Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Main developments today

Hezbollah released a video of footage from their surveillance drone 'Al-hudhud' (Arabic for Hoopoe, an important bird in Islam and in Sufi legends described as the wisest, and leader of birds).

This was able to fly untroubled above a number of important military sites in Israel, as well as oil and gas infrastructure. A powerful message. The tension is building, with Israel torn between humiliation and calls for war against Hezbollah, and the reality of facing the consequences of escalation.

Then there was this

The Northern Command Commander, Major General Uri Gordin, and the Head of the Operations Directorate, Major General Oded Basiuk, conducted a joint plans approval and situation assessment in the Northern Command today.

As part of the situation assessment, operational plans for an attack in Lebanon were presented and approved, and decisions were made to further accelerate the preparations by ground forces.

I see you, Zionists


US envoy visits Israel for talks aimed at averting deeper conflict with Hezbollah

A senior envoy from the Biden administration has met Benjamin Netanyahu for talks aimed at averting a deepening conflict between Israel and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, after Israel warned over the weekend that it was on the brink of a “wider escalation”.
Amos Hochstein has spent months in largely behind-the-scenes diplomacy in an attempt to quieten tensions between Israel and Hezbollah. Since the war in Gaza began in October, there have been worsening daily exchanges of fire, and tens of thousands of civilians have been displaced on both sides of the “Blue Line” between Israel and Lebanon.

There is growing anxiety in Washington and elsewhere over the risk of a serious escalation between the two sides, not least after Israel’s killing last week of Taleb Abdallah, the most senior Hezbollah commander to be targeted so far.
The killing prompted Hezbollah to fire hundreds of rockets and drones at northern Israel in the heaviest barrages since the Lebanese group began firing at Israel in support of Hamas in Gaza on 8 October last year.
Since no peace process and dialogue has worked, the only way for Israel to "moderate" its stance is to end the Gaza war without stopping the war and what makes more sense is for Israel to invade Lebanon, so that it is confronted with a real army.

'Amos Hochstein has made numerous trips here without much success because Hezbollah is an Iranian organ. I don't think Tehran wants to lose their big card after losing Hamas,'@DannyAyalon discusses the US envoy's visit to Israel and Lebanon amid tensions
— i24NEWS English (@i24NEWS_EN) June 17, 2024

In this way it will begin its second phase where the United States does not want to intervene but wants to encourage it before the end of Biden's term, and it can reach its third phase.
17 de junio de 2024

According to Deuteronomy Yahweh tells Israel that he has targeted ' seven nations greater and stronger than yourself ,"that Israel " must put under the curse of destruction. You must not take any treaty with them or show them any pity. You must not intermarry with them....[7:1-2]. It is further told that Yahweh " will put their kings at your mercy and you will blot out their names under heaven' [7:24]. In the twelfth century, Maimonides affirmed in his Book of Commandments that the injunction to " let not a single Cannaanite survive " was binding for all time, adding " Putting the seven nations to the sword is a duty incumbent on us ; indeed, it is an obligatory war.
General Wesley Clark [ son of Benjamin Jacob Kanne and proud descendant of a lineage of rabbis] former commandant of Nato in Europe , writes in his book Winning Modern Wars [2003] that one month after September 11, 2001, a Pentagon general showed him a memo from neoconservative strategists that described " how we are gonnna take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon , Libya, Somalia and Sudan, and finishing off with Iran."
]from Jahweh to Zion Laurent Guyenot]
I thought this was a good article. May be worth putting on SOTT.

Hamas’s assault of October 7 can be likened to an earthquake that strikes an old building. The cracks were already beginning to show, but they are now visible in its very foundations. More than 120 years since its inception, could the Zionist project in Palestine – the idea of imposing a Jewish state on an Arab, Muslim and Middle Eastern country – be facing the prospect of collapse? Historically, a plethora of factors can cause a state to capsize. It can result from constant attacks by neighbouring countries or from chronic civil war. It can follow the breakdown of public institutions, which become incapable of providing services to citizens. Often it begins as a slow process of disintegration that gathers momentum and then, in a short period of time, brings down structures that once appeared solid and steadfast.

