Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

A lot of people in Yemen are not happy with what Israel is doing in Gaza.

Yemeni protesters condemn Israeli genocide in Gaza

Sunday, 19 November 2023 3:04 AM [ Last Update: Sunday, 19 November 2023 3:04 AM ]


Yousef Mawry
Press TV, Sana’a

Tens of thousands of Yemenis have taken to the streets of the capital Sana’a to show solidarity with Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip and condemn the ongoing Israeli genocide. Protesters also called on Arab states to open their borders to allow them to march toward Palestine and confront the Israeli regime.

Press TV’s website can also be accessed at the following alternate addresses:
Yemen has suffered a long lasting civil war, see the Wiki for a summary: Yemeni civil war (2014–present). Still the people are not so overwhelmed by their own circumstances, that they can not empathize with the sufferings of others. Good for them!
Not sure if this has been posted before, but I wanted to highlight this, Bibi Netanyahu declared that they are trying to reduce civil casualties,, ok aha, but that they're not successful... oops!

Netanyahu admits Israel 'not successful' in minimizing civilian casualties in Gaza

"We do everything possible to keep civilians safe, while Hamas does everything to keep them in danger," the Israeli prime minister said.

Israel does everything possible to minimize civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip, but "it is not successful," the Prime Minister of the Hebrew country, Benjamin Netanyahu, said Thursday in an interview with CBS News.

"Every civilian death is a tragedy. And we shouldn't have any because we do everything we can to keep civilians safe, while Hamas does everything to keep them in danger," Netanyahu said. He explained that the Israeli military drops leaflets and calls with cell phones, encouraging civilians to flee.

"The other thing I can say is that we will try to finish this job with minimal civilian casualties. That's what we try to do: minimal civilian casualties. But unfortunately we are not successful," the president declared.

In recent weeks, criticism from the international community towards Israel has intensified due to the high number of civilian casualties. It is estimated that the death toll in the area since the start of the latest escalation has exceeded 11,000 people.

This Tuesday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that "the killing of women, children and babies" in the Palestinian enclave must end, urging Israel to "exercise maximum restraint." Furthermore, the President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, declared that Tel Aviv commits war crimes and acts of genocide against the Palestinian people, killing thousands of Palestinians and destroying civil infrastructure, for which the African country asked the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate these "war crimes".

This Wednesday, it was reported that amid the increasing number of victims among the civilian population of the Gaza Strip, the frustration of US authorities with Israel's war tactics is increasing.

13000 civilian causalities, 5000 of which are children, so his logic is... "oh by the way, see if you can avoid killing civilians while you're killing civilians, but if you can't then it's no biggie" the arrogance of this guy is beyond comprehension.
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Also this, apparently Bibi has a son, and he's somewhat of a public figure, not only does he look creepy as hell, but he just has this Sith vibe, where you feel like he's simply waiting for the right time to kill his master. But he's been making accusations against the IDF and Shin Beth.

Netanyahu's son criticizes IDF, Israeli security services in connection with Hamas attack

Yair Netanyahu shared several publications on his Telegram channel alleging that the decisions or lack of actions by these government institutions laid the foundation for the military wing of the Palestinian movement to break into Israel in early October.

Yair Netanyahu, one of the sons of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has sparked controversy after sharing critical messages with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the Security Agency, on his Telegram channel this Saturday night. of Israel (ISA) and the Supreme Court in relation to the attack by the military wing of the Hamas movement on October 7, local media report.

In one of his posts, Yair Netanyahu shared claims that decisions made by Israel's High Court of Justice led to changes in the rules on how the IDF confronts the border in the Gaza Strip, allowing Hamas militants approach the border fence. "Initially there was a 300-meter security perimeter that was eroded to the point where the terrorists reached the fence and did whatever they wanted," reads the publication of the prime minister's son.

He then shared a post blaming the IDF for the failure on October 7, when Hamas militants breached the border fence, killed some 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped some 240 people. Thus, the 'post' alleged that the lookouts on the border with the Gaza Strip had warned about Hamas provocations, but a senior commander threatened to take them to trial "if they continued to harass."

