What is the nature of the Power behind certain Vedic mantras?

Concerning the conversation with the C's you quoted, what is the significance of seeing 11:11 everywhere? It seems like everytime I hit a sudden phase of seeing 11:11 constantly (ie. Everytime I randomly check the time, receipts at stores, posts online, etc.), something unusually good happens to me through extremely unlikely synchronicities shortly thereafter. Are these good things happening due to karma? Or are they "favors" from hyperdimensional entities?

Many years ago, I was heavily practicing Black Magick using the Temple of Set's magical system. I had met a disgruntled ex-member who gave me all of their secret documents and rituals. For those not familiar with the Temple of Set, it was founded by Michael A. Aquino, who was a Liutenent Colonial in the U.S. Army, and the Head of the Army's Psy-ops unit. Back in the 1970's he ran horrible government programs like Project Monarch, where they would kidnap teenage runaway and pump them full of LSD to erase their memories, and then fill their heads with false memories and use them as assassins for the government. Wonderful guy, ya know, and VERY powerful not only politically, but magically.

Anyway, using their rituals, I contacted an entity claiming to be the Egyptian God Set, who is, according to the ToS, none other than Satan himself. I developed a relationship with this entity, and used to invoke him daily for about a 3 year period fully into my body, where he would completely possess me, take complete control of my motor functions, thoughts, and voice, and speak to my magickal partner and whoever else happened to be there. He demonstrated repeatedly the ability to.know things that I myself had no possible way of knowing, and there were often paranormal manifestations in the room when he was in control of my body, such as a high pitched droning sound, a significant drop in air temperature, and a profound shift in the air pressure that caused the other people in the room to have difficulty breathing.

After several years, I stopped invoking this entity, because he would possess me for longer and longer periods of time, and got to a point a few times where he refused to leave, totally ignoring the vanishing performed by the other magickians present.

I still to this day wonder what the hell was really going on back then. After reading these writings on cointelpro, and knowing the creepy profession not only of Aquino, but of several of the other higher ups in the organization, I would really like to know what really happened. Much of the information that "Set" provided to us seemed really far out at the time, and I had never heard these things before or since until I started reading Laura's books. Some of the information given to her by the C's is identical to the information that "Set" gave my friends and I.

So was this entity really who it claimed to be? Or is it possible that it could have been Aquino himself possessing me for whatever reason? Is that even possible? Or could it have been some sophisticated mind control program controlling me and creating the strange phenomena in the room? The whole experience just continues to baffle me to this day. One bit of information that "Set" was always talking about was the importance of his "Sacred" number, 9. The Temple of Set is run by the Council of 9, and they have secret writings expounding the "Holy" significance of this number, and "Set" himself would go on and on at times about how the number 9 was a secret key to entering his dimension. He also told us that himself as an independent Being manifests himself mathmatically as the PHI ratio, which is what his geometric gateway into this world, the inverted Pentagram, is created by.

I just wish someone could enlighten me as to the real meaning of all of this information. Was it all lies and disinformation? Or was there some real use for it?
Chaitanya Krishna das said:
I just wish someone could enlighten me as to the real meaning of all of this information. Was it all lies and disinformation? Or was there some real use for it?

Well, I think that part of the meaning of the session excerpt, is that when we are focused on ‘power numbers’, symbols, codes, secret messages or whatever and go chasing after their meaning as a means to empower ourselves, we only end up caught in a trap, perhaps locked in a certain part of the brain or mode of thought and blinded by it, in that we see only that which we wish to see.

Perhaps when we enter into and indulge this mode of thinking, it is this that opens the door and allows us to be influenced by those locked in the same illusion. Knowledge Protects.
Alada said:
Chaitanya Krishna das said:
I just wish someone could enlighten me as to the real meaning of all of this information. Was it all lies and disinformation? Or was there some real use for it?

Well, I think that part of the meaning of the session excerpt, is that when we are focused on ‘power numbers’, symbols, codes, secret messages or whatever and go chasing after their meaning as a means to empower ourselves, we only end up caught in a trap, perhaps locked in a certain part of the brain or mode of thought and blinded by it, in that we see only that which we wish to see.