The difficulty lies in spotting the early indicators. Here, I will argue that these are clearer than ever in the case of Israel. We are witnessing a historical process – or, more accurately, the beginnings of one – that is likely to culminate in the downfall of Zionism. And, if my diagnosis is correct, then we are also entering a particularly dangerous conjuncture. For once Israel realizes the magnitude of the crisis, it will unleash ferocious and uninhibited force to try to contain it, as did the South African apartheid regime during its final days.

A first indicator is the fracturing of Israeli Jewish society. At present it is composed of two rival camps which are unable to find common ground. The rift stems from the anomalies of defining Judaism as nationalism. While Jewish identity in Israel has sometimes seemed little more than a subject of theoretical debate between religious and secular factions, it has now become a struggle over the character of the public sphere and the state itself. This is being fought not only in the media but also in the streets.

One camp can be termed the ‘State of Israel’. It comprises more secular, liberal and mostly but not exclusively middle-class European Jews and their descendants, who were instrumental in establishing the state in 1948 and remained hegemonic within it until the end of the last century. Make no mistake, their advocacy of ‘liberal democratic values’ does not affect their commitment to the apartheid system which is imposed, in various ways, on all Palestinians living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Their basic wish is for Jewish citizens to live in a democratic and pluralist society from which Arabs are excluded.

The other camp is the ‘State of Judea’, which developed among the settlers of the occupied West Bank. It enjoys increasing levels of support within the country and constitutes the electoral base that secured Netanyahu’s victory in the November 2022 elections. Its influence in the upper echelons of the Israeli army and security services is growing exponentially. The State of Judea wants Israel to become a theocracy that stretches over the entirety of historical Palestine. To achieve this, it is determined to reduce the number of Palestinians to a bare minimum, and it is contemplating the construction of a Third Temple in place of al-Aqsa. Its members believe this will enable them to renew the golden era of the Biblical Kingdoms. For them, secular Jews are as heretical as the Palestinians if they refuse to join in this endeavour.

The two camps had begun to clash violently before October 7. For the first few weeks after the assault, they appeared to shelve their differences in the face of a common enemy. But this was an illusion. The street fighting has reignited, and it is difficult to see what could possibly bring about reconciliation. The more likely outcome is already unfolding before our eyes. More than half a million Israelis, representing the State of Israel, have left the country since October, an indication that the country is being engulfed by the State of Judea. This is a political project that the Arab world, and perhaps even the world at large, will not tolerate in the long term.

The second indicator is Israel’s economic crisis. The political class does not seem to have any plan for balancing the public finances amid perpetual armed conflicts, beyond becoming increasingly reliant on American financial aid. In the final quarter of last year, the economy slumped by nearly 20%; since then, the recovery has been fragile. Washington’s pledge of $14 billion is unlikely to reverse this. On the contrary, the economic burden will only worsen if Israel follows through on its intention to go to war with Hezbollah while ramping up military activity in the West Bank, at a time when some countries – including Turkey and Colombia – have begun to apply economic sanctions.

The crisis is further aggravated by the incompetence of Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who constantly channels money to Jewish settlements in the West Bank but seems otherwise unable to run his department. The conflict between the State of Israel and the State of Judea, along with the events of October 7, is meanwhile causing some of the economic and financial elite to move their capital outside the state. Those who are considering relocating their investments make up a significant part of the 20% of Israelis who pay 80% of the taxes.

The third indicator is Israel’s growing international isolation, as it gradually becomes a pariah state. This process began before October 7 but has intensified since the onset of the genocide. It is reflected by the unprecedented positions adopted by the International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court. Previously, the global Palestine solidarity movement was able to galvanize people to participate in boycott initiatives, yet it failed to advance the prospect of international sanctions. In most countries, support for Israel remained unshakable among the political and economic establishment.

