Watch the skies and land and oceans

I don't know if this is just doom porn, but I find it interesting that say this: "...Apophis, a city-killer asteroid, could hit Earth as it makes its scheduled super-close approach to our planet in 2029. The chances of this happening are pretty close to naught, and we won’t be able to confirm whether or not Apophis is on a collision course for another three years."

Apophis, named after an ancient Egyptian deity that embodies darkness and disorder, is a near-Earth asteroid that NASA classifies as a potentially hazardous object with a diameter of 370 meters. Approximately the size of the Eifel Tower, Apophis caused a brief period of concern in 2004 when initial observations indicated a probability of up to 2.7 percent that it would hit Earth in 2029. Admittedly, at this size, Apophis is many things, but it’s far from being a planet-killer; due to its minute size, Apophis is more of a city-killer asteroid.

Subsequent observation of this city-killer asteroid revealed that Apophis will sail safely past Earth during its 2029 flyby without causing any damage on the surface. However, it would sail past at a distance that’s less than 20,000 miles, which could damage some of our satellites.


Nothing to see here, the asteroid hit earth or not hit earth, so imposible to fail the prediction.
I can't see how a 200m tsunami at that location would be "trapped" because there appears to be open access to the sea, or at least wider inlets where the water could dissipate.

So I'm wondering if the source of the every 90 seconds, 9 day long strange seismic reading was due to something else going on.
I think these seismic stations are deep in the earth and they dig and put the sensors there. If they don't know what they are, naturally, they will label it what they know - 'global warming' and so on.

Looking at the before and after image, it doesn't look like a major change in the mountain.
A massive landslide in a Greenland fjord triggered a wave that “shook the Earth” for nine days.

The seismic signal last September was picked up by sensors all over the world, leading scientists to investigate where it had come from.

The landslide - a mountainside of rock that collapsed and carried glacial ice with it - triggered a 200m wave.

That wave was then “trapped” in the narrow fjord - moving back and forth for nine days, generating the vibrations.
Result may be true (landslides and bobbing of water), but "cause" may be something else as you mentioned. Probably some resonance vibration deep in the earth due to wave, cosmic changes, reactionary earth natural cycles of cooling and heating etc. May be a question for C's.
So I'm wondering if the source of the every 90 seconds, 9 day long strange seismic reading was due to something else going on.

There was another strange seismic event that was felt in different parts of the world that happened on November 11, 2018.

Here's an article about it.

Strange seismic waves were picked up circling the globe on November 11. Now seismologists are trying to figure out why

Notice anything odd on November 11? Geologists did. A deep thrum rippled around the world — lingering a whole 20 minutes. It wasn’t an earthquake. Nobody knows what it was…

Seismic sensors first picked up the event originating near an island between Madigascar and Africa. Then, alarm bells started ringing as far away as Chile, New Zealand and Canada.
almost exactly on the other side of the planet, also picked up the ‘event’.

Nobody knows what it was.

Meteorite? Submarine volcano? Nuclear test?

At the centre of the mystery is the tiny island of Mayotte, positioned about half way between Africa and Madigascar. It’s been subjected to a swarm of earthquakes since May. Most have been minor, but the biggest — on May 8 — was the largest in the islands recorded history, topping magnitude 5.8.

But, the earthquake swarm had been in decline before the mysterious ringing was detected earlier this month.

Ekström, who specialises in unusual earthquakes, points out much about the November 11 event was weird. It was as though the planet rang like a bell, maintaining a low-frequency monotone as it spread...

More articles about it:

Some Twitter posts about it, more in the first article.

One of the comments says this:

And indeed this was provided as an official explanation:

In 2018, a multitude of seismic signals were detected by earthquake monitoring agencies all over the world in May and June. They created a weird humming sound and some of the signals detected in November of that year had a duration of up to 20 minutes.

The signals and humming triggered “the curiosity of the scientific community,” according to a new study that explains what happened: the formation of a new underwater volcano...

Scientists detected 7,000 tectonic earthquakes within the scope of the study.
These kinds of earthquakes occur when Earth’s tectonic plates become stuck as they move alongside one another. The pressure that allows them to move on causes earthquakes.

They also encountered 407 long-period seismic signals. These Very Long Period signals, called VLPs, are harmonic and low, reminiscent of a double bass or large bell. And their 20- to 30-minute signals could be detected hundreds of miles away.

The earthquakes and signals were coming from about 22 miles off the eastern coast of the island. Researchers couldn’t see any signs of volcanic activity in this area, but they suspected that magmatic processes may be forming one.

Unfortunately, there was no seismic network on this part of the ocean floor, meaning they were only able to get measurements from the island, Madagascar and Africa.

But they noticed a lowering of the island’s surface by seven inches, indicating activity linked to the earthquakes.

End snip:

Will you see it?

Unfortunately, our new little mini-moon will be too dim to see. It will be no brighter than magnitude 22, which is even out of reach of backyard telescopes.

This is not the first time Earth has acquired a mini-moon. In fact, asteroid 2024 PT5 is following a similar course as an earlier asteroid, 2022 NX1. The asteroid 2022 NX1 became a mini-moon of Earth for a brief time in 1981 and 2022. That asteroid will return as a temporary mini-moon again in 2051.

Bottom line: Earth will get a mini-moon for two months when the 33-foot-wide asteroid 2024 PT5 makes a close pass of our planet and makes a temporary loop about us. Source: A Two-month Mini-moon: 2024 PT5 Captured by Earth from September to November

This is a topic which is sometimes found in newspaper articles: a “hot, smoking crater”, or a “wildfire” was triggered just after a fireball was seen in a given region of the Earth. Is the link between the two events real, or is it just coincidental? A few pieces of information may help understand why a meteorite fall can’t be the direct source of such terrestrial events.

A farm fire in Italy due to a fireball on July 23rd, 2024?​

On July 25th, 2024 , Roberto G., a regular reader and meteor news provider sent us this message, : “In newspaper, there is a piece of news that a fireball triggered a fire in Cesena (Italy): Cesena, incendio devasta un'azienda agricola e uccide due mucche: «Forse il frammento di un bolide piovuto dal cielo» (see article translation below).
Screenshot 2024-09-14 at 07-45-16 Can a Meteorite Fall Start a Wildfire IMO.png
Screenshot 2024-09-14 at 07-46-21 Can a Meteorite Fall Start a Wildfire IMO.png

In Germany there have been threats of the end of the world for two weeks. Torrential flooding was forecast for last weekend with 250l of rain/sqm². This should affect the entire center of Germany from south to north.
We actually rain normal at last weekend. The news came right on time last Sunday evening that the world would end here this weekend. It would dwarf all known events. The expected amount of water was increased every 2 days. The last warning on Thursday: Up to 500l of water/sqm² is expected.
Strangely enough, I read on Tuesday evening that the floods are not expected in Germany itself but in neighboring Poland and the Czech Republic. The danger for Germany arises from the water masses of the Elbe River, which flows from the Czech Republic to Germany.
Exactly that night - September 11th. - a main bridge on the Elbe in Dresden collapsed for inexplicable reasons. On the same day there were reports that there would be a catastrophe due to the expected flooding of the Elbe.
If you have been following this news, you will immediately see that this bridge was not destroyed by accident. The threatened masses of water for the end of the world in Germany are also strange - everything looks like a plan.
Today, Sunshine without rain at 17°.
Interestingly, there were clear indications in every article that these scenarios are based on the modeling of 2 supercomputers and are of course just assumptions. Today I examined all articles for this reference. This notice has been deleted in all media. This is how panic is created.
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