Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

The above, took place right after the BRICS emergency summit on Gaza and Israel, interesting timing.

The bloc made this request in a statement issued at the end of its summit to analyze the Gaza crisis, convened by the president of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, whose country chairs the Brics this year.

"The contribution of the Brics, in its new configuration, together with all the actors in favor of self-control and de-escalation, is valuable and essential," said the Brazilian president.

The countries of the Brics group, including some of those that joined after its recent expansion, called this Tuesday to end Israel's aggression in the Gaza Strip, which is now a month and a half old.

The bloc made this request in a statement issued at the end of its summit to analyze the Gaza crisis, convened by the president of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, whose country chairs the Brics this year.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, host of the meeting, called for an "immediate and complete ceasefire" in the Israeli occupation army's siege on Gaza. "Israel's actions clearly violate international law, including the United Nations Charter and the Geneva Convention," he said.

The South African leader noted that "the collective punishment of Palestinian civilians through the illegal use of force by Israel is a war crime. The deliberate denial of medicine, fuel, food and water to Gaza residents amounts to genocide ", he claimed.

For his part, the president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisí, asked that Israel be declared a terrorist regime and that a binding resolution be adopted at the UN against the Jewish State for the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

"The continued attacks by the Zionist regime against hospitals and medical centers, and religious places, the murder of women, children, doctors, nurses are all terrorist acts," Raisí said.

"It is necessary to declare this false regime as a terrorist regime and its Army as a terrorist organization," added the Iranian president.

In turn, the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, called for a "diplomatic solution" to Israel's escalation against the Gaza Strip: "Russia's position on the situation in Gaza is coherent and not opportunistic. Moscow insists on a solution diplomacy of the problem".

During his speech, the Russian president also blamed the United States for "monopolizing peace efforts in the Middle East", blocking positive interventions from other actors.

In another intervention, the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, called for action to prevent the Zionist escalation from spreading to other countries, "we must act to prevent the war from spreading to neighboring countries."

"The contribution of the Brics, in its new configuration, together with all the actors in favor of self-control and de-escalation, is valuable and essential," said Lula. The South American president stressed that "Brazil does not believe that peace is achieved only by force of arms."

Finally, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for an end to Israel's "collective punishment" against the Gaza Strip, including forced displacement and deprivation of water and electricity, "collective punishment of the population in large numbers must cease." of forced displacement and the deprivation of water, electricity and fuel.

According to Xi, "China believes that the conflict must end to prevent the deaths of more people," while also calling for the opening of humanitarian aid corridors in Gaza.

"The international community must act with practical measures to prevent the conflict from spreading and endangering the stability of the region," he said.

In this way, Putin indicated that the "efforts of the United Nations to guarantee the peaceful coexistence of the two States, Israel and Palestine, have been "sabotaged", which is why more than one generation of Palestinians has grown up in an atmosphere of injustice".
I thought this was an interesting take.
I think some of the reason for the behavior of people like Gad Saad and Bethany Mandel (attacking American evangelicals, literally the most philosemitic people on earth) is because evangelicals are now extremely low status and the last people you want to support you.

Israelis need elite support for continued protection by the Regime, and elite support seems to be slipping. Evangelicals are repulsive to elites and having us in your corner is a net negative.

This was the article he was referencing:
These parts stood out for me:
[W]ith the advent of what I’ve called the “Negative World,” evangelicals, who were already a lower status group in the country, are now increasingly viewed with hostility and as the leading threat to the new public moral order and even to the republic itself. The various attacks against “Christian nationalism” are an expression of this.
If these trends continue, they will make evangelicals, who are themselves shrinking in numbers and significance, more conspicuous as outlier supporters of Israel rather than simply particularly enthusiastic supporters of a pro-Israel position that represents the mainstream. Given the low status of evangelicals as an official out group in American society, that would not be good for the cause of Israel.
Some progressive American Jews and Jewish groups have long been ambivalent or even creeped out by evangelical support for Israel. Read what The Forward has had to say about John Hagee of Christians United for Israel over the years. Maybe they were right to think that way.

How this plays out remains to be seen. However, this is an example of how the transition to the Negative World potentially changes everything, not just the experience of evangelicals. It’s hard to imagine Donald Trump actually getting elected President prior to the Negative World, for example. And possibly the Negative World will also reverse the script for Israel, turning evangelical support from a bulwark into a boat anchor that helps sink American support for that country.
A ceasefire for 4 days and then what? Continue bombing? Continue to cause suffering? Keep killing children, women, destroying Gaza? A cease-fire for dialogue while Israel receives military armaments from the USA to continue the war?

