Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

When this came out, my distinct impression was that he was referring to IDF (or more likely their masters). He could say this in full honesty, yet avoid criticism completely because the conventional wisdom has taken this as him referring to Hamas. Brilliant.
OK, it is entirely possible that I'm projecting my own ideas on to Musk. But here is my read on this latest statement. I believe he means: I have to walk a narrow path on this stuff to survive. It would therefore be dangerous for me to go to Gaza and comment frankly on my experience/impression there at this time. But make no mistake... I want to see Gaza prosper!

+US Congresswoman demands release of all hostages and Palestinian prisoners

US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib is calling for the release of all hostages and Palestinian political prisoners.
On Wednesday, she took to X to post a statement which said, "Every innocent civilian should be released and reunited with their family, no matter their faith or ethnicity."
She included information about how on average, 500 to 700 children are detained by Israeli forces every year. Over 1,300 imprisoned Palestinians were being held without charge, trial, or access to an attorney.

"I support the release of Israeli civilians and ask my colleagues to demand the same for Palestinian civilians being held by Israeli forces without charge or trial," she added.
"Their failure to do so demonstrates their refusal to view Palestinians as equal human beings who deserve the same rights, freedom, and human dignity."

+French warship hospital receives first Gaza wounded: minister

A French warship sent to Egypt to treat wounded from the Gaza Strip has received its first patients, a French minister said on Tuesday.
The Dixmude arrived on Monday in the Egyptian town of El-Arish near the border with Gaza and on Tuesday received the patients, said Sebastien Lecornu, France’s army minister. The vessel is equipped with two operating blocs, 40 beds and 80 medical personnel, he said.

+CIA, Mossad chiefs meet in Qatar as Israel-Hamas truce is extended

Talks between US and Israeli spy agencies in Qatar, which is key mediator, include issue of captives held in Gaza.

We have to read a little bit between the lines here: [The intelligence chiefs were] important in the last meeting, which was on November 9. We believe that was one of the stepping stones getting us to the initial four-day deal,” Al Jazeera’s diplomatic editor James Bays said.

The fact that we’ve got intelligence chiefs sitting here with the Qatari prime minister, who is also the foreign minister, is interesting because they’ve got the intelligence picture. But also I think it’s interesting partly because of who the US has got leading this effort,” he said, adding that Burns is “more experienced a negotiator than Antony Blinken”, the United States secretary of state.
Meanwhile, far-right Israeli Minister for National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to allow soldiers to return to fighting in Gaza to “crush Hamas” as he reacted to an army statement that three explosive devices were detonated in two locations near troops in northern Gaza.
“We must not wait until our fighters are killed. We must once again act in accordance with the goal of the war: the total destruction of Hamas,” the minister posted on X.

OK, it is entirely possible that I'm projecting my own ideas on to Musk. But here is my read on this latest statement. I believe he means: I have to walk a narrow path on this stuff to survive. It would therefore be dangerous for me to go to Gaza and comment frankly on my experience/impression there at this time. But make no mistake... I want to see Gaza prosper!
I have the same feeling about Musk. Because of his position in all areas he has to be careful and strategic in order to do anything of value.
He makes a lot of good points but I think he misses on the Israeli Let it happen part of the operation IMO.

Shame he didn't touch on this:

Israeli Forces Shot Their Own Civilians, Kibbutz Survivor Says

An Israeli woman who survived the Hamas assault on settlements near the Gaza boundary on 7 October says Israeli civilians were “undoubtedly” killed by their own security forces.

It happened when Israeli forces engaged in fierce gun battles with Palestinian fighters in Kibbutz Be’eri and fired indiscriminately at both the fighters and their Israeli prisoners.

“They eliminated everyone, including the hostages,” she told Israeli radio. “There was very, very heavy crossfire” and even tank shelling.

The woman, 44-year-old mother of three Yasmin Porat, said that prior to that, she and other civilians had been held by the Palestinians for several hours and treated “humanely.” She had fled the nearby “Nova” rave.

