What are you listening to?

Hello all.
Since July, throught the website "ektoplazm", alternative music website, i found a very cool author: "Man of no ego"
He released 2 albums, but it's old web technology and you may not be able to listen to the songs from the site as it uses an old "flashplayer" plugin that your browser will probably block and that you may not be in measure to activate.
Anyway, here are the 2 links to the 2 albums, you can download all the tracks using one of the 3 download links (mp3, FLAC or WAV formats)

And here are the links on youtube:

It's not the speechs within the song that grabbed my attention, just the music, the melody. I probably heard these 2 albums more than ... 50x since July (no exaggeration), while working, concentrated on the computer. At least for me, these songs brought (or are still bringing) me something, I dont know what, but I still enjoy a lot hearing them.

I'm going to re-listen now "Blinkers removed":-[:whistle::-):-D

Enjoy !
When I clicked on the URL, it said the video was not available, but if you google "zombie by the cranberries 1999" it comes up.
Sorry about that. Still learning.
When I clicked on the URL, it said the video was not available, but if you google "zombie by the cranberries 1999" it comes up.
Sorry about that. Still learning.

G'day Redrock,

Further to Metrist's assistance;


Once the pop up below opens, then left click with your mouse again on COPY;


Then right click somewhere in the comments box and this menu should pop up.


Then transfer by selecting 'Paste' (another left click).

Also the preview button will give you an idea of how its looking before you post.


Thats the music I hear in these Corona times. It is so vivid and gives me power to go through the day! And I can sing along with it while driving . . . Old boys with still such a power!

And this is my favorite one: I like the refrain: "Alive, alive, oh!"

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