What are you listening to?

ABK - Last Chance

@R-ME ,

I don't usually listen to or like rap music much but the one above was more musical than most. The clown faces are disturbing and certainly get your attention. I thought the words did have something to say about how we should tell people how we feel before they die.

Insane Clown Posse - Its All Over

"It's all over" really is the theme but I can see why you noticed the words.

It's all over! (Here we come and there we go) [x2]

[Interlude: Shaggy 2 Dope]
Fire, Ice, Lava, Winds
Hurricanes, Earthquakes
Taking it all in (wow) [x2]

Acid rain, lighting, sin
Earth shattering
Taking it all in (wow) [x2]

[Verse 3: Violent J]
Boulders fxxking [maybe an explicit language warning should have been given] fall from the sky
Death with no clue when or why
The sun explodes and we absorb it
Our planet spins right out of orbit
Aliens show up and eat mankind
A virus spreads with no cure to find
God has had enough of our shit
A nuclear war breaks out and that's it
To be on this planet living your life
To see it all end would be alright
You can't complain, you wouldn't die alone
You can die with loved ones and die at home
And you're not missing anything when you're gone
Plus seeing it all end and what goes on
To see this great world come to an end
Would be the next best to seeing it begin

These guys seem to be paying attention don't they.

Insane Clown Posse - Fonz Pond

Verse 1: Violent J]
Off Lickity Trail, there's a pond were many a children died
It's a place to run to and disappear, a place where some folks hide
But they will tell you about the rumors that swim around this lake
Some say there's something in the water and thus are no mistake
The fog that rides along the top has been said to carry voices
Those of the dead who took the dare and jumped in, they made bad choices
Some have seen and others heard and they say along the bottom
Are all the bodies of the girls and boys preserved, remaining, half-rotten
The water's thick with murky mud, the weeds are red like splattered blood
In this pond a spirit cries, snakes and bugs replaced his eyes
Some don't believe and dare to swim, something under will pull you in
Hidden deep in the wild brush, if you know where it is then hush...

Well, the one above is certainly creepy. It reminds me of the Missing 411 by David Paulides thread on missing people in state parks.
@goyacobol :-)

Well, in rap music you almost never get any track without foul language or content. While these specific tracks are with no or few foul words and have interesting content, they also have a lot more disturbing tracks with darker themes and foul language and things of that nature. I really don't know anything about them except watching their music videos at times. So picked these out, because they seemed "better". But they do make "bad" music too ( the artists are related under the same record label 'Psychopathic records' )
@goyacobol :-)

Well, in rap music you almost never get any track without foul language or content. While these specific tracks are with no or few foul words and have interesting content, they also have a lot more disturbing tracks with darker themes and foul language and things of that nature. I really don't know anything about them except watching their music videos at times. So picked these out, because they seemed "better". But they do make "bad" music too ( the artists are related under the same record label 'Psychopathic records' )

@R-ME ,

I don't have "virgin" ears but I tend to not go out of my way to listen to some of those genres of music I suppose. With that said, I do think many younger people are struggling to find meaning in this chaos and I am often surprised at what they are seeing.

Is that what draws you to that kind of music? Since you are on the forum do you see these rap musicians as having something to say that maybe we should be paying attention to?

I don't know you so I would just like to get some feed back on where you see yourself after having found this forum. Are you finding anything here that gives you more skills in life or might give you more hope than these videos seem to suggest?

I guess I am kind of concerned that you may have less hope for what I see as a very negative prediction for humanity.

Speaking of "Psychopathic records" if you haven't read it yet there is a thread Political Ponerology is available for Kindle!

It might help explain psychopaths and this crazy chaos that many are seeing now.

I always liked and listened to rap music since being a youngster, it being the first genre of music preferred in my life. I don't think explicit music and language is a bad thing in and of itself but I do know others might take offense at it. I guess I've 'found meaning in this chaos' having listened to this sort of music, as well as other kind of music, not only that I am enjoying and liking it, but it feels like the world had something that I could be drawn too that resonated within me. For me, listening to good beats and flow stimulates my brain in ways that have made me go forward where "thought states" seemed to hold me otherwise "frozen". I guess that's the power of rhythm. As far as these rappers having something you should be paying attention to, I just don't know, you would have to ask one of them.

I had a copy of political ponerlogy and tried to read it, this was many years ago, but I found the book to be very hard to grok, being too advanced for my literacy. I don't have the book anymore, in fact I don't have any books except a cooking book and a driving book. I used to have books, half of them from redpillpress/QFG, but I displaced them outside my home many years ago. I first came across Cassiopaea when I were 13 years old, (specifically, a piece of Cassiopaean transcripts), so this has always been here for me. Also I have had two previous usernames, I joined before I was 18 but never told my age back then.

I have a hard time with remembering data, and I can't pursue reading books for that purpose, it really doesn't work for me. But its great for expanding my views. For instance I can read something and forget the content data, and later read it again and feel familiar and also remember concepts and ideas from the overall work. I like to think I learn pieces of things here and there.