Treated “Humanely”

Not only does Porat tell Kan that Israelis were killed in the heavy counterattack by Israeli security forces, but she says she and other captive civilians were well treated by the Palestinian fighters.

Porat had been attending the “Nova” rave when the Hamas assault began with missiles and motorized paragliders. She and her partner Tal Katz escaped by car to nearby Kibbutz Be’eri where many of the events she describes in her media interviews took place.

According to Porat speaking to Maariv, she and Katz initially sought refuge in the house of a couple called Adi and Hadas Dagan. After the Palestinian fighters found them they were all taken to another house, where eight people were already being held captive and one person was dead.

Porat said that the wife of the dead man “told us that when they [the Hamas fighters] tried to enter, the guy tried to prevent them from entering and grabbed the door. They shot at the door and he was killed. They did not execute them.”

“They did not abuse us. They treated us very humanely,” Porat explained to a surprised Golan in the Kan radio interview.

“By that I mean they guard us,” she said. “They give us something to drink here and there. When they see we are nervous they calm us down. It was very frightening but no one treated us violently. Luckily nothing happened to me like what I heard in the media.”

“They were very humane towards us,” Porat said in her Channel 12 interview. She recalled that one Palestinian fighter who spoke Hebrew, “told me, ‘Look at me well, we’re not going to kill you. We want to take you to Gaza. We are not going to kill you. So be calm, you’re not going to die.’ That’s what he told me, in those words.”

“I was calm because I knew nothing would happen to me,” she added.

“They told us that we would not die, that they wanted to take us to Gaza and that the next day they would return us to the border,” Porat told Maariv.

In the Channel 12 interview, Porat elaborates that although the Palestinian fighters all had loaded weapons, she never saw them shoot captives or threaten them with their guns.

In addition to providing the captives with drinking water, she said the fighters let them go outside to the lawn because it was hot, especially as the electricity was cut.
“We were outside and suddenly there was a volley of bullets at us from the [Israeli unit] YAMAM. We all started running to find cover" Porat told Channel 12.

Porat said she surrendered to the Israeli soldiers half an hour into the fierce gun battle that consisted of “tens and hundreds and thousands of bullets and mortars flying in the air,” and that one of the Palestinian fighters, a commander, decided to surrender and used her in effect as a human shield.

“He starts to disrobe,” Porat recalled to Kan’s Aryeh Golan. “He calls to me and he starts to leave the house with me, under fire. At that time I yell to the [Israeli commandos] … when they can hear me, to stop firing.”

“And then they heard me and stopped firing,” she added. “I see people from the kibbutz on the lawn. There are five or six hostages lying on the ground outside. Just like sheep to the slaughter, between the shooting of our commandos and the terrorists.”

“The terrorists shot them?” Golan asks.

“No, they were killed by the crossfire,” Porat responds. “Understand there was very, very heavy crossfire.”

Golan presses: “So our forces may have shot them?”

Undoubtedly,” the former captive responds, and adds, “They eliminated everyone, including the hostages because there was very, very heavy crossfire.”

After insane crossfire, two tank shells were shot into the house. It’s a small kibbutz house, nothing big,” Porat explains.

Israeli girl’s death puts army's ‘Hannibal Protocol’ back on agenda

An Israeli eyewitness said that during Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel, the army surrounded a house containing members of the Palestinian group and Israelis and later opened fire with tank rounds, killing all of them.

It appeared to be the latest implementation of the Hannibal Protocol, which involves the killing of enemy-held captives to prevent Israeli civilians from being taken to Gaza as hostages.

Israeli media reported earlier this month that a 12-year-old girl, Liel Hetzroni, was killed in the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Kibbutz Be’eri.

According to the reports, following Liel’s killing, her grandfather Avia, twin brother Yanai and aunt Ayala were taken to another location, where they were killed along with more than 10 other hostages and then Hamas allegedly set fire to the building.