Perhaps when we enter into and indulge this mode of thinking, it is this that opens the door and allows us to be influenced by those locked in the same illusion. Knowledge Protects.

This is a very good point! It's not really that I'm interested at all these days in using any numerological info I learned from this entity back then, because my days of giving into the darkness are long gone. It's just these events happened over 10 years ago, and certain aspects of things that happened continue to haunt me at times, especially in my dreams. I really just need to know that if I opened some kind of real, and not delusional, gateway back then, that it is closed now and stays closed. And if it was just a case of either this entity or a ToS member just messing with my head back then, then that would be helpful to know so I can put my mind to rest concerning that dark time of my life.
Many of your questions may be answered in The Wave series, including questions about Aquino and his gang.
Chaitanya Krishna das said:
Alada said:
Chaitanya Krishna das said:
I just wish someone could enlighten me as to the real meaning of all of this information. Was it all lies and disinformation? Or was there some real use for it?

Well, I think that part of the meaning of the session excerpt, is that when we are focused on ‘power numbers’, symbols, codes, secret messages or whatever and go chasing after their meaning as a means to empower ourselves, we only end up caught in a trap, perhaps locked in a certain part of the brain or mode of thought and blinded by it, in that we see only that which we wish to see.

Perhaps when we enter into and indulge this mode of thinking, it is this that opens the door and allows us to be influenced by those locked in the same illusion. Knowledge Protects.

This is a very good point! It's not really that I'm interested at all these days in using any numerological info I learned from this entity back then, because my days of giving into the darkness are long gone. It's just these events happened over 10 years ago, and certain aspects of things that happened continue to haunt me at times, especially in my dreams. I really just need to know that if I opened some kind of real, and not delusional, gateway back then, that it is closed now and stays closed. And if it was just a case of either this entity or a ToS member just messing with my head back then, then that would be helpful to know so I can put my mind to rest concerning that dark time of my life.

It could be that your curiosity and desire to understand more about this entity continues to create an invitation of sorts. It is so easy to accidentally make such invitations and then even sustain them, as most of us were not raised to effectively question or challenge ourselves, let alone be suspicious of those who speak with authority. When entities speak to us, we can feel not only a sense of specialness, but also awe. In our awe, we often project positive traits we wish to see in such powerful entities. After all, it's a horrific notion that something so powerful could be anything but benevolent. In fact, in most religions, we are taught to not fear such dark energies, as long as we are righteous and "holy". Of course, this leaves us ill-prepared to deal with the reality of the situation, giving us a false sense of security and no tools in our toolbox.

From my own experience with ceremonial magic and paranormal occurrences, I can see the aspect in me that wanted so badly to have powers that would compensate for my childhood sense of helplessness. As well, by the time I was a pre-teen, I had already started to formulate my own belief systems that were formed by cherry picking from all of the world's various faiths, including ancient myths. I didn't have real knowledge, merely an imagination of knowledge. Having lost myself several times in a variety of new age mystical paths, I finally landed here, where I realized that my power ultimately comes from an objective understanding of myself and the world around me, and the awareness the comes from applying such knowledge. I started to see the trap that comes from trying to project fantasy onto reality.

My perceptions of helplessness as a child, although accurate to some degree, turned out to be mostly an illusion based in fear and a sense of self-lacking (not measuring up to societal standards/norms). This illusion sent me down all sorts of paths in the pursuit of power (especially over those who had power over me), disguised as a quest for sacred knowledge. I don't look back now, and what I carry forward are simply the lessons I learned along the way. I know there are still aspects of me that would like to have such powers and mystical knowledge, but I'm learning that such powers can't serve a higher good, since they originate in a desire to dominate and control my environment (service to self). I'm still working on weeding out those aspects and diffusing them. But being aware of these aspects and how they operate is the critical first step.

