Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Anyone else find it funny that they found the guns behind an MRI scanner? Imagine wheeling a patient into the lab, firing up the scanner and in 3 seconds guns and ammo are flying across the room and sticking to the machine. 😂

Not to mention that laptop!

I was listening to Scott Ritter tonight, as well as Danny Haiphong yesterday, both pointing out the absurdity of putting metal weaponry in the MRI lab. I’m really glad that was also noticed by folks with big listenerships. One little victory as the Rush song goes.😁

Now if only Ritter would get past his whole “Hamas kicked Israel’s ass in a standup fight” when it’s pretty clear that the Israelis were stood down. But you can’t have everything I guess.🫤
Now if only Ritter would get past his whole “Hamas kicked Israel’s ass in a standup fight” when it’s pretty clear that the Israelis were stood down. But you can’t have everything I guess.🫤
It's not black and white either. What I think happened was that the Israelis at the top levels let it happen thinking it would be a small operation, kind of a confined peasant rebellion on the frontier, and were surprised by the sophistication of the operation, hence the panic taking hold of the military at the lowest levels having to kill and bomb indiscriminately. These things don't always go the way they're imagined by the planners.
There is a post today from Simplicius about Israel. The post is worth reading in its entirety as it has some interesting things. One of the things is a audio from an Israeli general where he talks about this being a long operation and not just 3 months, that it is a historic moment, a paradigm shift etc.
In fact, in a newly ‘leaked’ audio from General Aviv Kohavi, at the 2:18 mark he expressly states: “My friends, it will take time…we can’t complete this mission after three months.”
He goes on to compare the current operation to 2002’s “Defensive Shield” which saw the IDF invade West Bank, saying that the main stage took 6 weeks but it took a further 3 years to fully quell the “terrorist threat.”

To which Simplicius comments:
That doesn’t sound like the offhand remark of someone merely satisfied to cleanse a few terrorist lairs. No, that is messianic end game dogwhistling to signal what the Israeli elites believe to be the final chapter of their eschatological destiny.
It might become a different paradigm shift than what the general is dreaming about.

One of things which Simplicius brings up, which I agree with, is the point that the Arab summit was not a failure. That they were able to be together again despite previous disagreements was a big win and one shouldn't expect too much too soon while be aware that things go on in the background.

Crooke ends his article with a point I myself was planning to make. It revolves around the thesis taken up by many observers that the recent historic Arab summit at the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) was a major failure and let down, owing to its inability to generate some tangible blowback against Israel in the form of an embargo, etc.

This is superficial thinking from analysts and commentators who have a parochial and unlearned view of global mechanics. Because something did not achieve an unrealistic “big arrow” motion, doesn’t mean it was a failure. I side with Crooke on his interpretation:
The concomitant two conferences -- the Arab League and the OIC (held concurrently in Riyadh) -- underlined the complete collapse of "Israel’s" image across the Islamic world. The outpouring of anger and passion was palpable, and is metamorphosing new global politics.

In the West, the anger is splintering mainstream political structures, and causing wide convulsion. Global protests are massive.

Thus, as "Israel" swings towards a Biblical "Greater Israel", the Islamic world turns increasingly uncompromising. Though the conferences did not agree on any action-plan, the image of President Raisi sitting next to MbS; and that both Presidents Erdogan and Assad were co-mingling at the conference, was arresting.
One must be sensitive to these gradual but tectonic shifts being made to the historic structures of the international system. For instance, Erdogan and other Muslim leaders have now sworn to take Israel to the highest international criminal court, and not stop until they’re held accountable. These processes are initiating the gradual disintegration of the international system because it’s making apparent to the entire burgeoning and now-powerful global south just how obsolete and useless these systems are, which includes institutions like the U.N., amongst others. This will undoubtedly lead to a cascade effect to undo most of these aging colonialist structures in time, as the sheer unfairness and hypocrisy built into their very foundations have now been repeatedly exposed for all to see.
So another chapter in the collapse of the hegemon and the rise of a multipolar world.
As others might have mentioned already, there are certain similarities between Ukraine and Israel.

