Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Israel is making noises like it might attack Yemen in retaliation for Houthi attacks ongoing. The Middle East could be like a tar pit. :whistle:

According to the official Israeli Broadcasting Corporation, the commander, Major General Tomer Bar, said that the IAF, which he described as the strategic arm of Israel, is “prepared and operates all over the Middle East, in every required arena, anywhere.”

Bar’s threat came just a few days after the Houthis (Ansar Allah) announced two attacks against Israel and threatened to target Israeli ships sailing near Yemen in support of the Gaza Strip.

The Houthis, who control a large part of Yemen and maintain a large arsenal of missiles and drones, are a part of the so-called “Axis of Resistance” which is backed by Iran and opposes Israel.

Since the outbreak of the war in Gaza, the Houthis have been launching attacks with missiles and drones against Israel. The group also shot down a combat drone of the United States military that was allegedly operating off Yemen’s western coast in support of Israel.

The IAF possesses the means to attack Yemen. So does the Israeli Navy. Nevertheless, any attack on the country could further provoke the Houthis. The group will likely escalate its attacks on Israel and even target nearby U.S. warships and bases.
Do most NATO countries offer anything close to as real as what was transmitted on Russian Channel One, during he first minute of their 21:00 Moscow Time transmission: Выпуск программы «Время» в 21:00 18 ноября 2023 года. Новости. Первый канал I can name a couple that don't. In the section,there is no condemnation of Israel or Hamas, but the evidence...

both countries are ruled by pathological deviants
Zelensky is not a Muslim, neither is Netanyahu, but trojan horses?
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It says.
You may not share excessively graphic images and videos (e.g. severe injuries, torture). Exposure to free gory scenes can be harmful especially if the content is posted with the intent to provoke delight or cruelty or for sadistic pleasure.
What the heck with that in bold, they are making themselves known.

Most probably means :
You may not share excessively graphic images and videos (e.g. severe injuries, death children, hundreds of palestinian people being killed or maimed due to IDF's bombing on civilians). Exposure to free gory scenes can be harmful especially if the content is posted with the intent to provoke surprise, indignation, anger, sadness, etc., on millions of people who do not need to know what certain country is doing a masacre with uncontrolled impunity.

X (Twitter) has censored my account again and forces me to delete tweets where I denounce Israeli genocide against #Palestine 🇵🇸.

Zionism and its accomplices don't want their barbarism to be known and that's why they use thousands of bots to try to silence solidarity with Palestine. They won't be able to.

Let's continue to raise our voices for the Palestinian people. I encourage you to follow me on my Telegram channel at the risk of a new censorship.

The Comunity Notes, recently added 🙄, here we go again.
Joe asked about political figures, not strictly politicians. So even semi-mainstream political commentators like Candace Owens would count. She is speaking up about Israel and as far as I can see, she's the only journalist that isn't part of the alt-media, like Blumenthal, Greenwald or Aaron Mate, that is speaking the truth. She gets credit for that.
Candace interviewed Norman Finkelstein! Always fascinating to listen to him - and so cool that she decided to host him.

(This interview comes with the added enjoyment of imagining Ben Shapiro's face at having Finkelstein on screen with the 'Daily Wire' logo. :lol: )

Good for Candice.

She admits not been aware of the deeper issues, while Norman agrees he does not know all there is on many subjects, and yet she gave him his due in a polite way on a subject he knows well. No doubt there were some at the Daily Wire (Shapiro and company) who were not pleased, but have to hand it to the DW that the interview happened.

Candice's interview (recalled it as soon as the clip came on) had Finkelstein's talk from UoW (Waterloo) featured, the girl with the crocodile tears.
Musk to punish ‘genocide advocates

Elon Musk, owner the X social media network (formerly Twitter) has said that anyone appearing to condone or advocate for the genocide of any group of people on the service will be removed from the platform.

Musk, who last year finalized a multi-billion-dollar takeover of the company he later rebranded as X, has faced accusations that hate speech, including anti-Semitism, has increased significantly under his leadership. On Wednesday, Musk himself was accused of promoting an anti-Semitic trope after he said he agreed with a statement written by another user which suggested that Jewish people are stoking hatred against white people.

But, writing on X on Friday, Musk appeared to adopt a more neutral tone in his platform’s stewardship of controversial content. “At risk of stating the obvious, anyone advocating for the genocide of any group will be suspended from this platform,” he said.

The billionaire added that terms such as “decolonization” and “From the river to the sea” are phrases that “imply genocide” and would be sufficient to trigger a ban, adding that “clear calls for extreme violence are against our terms of service and will result in suspension.”​

Musk vows to suspend from X "anyone who advocates genocide of any group."
The comment comes amid a mass exodus of major companies pulling their ads from the platform over a Musk tweet they consider anti-Semitic. Rt en Español

If you want to hurt someone, take some of their money.


The damage is done, they can't stop it.

Israel and Hamas reach tentative U.S.-brokered deal to pause conflict, free dozens of hostages​

Israel, the United States and Hamas have agreed to a tentative deal that would free dozens of women and children held hostage in Gaza, in exchange for a five-day pause in fighting.

The release, which could begin within the next several days — barring last-minute hitches — could lead to the first sustained pause in conflict in Gaza, according to people familiar with its provisions.

Under the terms of a detailed, six-page agreement, all parties to the conflict would freeze combat operations for at least five days while an initial 50 or more hostages are released in smaller batches every 24 hours. It was not immediately clear how many of the 239 people believed to be in captivity in Gaza would be released under the deal. Overhead surveillance would monitor movement on the ground to police the pause.


