.”
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How much arrogance and contempt in these words that are orders and are drastic and says we need but it is not this, it is a lie. We demand would be better but as the language changes and we have seen it since the plandemia, words are used that are not a reflection of reality. And when it says "other countries should be told" these are also lying words because what it really says is "we demand that other countries...".

Studying the language used by totalitarians is very, very interesting.
Very interesting indeed is the language of the unhinged authoritarian mind. But that arrogance and contempt will also have to be faced by us in a most loving and creative way, when we face them as we surely will. We will also be dealing with enemies of mankind and with their curses landing on whomever happens to be their neighbor. In our future we are all Palestinians.

Oscar-winning actress canceled over Israel comments​

"Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon has been dropped by her talent agency after criticizing Israel at a pro-Palestine rally last weekend, a spokesman for the agency confirmed. The star also came under fire for sharing social media posts by Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters, a vocal critic of Israel’s war in Gaza."

"In a statement on Tuesday, United Talent Agency (UTA) told Deadline it would no longer work with the Oscar-winning actress after she spoke at a pro-Palestine protest in New York. In particular, Sarandon drew criticism for stating: “There are a lot of people afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country.”

“People are questioning, people are standing up, people are educating themselves, people are stepping away from brainwashing that started when they were kids,”
she told attendees at the rally, going on to thank “the Jewish community who’s come out to have our backs.”
We are really in the middle of a new (but so similar) Cold War. And during the Cold War, under the regime of McCarthy it was not fun if you were an actor or writer and if you were in the black list. Woody Allen plays in a very good movie about this subject: "The Front". The movie is made by Martin Ritt.
I wonder if the Palestinian people's sacrifice (unwanted, of course) to Israel isn't a collective STO demonstration, not least because of all the consequences it's likely to have on people the world over. It's just a point of view, but it reminds me strangely of a certain similarity to the death of Princess Diana. Creating martyrs to open the eyes of others...
They too worried about that.
Stumbled upon post, which shows not trivial angle on ‘soft power’ aspect.

The old principle of "Who pays, he orders the music" continues to operate. Including in the "blessed" West.
I understood the nature of anti-Semitism and pro-Palestine among a part of the university public in the USA.

It turns out that according to a 2022 study conducted by the National Association of Scientists, Qatar is by far the largest foreign donor to American universities. From 2001 to 2021, this Persian monarchy donated $4.7 billion to US colleges.
It is worth recalling that the main monetary sponsor of Hamas is Qatar, where the main rookery of the terrorist leaders is located.

It also turned out that from 2015 to 2020, American universities that accepted money from donors from the Persian Gulf monarchies had an average of 300% more anti-Semitic incidents than those universities that did not accept these donations.

In many ways, the professors of a significant part of US universities and lower-ranking staff (such as doctoral students and junior teachers) live on Islamic money (among the main sponsors are also the monarchies of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, etc., although they are much less supportive of pro-Iranian proxies, unlike Qatar).
So for such money, not only for Hamas, but also for Hezbollah, you will come out on campus to support. They could have gone out for the banned ISIS if it hadn't been smashed.

But it is likely that this is not even the full amount of Qatar's support for American universities. In the USA, there is a law that any sponsorship and gifts worth more than $ 250 thousand should be reflected in the reports of universities. But for a long time they scored on such a law and did not publish anything. The situation began to improve only in the last year of Trump's presidency in 2020 and further under Biden - universities began to wool, force them to comply with the law.
So the data up to 2020 may be incomplete. Evil tongues say that the same Qatar money can be 1.5-2 times more.
There is still a loophole today – to split sponsorship (let's be blunt – the fee for lobbying) into tranches below $ 250 thousand, for example, at $ 249 thousand, and then it can not be indicated in the reports.

I think Qatar has entangled universities in Europe even more than in the USA due to the smaller reporting of organizations and the greater greed of Europeans not just for money, but even for handouts.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Persian Gulf monarchies in Russia have spread the same network, up to bloggers. I know for sure that in the early 2010s Iran sponsored a number of influencers. The same applies to China in Russia, I think hundreds of ‘influencers’ are already living on their sponsorship. By the way, Chinese money for lobbying at US universities is also great. Qatar’s War for Young American Minds
The Saradon issue DID NOT go un-noticed by Hollywood.

Hollywood is pulling their hair and dare them!

A few excerpts:

"Susan Sarandon and that ‘Scream’ Chick Deserve to Be Blacklisted"​

"Oscar-winner Susan Sarandon didn’t even try to hide her hatred for Jews"

"Chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” is no different from chanting, “Throw all Jews in the oven so the free world can have a love-in.”

"What she’s saying is that the Jews all got it coming because they’re Jewish because the Muslims something-something."

"That Scream chick, Melissa Barrera, was even worse, hurling blood libels against Israel like confetti."

"Sarandon just lost her big agency representation at the United Talent Agency (UTA)."


"Barrera has been fired from her starring role in the Scream franchise."


"Barrera and Sarandon have no place in a decent society. They can hide their anti-Jewish bloodlust behind woke pieties about poor, oppressed Palestinians (who chose to be governed by terrorists), but no decent person works or socializes with someone who says, Those Jewish babies deserved to be cooked in a stove and beheaded."
"Blacklist them."
"Blacklist them all."

"This is a VERY easy line to draw."
"Violence against innocents and the tolerance for violence against innocents have no place in a decent society."

Full article below:

I went reading a thread from discussion started Jan 24, 2006, with part of an excerpt from Sept 24, 2001 quoted. I was looking for info on HAARP and related topics on the below link to that session (Jan 24, 2006), but there was this bit related to Israel and a war in Palestine. Afghanistan was apparently a preparation for war in Palestine that would lead to destruction of Israel said the C's back then. Makes it really straight-forward....,

James Lovelock, Gaia Theorist, Says It is Too Late

..... Q: (L) Well we plan to. What is going to happen with the Middle-eastern situation; this Afghanistan or whatever?
A: Herding of population to much finer order of control.
Q: (L) What is the purpose of this control; this increasing control.
A: Preparation for war in Palestine.
Q: (L) But nobody has said anything about having a war in Palestine. They're all talking about having a war in Afghanistan. How does Palestine fit in here?
A: It is the ultimate objective of Israel.
Q: (L) Why would they want to have war in their own country? Well, aside from the fact that they've been having a war in their own country for a long time. I guess they want to bring it to a final conclusion. What is going to be the result of this plan?
A: Destruction of Jews.
Q: (L) Well obviously this is not what THEY are planning, is it?
A: No.
Q: (L) They are planning destruction of Palestinians, right?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) It seems that through out history whenever the jews have plotted and planned to destroy somebody, they are the ones who have ended up being destroyed themselves. Or am I misreading my history here?
A: No.
Leave this here as well, since it might be one of those coincidences... days for the ceasefire and this happens.

Explosion of a possible VBIED car

If i guessed your post correctly (can’t open twitter), here goes some ‘typical false-flag’ detail, imo.

It is reported that an Iranian passport in the name of the driver Mohammed Mohammed was found at the site of the explosion at the Rainbow Bridge.
If i guessed your post correctly (can’t open twitter), here goes some ‘typical false-flag’ detail, imo.

Oh come the @#!@ on ! I can see it now: "Mohammed Mohammed from Iran! Yeah we just found his perfectly intact passport after this explosion! See?! He's from Iran! We have to go to war with Iran!" - I see the FBI is already investigating - wow that was fast - probably hanging out there ready for it go.
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