In this context, the recent ICJ and ICC decisions – that Israel may be committing genocide, that it must halt its offensive in Rafah, that its leaders should be arrested for war crimes – must be seen as an attempt to heed the views of global civil society, as opposed to merely reflecting elite opinion. The tribunals have not eased the brutal attacks on the people of Gaza and the West Bank. But they have contributed to the growing chorus of criticism levelled at the Israeli state, which increasingly comes from above as well as below.

The fourth, interconnected indicator is the sea-change among young Jews around the world. Following the events of the last nine months, many now seem willing to jettison their connection to Israel and Zionism and actively participate in the Palestinian solidarity movement. Jewish communities, particularly in the US, once provided Israel with effective immunity against criticism. The loss, or at least the partial loss, of this support has major implications for the country’s global standing. AIPAC can still rely on Christian Zionists to provide assistance and shore up its membership, but it will not be the same formidable organization without a significant Jewish constituency. The power of the lobby is eroding.

The fifth indicator is the weakness of the Israeli army. There is no doubt that the IDF remains a powerful force with cutting-edge weaponry at its disposal. Yet its limitations were exposed on October 7. Many Israelis feel that the military was extremely fortunate, as the situation could have been far worse had Hezbollah joined in a coordinated assault. Since then, Israel has shown that it is desperately reliant on a regional coalition, led by the US, to defend itself against Iran, whose warning attack in April saw the deployment of around 170 drones plus ballistic and guided missiles. More than ever, the Zionist project depends on the rapid delivery of huge quantities of supplies from the Americans, without which it could not even fight a small guerrilla army in the south.

There is now a widespread perception of Israel’s unpreparedness and inability to defend itself among the country’s Jewish population
. It has led to major pressure to remove the military exemption for ultra-Orthodox Jews – in place since 1948 – and begin drafting them in their thousands. This will hardly make much difference on the battlefield, but it reflects the scale of pessimism about the army – which has, in turn, deepened the political divisions within Israel.

The final indicator is the renewal of energy among the younger generation of Palestinians. It is far more united, organically connected and clear about its prospects than the Palestinian political elite. Given the population of Gaza and the West Bank is among the youngest in the world, this new cohort will have an immense influence over the course of the liberation struggle. The discussions taking place among young Palestinian groups show that they are preoccupied with establishing a genuinely democratic organization – either a renewed PLO, or a new one altogether – that will pursue a vision of emancipation which is antithetical to the Palestinian Authority’s campaign for recognition as a state. They seem to favour a one-state solution to a discredited two-state model.

Will they be able to mount an effective response to the decline of Zionism? This is a difficult question to answer. The collapse of a state project is not always followed by a brighter alternative. Elsewhere in the Middle East – in Syria, Yemen and Libya – we have seen how bloody and protracted the results can be. In this case, it would be a matter of decolonization, and the previous century has shown that post-colonial realities do not always improve the colonial condition. Only the agency of the Palestinians can move us in the right direction. I believe that, sooner or later, an explosive fusion of these indicators will result in the destruction of the Zionist project in Palestine. When it does, we must hope that a robust liberation movement is there to fill the void.

For more than 56 years, what was termed the ‘peace process’ – a process that led nowhere – was actually a series of American-Israeli initiatives to which the Palestinians were asked to react. Today, ‘peace’ must be replaced with decolonization, and Palestinians must be able to articulate their vision for the region, with Israelis asked to react. This would mark the first time, at least for many decades, that the Palestinian movement would take the lead in setting out its proposals for a post-colonial and non-Zionist Palestine (or whatever the new entity will be called). In doing so, [Palestine] will likely look to Europe (perhaps to the Swiss cantons and the Belgian model) or, more aptly, to the old structures of the eastern Mediterranean, where secularized religious groups morphed gradually into ethnocultural ones that lived side-by-side in the same territory.