According to The Times of Israel, in one of the subsequent posts, Yair Netanyahu emphasized that the ISA and the IDF were the ones who pushed to send diesel fuel to the Gaza Strip before the start of the war. He also shared a screenshot of a news story from the Kan station, published on October 2, with the headline 'The message sent by the Shin Bet [ISA] and the IDF at the political level: to preserve peace in the Gaza Strip , economic operations for [the benefit of] Gaza must continue."

Several Israeli media echoed Yair Netanyahu's publications and caused controversy. For example, Channel 12 reported that the prime minister's son "again attacked the Army and the Shin Bet [ISA]." In response, Netanyahu's son has called this outlet a "disgusting propaganda" channel.

So, a part of me thinks that he's just helping sell the narrative of a "failure of intelligence", he's also a great display of the attitude of the Israelis to what's going on, coldly discussing details that justify the genocide. But also, he points out that the IDF sent fuel into Gaza on Oct. 2nd, which is interesting as it points to a supplying of Hamas by Israel.
Netanyahu admits Israel 'not successful' in minimizing civilian casualties in Gaza
13000 civilian causalities, 5000 of which are children, so his logic is... "oh by the way, see if you can avoid killing civilians while you're killing civilians, but if you can't then it's no biggie" the arrogance of this guy is beyond comprehension.

Is not the them, is the others.

So because the UNRWA schools and refugee centers did not abandon the Palestinians to their fate, they are guilty and in collusion with Hamas, the IDF just dropped the bombs and the people got in the middle with the help of the WHO.

How the heck did Israel expect the wounded/sick to be cared for if the hospitals had closed their doors the moment they were notified? This souless biological beigns have been allowed too much war crimes.


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On Twitter, pardon, X this video became viral. I checked its credibility and so far I only found in the comments on You Tube that it is an edited video and that the translation is incorrect and false.

An autumn night descends on the Negev
And softly, softly illuminates the stars
While the wind blows on the threshold
The clouds continue their path.
It's been a year now and we hardly realize it.
How time has passed in our fields
It's been a year and there are few left
Many are no longer with us.
But we will remember them all
The elegant, the handsome.
Because a friendship like this will never
Let our hearts forget
Love sanctified with bloodonce again will flourish among us
Friendship, we support you without words.
Grey, stubborn and silent.
Of the nights of great terror
You remained bright and illuminated
Friendship, like all your young people
Again in your name we will smile and continue the prologue.
Because friends who have fallen on their swords
He left his life as a monument
And we will remember them all...

Israeli children sing: "We will annihilate everyone" in Gaza (you can find the comment below)​

As previously noted, the carelessness and inexperience of the Israeli military in urban battles is obvious.
Israeli armored vehicles were ambushed in the northern Gaza Strip
In the north of the Gaza Strip, a major ambush by the Hamas group took place on a convoy of Israeli armored vehicles. According to sources, an Israeli convoy consisting of Namer armored personnel carriers and Merkava tanks tried to pass through one of the narrow streets, but came under fire from Hamas militants. As a result of the first attack, three armored personnel carriers and one tank were disabled.

When the Israeli equipment tried to retreat, it was ambushed again, being trapped between previously damaged equipment and a damaged tank. According to reports, at that moment the armored vehicles were subjected to intense shelling from hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers.

Preliminary data indicate that Israel lost up to eight armored vehicles and about forty soldiers in this incident.
Израильская бронетехника попала в засаду на севере сектора Газа

Hamas forces have published footage of the destruction of armored vehicles of the Israeli Armed Forces in the northern part of the Gaza Strip
The Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigade, the military wing of the Palestinian Hamas movement, has published video footage showing clashes with the Israeli military in the northern Gaza Strip. The footage shows the moments of defeat of armored units of the Israeli Armed Forces, as well as captured weapons and equipment of Israeli soldiers.

In addition, the published videos contain footage of an attack on the Rantisi Children's hospital. According to the group, Israeli troops evacuated patients and hospital staff, after which they equipped their command center in the building.

