What's the weather where you are?

Raining really hard in Croatia at the moment, plus the wind started out of the blue.
Can barely see a thing outside of my house.
Here in Northern Alberta, Canada, it's been raining everyday since Monday. It's like on timer: in the morning is nice and warm even, in the afternoon it cools down and the rain pours.

I wrote this on my FB page today, when posting this sott article
http://www.sott.net/article/262254-Video-Strange-weather-phenomena-over-the-last-days-of-May-2013?fb_action_ids=662157177143736&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582 :

Strange and alarming! Just last week, in a span of 6 days, I was in Barcelona, Spain, Toulouse, France, Frankfurt, Germany, and Calgary and Edmonton in Canada. The weather was exactly the same everywhere: overcast, rainy (sometimes with hail) and cold. Everywhere we traveled people would tell us: "this spring has been unusually cold and rainy compared to other years in memory".

In an e-mail to a friend on the trip, I wrote:

May 15 said:
We were driving on the mountains yesterday [North East Spain]and it was raining cats and dogs, and suddenly it started throwing these huge pieces of hail, it looked that the entire mountain was covered in snow. Our car was not moving, very slowly because it was slippery, and we had to drive down and take another road. Today we drove on the mountains through a thick fog for about 45 minutes, we could barely see 1 meter ahead. And rain all day. We saw the map of Spain last night in the news and it was raining all over the country! [All over the South usually dry region too] We were at the restaurant and the owner couldn't believe it, he went and got all the people who work in he kitchen out, so they can see the image in the forecast, and they were all exclaiming in amazement!
Yesterday and today it was quite windy. This whole week there was cloudy often rainy weather. Only one day - Tuesday - which was sunny.

This is the same kind of very rainy weather we had during the unusual floods in 1999, 2002 and 2005 (Germany and neighbour countries). Flood is coming to many in whole Bavaria now. So much rain is unusual to have in whole Bavaria. Normally it tend to be either in Frankonia or in Southern Bavaria.

This year we had a unusual long winter in Munich (Germany). It already started in late October 2012 with the first snow. At Easter we still had snow, that stayed. This changed to a quite cold spring with a lot of cloudy weather. At this whole year it was normally colder than usual at the same time of the year. Fruit bushes and trees were in flower later this year, too.
The temperature in Southern Québec got pretty high today. Somewhere around 30°C and very humid so it felt like around 40°C. Still very hot at 4:23PM local time. And tomorrow it appears that it will be as hot if not hotter.

I wish I could give you guys in Europe some heat right now, let's say, 10°C or so.
JayMark said:
The temperature in Southern Québec got pretty high today. Somewhere around 30°C and very humid so it felt like around 40°C. Still very hot at 4:23PM local time. And tomorrow it appears that it will be as hot if not hotter.

I wish I could give you guys in Europe some heat right now, let's say, 10°C or so.

Rain, rain and more rain here in Switzerland...I wish I were back in Montreal right now... :(
Here in Croatia it has been raining like crazy for the past couple of days! Sheets of rain indeed!

And it is kind of unusual. It falls sort of periodically, first heavy rain falling, then it decreases, then 30 or so min. pause then again heavy rain.

Here in the country side when I go out with my dog for a walk in the field as you walk you can hear the ground, soil absorbing the water. It sort of has these points in the ground where you hear that sucking in, that shsshshs sound (like the sound in the sink when water is pouring in the pipes). And you can here it all around yourself in the ground, it kind of sound as if the ground is trying to devour you.

It's kinda scary.

And also, bearing in mind the comments made about the interaction of approaching alien bodies and climate, it is interesting to note the close passage of this asteroid.

1st of June well within the Cantabrian mountains of Spain: 10 degrees under the "sun" and a chilling wind which brings it down to 8 or so. Temperatures will drop further as the sun sets in.

For a couple of evenings, I could have sworn hearing a "hammer" in the horizon when I stepped outside to see the rain and have a smoke. But since there are several industrial parks throughout the area, I am really not sure what it was.
"Sheets of rain" indeed.