Israeli authorities said it took two weeks for Yanai to be identified through DNA, while Liel, whose body was burned beyond recognition, was identified after six weeks.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett shared on his X account that Liel was "killed by Hamas monsters" on Oct. 7.
‘Civilians were in the house’

Yasmin Porat, who was in the house where the twins were held hostage, shared details about the day of the incident in a radio interview with Israeli public broadcaster KAN on Nov. 15.

Porat said the house where she was with Hamas members was surrounded by Israeli security forces, that there were fierce clashes between the parties, and that after a while one of the Hamas members decided to surrender and went out with her.

She said Israeli security forces interrogated her and the Hamas member, and that during her interrogation, which lasted three hours, she informed them about the number of civilians that were in the house, where the civilians were being kept and the technical details she remembered about the house.

Porat noted that the clashes continued during the interrogation and said a tank arrived in front of the house around 7.30 p.m. local time after about four hours of crossfire between the Israeli army and Hamas.

“I thought, 'Why are they shooting at the house with a tank?' I
asked the people with me, 'Why are they shooting?' They told me, 'They are shooting to demolish the walls to help clear the house of (Hamas),'" she said.
So even though she informed the IDF there were civilians in the house and specific details - they fired two rounds from the tank into the house knowing there were civilians in the house - including children.

Israeli girl 'stopped screaming when those 2 rounds came'

"I know that there were two rounds fired from the tank,"
Porat said, adding she drew the same conclusion from what Hadas Dagan, the other survivor of the incident and owner of the house where they were held hostage, told her.

Porat said Dagan told her that Liel was alive until the two big explosions that occurred after the tank arrived.

“The owner of the house told me that she didn't stop screaming all those hours. I said, 'I remember. I was there for the first hour, and she didn't stop screaming.' Then he said to me, 'Yasmin, she stopped screaming when those two shots came. Then there was silence.'

“After that very big incident, after two tanks fired, almost everybody died. At least that's what I understood from my conversation with Hadas,” she added.

Porat said that she saw part of the house on fire in the photographs after the incident and said of Liel's death, "If you ask me, I'm guessing based on what happened in other houses, she was apparently completely burnt."
'"Next phase": The CIA and Mossad chiefs meet in Doha to discuss how to conduct ethnic cleansing in Gaza.'

28 November 2023

28 Nov, 2023

Israel aims to demilitarize, deradicalize Gaza — Netanyahu

28 NOV, 2023

IDF carries out operation in refugee camps in Jericho — news agency

29 NOV, 2023

Egypt’s Sinai Bedouins fear Israel’s mass displacement of Gaza Palestinians

As Israel’s war on Gaza nears the end of a second month, Rehab Eldalil, an Egyptian photographer and storyteller of Bedouin descent, worries about reports of efforts by Israel to push the 2.3 million people of the besieged Gaza Strip into the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula – her ancestors’ home.

President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has publicly stated that Egypt will not allow a displacement of Palestinians, as it would mean “the end of the Palestinian cause” and a potential threat to Egypt’s national security. But news reports have suggested that Israel might offer to pay off some of Egypt’s vast public debt in exchange for allowing the forced displacement of people from Gaza into Sinai.

(...) Scholar Hilary Gilbert says Bedouins have an “environmental identity”, based on her decades of research into Bedouin life.
“They see themselves as being an integral part of the natural world, and so they see themselves very much as its guardians,” the University of Nottingham research fellow in anthropology and development added.
Bedouins in Sinai, he says, have been helping Palestinians who were stuck in the desert when the current war started, and have been volunteering to provide relief to injured Palestinians coming from Gaza since the partial opening of the Rafah crossing in early November.
There are in fact people inhabiting Sinai: the Bedouin communities,” she says, “who also have the right to remain on their land, just like the Palestinians”.

At this point, they should. But like a spoiled child who is given everything, does not learn even in this case.