In Israel, such information has not yet been commented on, however, it is likely that the data presented may correspond to reality.
Силы ХАМАС опубликовали кадры разгрома бронетехники ВС Израиля в северной части сектора Газа

Such a kind of Iranian battering ram. Not Hezbollah, but the Houthis.
The Houthis captured an Israeli naval vessel with the help of a helicopter
According to reports, the Houthis carried out the seizure of the Galaxy Leader commercial vessel with the help of a helicopter, on board of which a landing party was landed. It is indicated that the Houthis have Mi-24 attack helicopters in their arsenal, which could be used in this operation.

This incident is reminiscent of the previous actions of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran, which previously carried out similar seizures of ships in the Persian Gulf. It is important to note that the use of military equipment in such operations opens up new opportunities for the Houthis to act in the region.

At the time of the announcement of the capture of the Galaxy Leader vessel, no information was provided about the condition of the crew and the purpose of the capture by the Houthis.
Хуситы захватили израильское морское судно при помощи вертолёта

The Houthis showed a video of strikes on Israeli ships
According to the latest news, the Yemeni Houthi movement, also known as Ansar Allah, has released a video threatening to destroy Israeli ships, including civilian vessels, in the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait.

The video, distributed through the official channels of the Houthis, emphasizes that they have the capability and military power to conduct such operations. This statement caused concern in the region, given the strategic importance of the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait as important trade routes.

The Houthis, backed by Iran and acting against the internationally recognized government of Yemen, have already demonstrated their military capabilities by carrying out attacks on targets in Saudi Arabia and other countries in the region. This statement from the Houthis indicates a new direction of their strategy aimed at increasing pressure on Israel and expanding the geography of military operations.
Хуситы показали видео ударов по израильским кораблям

Как уже ранее отмечалось, беспечность и неопытность в городских боях израильских военных очевидна.
Такой, своего рода Иранский таран. Не Хезбалла, так Хуситы.
'Israel needs to legalize the "death penalty law for terrorists" to justify the merciless massacre of civilians.'

19 Nov, 2023

20 November 2023


Putin to take part in emergency BRICS summit – Kremlin​

"The meeting will be dedicated to the ongoing escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Moscow has said"

"Earlier on Monday, the office of the South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said that he will chair an extraordinary joint meeting on the situation in Gaza. South Africa currently chairs the BRICS group, which also includes Russia, China, Brazil, and India."

"In addition to the regular BRICS members, the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates were invited to join the event as well."

"the leaders are then expected to adopt a joint statement on the issue. The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres will join the meeting as well, according to the statement."

  • 16:48 GMT
    Around 1,000 boats will set sail from Türkiye to Gaza this week in defiance of Israel’s naval blockade
    , Turkish news site Haber7 has reported. Claiming that the boats will carry 4,500 people from 40 different countries, Haber7 said that the organizers of the flotilla aim to stop in international waters off the Gazan coast and block shipping lanes into Israel to protest the Israeli military operation in the Palestinian enclave.
    The sailing is being organized by the Mavi Marmara Freedom and Solidarity Association, which took part in a similar flotilla in 2010 to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza. The operation ended in tragedy when Israeli commandos stormed the ships, killing ten Turkish activists aboard the MV Mavi Marmara.

  • Organizer Volkan Okcu told Haber7 that participants in this week’s sailing would “strictly follow international rules” and would not carry “even a single pocket knife."

