Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

'Israel will use full force for ethnic cleansing in Gaza after truce is over.'

27 Nov, 2023
“At the same time, I also told President Biden that at the end of the outline, we will go to realizing our goals with full force: Eliminating Hamas, ensuring that Gaza will not go back to being what it was, and – of course – releasing all of our hostages,” he added.
'Communications in Gaza will be under full Israeli control.'

3 hours ago

This is an interesting point. Hostages held in Gaza have had an experience like no other. It would have been a life changing experience in any circumstances, but they have been kept alive whilst their government was indiscriminately destroying entire neighbourhoods. They have a taste of occupation during an active phase of the conflict, heard and witnessed things about Israel which they will find difficult to dismiss. The Israeli government cannot risk this sympathetic perspective being on show to the rest of its citizens. Interviews leading to stories of humane treatment by those they consider non-human do not fit the narrative, and will not be permitted. They already made this mistake recently.

They might select the inevitable accounts of mistreatment in some cases (Hamas being human, after all, are far from perfect). I wouldn't be surprised if they also try to fake accounts from hostages which do fit their narrative.
Skynews recently downloaded this footage, but it doesn't fit Hamass's profile, given the most recent reports by captives of any brutality while under their care. It looks more like propaganda and another theater of Middle Eastern activities. Or hired mercenaries to cloud the fog of for Israel.

SHOCKING VIDEO / #Israel : In this video, compiled from different angles of the security cameras of a gas station on the morning of the October 7 attack, we can see the moments when the two Israeli employees open the storefront to discover the terrorist force of #Hamas which is invading the country. They immediately escape through the back of the store, pursued by the terrorists who shoot as they enter. According to Israeli media, the two employees eventually hid in a freezer for hours until help arrived. (Src: South First Responders)

LAST MINUTE - #ÉtatsUnis : Elon #Musk said he would like to help rebuild #Gaza after the war. #GazaStrip #HamasTerrorist #GazaWar #IsraelPalestineWar

Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 18-03-31 Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו on X https __t.co_vJDbprl...png

BREAKING: Truce between Israel & Hamas extended 'by two days'
Nov 27, 2023
Qatar's foreign ministry spokesman has announced that the truce between Israel and Hamas has now been extended by two extra days.

Deal reached to extend Israel-Hamas truce in Gaza by two days

Mediator Qatar said on Monday a truce between Israeli and Hamas forces in Gaza had been extended by two days, continuing a pause in seven weeks of warfare that has killed thousands and laid waste to the Palestinian enclave.
"An agreement has been reached to extend the humanitarian truce for an additional two days in the Gaza Strip," a Qatari foreign ministry spokesperson said in a post on social media platform X.

There was no immediate comment from Israel, but a White House official confirmed agreement had been reached.
Hamas also said it had agreed a two-day extension to the truce with Qatar and Egypt, who have been facilitating indirect negotiations between the two sides.
"An agreement has been reached with the brothers in Qatar and Egypt to extend the temporary humanitarian truce by two more days, with the same conditions as in the previous truce," a Hamas official said in a phone call with Reuters.

None of the announcements specified how many hostages would be released, but earlier the head of Egypt's State Information Service, Diaa Rashwan, had said the deal being negotiated would include the release of 20 Israeli hostages from among those seized by Hamas during its Oct. 7 assault on southern Israel. In exchange 60 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails would be freed, he said.
The initial four-day truce was due to end on Monday night.
With the release of 11 Israeli hostages expected on Monday, negotiations remain ongoing for the release of 33 Palestinians, Rashwan added.

In the preview, the post says regarding the image of the two letters (hebrew and the transcription to arabic) and the photo of Emilia and Danielle, says: "the following media includes potentially sensitive content". Must be truth then. 🙄

Perhaps she thought Hamas would treated her like the "barbaric monsters" Israel propaganda had been telling its citizens ad naseaum.

The letter describes a deep appreciation. I liked it very much.

Written in #Hebrew &translated to Arabic & English below.