At the risk of projecting my own issues onto yours, I would suggest that, instead of trying to better understand what happened to you in the past, in terms of who the entity was and whether there was any truth in their words, it might be a good idea to instead try to objectively evaluate your motivations and thoughts that lead you there and continue to occupy some of your energy. This is a difficult task, since our illusions, be they of our own making or imposed through our upbringing, colour our thinking and prevent us from seeing reality as it truly is. Doing so through the network would help provide the objective feedback and varied perspectives so lacking in an individual's attempts at self mastery. Just a thought. Others more experienced might have other ideas.

Finally, I would add that there is a good chance that certain psychoactive substances can severely, if not permanently, impair, not only our cognitive functions, but also our perceptions. Some of them seem to make connections in the brain that perhaps should only be connected through a more organic, natural approach (ex. the Work, in Gurdjieffian parlance). These short cuts in the brain may prevent us from having the appropriate foundation to adequately analyse the resulting perceptions. It could be akin to jumping form primary school to university. We might think we understand, but since we don't have the more holistic knowledge that comes from the experience and education of the previous grades, we simply are unable to fully assess what we are seeing. As well, without that experience and education, we simply wouldn't be able to know what we don't know, which could be a form of the Dunning-Kruger effect (_http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Dunning-Kruger_effect).

Laura, I just started reading volume 1 of The Wave today. I must tell you that I love your writings, and your knowledge and wisdom completely astound me! Thank you for these books and websites!

And Gonzo, thank you for the detailed response. It was definitely true in my case that I was seeking power over others and over material nature back then to make up for a sense of inadequacy. I've since reconciled these issues within myself by quitting using drugs, getting therapy, and practicing meditation for years. There's still some minor issues of course, but the major childhood stuff that was leading to my past antisocial behavior has been healed.

And now that I ponder it, you're probably right about my lingering curiosity about that entity giving it a link to my current life. I need to put that all behind me and move on. What's that old saying? "Speak of the devil, and he will appear." Thank you for pointing that out.
There is also the fact that diet greatly affects brain chemistry and emotions. A lot of people on the forum have had great success in eliminating gluten, dairy and sugar, along with other things, but little by little is best. A good place to look at these things is the Life Without Bread thread in the Diet and Health section of the forum.

We also have concluded that diet changes our FRV (Frequency Resonance Vibration). FRV is discussed in the Wave series. Negative entities are attracted to lower frequencies. Changing these frequencies by diet, objective knowledge and such helps to raise these frequencies and helps in our mental hygiene.

And reading the Wave, as Laura has said, is very important in understanding these things.
I have been a vegetarian for 23 years. I eat dairy, but no meat, fish, or eggs. My wife is 34 years old, and has never one time in her entire life had even a single bite of meat, fish, or eggs. She was so repulsed by the idea of eating meat as a small child that her gave up trying to force her.

I firmly believe that animals are souls trapped in material bodies, just like we are, and not only are our equals, but we can reincarnate as animals if we either build up enough bad karma, or cultivate an animal-like consciousness during our human life. Killing animals for our own sense gratification not only generates really bad karma, but checks that particular souls progress to a higher life form, dooming it to reincarnate as the same type of animal again.

Plants have souls too, and even killing plants for food is bad karma, but if you offer dead plants to God before eating them, He kindly removes the bad karma from killing them (see the Bhagavad Gita). But dead animals can not be offered to Krishna, so they retain their bad karma.

The cow is a manifestation of Bhumi (Gaia), the Spirit of the Earth, and as such milk products are life-giving for humans in the same way that mothers milk is good for children. To slaughter cows for food is a sin on a level with slaughtering a human. Not only that, but ingesting beef cause a wide variety of cancers and diseases, because our bodies cannot digest it properly, and it rots in our intestines, giving off not only poisonous toxins, but filling our bodies with all the horrible growth hormones and antibiotics they feed cattle.

Even if studies conclusively prove that being a vegetarian is really bad for you, I would rather be unhealthy and die earlier than participate in the hideous culture of torture that is the meat industry, and die with a clear conscience and significantly less accumulated bad karma.
Chaitanya Krishna das said:
I have been a vegetarian for 23 years. I eat dairy, but no meat, fish, or eggs. My wife is 34 years old, and has never one time in her entire life had even a single bite of meat, fish, or eggs. She was so repulsed by the idea of eating meat as a small child that her gave up trying to force her.