Whether people welcome the idea or dread it, the collapse of Israel has become foreseeable.
This possibility should inform the long-term conversation about the region’s future. It will be forced onto the agenda as people realize that the century-long attempt, led by Britain and then the US, to impose a Jewish state on an Arab country is slowly coming to an end. It was successful enough to create a society of millions of settlers, many of them now second- and third-generation. But their presence still depends, as it did when they arrived, on their ability to violently impose their will on millions of indigenous people, who have never given up their struggle for self-determination and freedom in their homeland. In the decades to come, the settlers will have to part with this approach and show their willingness to live as equal citizens in a liberated and decolonized Palestine.
Israel fears that a West Bank-based Palestinian authority will rule Gaza instead of Hamas when the war is over, another of its prerogatives whereby the territory of the West Bank will begin to be cleansed as the northern Gaza Strip is now. In an interview with Israel's Channel 14, Netanyahu spoke of the fighting with Hezbollah ... :
"After the intense phase is finished, we will have the possibility to move part of the forces north. And we will do this. First and foremost for defensive purposes. And secondly, to bring our (evacuated) residents home,"
"If we can we will do this diplomatically. If not, we will do it another way. But we will bring (the residents) home,"
This is the other way:
IDF soldiers tied a wounded Palestinian man to the hood of their jeep to use as a human shield in Jenin this morning in the West Bank.

— Evan Dyer (@EvanDyerCBC) June 22, 2024

Israeli army forces strapped a wounded Palestinian man to the hood of a military jeep during an arrest raid in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin on Saturday.

A video circulating on social media and verified by Reuters showed a Palestinian resident of Jenin, Mujahed Azmi, on the jeep that passes through two ambulances.
The Israeli military in a statement said Israeli forces were fired at and exchanged fire, wounding a suspect and apprehending him.

Soldiers then violated military protocol, the statement said. “The suspect was taken by the forces while tied on top of a vehicle,” it said.

The military said the “conduct of the forces in the video of the incident does not conform to the values” of the Israeli military and that the incident will be investigated and dealt with.
To expect an "ethical investigation" for this "incident", besides being cynical, continues to demonstrate the incapacity of command in the IDF and causes repercussions in the Jewish diaspora related and instrumentalized de facto with everything that the State of Israel does and which leads to the anger of many people.

Perhaps a new war has begun.
Israel launched a massive attack on Hezbollah positions in Lebanon
Israel has allegedly launched a large-scale air and artillery attack on Hezbollah positions in Lebanon. Video footage that appeared online shows the active use of incendiary ammunition by Israeli forces, which, apparently, is aimed at creating fires in areas where Hezbollah militants are hiding.

According to reports, the Israeli Air Force and artillery are striking various targets in southern Lebanon, where Hezbollah positions are concentrated. The use of incendiary ammunition cause significant fixes, which created an additional threat to the local population and infrastructure. Israeli military officials have not yet confirmed these reports, but numerous sources on the ground record active fighting and fires.

Earlier, Israel had given Hezbollah an ultimatum regarding the withdrawal of forces from Israel's borders, however, members of the Lebanese group ignored the demands.
Израиль начал массированную атаку по позициям «Хезболлы» в Ливане

Israel court ends draft exemptions for ultra-Orthodox Jews

Israel’s Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that the state must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox Jewish seminary into the military, a decree with the potential to divide Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition.
Netanyahu’s government relies on two ultra-Orthodox parties that regard conscription exemptions as key to keeping their constituents in religious seminaries and away from a melting-pot military that might test their conservative customs.
The ultra-Orthodox conscription waiver has become especially charged as Israel’s armed forces are overstretched by a multi-front war with Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
The war against Lebanon (Hezbollah) has begun in a low-intensity escalation that is felt in the international press and consists of repeating the same slogan used by Israel against Palestine, they are everywhere and they have weapons all over Lebanon.
With a new law on the issue now being discussed in parliament, Education Minister Yoav Kisch, of Netanyahu’s Likud Party, voiced hope agreement could be reached on a compromise.
Not in a civil war, not in a fight that will tear apart Israeli society in the middle of a tough war. It’s possible to do it together,” Kisch said.
The long-standing military waiver for the ultra-Orthodox has sparked protests in recent months by Israelis angry that they are shouldering the risk of fighting the war in Gaza. In city streets, ultra-Orthodox demonstrators have blocked roads under the banner “death before conscription.”
This seems to be what the ultra-extremists are risking here: a brawl that they see as a serious division that will increase the tension that could end in civil war already in a war. But the end (Iran-Russia vs Israel-EU) justifies the means: a destruction of the diaspora and the only thing they have left, the Israeli people and their faith.