“To the Generals who accompanied me in the past few weeks.
“It seems that we will part ways tomorrow, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

“For the extraordinary humanity that you showed towards my daughter Emilia. You were like parents to her, inviting her to your room whenever she wanted. She acknowledges the feeling that you all are not just friends, but true, good-hearted loved ones.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for the many hours you spent with her as mentors. Thank you for being patient with her & for indulging her with sweets, fruits, & everything, even when it wasn't readily available.

“Children should not be be detained, but thanks to you & thanks to other kind people we met along the way, my daughter considered herself a queen in Gaza...
and, in general, she acknowledges the feeling of being the center of the world.

“We haven't met a single person on our long journey, from the military to the leadership, who did not treat her with gentleness, care, & love.

“I will forever be a captive of gratitude because she did not leave this place with a lasting psychological trauma. I will remember your kind behavior despite the difficult situation you were dealing with yourselves & the severe losses you suffered here in Gaza.

“I wish that in this world, it will be possible for us to become truly food friends. I wish you all good health & well-being. Health & love to you & your families. Thank you very much.

Danielle & Emilia
Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk landed in Tel Aviv on Monday, an aviation tracker said, beginning a visit during which Israeli leaders plan to bring his attention to the plight of hostages held in war-torn Gaza and discuss rising antisemitism online.

They forced him to go to Tel Aviv and kneel
You can imagine now what the world is dealing with

Elon Musk Reflects on Israel Visit:

“It has certainly been an emotionally difficult day to see the places where people were murdered…

There’s no choice but to kill those who insist on murdering civilians.

They're not going to change their mind....”
Benjamin Netanyahu and Elon Musk Condemn Hamas as a "Death Cult" and "New Nazis"

- Netanyahu labels Hamas as a "death cult," drawing parallels with the Nazis, asserting they would do more if they had the talent.

- Musk agrees with Netanyahu's characterization, expressing his concern over protests in favor of Hamas.

- Netanyahu proposes:

'' Together with Arab countries, we must demilitarize, deradicalize and rebuild Gaza''

- Musk advocates for Israel to take a post-conflict approach similar to the Allies in Germany and Japan, emphasizing the need to halt Hamas's threats against Israelis.

- @elonmusk also expresses a desire to assist in the rebuilding of Gaza after the war, calling for an end to anti-Israel propaganda, saying:

“The propaganda against Israel must stop... I want to help rebuild Gaza after the war.''

Source: Israeli Channel 14

There is no doubt that the Zionists have revealed themselves as the ultimate power on the planet with a view to ruling the world.

Was Elon Musk also blackmailed?

Q: (Joe) Is one of the main reasons that Trump and every other president who comes into power immediately goes and makes nice with Israel, has that got a lot to do with this Epstein guy and others like him who blackmail everybody? Essentially, does Israel control by blackmailing? It's not so much that Israel's our best friend, but...

A: Close. Watch closely for events that will reveal the "man behind the curtain."
We can see how desperate the Zionists are to control the narrative (and pretty much everything) for their objectives. Getting Elon Musk onside with them is a major score for them as they will no doubt want to purge X of anything anti zionist. Which Musk will happily do for his masters now. The man behind the curtain is certainly being seen. But by how many that's what matters? Not enough to make any difference I bet.
Elon Musk: "There’s no choice but to kill those who insist on murdering civilians."

We should ban Elon from Twitter for inciting violence!

When I read that my first thought was that he means to make order with the Israeli zionists, not Hamas.
Giorgio Cafiero 27 November, 2023 Analysis 7 min read
Analysis: Israel has no coherent roadmap for Gaza's future, with the return of the Palestinian Authority, an Arab/international military presence, or an Israeli re-occupation all creating new problems of their own.
Unless and until a ceasefire comes into effect, the Gaza war’s destabilising impact is set to spread further across the Middle East - to say nothing about the horrifying situation inside the besieged enclave.

At this point, more than seven weeks after Hamas launched its unprecedented incursion into southern Israel, it is increasingly important for the various parties directly and indirectly involved in the war to begin considering key questions about the “day after” and focus on Gaza’s future.