I firmly believe that animals are souls trapped in material bodies, just like we are, and not only are our equals, but we can reincarnate as animals if we either build up enough bad karma, or cultivate an animal-like consciousness during our human life. Killing animals for our own sense gratification not only generates really bad karma, but checks that particular souls progress to a higher life form, dooming it to reincarnate as the same type of animal again.

Plants have souls too, and even killing plants for food is bad karma, but if you offer dead plants to God before eating them, He kindly removes the bad karma from killing them (see the Bhagavad Gita). But dead animals can not be offered to Krishna, so they retain their bad karma.

The cow is a manifestation of Bhumi (Gaia), the Spirit of the Earth, and as such milk products are life-giving for humans in the same way that mothers milk is good for children. To slaughter cows for food is a sin on a level with slaughtering a human. Not only that, but ingesting beef cause a wide variety of cancers and diseases, because our bodies cannot digest it properly, and it rots in our intestines, giving off not only poisonous toxins, but filling our bodies with all the horrible growth hormones and antibiotics they feed cattle.

Even if studies conclusively prove that being a vegetarian is really bad for you, I would rather be unhealthy and die earlier than participate in the hideous culture of torture that is the meat industry, and die with a clear conscience and significantly less accumulated bad karma.

Chaitanya Krishna das, there are so many subjective assumptions in your post that can be cleared up by further reading. I think the best place to start is the Vegetarian Myth thread and the book by the same title. Hope you'll be able to see another major part of a cointelpro type of operation in the perpetuation of vegetarianism promotion. And remember that these same issues of beliefs were recently discussed in other threads with you, as well.

Here's the thread to get you started: (also search the forum for lots more insight).


If you are willing to put these sacred cows aside and really look at the objective data, you'll see that agriculture is the problem and growing monoculture crops kills way more animals (and all other lifeforms) than a conscientious approach of eating local pastured animals.
Chaitanya Krishna das said:
I have been a vegetarian for 23 years. I eat dairy, but no meat, fish, or eggs. My wife is 34 years old, and has never one time in her entire life had even a single bite of meat, fish, or eggs. She was so repulsed by the idea of eating meat as a small child that her gave up trying to force her.

So you are working on beliefs and assumptions. What you have written above is opinion only.

Chaitanya Krishna das said:
I firmly believe that animals are souls trapped in material bodies, just like we are, and not only are our equals, but we can reincarnate as animals if we either build up enough bad karma, or cultivate an animal-like consciousness during our human life. Killing animals for our own sense gratification not only generates really bad karma, but checks that particular souls progress to a higher life form, dooming it to reincarnate as the same type of animal again.

Again, only beliefs. It makes you feel good to be a vegetarian. And those who eat meat do not kill only for a sense of gratification but to eat a most optimal fuel for our bodies and minds.

Chaitanya Krishna das said:
Plants have souls too, and even killing plants for food is bad karma, but if you offer dead plants to God before eating them, He kindly removes the bad karma from killing them (see the Bhagavad Gita). But dead animals can not be offered to Krishna, so they retain their bad karma.

More beliefs and assumptions. I'm not disputing the whole animals and plants have souls, too, as they may have soul pools they go to after death, and this, too, is un-provable, but all the rest of what you have said here about god and Krishna.

Chaitanya Krishna das said:
The cow is a manifestation of Bhumi (Gaia), the Spirit of the Earth, and as such milk products are life-giving for humans in the same way that mothers milk is good for children. To slaughter cows for food is a sin on a level with slaughtering a human. Not only that, but ingesting beef cause a wide variety of cancers and diseases, because our bodies cannot digest it properly, and it rots in our intestines, giving off not only poisonous toxins, but filling our bodies with all the horrible growth hormones and antibiotics they feed cattle.

Animal milk products are NOT life-giving to humans. Dairy products are very hard for humans to digest, have opium-like effects that make them addictive and are intolerable to many people. Plants have anti-nutrients and lectins as well as other means to defend themselves from being eaten. Most of which are bad for our bodies. Grains and dairy consumption have been shown to be inflammatory and bad for our minds, emotions and bodies. We don't have the digestive track to deal with these things as herbivores have.

