What are you listening to?

Oh, Peter Green has died as well. It's come to that point where so many of my musical heroes are reaching the dying years. Those people who were innovators in the 60's are now over 70 themselves.

Peter Green was a liquid smooth guitar player in the blues tradition. One of the finest British players. He suffered from schizophrenia too, apparently triggered by too many LSD trips in the 60's. I hope he's found peace in the great beyond now.

Hello @danlemiel, welcome to the forum :-). I notice that this is your first post on the forum so I'd like to invite you to make an introduction post on the Newbies forum to tell us a bit about yourself, how you found your way here and if you've read any of Laura's books.
I remember this thread and in it saw the name danlemiel, so maybe the same person?

Making music today?: join us!

From post 4
Feat.: MissRoBee, wurlitzer, bass, extra guits, vocals
Compo, lyrics, vocals - DanleMiel
Background vocals and adjustments on the way!
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