Israel and Ukraine
  1. both rely on weapons and support from the West and without it would be toast
  2. both describe their opponents as subhuman
  3. both claim to defend democracy and Western liberal values
  4. both threaten the West that if Ukraine/Israel don't win, then the West will be next in line
  5. both commit war crimes on a continual basis and which is ignored by the West
  6. both claim the victim role
  7. both claim to fight against terrorism
  8. both deny their opponent the right to exist
  9. both wish for the complete defeat/destruction of their opponent
  10. both manufacture a lot of fake evidence which is often easily debunked
  11. both have the support of the tech giants on social media and the MSM, though that is changing
  12. both highlight their LGBTQ+ credentials and especially their enemies lack of support for these ideologies
  13. both have made life very unsafe for their own citizens
  14. both support a genocide of their opponents
  15. both have mentioned the use of the nuclear option
  16. both countries are ruled by pathological deviants
  17. both are in a late stage of the ponerological process
  18. both use human shields
  19. both do not apply to Geneva conventions on the treatment of POW
  20. both use torture
  21. both are happy to kill their own people if needed for the narrative
  22. both deliberately target civilians
  23. both use false flag OPS to garner more support from the West
  24. both are experiencing an exodus of their own citizens
  25. both claim a false historical right to countries
  26. both events have deeply polarized people in the West though in different ways
  27. both will likely cease to exist as states in their current form
  28. both will fail
The list above is far from exhaustive but just what came to mind.
As others might have mentioned already, there are certain similarities between Ukraine and Israel.

Israel and Ukraine
  1. both rely on weapons and support from the West and without it would be toast
  2. both describe their opponents as subhuman
  3. both claim to defend democracy and Western liberal values
  4. both threaten the West that if Ukraine/Israel don't win, then the West will be next in line
  5. both commit war crimes on a continual basis and which is ignored by the West
  6. both claim the victim role
  7. both claim to fight against terrorism
  8. both deny their opponent the right to exist
  9. both wish for the complete defeat/destruction of their opponent
  10. both manufacture a lot of fake evidence which is often easily debunked
  11. both have the support of the tech giants on social media and the MSM, though that is changing
  12. both highlight their LGBTQ+ credentials and especially their enemies lack of support for these ideologies
  13. both have made life very unsafe for their own citizens
  14. both support a genocide of their opponents
  15. both have mentioned the use of the nuclear option
  16. both countries are ruled by pathological deviants
  17. both are in a late stage of the ponerological process
  18. both use human shields
  19. both do not apply to Geneva conventions on the treatment of POW
  20. both use torture
  21. both are happy to kill their own people if needed for the narrative
  22. both deliberately target civilians
  23. both use false flag OPS to garner more support from the West
  24. both are experiencing an exodus of their own citizens
  25. both claim a false historical right to countries
  26. both events have deeply polarized people in the West though in different ways
  27. both will likely cease to exist as states in their current form
  28. both will fail
The list above is far from exhaustive but just what came to mind.

Both have, or are in the region of, a portal.
Different reports, but knowing the IDF, I think that Al Jazeera is more reliable.
The Israeli army said it did not order the evacuation of patients and staff at Al-Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip.

It granted the request of the director of the medical facility and allowed a group of people to leave by a safe route, the IDF added. The hospital staff will remain there to care for patients who cannot evacuate on their own.

Al Jazeera earlier reported, citing sources, that the people were given an hour to leave.

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The director of Al-Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip denied IDF claims that he had requested the evacuation of people from the medical facility.

"Despite the difficult situation, the medical staff worked and operated. We were forced to leave at gunpoint," Mohammed Zakout told Al Jazeera.

According to Munir al-Barsh, director general of the Gaza Health Ministry, some 450 patients have already been evacuated, while some 120 are immobile and unable to leave.

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Some 200 people have been killed after the IDF attacked the al-Fakhoura school in northern Gaza, Al Jazeera reported.

