I'm curious how you like these two because I like them a lot.
I have never seen any of Meiko Kaji's movies, so I will give my impressions later, but I also have a connection with Kyu Sakamoto.
When I was in junior high school, we dug a wooden jewelry box for school (I designed it after Rick Derringer's album jacket below), and I chose this song as the melody for the music box I put inside!
以前、目黒区に住んでいたとき、近くには大悪党(He served as Pacific Asia chairman of the Trilateral Commission.)小林陽太郎 が住んで居て、車に乗った彼が、ブログ等でSOTTを紹介していた僕に気づき、車から顔を出して、運転手にクラクションを鳴らさせたことがあるのですが、僕の居た安アパートの向かいの家が、坂本九の屋敷でした。僕は遺族が外出するのを眺めていたものです。
When I used to live in Meguro-ku, there was an arch rogue (served as Pacific Asia chairman of the Trilateral Commission.), Yotaro Kobayashi, living nearby. When he got in the car, he identified me who was introducing SOTT on blogs, so he stuck his head out of the car and had the driver honk his horn. The house across the street from the cheap apartment I was in was the residence of the deceased Kyu Sakamoto. I used to watch the bereaved families go out.
Kyu Sakamoto, who released this Japan's first number 1 hit in the US, died in the crash of Japan Air Lines Flight 123, some say that this aircraft may have been shot down by U.S. forces.