What's the weather where you are?

Mariama said:
Last Friday I was working in the garden with a clear blue sky and the sun in my face. Since Sunday we have had a powerful eastern wind blowing and a bit of snow and lots of treacherous black ice in the North of The Netherlands. Because of the wind there must have been a wind chill factor, because it was cold especially after a few nice and sunny days. Unfortunately, my hot flashes (due to the iodine protocol) have disappeared. Just when I need them! :D
Nos weather forecaster Gerrit Hiemstra said it is extremely unusual for freezing rain and black ice to continue all night and into the morning. Although conditions will improve during the day, the black ice is likely to return on Tuesday evening, he said. The ice layer is up to five centimetres thick in places, Nos says.

Added: I also think the seasons are shifting.

Lots of mayhem in the North, including numerous car accidents, closed schools, broken bones, and between 4 and 5 million liters of uncollected milk dumped in the manure pits.


A return to more normal circumstances is expected to happen by the end of tomorrow (Thursday).

EDIT: forgot to mention that the icy roads also had a positive side, for some at least -- one can skate on the black ice (6 videos):

Thanks, Palinurus for all those links! :flowers: All my neighbours are farmers and I have not seen any lorries at my neighbour's farm, since the road is very slippery and surrounded by ditches. Their kids are at home and there is less traffic on the roads, especially at night. So, this is a glimpse of what could happen in the (near) future.

I spoke to a lady who told me how bad it was in 1979, when Groningen was also struck by snow and black ice. She had to remain in the city and it took her three days before she could return home in the countryside. I am not surprised. :shock:
The winter has arrived into Finland. Before the new year there was hardly any snow, and unusually warm weathers. Now it's minus 20 degrees to almost minus 40 degrees. Good swimming weather it is!
Croatia, Split
Around 15:50 hours the waterspout in the southern side of Marjan tunnel, have caused considerable material damage.



I hope you're OK Yozilla, now I see that we share the same news
Seppo Ilmarinen said:
The winter has arrived into Finland. Before the new year there was hardly any snow, and unusually warm weathers. Now it's minus 20 degrees to almost minus 40 degrees. Good swimming weather it is!

Yeah, we had almost minus 25 degrees (Celcius) today. Brrrrr....
Aragorn said:
Seppo Ilmarinen said:
The winter has arrived into Finland. Before the new year there was hardly any snow, and unusually warm weathers. Now it's minus 20 degrees to almost minus 40 degrees. Good swimming weather it is!

Yeah, we had almost minus 25 degrees (Celcius) today. Brrrrr....
Same in Norway but warmer, 15 below today with 15 cm snow and more forecasted for the weekend. :)
More rain in Hong Kong, and it is reported that is it now the wettest January in 52 years, with more rain forecasted for the month :

"January already Hong Kong’s wettest in 52 years ... and it’s going to get worse"

Stil very wet here in Yorkshire, I've never known it like this in my lifetime with no frost to speak of since September. Adding to Itellsya's comment about the daffodils I've see them here and snowdrops flowering.. It's very strange the seasons really are out of sync and I find this worrying.
Very unusual weather. Its middle of January and the temperature is 10-12 C during the day. Last 2 days blows strong south warm wind with a lot of rain.
Forecast for next Tuesday is that temperature will drop to -20C. So its a huge temp drop for such a short time. I`ve noticed this sudden temperature drop pattern in last few years. Its more and more intensive as time goes. Warmer winter, colder summer, huge fals of snow and rain and hail and dramatic temperature changes in a short time.
Winter made its presence today at Mexico City, with rain and cold winds, we are at 8ºC. At some higher places around the metropolitan area, its snowing, like at the Ajusco, image shared by webcamsdemexico.

Added, also, snowing reports at the freeway to Toluca.


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Source: _http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2016/01/83242-2/

Winter so far is the warmest on record

January 13, 2016

The first six weeks of the current astronomical winter are the warmest on record, website Weeronline says on Wednesday.

The average temperature at the De Bilt weather station near Hilversum has been 8.2 degrees so far this winter, compared with 3.5 degrees in a standard year. The previous record – 7.2 degrees – dates from 2007.

There was no frost at all in December and only a slight dip below zero on January 2, Weeronline says.

However, frost is more likely later this week and at the weekend. In particular, there will be sleet on Friday, with a chance of some snow cover in the Limburg hills, Weeronline says.

More on that here: _http://www.nltimes.nl/2016/01/13/snow-rain-expected-over-the-weekend/
From this morning new snow and much lower temperatures for the next days in Macedonia


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Thebull said:
Stil very wet here in Yorkshire, I've never known it like this in my lifetime with no frost to speak of since September. Adding to Itellsya's comment about the daffodils I've see them here and snowdrops flowering.. It's very strange the seasons really are out of sync and I find this worrying.

Though i may have missed it, i've not seen a proper frost even now, and/or any accompanying 'damage' to plants - daffodils are still happily growing - though we've had quite the shift in temperature in the last week.

It's gone from a steady 10-13C in the day and 6-8C in the evening to 3C in the day and 1C in the evening. This shift happened in the space of about two days and the air feels like it's coming from the north, it's icey and is apparently bringing the temp 'feel' to -1C.

I had to comment today because it's just started to snow! Like in the past 30 minutes - it's now 14.03 -first very small and sparce but it's building. It seems the cold weather has taken a week or so to reach more southerly and low lying areas because Scotland and higher altitude areas were receiving snow at the beginning of January.

Unless it snows all day i can't see it becoming a problem yet. The temperature really did dramatically drop recently and the wind feels icey. Prior, we had two nights of windy weather and patches of rain topping up the already sodden land but nothing too bad. Just a lot of cloud. Though there have been a few bright mornings, where in December it was very mild but the cloud cover was just a daily blanket of sadness.

One benefit of the cold weather, which penetrates through the house and can make it hard to type, is the chilly night time air which makes jumping into bed more inviting and sleeping much easier. In recent weeks night time has been oddly warm (it didn't help that, mechanically, others in the house had been whacking on the heating!).

I noticed on recent weather simulations that the body of air/whatever in the Atlantic, west/northwest of Ireland, has been drifting really far into the poles and so i think there may be something with that air being pushed south. Either way i don't know if it happens often, but it seems in keeping with the 'lazy polar vortex' which we saw affecting weather last year. Add to that El Nino; let's see.. :whistle:

Added: I'm on the Fylde coast, NW UK
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