According to the publication, the corridors and classrooms of the school are filled with bodies. Hundreds of people were sheltering in the building at the time of the strike.

Footage from the network presumably shows the aftermath of the bombing.

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As others might have mentioned already, there are certain similarities between Ukraine and Israel.

Israel and Ukraine
  1. both rely on weapons and support from the West and without it would be toast
  2. both describe their opponents as subhuman
  3. both claim to defend democracy and Western liberal values
  4. both threaten the West that if Ukraine/Israel don't win, then the West will be next in line
  5. both commit war crimes on a continual basis and which is ignored by the West
  6. both claim the victim role
  7. both claim to fight against terrorism
  8. both deny their opponent the right to exist
  9. both wish for the complete defeat/destruction of their opponent
  10. both manufacture a lot of fake evidence which is often easily debunked
  11. both have the support of the tech giants on social media and the MSM, though that is changing
  12. both highlight their LGBTQ+ credentials and especially their enemies lack of support for these ideologies
  13. both have made life very unsafe for their own citizens
  14. both support a genocide of their opponents
  15. both have mentioned the use of the nuclear option
  16. both countries are ruled by pathological deviants
  17. both are in a late stage of the ponerological process
  18. both use human shields
  19. both do not apply to Geneva conventions on the treatment of POW
  20. both use torture
  21. both are happy to kill their own people if needed for the narrative
  22. both deliberately target civilians
  23. both use false flag OPS to garner more support from the West
  24. both are experiencing an exodus of their own citizens
  25. both claim a false historical right to countries
  26. both events have deeply polarized people in the West though in different ways
  27. both will likely cease to exist as states in their current form
  28. both will fail
The list above is far from exhaustive but just what came to mind.
But, Ukraine is small fish (who revels in deluding itself as big because western media promotes and its public believes in) , Israel is a big fish because of Zionists and how it evolved.
  • Zionists ( aka psychos who REALLY control current world order) don't care any thing except their 4D STS overlords impulses as their own. The entire Israel drama is a means to create and sustain a control structure for "Human Resources" through the hooks of banks, corporations, politics, media, wars, foreign policy, religion etc.
  • Overlords don't care about Israel or Ukraine except their agendas. They needed( or created) Zionists to control the world and eliminate 'True Semites' and all else. They needed Ukraine to maintain the control over that Portal near Kiev, at least for now.
As per C's, other events will intervene to spoil their "control" game, which is good.
The US (or Atlantis) supports ISIS, Ukraine, and Israel. That's an impressive Curriculum Vitae.

Pepe Escobar shared this letter, so in addition to beating up Jewish communities that support the Palestinian people, it's possible there are other things happening in the background that target other religious communities:
To be confirmed.
The bad news is primarily for the relatives of the hostages.
Hamas announced the loss of communication with the groups responsible for the lives of the hostages

CAIRO, November 18. /tass/. The Palestinian movement Hamas, whose units are holding most of the hostages in the Gaza Strip, has claimed that it has lost contact with individual groups that are responsible for saving the lives of people held by radicals. This was reported by Al-Qahera Al-Ekhbariya TV channel.

According to a Hamas spokesman, the movement "lost contact with a number of groups that were tasked with protecting Israeli hostages." He added that "their [hostages'] fate is unknown."

The reasons for the lack of communication with Hamas-affiliated groups in Gaza are not reported.

In recent weeks, Hamas has made statements several times about the deaths of several people captured by radicals as a result of bombing by the Israeli army in various areas of the Palestinian enclave.

The number of hostages in the Gaza Strip, according to the Israeli army, is at least 242. They are in the hands of supporters not only of Hamas, but also of other radical groups, including Islamic Jihad. Negotiations on the release are being conducted with the mediation of Qatar, Egypt also provides assistance. The US has confirmed that it is also participating in this process. As CBS reported on November 13, citing sources, the main problem is that the Hamas movement has not yet provided a list of hostages that it will be ready to release.
ХАМАС заявил о потере связи с группами, отвечающими за жизнь заложников
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