It's a very distinctive handwriting.
In Lebanon, the leader of Hezbollah was eliminated
, Israeli media reported details of the operation, during which an Israeli drone raided a car in the vicinity of the city of Al-Hosh in Tyre. As a result of the attack, the leader of Hezbollah, known as Abu Nimah, was killed, and his son was injured. According to sources, the target was a high-ranking Hezbollah field commander, whose rank is equivalent to Abu Talib, who was eliminated by Israel a few weeks ago.

On Tuesday, Hezbollah announced the bombing of seven Israeli targets in the Galilee and the occupied hills of Kfar Shuba. In response, Eli Cohen called for the launch of a large-scale military operation against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Hezbollah said it attacked buildings used by Israeli soldiers in the settlements of Granot Ha Galil, Kfar Giladi, Metulla, Doviv and Ramot Naftali. In addition, facilities in Mayan Baruch and Sammak were bombed. In response, Israeli fighter jets and drones carried out seven raids on the cities of Aitarun, Aita al-Shaab, Kafr Kila, Markaba, Blida and the vicinity of the city of Joya. Israeli artillery also bombed several border towns in southern Lebanon.

The escalation of the conflict on the Lebanese front has raised concerns about the possibility of a transition to a full-scale war. Tensions on the border between Israel and Lebanon have increased significantly in recent weeks, leading to an increase in fighting and an exchange of strikes between Israeli and Lebanese forces.
В Ливане ликвидирован лидер "Хезболлы"

This is probably a response to a previous event.
Chaos in Israel: Hezbollah hit the Israeli headquarters with a volley of 100 rockets
In recent hours, there have been reports of a massive missile attack by Hezbollah on two Israeli headquarters. According to media reports, 100 rockets were fired as a result of the shelling, which was the largest attack in recent weeks.

According to the statement, the missiles fired hit the headquarters of the 210th Golani Division in the Nafah barracks and the air defense and missile defense headquarters in the Kalia barracks.

The Israeli authorities have not yet provided official data on the consequences of the shelling, but it is known that measures were immediately introduced to strengthen security and carry out evacuation measures.

Residents of Israel report that the Israeli Iron Dome defense system was actively working on the region, but information about the consequences of this attack was not received.
Хаос в Израиле: "Хезболла" ударила по израильским штабам залпом из 100 ракет

I wrote in another thread about something similar, but I meant the "Zircon" rockets. Here, experts believe that "Onyx" will be quite enough. Well, maybe they know better.
The Houthis may receive Russian P-800 "Onyx" for attacks on NATO ships
According to Western journalists, the Kremlin is considering the possibility of providing formidable weapons to the rebels in Yemen as part of strengthening ties with anti-Western groups. In particular, we are talking about the possible supply of Russian P-800 Onyx anti-ship missiles.

Warships belonging to the US coalition to protect commercial shipping in the Red Sea may be attacked using these missiles. In their July 3 article, Bulgarian Military observers pointed out the likelihood that the Yemeni Houthis, supported by Iran, could receive the P-800 Onyx from Russia. The authors of the publication write that Russian President Vladimir Putin can strengthen the strategic dilemma of the West by equipping Yemeni rebels with these modern missiles.

Although there have been no official statements from Moscow on this issue, Newsweek data suggests that this cooperation is part of the Kremlin's strategy to strengthen ties with anti-Western groups after the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. It is assumed that such steps may be a response to the continued support of Western countries for Ukraine, which creates the need for Russia to seek new geopolitical alliances and expand its zone of influence.

