What are you listening to?

Been listening to a lot of Mike Oldfield again lately.. my earliest music love.. I didn't start with Tubular Bells, but Five Miles Out.. the first album I ever owned - my mum bought it for me on CD when we first got a CD player. It's still my favourite of his. Later I repeatedly borrowed Tubular Bells on tape from the library (decades before I ever heard of The Exorcist).. then got Tubular Bells II on tape for to listen to when we drove across Australia when I was 12. It still conjures memories of staring out the car window for hours watching endless stretches of desert and scrubland go by, the hills and clouds...

Anyway here is the end of side A of the original Tubular Bells.. when the tubular bells and choir come in it makes me feel like I've died and gone to heaven. Most triumphant!


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