What's the weather where you are?

Province of Quebec, Canada (Pictures from Montréal)
Early snow Storm: 15-20 cm of wet heavy snow
From 3 December pm to 4 December am
Many broken branches and trees everywhere

Neige : pannes de courant et sorties de route - MétéoMédia
Publié le 4 décembre 2023 à 6h30

La situation s'est compliquée sur les routes du Québec lundi matin. De nombreuses écoles ont décidé de fermer en raison des conditions météorologiques. Depuis 4 h du matin, de nombreuses sorties de route ont également été à déplorer sur le réseau routier, notamment dans la région métropolitaine. Vers 11 h, on déplorait plus de 100 000 pannes de courant, un chiffre qui a baissé progressivement par la suite.

The situation became complicated on the roads of Quebec Monday morning. Many schools have decided to close due to weather conditions. Since 4 a.m., numerous road trips have also been reported on the road network, particularly in the metropolitan region. Around 11 a.m., there were more than 100,000 power outages, a figure which gradually decreased thereafter.

Des pannes à déplorer​

Lundi matin, plus de 100 000 clients ont été privés d'électricité en raison de la tempête. La neige lourde et collante, gorgée d'humidité, met de la pression sur les branches qui tombent sur les fils électriques par endroits. Des fils eux-mêmes ont cédé. En fin de matinée, ce chiffre diminuait progressivement.
Breakdowns to deplore
As of Monday morning, more than 100,000 customers were without power due to the storm. The heavy, sticky snow, full of moisture, puts pressure on the branches which fall on the electrical wires in places. Even the threads gave way. At the end of the morning, this figure gradually decreased.


Écoles fermées​

Même si la grève des écoles affiliées à la FAE donne déjà congé à de nombreux élèves dans la province, quelques écoles affiliées à d'autres syndicats ont choisi de fermer pour la journée en raison des conditions routières ou des pannes de courant. C'est le cas du Centre de services scolaires des Samares et des établissements du Centre de services scolaires Eastern Townships et de trois établissements du Centre de services scolaires Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier. En tout, 82 écoles dans Lanaudière ont aussi choisi de fermer. Dans la province, c'est près de 200 écoles qui sont fermées.
Schools closed
Although the FAE-affiliated school strike is already giving many students a day off in the province, some schools affiliated with other unions have chosen to close for the day due to road conditions or power outages. This is the case of the Samares School Service Center and the establishments of the Eastern Townships School Service Center and three establishments of the Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier School Service Center. In total, 82 schools in Lanaudière also chose to close. In the province, nearly 200 schools are closed.

Conditions routières dangereuses​

Accrochages, pertes de maîtrise, sorties de route et accidents : la chaussée enneigée et la visibilité réduite surprennent les automobilistes en ce lundi matin. Le système en place ayant amené de fortes accumulations de neige, les routes se sont avérées dangereuses rapidement depuis dimanche après-midi. Avant 6 h lundi, des dizaines d'incidents étaient déjà rapportés par le ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ), tous situés dans la grande région de Montréal. Les chaussées vont rester enneigées en après midi même si l'intensité de de la neige va rester faible. Avec un peu de vent dans la capitale nationale, la visibilité sera réduite par endroits.
Le MTQ rapporte également sur sa carte interactive une majorité de routes ayant une chaussée complètement enneigée dans la province.
Dangerous road conditions
Collisions, loss of control, road trips and accidents: the snow-covered road and reduced visibility surprised motorists this Monday morning. The system in place having brought heavy accumulations of snow, the roads have quickly become dangerous since Sunday afternoon. Before 6 a.m. Monday, dozens of incidents had already been reported by the Quebec Ministry of Transport (MTQ), all located in the greater Montreal region. The roads will remain snow-covered in the afternoon even if the snow intensity will remain low. With some wind in the national capital, visibility will be reduced in places.

The MTQ also reports on its interactive map a majority of roads having completely snow-covered roads in the province.


Update on this event :
Province of Quebec, Canada (Pictures from Montréal)
Early snow Storm: 15-20 cm of wet heavy snow
From 3 December pm to 4 December am

Bordée majeure la plus hâtive en 50 ans à Montréal / Earliest major snowstorm in 50 years in Montreal
Un événement historique / A historic event
Bordée majeure la plus hâtive en 50 ans à Montréal - MétéoMédia

L'hiver a débuté en lion à Montréal avec une bordée majeure de dimanche à lundi. On a mesuré 33 cm pour la métropole. Les tempêtes de neige ne sont pas rares dans le sud du Québec en hiver, mais celle-ci a frappé relativement tôt en saison. Certains secteurs ont même reçu près de 40 cm en terrains montagneux. La bordée désigne des chutes de neige de 15 cm durant un seul événement tandis que la bordée majeure fait référence à 30 cm ou plus.