What political order will emerge in Gaza after the dust settles is unclear. What is clear, however, is that the White House is out of touch with the realities on the ground. The Biden administration has articulated its view that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is the “representative of [Palestinian] voices so it’s important that it play a leading role”.

Team Biden hints at the possibility of the PA led by President Mahmoud Abbas replacing Hamas in Gaza once this war is over. Yet, this idea is extremely problematic. Only a small percentage of Palestinians in Gaza would see it as legitimate for the PA and Abbas to come into the enclave and take over from Hamas.
"Mahmoud Abbas is totally ineffectual as a Palestinian leader, and [he accepts] any directive he gets from Israel and the US. He fell out of favour with Palestinian opinion a long time ago, especially in Gaza"
Abbas' lack of support in Gaza

Amid Israel’s war on Gaza, the PA is best described as this conflict’s “overlooked casualty”. One of the unintended consequences of Israel’s response to the 7 October surprise attack has been a rise in Hamas' popularity at the expense of Abbas' Fatah party, which has been losing support for years leading up to the chaotic violence of last month.

This decline in Fatah’s popularity has resulted from Abbas earning himself a reputation among Palestinians as a corrupt servant of the Israeli occupation who is propped up by the US and Israel.

“Mahmoud Abbas is totally ineffectual as a Palestinian leader, and [he accepts] any directive he gets from Israel and the US. He fell out of favor with Palestinian opinion a long time ago, especially in Gaza,” said Dr Nabeel Khoury, the former deputy chief of mission at the US Embassy in Yemen, in an interview with The New Arab.

“In my opinion, there is very little chance he would be accepted, let alone chosen in a free and fair election, by the Palestinians of Gaza.”

Marco Carnelos, the former Italian ambassador to Iraq, told TNA that it would be an “uphill battle” for the PA to begin ruling Gaza after this war.

With many Palestinians perceiving the PA as a “proxy of the Shin Bet” in the occupied Palestinian territories, the level of close cooperation between the PA and Israel in the security sector has greatly damaged Abbas and the PA’s image among Palestinians, especially against the backdrop of increasingly violent and aggressive behavior by settlers whom the Israeli security forces shield in the West Bank.

“What are the advantages that the PA got for its cooperation with Israel when the latter has not shown any sign of restrain or has not worked to curb the settlers’ provocative actions against the Palestinians?” asked Carnelos.

“Considering these embarrassing precedents, it is highly likely that the Palestinians in Gaza will see an eventual PA taking over in Gaza as a replica of what has been going on in the West Bank and East Jerusalem in [recent] years, and they might oppose it,” said the former Italian diplomat.

No Arab military presence in Gaza

There has been some chatter about an Arab/international force managing post-war governance in Gaza. But Arab governments across the region have made it clear that they don’t want to touch the besieged enclave with a ten-foot pole. From their perspective, this is a crisis that Israel and its Western backers must own, and it is not the responsibility of Arab states to manage it.

Moreover, any Arab military force put in charge of Gaza would be subject to grave dangers. Perceptions of Bahraini, Egyptian, Emirati, or Jordanian forces being Israel’s partners or allies against any Gaza-based resistance could put them in harm’s way.

Carnelos told TNA that he is highly skeptical about any Arab/international force taking on the responsibility of post-war governance in the besieged enclave.

"The dream of the current Israeli Government to accomplish a 'Nakba in Gaza' must be prevented. This will be the real litmus test to see if the 'international community' care about the Palestinian question"

“Gaza was, and after the current conflict, it will be, even more, the hottest of the hot potatoes. The humanitarian necessities will be daunting, the people will be full of rage and resentment,” said Carnelos.

“Whoever will be there will be exposed to an extremely difficult and hostile environment, not to mention the risk of repeated Israeli strikes to ‘finish the job’ somewhere. No country will be keen to risk its forces caught in a possible crossfire between Israel and the remnants of Hamas.”

While speaking earlier this month at the IISS Manama Dialogue security summit in Bahrain, Jordan’s foreign minister Ayman Safadi stressed that “there will be no Arab troops going to Gaza” and that the Arab states “are not going to be seen as the enemy”.

