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The absolute KING of Funk! Yep, PRINCE at MONTREUX festival. FULL CONCERT!!! (2+ hours)
What an absolute genius and a terribly funky kind of man!
Make space in the living room cause you're going to dance!

Wondering what people think of this song/video.

The song reminds me of how I felt after my best friend died in a drug overdose. Specifically the crooners tears and is his ability to perform doing so. Because I had no other choice but to keep up with my life. I had never been more sad in my life but I processed it in just a year or so. I feel very happy with the time we had and he still lives on in my mind. It is good now, and there are no emotions but joy in my mind.

I have been reflecting on death, and I have thought about when my parents will die and I think I just would go on naturally without much more thought on it when they pass. Perhaps that is because I have no strong emotions or bonds with them. But don't get me wrong, they are good people and I like them.

Then recently another buddy of mine died who worked at the same place as me, they said it was multi-organ failure that killed him. So by now it is like, "Yup! Expect anyone to die! Not much to feel sad about!"

But apart from all that I hope his father gets a new kidney.
Wondering what people think of this song/video.

Pretty powerful. For me at least. For any son the time will come when your father passes and that is what I get from what the song is about.

When he sings “I’m not your son. Your not my father” I think he is speaking to understanding and/or seeing your father as just a man instead of some ideal that you judge or hold up as the standard and even blame for all your problems because he is your father. Seems like a mature view in terms of seeing your father as a person that has flaws or has made mistakes and letting go of junk that can build up between a father and son and a wise perspective to try send of your father into death without a judgement of him as a person and without enmity, if possible.

When he sings about “my turn to chase the monsters away” I think of two things. First, that as a son the father could have been that kind of rock to lean on when you are afraid about life, etc in its many facets, but with the father passing the son now has to take up that mantel for himself and possibly even for his son, if he has one. Second, monsters could also be seen as personal demons that have plagued the family and dealing with them. So it is now the son’s turn to deal with those and possibly correct the heritage of the male line. Makes me personally think of the alcoholism that has been experienced from the male side of my father’s family and into my father and brothers. And that is a ‘monster’ I have thought about in terms of why it is, understanding it and chancing it away from my life.

Finally, I think the song speaks to saying what you can to your father now before this time comes when he passes. You may not be able to say all you want and he may not be able to hear most of what you have to say, so you don’t say a lot of what could be said and only say what can be said. And in this to try to find some peace and understanding between you two in this life, if that is possible.

I don’t know what Neil Young was trying to really say in this song ‘Old Man,’ but I think about my dad when listening to it and get similar thoughts and but mostly similar feelings as this song ‘Monster.’

I have quite a number of acquaintances and young friends that died which was very painful experience but what stroke me the most and what this song reminds me of: saying goodbye to my grandpa Drago who was actually like a father to me and my youger sister, we said goodbye in a sad and beautiful way and no one told me ever anything as beautiful as he did on the last time he was conscious.
Now I have to wipe off my tears and read 18 alerts.
Thank you for the songs.
I thought it was a bit strange that he was singing this song to his father as if he were on the point of death, yet his father was sitting beside him. I also thought it was strange that he would make something so apparently personal so public, to millions of people he does not know.
I thought it was a bit strange that he was singing this song to his father as if he were on the point of death, yet his father was sitting beside him. I also thought it was strange that he would make something so apparently personal so public, to millions of people he does not know.

That feels weird, yeah. I mean - those lyrics:

I'm not your son, you're not my father
We're just two grown men saying goodbye
No need to forgive, no need to forget
I know your mistakes and you know mine
And while you're sleeping, I'll try to make you proud
So daddy, won't you just close your eyes?

Almost sound like he's saying "dammit dad, can't you just die NOW?" :shock:
I might be negatively biased though: I don't like the singer's voice at all. I think he sounds and looks hysterical (in that video), like he's overacting or something. The father is much more dignified and looks like a nice guy.
Agree entirely. Joe That was my 1st reaction. Converse being he will touch heart strings and MAKE MONEY. Last option maybe it will make people stop and think about their parents in a different light and maybe, just maybe bring them closer together.

How many men in the present moment have fathers they can remember taking care of them in a protecting way as children? That would be a very interesting poll to take.

Very strong song, well sung but a little bit off centre, too much heart on sleeve I think.
That feels weird, yeah. I mean - those lyrics:
I'm not your son, you're not my father
We're just two grown men saying goodbye
No need to forgive, no need to forget
I know your mistakes and you know mine
And while you're sleeping, I'll try to make you proud
So daddy, won't you just close your eyes?

Interpreted in the best way I can think of, perhaps that lyric means something like when the crooners father is on the death bed, dying, not to stay alive for the sole reason of his son. But I could be wrong about that.
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