Meat is actually more easily digested than plants. Laura's son had to have a colonoscopy a couple of years back. He was told by a doctor to eat only meat as he had to clean out his colon. Plant material is what is not digested properly, stays in the digestive track, ferments and such. So, once again, Laura's son had to eat only MEAT to clean out his digestive system.

Chaitanya Krishna das said:
Even if studies conclusively prove that being a vegetarian is really bad for you, I would rather be unhealthy and die earlier than participate in the hideous culture of torture that is the meat industry, and die with a clear conscience and significantly less accumulated bad karma.

That, of course, is your prerogative. And we do not condone meat from factory farms, but from well-cared for pastured animals.

I was once a vegetarian and am now paying the price for it.

If you are truly here to learn, and not teach and preach, than taking Seekin Truth's advice and reading, at least the thread, but most importantly the book, on the Vegetarian Myth would help a lot. But you need to leave your beliefs and assumptions aside while doing so.
Believe it or not, I do recognize the fact that all my beliefs are the result of a lifetime of brainwashing. In the '90's I lived in a Hare Krishna for several years. Since childhood, I was deeply influenced by not only the Krishna's, but also Aleister Crowley and his followers. In the early 2000's is when I started practicing Setian Magick, and when the Temple of Set found out that I was using their "secret" documents and rituals and teaching them to others, they began actively working on me to influence me to join them, but ended up scaring me away. I was then contacted by Scientology and they attempted to influence me, which I found out later was directly because they are basically the public branch of the Temple of Set, and one of Aquinos fellow government brainwashers is who teaches Scientologists the techniques to use to brainwash people.

I ended up returning to Krishna Consciousness, though not through ISKCON. So my entire life, these organizations with their high tech brainwashing have been one after another putting these ideas in my head. And to make it worse, I spent from age 13 until a year ago at age 36 heavily using psychedelic drugs and Opiates.

So here's my question. After a lifetime of having false ideas implanted in my head, and being completely lost in subjectivity due to my drug use, how do I even begin to go about un-brainwashing myself? At this point, how can I even trust myself, or anyone else for that matter, to purge all the nonsense from my mind? And after reading quite a bit here about cointelpro and how their whole goal is to neutralize people, what is it about me that these corrupt people have perceived as a threat since I was young that would make them waste so much time trying to neutralize me?

There's much more to my story that is disturbing, but I'm just giving you an overview. One thing that still disturbs me is the fact that soon after I received those Temple of Set documents, and was successful in establishing contact with an otherworldly entity who called itself "Set", I met a girl online who became my girlfriend and magickal partner. I lived with her for two years, and eventually discovered that her dad worked in army intelligence, right along with Michael Aquino (who is not retired, by the way). Soon after discovering this, my then pregnant girlfriend and her family disappeared. This was in 2005, and to this day, even with the internet and the fact that you can track anyone down on the internet, there is not a single trace anywhere of her, her parents, or even extended relatives that I met and who have since also disappeared.

So what the hell? I try not to waste too much time pondering these things these days, but I can't help but wonder why these evil people were so interested in me and why they were using me.

Anyway, I'll refrain from telling any more creepy stories. All I really would like to know is how to un-brainwash myself and start over. Thank you.
Chaitanya Krishna das said:
Believe it or not, I do recognize the fact that all my beliefs are the result of a lifetime of brainwashing. In the '90's I lived in a Hare Krishna for several years. Since childhood, I was deeply influenced by not only the Krishna's, but also Aleister Crowley and his followers. In the early 2000's is when I started practicing Setian Magick, and when the Temple of Set found out that I was using their "secret" documents and rituals and teaching them to others, they began actively working on me to influence me to join them, but ended up scaring me away. I was then contacted by Scientology and they attempted to influence me, which I found out later was directly because they are basically the public branch of the Temple of Set, and one of Aquinos fellow government brainwashers is who teaches Scientologists the techniques to use to brainwash people.