  • Relentless bombing, urban combat, countless deaths: Live Updates on Israel-Hamas war

All countries must end trade, political ties with Israel to force it to end Gaza genocide: Iran president​

Monday, 20 November 2023 1:52 PM [ Last Update: Monday, 20 November 2023 2:38 PM ]

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi says all countries should end commercial and political cooperation with Israel in an attempt to compel the regime to end its atrocities in the Gaza Strip.
The Iranian president made the plea in a Monday letter to the heads of 50 countries, including Russia, China, Turkey, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Kenya and Jordan, following the continuation of Israel's crimes against the oppressed and defenseless people of Gaza.
He called on all free and independent countries to use all the available means, including cutting off trade and political cooperation and communications with Israel, to exert pressure on the regime and play a more prominent role in ending the regime’s crimes against Palestinians.
Raeisi slammed Israel's brutal acts in massacring thousands of people in Gaza and destroying the Strip’s infrastructure over the past 40 days.
He also censured some Western governments' double standard policies and their deliberate violation of the principles of morality and human rights.
"It is expected that freedom-seeking and independent countries, especially Muslim states [adopt] a coherent and unified approach in the diplomatic and economic fields to put pressure on this occupying regime," he said.
Such an approach would lay the groundwork for ending the Tel Aviv regime's crimes in killing civilians and removing the siege of Gaza, the president emphasized.
Israel waged the war on Gaza on October 7 after the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas carried out the surprise Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against the occupying entity in retaliation for intensified Israeli crimes against Palestinians.
Israel has so far killed at least 13,000 Palestinians, including more than 5,500 children and 3,500 women, in its relentless bombardment of the Gaza Strip.
The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has urged the United Nations secretary general to form an international committee to visit hospitals in the besieged strip to counter Israel’s “false” claims that they are used as launch pad for anti-Israel operations. Hamas has noted that the claims are aimed to “justify” Israel’s attacks on hospitals in Gaza.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on Sunday called on Muslim countries to sever political ties with the Israeli regime for "at least a limited period of time."
Les pays musulmans devraient couper les liens politiques avec Israël pour une « période limitée » : l'ayatollah Khamenei
Muslim countries should cut political ties with Israel for 'limited period': Ayatollah Khamenei
Ayatollah Khamenei urges Muslim countries to temporarily sever political ties with Israel amid the regime
It is necessary, Ayatollah Khamenei said, to “cut off the lifeline of the Zionist regime” and Muslim countries should work to disrupt Israel’s access to energy and goods.


+Hezbollah attack causes damage to Israeli military base

Sirens are sounding on Israel’s northern border with Lebanon after an attack from Hezbollah caused damage to an Israeli military base on Monday, according to Haaretz.

מוצב צה״ל בצפון שנפגע מירי רקטה של חיזבאללה הבוקר.
*הסרטונים עברו אישור הצנזורה.
סרטון 1
— Fadi Amun | فادي أمون | פאדי אמון (@FadiAmun) November 20, 2023

+Jewish school students throw Molotov cocktails at Palestinian homes

Two Yeshiva students, from a traditional Jewish educational institution that focuses on Rabbinic literature, have been indicted for throwing Molotov cocktails at the homes of Palestinians in Jerusalem.
The students also targeted several public buildings where Palestinians were present.
According to Haaretz, Chaim Abramson, a 25-year-old resident of Jerusalem, and Shimon Cohen, a 19-year-old resident of Bnei Brak, are accused of the crimes of an act of terrorism with aggravated intent, arson, carrying a weapon and assaulting a public servant under aggravated circumstances.
The prosecution requested that they be left in custody until the end of the proceedings against them.

+Israel recalls ambassador to South Africa after ANC backs calls to close Israeli embassy

Israel's foreign ministry confirmed it had recalled its ambassador to South Africa for consultations after a series of "statements from South Africa".
Last Thursday, South Africa's ruling African National Congress Party said it would support a parliamentary motion calling for the Israeli embassy in South Africa to be closed.
Since 7 October, South Africa has been heavily critical of Israel's operation in Gaza and recalled its ambassador to Israel.
As South Africa, we have accordingly, together with many other countries across the world, referred this whole Israeli government action to the International Criminal Court,” Ramaphosa said last week during a state visit to Qatar.

Robert Inlakesh has just gone live with a summary of the current events. I don't always agree with him but he is nevertheless a voice I listen to. I can't shake the nagging thought that regardless of the outcome, something very big and irreversible is taking place now. The nationalist Israelis are crowing now, but this situation remains very unstable. I remain convinced that a grudging exile is the best option for the Palestinians at this stage.

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