Not that far west of us in Arkansas on Thurs night, the cattlemen that raised and delivered out Red Devons had a horrible downpour. Here is the account:

"When we went to bed on Thursday night, we were forecasted to get about 1.3 inches out of the weather system moving thru. We had received about .25” before going to bed at about 11pm, and when I checked our Devon cattle shortly before dark, they were all on higher ground (except for one cow that had just calved while I was checking them.) We had our commercial cattle (about 150 head) in the bottoms across the river, but they also had access to higher ground. Our cows have always moved to higher ground if the rain starts to accumulate, but this time was different.

Apparently, the weather system intensified at around midnight, and dumped 8-9” of rain (within about 2.5-3 hours) west of us about 20 miles at the headwaters of the Fourche. We had an estimated 7-8” within about 3 hours, but it didn’t wake me until 1:40am and I noticed that the river was already out into our lower fields. At that point, I was lamenting the possible loss of the nice cow/calf (it was a heifer) pair that I had left down there, with no idea that most of our other Devon cows (total of about 140 cows) had sought shelter from the lightening along a treeline by Kelly Creek, close to the river.

Apparently, the water accumulated so quickly that they were quickly trapped, and we had no knowledge of the disaster until daylight came around and we realized that there were only about 4 cows left in our pasture. To give you an idea of the amount of water running thru the valley yesterday morning…our river basin is normally about 150’ wide and about 15’ deep…yesterday the river basin itself was probably around 35’ deep with the river expanding to about ¾ mile wide.

The excruciating part of our dilemma is that we could hear many of the cows bawling a far distance off, but couldn’t get anywhere near them due to the depth and swiftness of the swollen river. We attempted walking in from the sides in three different places, and then borrowed a motorboat with a 30hp engine and ended up cancelling our search after realizing that we couldn’t control the boat due to the strength of the rapids even 1/4mile away from the river. In fact, when we baled out of our boat trip and headed back, the 30hp engine was barely strong enough to move us upstream. We then waited as the river crested around 11:30am and started to recede.

At about 12:30pm, we gathered six capable folks together and waded thru the woods to the cattle, which was a distance of about .6 mile. While the water was receding rapidly, it was still waist to chest-deep even 1/2mile from the river basin. When we arrived at the location of the cows, we found them about 1/8 mile west of our east fence-line, in a high spot in a thicket. There appeared to be about 30 cows and a few calves. We realized at that time that it was still far too deep to move them upstream to safety, so I set a mark on a tree and decided to wait until the water receded another 2’. After the water receded about 1.25’, the cows started moving back on their own, so I got ahead of them and called while the others pushed them in back. We made it about 2/3 of the way back and hit a 30’ slough that I had to swim, and the cows refused to follow, balled up and turned and got in a bad current headed back in the direction we came from. We drifted with the herd back to the original location, freeing cows and calves from brush as they were getting caught up. We ended up back in the same location, and waited until 7:30pm to try again, as they were forecasting another 3-4 inches of rain last night and they were already worn out…we felt that we had to get them out at that point.

On our second attempt, they balked a couple of times at the deep spots, but our capable help was able to force them forward until we finally cut a neighbors fence and moved them onto higher ground a little over .5 mile from where we started. Along the way, we collected several more groups that had found refuge in high spots. We herded them back to our place and penned them as night fell, having collected about 90-100 of the estimated 140.

At this point, there is no way to get across the river to the other side, but it appears that about half of our cows are gone there. We’ve heard that some of them may have ended up on a farm about 1 mile downstream, but probably won’t be able to get across until tomorrow. After today’s storm passes, we intend to scrub this side of the river for any remaining survivors. We are hopeful that we are as blessed with the end result across the river as we were on this side.

For those that haven’t heard, a good friend of ours that is a Wildlife Officer (XXXXX) was called out to a swift-water rescue at 1:30 am early yesterday morning with our county Sheriff (XXXXXX). They were attempting to rescue 2 women whose house was flooding, and when they arrived (on a boat) and entered the home to evacuate them, the house collapsed. They found Cody’s body about 1 mile downstream yesterday afternoon, and have yet to find Joel or the other two women. PLEASE PRAY FERVENTLY FOR A MIRACLE for Joel and these 2 women."