Another possibility is that smaller ammunition, specifically the 5.56×45mm, was used with the very similar-looking M27 metal belt (as they both appear almost identical), but this is not mounted on Merkava tanks, rather on military vehicles and armored personnel carriers. I consider this less likely because, on October 7, as per the report at… - it was IDF tanks and Apache helicopters were scrambling and targeting anything that moved.
Final point about this post: The bullets in the photo appear to be a bit smaller version than I thought, specifically the 5.56×45mm used in the IDF's Negev machine gun, rather than the 7.62×51mm. Instead of the M13 metal link, these smaller bullets use the nearly identical M27 metal link (see photo and compare the two). They are both utilised by the IDF and are very similar. If Hamas were targeting infants, they would likely display those bullets and weapons. Hamas was taking hostages on Oct 7, and the other side attempted to prevent this by targeting anyone on the move (including their own), in a tactic that has been named IDF Hannibal Directive. The point I'm making is that the IDF, who fired indiscriminately from machines, tanks, and helicopters, are the ones who filled those homes with bullets.
I just saw this on Eva Bartlett's Telegram channel:

Israeli daily Israel Hayom has uncovered an initiative in the US Congress to forcibly displace the population of the #Gaza Strip to 4 countries, and the numbers have been determined.

The initiative calls for making US aid to Arab countries conditional on their willingness to accept refugees from Gaza.
The plan was presented to senior members of the House and Senate from both parties and received their blessing.

According to the report, the one who publicly welcomed the proposal and is promoting it is veteran House member Joey Wilson.

Egypt will be forced to open the way for their deportation, says the report, as it is the only passage, and it will take its share (one million). Half a million people are scheduled for forcible transfer to Turkey, a quarter of a million to Yemen, and a quarter of a million to Iraq.

That would accomplish Israel's agenda of ethnic cleansing and land theft of Gaza (next stop the West Bank for sure). At least the people of Gaza would save their own lives, although they'd be doomed to continue for generations as refugees and in conditions just as bad or perhaps even worse as they have had for decades.

It would also fit with the Cs prediction of surprising solutions to long-standing problems, which we wouldn't like so much in the global scene.

The way things are going, and unless some third party forcibly intervenes in the conflict, it does seem to me that this is what's going to happen, one way or another. :-(
What seems to become more apparent by the day is: What has happened since October 7th has universally deleted all headline reporting in the western Mainstream Media about Ukraine? Not just on CNN and co but also on Radio. Ukraine has become more of a sideline issue while Israel/Gaza dominates the front pages. Which makes me think that this could have been the primary reason/goal for what happened in the first place? Which in turn would support what Putin has said from the get-go about what is happening in Israel/Palestine: That the US empire is the primary force and reason behind what is happening.
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Egypt will be forced to open the way for their deportation, says the report, as it is the only passage, and it will take its share (one million). Half a million people are scheduled for forcible transfer to Turkey, a quarter of a million to Yemen, and a quarter of a million to Iraq.
How Egypt will be forced? With its debt? Should be all, not just a part.

Egypt’s Sinai Bedouins fear Israel’s mass displacement of Gaza Palestinians

President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has publicly stated that Egypt will not allow a displacement of Palestinians, as it would mean “the end of the Palestinian cause” and a potential threat to Egypt’s national security. But news reports have suggested that Israel might offer to pay off some of Egypt’s vast public debt in exchange for allowing the forced displacement of people from Gaza into Sinai.

The funny part of the post "Why is UN is obsessed?" 🙄 It does has an interesting info.
#Breaking: UN General Assembly passes resolution urging Israel's withdrawal from Golan Heights.

91 countries, including Russia, Brazil, India, China, and Saudi Arabia, voted in favor.
Eight, including the US and UK, voted against.
62 countries abstained.

Resolution co-authored by Algeria, Venezuela, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Qatar, North Korea, Cuba, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, UAE, Syria, and Tunisia.

Why is the @UN obsessed with Israel?

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