I think I have learned things from this forum, be it either information, even language, or concepts and ideas. Yet I never really confirmed all data within my "fact-o-meter" (I just made that word up), but I probably have the right idea of what they are. For example take 'external considering', I never really got any idea of what it means more than just consider people, and perhaps our knowledge of them, and the overall situation and make good decisions on how to act with good intent(Or have I misunderstood this completely?). Another thing is Densities, I have no way of, as I am sure most of you, what it is exactly. But it has always been in the back of my mind, so it's just like 'it just is there'.

I view this forum as 'the good guys' and these rappers as the 'the bad yet good guys'. And these two have much the same importance to me and has been.

Yet I don't feel like I have an inner process of all things on here that I utilize in day to day situations. But I never had any problems with anyone in my social life, at least what I would consider problems. Perhaps it is just where I live, but I never had to "deal" with anyone, and the people I do get to know, all seem fine to me. For me it has always been me having issues struggling within myself but now I feel really good and have felt so for a while.

There was a period in my life where I dumped all things out from my head, including Cassiopaea. But what I really think happened was that I changed or put away my interpretations up to that point, or at least put them somewhere else in my mind. I went a little nuts but it was a mental episode I went through, simply.
I always liked and listened to rap music since being a youngster, it being the first genre of music preferred in my life. I don't think explicit music and language is a bad thing in and of itself but I do know others might take offense at it. I guess I've 'found meaning in this chaos' having listened to this sort of music, as well as other kind of music, not only that I am enjoying and liking it, but it feels like the world had something that I could be drawn too that resonated within me. For me, listening to good beats and flow stimulates my brain in ways that have made me go forward where "thought states" seemed to hold me otherwise "frozen". I guess that's the power of rhythm. As far as these rappers having something you should be paying attention to, I just don't know, you would have to ask one of them.
I haven't listened to the rap music posted but one would hope that the music you are posting is done so with both the forum rules and what the spirit of our forum is about in mind.
I had a copy of political ponerlogy and tried to read it, this was many years ago, but I found the book to be very hard to grok, being too advanced for my literacy. I don't have the book anymore, in fact I don't have any books except a cooking book and a driving book. I used to have books, half of them from redpillpress/QFG, but I displaced them outside my home many years ago. I first came across Cassiopaea when I were 13 years old, (specifically, a piece of Cassiopaean transcripts), so this has always been here for me. Also I have had two previous usernames, I joined before I was 18 but never told my age back then.
PP can be tough going, but if you are really interested in grokking it, any book really, then, perhaps familiarising yourself with the information via the relevant threads, any articles, and also any radio shows might make the reading much easier. It works for me.

Should you, or anyone, so wish, here's an article written by Laura: Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes
And some SOTT radio shows on the book:
These guys were a big part of the Soundtrack of my life in the late 80's.
A Canadian "New Wave" band that I still enjoy listening to today.
I love the nostalgia in the Videos, the cars, the clothes, the commentary regarding who we were....and all the cigarette smoking!! :cool2::cool2::cool2:

Our friends live!: Bella Godmer , Jim Zeller , Jimmy James , etc
Famous harmonica player with his trio playing in a famous venue bar in the Laurentians in Québec:
Feels so alive! Growing older can have a good connotation when surrounded by a familly of true friends!!!
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A new Leonard Cohen song (posthumous as far as I know, and wow what beautiful lyrics) - from the man with the golden voice:
"I was always working steady
But I never called it art I got my shit together
Meeting Christ and reading Marx
It failed my little fire
But it’s bright the dying spark
Go tell the young messiah
What happens to the heart

There’s a mist of summer kisses
Where I tried to double-park
The rivalry was vicious
The women were in charge
It was nothing, it was business
But it left an ugly mark

I’ve come here to revisit
What happens to the heart

I was selling holy trinkets
I was dressing kind of sharp
Had a pussy in the kitchen
And a panther in the yard

In the prison of the gifted
I was friendly with the guards
So I never had to witness
What happens to the heart

I should have seen it coming
After all I knew the chart
Just to look at her was trouble
It was trouble from the start
Sure we played a stunning couple
But I never liked the part

It ain't pretty, it ain't subtle
What happens to the heart
Now the angel’s got a fiddle
The devil’s got a harp
Every soul is like a minnow
Every mind is like a shark
I’ve broken every window
But the house, the house is dark
I care but very little

What happens to the heart
Then I studied with this beggar
He was filthy, he was scarred
By the claws of many women
He had failed to disregard No fable here no lesson No singing meadowlark Just a filthy beggar guessing What happens to the heart I was always working steady But I never called it art It was just some old convention Like the horse before the cart I had no trouble betting On the flood, against the ark You see, I knew about the ending What happens to the heart I was handy with a rifle My father’s .303 I fought for something final Not the right to disagree "

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