I ended up returning to Krishna Consciousness, though not through ISKCON. So my entire life, these organizations with their high tech brainwashing have been one after another putting these ideas in my head. And to make it worse, I spent from age 13 until a year ago at age 36 heavily using psychedelic drugs and Opiates.

So here's my question. After a lifetime of having false ideas implanted in my head, and being completely lost in subjectivity due to my drug use, how do I even begin to go about un-brainwashing myself? At this point, how can I even trust myself, or anyone else for that matter, to purge all the nonsense from my mind? And after reading quite a bit here about cointelpro and how their whole goal is to neutralize people, what is it about me that these corrupt people have perceived as a threat since I was young that would make them waste so much time trying to neutralize me?

There's much more to my story that is disturbing, but I'm just giving you an overview. One thing that still disturbs me is the fact that soon after I received those Temple of Set documents, and was successful in establishing contact with an otherworldly entity who called itself "Set", I met a girl online who became my girlfriend and magickal partner. I lived with her for two years, and eventually discovered that her dad worked in army intelligence, right along with Michael Aquino (who is not retired, by the way). Soon after discovering this, my then pregnant girlfriend and her family disappeared. This was in 2005, and to this day, even with the internet and the fact that you can track anyone down on the internet, there is not a single trace anywhere of her, her parents, or even extended relatives that I met and who have since also disappeared.

So what the hell? I try not to waste too much time pondering these things these days, but I can't help but wonder why these evil people were so interested in me and why they were using me.

Anyway, I'll refrain from telling any more creepy stories. All I really would like to know is how to un-brainwash myself and start over. Thank you.
It is not easy. Let's go with simple steps
1. Honest networking with right people 2. Right Diet 3. Knowledge Input on constant basis- your book reading habbit will be very handy. LOT of reading analysis.

Read this The Love Bite: Alien Orchestrated Human Bonding Dramas http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/lovebite.htm

First finish Wave series. It will blow your mind and will answer most of the questions and NETWORK. It's a journey.

C's once said on a specific context 'If you don't use your brain, somebody will '.
Chaitanya Krishna das said:
So here's my question. After a lifetime of having false ideas implanted in my head, and being completely lost in subjectivity due to my drug use, how do I even begin to go about un-brainwashing myself? At this point, how can I even trust myself, or anyone else for that matter, to purge all the nonsense from my mind?

One of the best places to start is with diet. By purging all the acquired disinfo on diet and acting on knowledge of what truly nourishes human beings you are taking a step in the right direction, both by signalling to the Universe that you desire truth and are willing to act on it (no matter how uncomfortable) and by providing the necessary nutrition to be able to sort truth from lies. I would begin by reading the thread and book that SeekinTruth linked to in his post.
I read that "Love Bite" link and got chills. My relationship with the girl I mentioned was SO bizarre, and some of the things that happened SO creepy, that even though I still wonder about what really was going on, after reading that it seems that I should stop thinking about it to avoid feeding my energy to whatever is after it.

I will only mention one more thing about it, and then I'm done thinking about it. We tried, at her desperate insistence, to get her pregnant for the entire 2 years we were together. One day, the entity that I was invoking, "Set", suggested that HE have sex with her through my body, and that this would definitely work. So, with him possessing me, we had sex. When he/I had an orgasm, she screamed that my/his seven was freezing cold and burning her. A week later she became very ill, and we went to the doctor, where we were told that she was pregnant. Just a few days later, her parents were coming to visit from another state after she told them that she was pregnant. After they arrived, she suggested that I go to the store to get a few things. When I returned, she and all of her stuff was gone. Her cell phone was that fast disconnected, as were both of her parents cell phones. I never saw or heard from her again, and all attempts to track down her and her family turn up nothing. It's like they never existed!

So see, I have a hard time not wondering what happened, not only with her disappearance, but with the fact that I was not the one who impregnated her, but this other entity was, whether it was real or some creepy mind control delusion. And why me? How was I targeted by these army intelligence freaks and possibly their alien buddies?

For the sake of not drawing the attention of these people and entities again, I will no longer speak about any of this. Thank you all for your suggestions and help, and I will certainly read everything you recommend.
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