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So Oasis have reformed. They'll clean up cash-wise, but their first album is why I'll always love 'em. Here's 3 beauties from the Burnage boys. Aspirational working class English rock music. We've not seen anything like them in the last 30 years. Their songs dream of a technicolour world, when we've "made it". It was just a dream to them, but they did achieve it. In terms of white working class british music, we have the Stones, Beatles, Kinks, Sex Pistols, Jam, Stone Roses, and Oasis. They earn their place well.

Some other Oasis classics. I cannot overestimate how influential these guys were as a student in 1994. Nowhere else was this kind of stuff being made. They created a world of possibilities that hasn't been matched since. The last track is pure punk-ass energy!:cool2:

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