I’ll update more later, and appreciate your continued prayers.
I live in the Houston, Texas sorrounding areas. Summer just started for us maybe like a week or 2 ago, which is not typical from my experience. We had cool spring weather all the way through mid-may. It's always getting pretty hot by mid April, with the occasional cold front, but not like the steady stream of cold weather we had the past couple of months. I thought it was rather odd, but I figured it was due to the current and future cosmic changes in our neighborhood. I'm keeping my eyes open, as I expect many more strange weather and geological activity to occur, not to mention astronomical. And my God, how about these ridiculous tornados in Oklahoma??? Another mile wide struck just last night! I'm sorry for the residents of Oklahoma.
Hummm, seems like a storm is about to unleash it's fury over Montréal. It's slowly but surely coming from north-west. There's already some lightning and thunder and it's building up. And it's really hot and humid.

Let's see what happens! :cool2:

EDIT: Yep, an alert was announced by Environment Canada about 10-15 minutes ago. And as I'm writing these lines, it's getting closer and closer. I feel that it's going to be pretty crazy. I just hope the power won't go off.

EDIT 2: And as I hit the "save" button, there we go!!! Lightning, rain, wind and thunder! It's starting!
It's been exceptionally warm weather in Lapland, Finland. Few days ago for the first time of the recording history the temperature has gone over 30 degrees.
Alright. Aftermath.

It started off by an intense "sheet of rain" (couldn't see the parking lot from my window) and gusts of wind which lasted for a few minutes and then heavy rain (with less wind) for 20-30 minutes or so.

What struck me was the incredible light show that we've had though. Mostly inter-cloud lightning as far as I've seen (and not much thunder overall). It produced intense white/blue/purple colors in the sky and it was really beautiful.

But still, looks like we've been hit as well because minutes after the storm began, I could hear firetrucks and police cars going wild all around my area (maybe some flooding as well) and it lasted for an hour or two. The other side of the street where I live got out of power as well. Not me though, we have underground power lines and the transformer is at ground level, although, lights in my building have been "flickering" for a while still.
In parts of Germany especially the east and south is also "sheets of rain" literally happening. Some towns/cities have already disaster alert after days of rain and the German armed forces are prepared. It is suspected that the river Danube gets more water than in 2002 (the once-in-a-hundred-years flood), which may be over 11m of water (2002: 10.81m).
Gawan said:
In parts of Germany especially the east and south is also "sheets of rain" literally happening. Some towns/cities have already disaster alert after days of rain and the German armed forces are prepared. It is suspected that the river Danube gets more water than in 2002 (the once-in-a-hundred-years flood), which may be over 11m of water (2002: 10.81m).

Pashalis said:
Here in southwest germany we have now temperatures of 6°C - 8°C during daytime!! and that for several days even weeks now...

We soon reach June and the temeratures now normally should be arround 20 °C during the day...

It feels like something really odd is going on, to say the least. Are we soon seriously entering the next Ice Age?

The ice saints (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_Saints) (Eisheiligen) are supposed to end on the 15.May (The period from May 12 to May 15 was noted to bring a brief spell of colder weather in many years, including the last nightly frosts of the spring) and this almost always seems to be true in our area. My grandmother told me a few days ago that they said on the radio that the ice saints are delayed this year.

But I can't remember that there were even such low temperatures on the normal time were the ice saints are supposed to be during the day.

Also again I notice that the rain seems to have changed:

Pashalis said:
[...] also there is another thing, when I look at the rain it seems like the consistence of it has changed. I don't know if it actually the case or just my imagination because I pay more attention then before ?

it seems like the drops are denser/heavier a bit like sleet. maybe it is becouse the upper layers of the athmosphere are cooling and/or there is more material (dust?) in the air that causes the drops to become more densier/heavier in appearance?

Edit: more specific

Exactly like here in "Mid-West"-Germany. Incredibly cold for the season, weird cloud formations, sheets of rain the last days - except yesterday and today where there was at least some sun.

Interesting also that in the eastern Bavarian city Passau, they expect the highest flood since 1501! (_http://www.sueddeutsche.de/panorama/hochwasser-in-deutschland-passau-erwartet-hoechsten-pegelstand-seit-1.1686750)

What is also frightening is the fact that the German army (Bundeswehr) now will be deployed to help with the catastrophe (this had been done before), which is of course against the constitution - because of history, the army has no business within the country, there is a strict separation between police and army! But I guess we are made to get used to that...
BBC news pictures of flooding in Central Europe:


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