What's the weather where you are?

It started raining yesterday, and looks to continue for the next 3 days or so. Temperature is sitting at about 20*Celsius, down from the high 27-30*C we've had so far. And this is the first solid downpour in about 6 months. We've had an extremely dry & hot spring/summer with minimal rain (it's the first time in a decade that we've had water restrictions).
Pashalis said:
The winter here in southwest germany started pretty early, with rather cold temperatures of slightly minus degrees Celsius and then flipped to, to high temperatures until now. Up to now, we had almost zero snow and it is becoming rather evident, that the temperatures here are really not what they are supposed to be, in this time of the year.

During the day it almost feels like spring, both temperature wise, as well as nature wise. Last week I noticed that it was so warm during the day, that flesh flies were already flying around! :shock: An that in early February! Today I saw them flying around again.

In short, weather is just out of order and rather strange here...

So February is almost gone now and it can be said that we had no real winter here at all...
And the trend of a much to early spring continues as well...
Here in the "Inland Empire", the dry 2/3s of Washington State USA, we finally have winter. We have had very cold weather since November, with warm spells. Started getting heavy snows (finally) in mid february. But yesterday we saw huge flocks of ducks (two months early) and a red wing blackbird was singing in our cherry tree yesterday, again about two months early...
Here in central Alberta it was around -40 degrees celcius last night with the windchill. With 70% humidity which is virtually unheard of here.

It has been up to -60 degrees in Saskatchewan, and Manitoba with the wind chill.
We are getting quite warm here in Mexico City, reaching 75°-80° F (24°-27°C), cold temperatures did not last much. Although, there is still little crazy March.
Down to about 1C this morning, frost on the ground, but sunshine now. Supposed to start raining again this afternoon/evening.
In Maryland, USA, we are preparing for another major winter storm with ice and 6-12 inches of snow, temps in the teens F., and high wind.
So, needless to say I will preparing for a power outage, filling containers with water, bringing in the firewood, and IN general "battening down of the hatches."
It will remain 20-30 degrees F. colder than normal after the storm for several days, just as it has SINCE SEPTEMBER during this most unusual WINTER FROM HELL!
So if I am not around on the forum for a few (or longer) days, I will be huddled next to fireplace, reading by candlelight, and dreaming of moving south like the rest of the
Northern half of the US.
(Thanks for listening :lol:)
davey72 said:
Here in central Alberta it was around -40 degrees celcius last night with the windchill. With 70% humidity which is virtually unheard of here.

It has been up to -60 degrees in Saskatchewan, and Manitoba with the wind chill.

Close davey.
-60 in Northern Saskatchewan, around -50-55Celsius in Southern Sask, where I live.
Supposed to reach -8 this Tuesday and progressively warmer, up to +2 in the next two weeks.
Here's hoping.
davey72 said:
Here in central Alberta it was around -40 degrees celcius last night with the windchill. With 70% humidity which is virtually unheard of here.

The high humidity in winter is unusual. Last night, here in North East Indiana/South Central Michigan, we were hit with about 3-4 inches of snow, wind and 90% humidity! causing fog (even freezing fog). The weatherman didn't say much about this high humidity other than to point out the poor visibility.

Times are a changin', that's for sure!
Mrs. Tigersoap said:
Winter hasn't really begun here in Belgium. Today was 10 C° with sunshine.

The same here in South-Eastern Germany. It is still about 5 C°. I had to shovel snow only once this "winter" and this was a very wet, heavy snow, which melted away fast. They said this years January was the warmest since beginning of the weather recordings here. Extreme "winter" weather to the other side and with very few snow. It was more like fall slowly going into spring. The early spring flowers are already blooming one month earlier than last year - winter aconites, snowdrops, crocuses and primulas.

Those of you with deep frost, drought and the really extreme weather please take care of yourself.
shellycheval said:
In Maryland, USA, we are preparing for another major winter storm with ice and 6-12 inches of snow, temps in the teens F., and high wind.
So, needless to say I will preparing for a power outage, filling containers with water, bringing in the firewood, and IN general "battening down of the hatches."
It will remain 20-30 degrees F. colder than normal after the storm for several days, just as it has SINCE SEPTEMBER during this most unusual WINTER FROM HELL!
So if I am not around on the forum for a few (or longer) days, I will be huddled next to fireplace, reading by candlelight, and dreaming of moving south like the rest of the
Northern half of the US.
(Thanks for listening :lol:)

Also in Maryland and the last couple of months has been freezing and/or snow pretty much continuously expect for one warm weekend. Just hope we actually have spring and/or summer.
I don't remember my dreams very often--just a snippet here or there, but the other morning I woke up with a clear vision of trees with buds on them getting ready to bloom/
Talk about "wishful thinking!!!".
shellycheval said:
I don't remember my dreams very often--just a snippet here or there, but the other morning I woke up with a clear vision of trees with buds on them getting ready to bloom/
Talk about "wishful thinking!!!".

I prefer to think that was a premonition, Shelly! :P I have been telling people "the ice age cometh" for a couple of years. Now, they are finally starting to believe me!!
It has indeed been a cold winter in Maryland and it continues to break records:


Coldest March temperature on record in Baltimore

"*This is the COLDEST temperature EVER in Baltimore for the Month of March!"
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