Experts note that the P-800 Onyx is a high—tech weapon with a range of up to 300 kilometers, capable of hitting surface targets with high accuracy. Equipping the Yemeni Houthis with these missiles will significantly increase their combat potential and pose a serious threat to military and commercial vessels in the Red Sea.
Хуситы могут получить российские П-800 "Оникс" для ударов по кораблям НАТО

Весьма характерный почерк.
Это возможно ответ на предыдущее событие.
Я писал в другой ветке о чём то подобном, но имел ввиду ракеты Циркон. Здесь специалисты считают, что и Ониксов будет вполне достаточно. Что же, возможно им виднее.
I've pulled a few thing from one of Judge Napolitano's latest reports:

War on Gaza: Death toll from Israeli assault could exceed 186,000, Lancet warns​

Letter published by experts in the British medical journal estimated that some 10,000 people could still be buried in the rubble in Gaza

A letter written by experts and published in the British medical journal, the Lancet, estimates that the actual death toll of Palestinians killed in Gaza could exceed 186,000.

The official death toll of Palestinians killed since Israel’s war on Gaza began in October is 38,153, according to Gaza's health ministry.

However, the letter emphasised that this figure is likely a dramatic underestimate and does not account for the thousands of people buried under the rubble or for the mounting "indirect" deaths as a result of Israel's destruction of Gaza's food distribution, healthcare and sanitation systems.

"The total death toll is expected to be large given the intensity of this conflict; destroyed health-care infrastructure; severe shortages of food, water, and shelter; the population’s inability to flee to safe places; and the loss of funding to UNRWA, one of the very few humanitarian organizations still active in the Gaza Strip," the letter said.

The letter estimated that the number of bodies still buried in the rubble is likely to exceed 10,000, as 35 percent of Gaza’ buildings have been destroyed, according to UN data.

Citing the transparency watchdog Airwars, which conducts detailed investigations of incidents of civilian harm in areas of conflict, the names of identifiable victims are often omitted from the ministry’s fatalities lists.

It added that data collection is becoming increasingly difficult for the Gaza health ministry.

The destruction of much of the strip's infrastructure means it is having to rely on information from media sources and first responders to update its figures.

"This change has inevitably degraded the detailed data recorded previously," the letter said, adding that the ministry now reports separately the number of unidentified bodies among the total death toll.

The letter urged for an immediate ceasefire and the distribution of humanitarian aid in the strip. It also emphasised the need to accurately record "the scale and nature of suffering" in Gaza.

"Documenting the true scale is crucial for ensuring historical accountability and acknowledging the full cost of the war. It is also a legal requirement," it said.

The second was published in haaretz (but I can't access it all), and may be significant due to reaching a wider Israeli/Jewish audience:

IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive​

'There was crazy hysteria, and decisions started being made without verified information': Documents and testimonies obtained by Haaretz reveal the Hannibal operational order, which directs the use of force to prevent soldiers being taken into captivity, was employed at three army facilities infiltrated by Hamas, potentially endangering civilians as well

Alastair's analysis of the overall/expanded situation (re: war with Hizballah/Iran) is that Israel are thinking 'now is the time' - due to weather conditions (clear skies).
He says that Bibi's address to the US congress happing on the 24th July, will most likely include a lot of finger pointing to Iran (including being a few weeks away from having a 'nuclear weapon') - and arm twisting to get the Americans to 'wage an war' for Hizballah/Iran (air bombardments etc).
There are threats from Israel generals that if they don't stop Hizballah's missiles firing, then they will "take Lebanon's infrastructure back to the stone age" - the "mad boss" approach for more leverage against America against Hizballah/Iran (although I believe they are mad enough to nuke Lebanon at this point).

Additionally Alastair says that the EU is currently preparing for war with Russia.
" Additionally Alistair says that the EU is currently preparing for war with Russia." This is clear as crystal. Amerika and Britain uber alles. They back insurgencies everywhere and anyone that befriends or asks Russia for help and friendship can expect the entire fabric of their lives or societies drowned in wicked narratives and worse. It is the end of The Age. There are no political solutions to its spiritual problem Only more Hate Jealousy and Greed and escalations of evil intent all leading to Amerika will burn and England will drown. " There were no laws in Oceania ". I bear with it, change for the better and wait for transfer.
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