Amman’s chief diplomat emphasized that Arab governments were in agreement that this idea must be rejected. Entertaining that idea would send Israel’s government the wrong message about Arab states’ being willing to “clean up your mess.”

An Israeli re-occupation of Gaza

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right government is vocal about Israel playing a direct role in the future of Gaza governance, presumably in a post-Hamas period that Tel Aviv believes it can initiate through more warfare against the enclave.

Although Biden’s administration has an official opinion that there should not be a return to a direct Israeli occupation of Gaza, Dr Khoury told TNA that the White House is simply offering an opinion and “there is no will whatsoever to apply any pressure to translate American opinions (public opinion as well) into actual policy”.

As the former US diplomat explained, “I do not anticipate any change in Israeli goals in the near future”.

Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 09-30-35 What will happen to Gaza after Israel's war ends.png
Thus, if Israel remains determined to maintain its on-the-ground military presence in Gaza, this is likely what must be expected for Gaza’s future. However, this is a recipe for everlasting violence and armed resistance, which will result in continued casualties for Israel’s army.

“Israel is already occupying the land, but a tactical occupation is a far cry from victory or, rather, peace, which frankly I see as a long way off at the moment. Israeli overreaction has opened Pandora’s box. It will be a long time before the situation stabilises,” explained Dr Federica Saini Fasanotti, a Senior Associate Fellow at the Milan-based Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), in an interview with TNA.

Ultimately, it is safe to say that the Israeli leadership has failed to devise a clear, coherent, and realistic strategy for the post-war situation in Gaza. To say the least, this will prove extremely problematic for Tel Aviv.

“The Palestinians cannot return to a destroyed territory. They don't have the economic strength for such reconstruction. So, it’s a question of where they will be placed. But the point is another: the inhabitants of Gaza are not objects. The Israeli operation will come at a very high cost in terms of stability,” said Dr Fasanotti.

"US and Israeli ruminations about the future of Gaza reflect an old colonialist mentality - that they would decide the future of the Palestinian people - ignoring the fact that this is precisely the root of the problem: occupation and denial of the right of self-determination"

Tragically, US and Israeli policymakers incorrectly assess Hamas as the cause of the conflict, not the conflict as the cause of Hamas. Without addressing the underlying issues that have caused Palestinians to resist Israel, there will be no peace in Gaza, nor in Israel any time soon.

“American and Israeli ruminations about the future of Gaza reflect an old colonialist mentality - that they would decide the future of the Palestinian people - ignoring the fact that this is precisely the root of the problem: occupation and denial of the right of self-determination to those living under occupation,” said Dr Khoury.

As Carnelos explained, the ethnic cleansing goals that Israel wants to achieve are dangerous. Western powers must use their leverage over Tel Aviv to thwart this outcome.

“The dream of the current Israeli Government to accomplish a ‘Nakba in Gaza’ must be prevented. This will be the real litmus test to see if the ‘international community’ (i.e. the US and EU) care about the Palestinian question and the two-state solution. If the ‘Nakba in Gaza’ will be accomplished the US/EU credibility will be zeroed,” Carnelos told TNA.

Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported on 27 November that the Israeli army dismissed two officers – one of them a commander – for withdrawing from the battlefield after being ambushed by dozens of Palestinian resistance fighters. The report noted that half of the soldiers in that particular unit have not returned, following the brigade’s decision to dismiss the officers, causing a “severe crisis between the soldiers of the battalion and the commander to which it belonged.”

The soldiers complained that they did not receive support or air cover by the army when they were ambushed by fighters of the Qassam Brigades, which caused the battalion to withdraw. Officers in the Israeli army remarked that the soldiers “were not prepared when entrusted with this mission.” Other officers said the soldiers were sent without being given the chance to rest properly following extensive military activity in the Gaza Strip.

The newspaper explained that this incident “caused a difficult atmosphere” and “crisis of confidence” among the battalion, prompting army officials to remove it from Gaza and send it to site near Ashkelon. The battalion was also “exposed to other serious events last month” including the injury and deaths of other officers in the ground battles.
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