Israel and Hamas reach tentative U.S.-brokered deal to pause conflict, free dozens of hostages​

Israel, the United States and Hamas have agreed to a tentative deal that would free dozens of women and children held hostage in Gaza, in exchange for a five-day pause in fighting.

The release, which could begin within the next several days — barring last-minute hitches — could lead to the first sustained pause in conflict in Gaza, according to people familiar with its provisions.

Under the terms of a detailed, six-page agreement, all parties to the conflict would freeze combat operations for at least five days while an initial 50 or more hostages are released in smaller batches every 24 hours. It was not immediately clear how many of the 239 people believed to be in captivity in Gaza would be released under the deal. Overhead surveillance would monitor movement on the ground to police the pause.


Say cheese!

Israeli "Haaretz": Hamas did not know about the October 7 Festival and an Israeli helicopter injured a number of revelers

Sat 18 Nov 2023

More here.

'Netanyahu insists on remaining Gaza under Israeli occupation.'

Netanyahu rejects possibility of handing control over Gaza to Abbas administration

18 NOV, 2023
+ Arab foreign ministers are going to be travelling to a number of countries over the next week, and the first stop on their list is China, where they will put forward their demands for a ceasefire.

+Yahya Sarea, a spokesperson for Yemen's Houthis, has said the group will target all ships operated or owned by Israeli companies or carrying the Israeli flag, according to the group's Telegram channel on Sunday.

+ At least 15 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli bombardment in the Nuseirat and Khan Younis refugee camps. Israel had already forced one million Palestinians in northern Gaza to flee south, and is now calling on Palestinians in the south to flee as well.

+ Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel's far-right national security minister, has said that he will bring for initial approval a bill on Monday mandating the use of the death penalty on "terrorists".
“I expect all members of Knesset to support this important bill,” he wrote on X.
Israel has only used the death penalty twice in 75 years, one of which was to execute Nazi mastermind Adolf Eichmann in 1962.

+ Biden has stated that he could impose visa bans on Israeli settlers engaged in violence against Palestinians in the West Bank.

+The World Health Organisation is preparing to evacuate the remaining patients and staff from al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza.

+ Some US lawmakers are discussing the possibility of conditioning future military aid to Israel.

+ Jordan's King Abdullah said the international community should push for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza to stop a humanitarian catastrophe caused by Israel's "ugly war against civilians".
In remarks made during a meeting with European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen on Sunday, King Abdullah said global powers should force Israel to comply with international law to protect civilians.
He added that the international community must ensure Israel heeds calls to allow the uninterrupted flow of aid into the besieged enclave.

Grateful to @KingAbdullahII for the exchange on the crisis in Gaza.
We will cooperate with Jordan on providing much needed humanitarian aid to Gaza.
— Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) November 19, 2023
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Since Yemen has not been given permission to fly over other countries, there are other ways to wage war against Israel, I guess.
Yemeni naval forces seize Israeli-linked vessel
According to Al-Mayadeen sources, at least 50 crew members onboard the vessel have been taken captive by Ansarallah's naval forces
(Photo credit: X)
Fifty-two crew members on an Israeli-linked ship in the Red Sea were detained by Yemeni naval forces who intercepted and seized the vessel on 19 October, sources told Al-Mayadeen.

An official Yemeni source confirmed to the outlet that the news is true.

Saudi media also reported that Yemeni forces seized the Israeli-linked Galaxy Leader vessel. According to Hebrew media reports, the ship is owned by a British company owned by Israeli businessman Abraham Unger, who goes by the name ‘Rami.’
In an official statement, the Israeli army described the incident as “very serious” and clarified that the ship was not Israeli:

“The ship departed from Turkiye on its way to India, staffed by civilians of various nationalities, not including Israelis.”

The Yemeni army is expected to release a statement later on Sunday.
Yemen’s Armed Forces, allied with the Ansarallah resistance movement, had announced earlier in a statement on 19 November that they would target all vessels associated with Israel in the Red Sea.

“To provide relief to our oppressed people in Gaza,” the armed forces announced, “they will target … ships carrying the flag of the Zionist entity, ships operated by Israeli companies, ships owned by Israeli companies.”
The Yemeni statement also calls on “all countries of the world to withdraw citizens working on the crews of these ships,” to “avoid shipping on or handling these vessels,” and to “inform ships to stay away from these vessels.”

This is not the first statement issued by Ansarallah and the Yemeni army vowing to attack Israeli-linked vessels in the Red Sea.

Less than one week ago, Ansarallah leader Abdel Malik al-Houthi said that “eyes are open,” and vowed to “monitor and locate Israeli ships in the Red Sea.”

“We will continue to plan for additional operations. We can't stop,” he said, adding that “we will not hesitate to target” Israeli-linked ships.
“We will continue to plan for additional operations. We can't stop,” he said, adding that “we will not hesitate to target” Israeli-linked ships.

The Yemeni resistance has been carrying out frequent drone and missile attacks against Israel, which it began last month in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance in Gaza.

In response, the Israeli army has deployed warships to the Red Sea.
According to Hebrew media reports, some of these attacks have been intercepted by Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

Nonetheless, Yemen has vowed to continue attacking Israel.

The Prime Minister of Yemen's National Salvation Government (NSG), Abdulaziz bin Habtour, said on 10 November that Sanaa will continue to conduct attacks on Israel for as long as the ethnic cleansing campaign of Gaza continues.
Bin Habtour added that the attacks will continue despite possible setbacks to peace talks with the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, as fighting for Palestine is “a sacred duty for every Muslim and Arab.”

The Sanaa government has also decided to ban all US-made goods and those produced by international companies that support Israel’s occupation of Palestine.
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