It's obvious that everyone is afraid of the consequences of taking a hard line with Israel. We know the drill. That's why we go easy on them, say cease fire, and Israel finally accepts 4 days' respite from the slaughter. How good is Israel to stop killing during 4 days.

Everyone's cynicism is frightening, as frightening as the bombs falling on Gaza.
This little video is very strong. The little crucified ones from Gaza ascending to heaven. It's very sad all the same.

Interesting you should mention crucified".

If the suffering of the Palestinians at the hands of Israel serves to awaken people to the true nature of the leaders of 'Western democracies', Palestinians can be collectively seen as a Christ-like figure, suffering for the sins (in this case, ignorance and apathy) and ultimately the awakening, of others.
Israeli Former Interior Minister: 'We need 2 million to leave' Gaza
A former Israeli Interior Minister has said that the "solution" for the situation in the Gaza Strip is for two million people to be removed from the enclave.
Speaking to Israeli TV, Ayalet Shaked said that other countries should be told to absorb refugees from Gaza.
"We need to take advantage of the destruction [to tell] the countries that each of them should take a quota, it can be 20,000 or 50,000," she told Channel 13.
"We need two million to leave. That's the solution for Gaza."
האישה הפופליסטית הזאת, בת הברית של אפי נוה ופורום קהלת, סומנה פעם כהבטחה למשהו. עכשיו הוא רוכבת על הגל המשיחי כדי לעשות קאמבק ומציעה לכם את הפתרון האולטימטיבי לעזה. טרנספר. ל-2 מליון איש. ״הפתרון היחיד!״

התברכנו שהיא יושבת בבית, בחיי. איילת כהנא חי.
— Ran Harnevo (@harnevo) November 21, 2023
Interesting you should mention crucified".

If the suffering of the Palestinians at the hands of Israel serves to awaken people to the true nature of the leaders of 'Western democracies', Palestinians can be collectively seen as a Christ-like figure, suffering for the sins (in this case, ignorance and apathy) and ultimately the awakening, of others.

Conscious or not, I think we collectively feel this association on some level:

Israeli Former Interior Minister: 'We need 2 million to leave' Gaza
A former Israeli Interior Minister has said that the "solution" for the situation in the Gaza Strip is for two million people to be removed from the enclave.
Speaking to Israeli TV, Ayalet Shaked said that other countries should be told to absorb refugees from Gaza.
"We need to take advantage of the destruction [to tell] the countries that each of them should take a quota, it can be 20,000 or 50,000," she told Channel 13.
"We need two million to leave. That's the solution for Gaza."

How much arrogance and contempt in these words that are orders and are drastic and says we need but it is not this, it is a lie. We demand would be better but as the language changes and we have seen it since the plandemia, words are used that are not a reflection of reality. And when it says "other countries should be told" these are also lying words because what it really says is "we demand that other countries...".

Studying the language used by totalitarians is very, very interesting.
I have already mentioned that inexperience, lack of proper interaction between different departments lead to losses.
The Israeli military mistakenly shot their units in the Gaza Strip
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz published a report on several cases of "friendly fire" between soldiers of the Israeli army (IDF) during ground operations in the Gaza Strip. These incidents resulted in deaths and injuries in the ranks of Israeli soldiers.

According to the report, since the beginning of ground operations in Gaza, there have been several incidents when Israeli troops opened fire on their own soldiers, which led to deaths.

The newspaper points out that most of these cases of friendly fire occurred during joint combat operations between armored and infantry units. It is also reported that these incidents are currently being investigated to learn lessons for the future.

Additionally, it is noted that one of the lessons learned is the need to accurately indicate the location of each unit entering the building, as well as the need for greater caution on the part of tank crews when shooting at buildings.
Израильские военные по ошибке расстреляли свои подразделения в секторе Газа
This short video is made by a man named Banksy , and it was made for the children victims of the war in Syria.

But children in Syria and Palestine are children. The suffering of children in the Middle East is absolutely terrible when there are wars.

Here is the longest video on children in Syria.

Then he made one for Gaza, 4 years old.

I have already mentioned that inexperience, lack of proper interaction between different departments lead to losses.
From the above the article there is this:
Additionally, it is noted that one of the lessons learned is the need to accurately indicate the location of each unit entering the building, as well as the need for greater caution on the part of tank crews when shooting at buildings.
It shows how triggerhappy or fearful the IDF forces are and that they basically shoot at anything without looking if their own soldiers are in there and certainly not looking to see if there are any civilians. The mission likely is to level it all and so they do.
I wonder if the Palestinian people's sacrifice (unwanted, of course) to Israel isn't a collective STO demonstration, not least because of all the consequences it's likely to have on people the world over. It's just a point of view, but it reminds me strangely of a certain similarity to the death of Princess Diana. Creating martyrs to open the eyes of others...
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