Winter started off fiercely in Montreal with a major snowstorm from Sunday to Monday. We measured 33 cm for the metropolis. Snowstorms are not uncommon in southern Quebec in winter, but this one hit relatively early in the season. Some sectors even received nearly 40 cm in mountainous terrain. The broadside refers to snowfall of 15 cm during a single event while the major broadside refers to 30 cm or more.

Événement historique​

Cette bordée est survenue une vingtaine de jours à l'avance pour Montréal, alors qu'en moyenne, la première chute de neige de 15 cm ou plus tombe le 23 décembre. Toutefois, comme il s'agit bien d'une bordée majeure de 30 cm ou plus, l'événement passe à l'histoire. En effet, parmi les plus hâtifs depuis 50 ans, celui-ci se retrouve à égalité en première position avec le 3 décembre 2007 où Montréal avait reçu 35 cm.

Historical Event
This snowstorm occurred about twenty days earlier than usual for Montreal, as on average, the first snowfall of 15 cm or more usually happens on December 23rd. However, since this is indeed a major snowstorm of 30 cm or more, the event goes down in history. In fact, among the earliest in the last 50 years, it shares the top position with December 3, 2007, when Montreal received 35 cm.

Rare en décembre​

À Montréal, une bordée majeure ne survient pas tous les ans. Depuis 1942, année qui marque le début des données météorologiques, un tel événement a moins d'une chance sur deux de se produire chaque année. L'on dénombre seulement 34 bordées majeures en 82 ans. C'est surtout durant la période que l'on définit comme le cœur de l'hiver qu'elles surviennent

Rare in December
In Montreal, a major snowstorm does not occur every year. Since 1942, the year that marks the beginning of meteorological data, such an event has less than a fifty-fifty chance of happening each year. There have been only 34 major snowstorms in 82 years. It is especially during the period defined as the heart of winter that they occur.


Bottom line: it's not common, but it's not unusual either. This channel always likes a bit of sensationalism 😜
A blend of low and mildly high temperatures with clear skies and freezing temps in the mornings.
The current snow levels along the Pyrenees Mountain Range also continue growing steadily.

Saturday, December 16, evening Remaining contrasted
The sky remains starry from the Dordogne to the Mediterranean and the Alps, with strong winds in Corsica. Beautiful clearings also concern Brittany and Normandy. Elsewhere, low clouds are numerous and can reduce visibilities, particularly from central regions to the northern borders.
The Netherlands experienced a double record this year: 2023 was both the warmest and the wettest year on record.

2023 likely tied for warmest year on record in The Netherlands

2023 is wettest year ever measured in the Netherlands
Article from ANP - 9am

HOUTEN (ANP) - With just over a week to go, the year 2023 will go down in the books as the wettest year ever measured in the Netherlands. An average of 1110 millimeters of rain has already fallen so far, 1 millimeter more than the previous record year 1998 averaged over the entire year. The annual total is expected to be around 1150 millimeters this year, according to weather bureau Weeronline.

Since measurements began in 1906, this is only the fourth time that the 1,000 millimeters of precipitation has been passed. Earlier this century this was also the case in 2001 with 1002 millimeters. The year 1966 completes the list with a total precipitation of 1005 millimeters. The average rainfall over an entire year is 853 millimeters.

The past year had eight wet months and four relatively dry months, reports Weeronline. Only February, May, June and September had less precipitation on average than normal. In De Bilt, a record long series of 39 days without rain was even recorded. There was also a significant precipitation shortfall that only stabilized at the end of June and declined later in the summer.

Winter precipitation was recorded mainly in January and March, with some (wet) snow later in the year in November and December. The most snow fell on January 20 in the Limburg hills, where 14 centimeters of snow fell from the sky. Code orange was in effect there that day, also in the provinces of Utrecht, Gelderland and Noord-Brabant.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
The current warming and cooling cycles may allow for some minor cement work this day. La vie est bonne, la vie est Dieu!

No miracle for weather enthusiasts, the more disrupted sequence at the very end of the year should only remain an interlude between two anticyclonic sequences.Z500 IFS anomaly animation and a #JoyeuxNoël 1/8
It's a very stormy, windy week in Wales, and we've had 3 power cuts in 4 days so far. Our neighbour's fencing around her house is completely wrecked but ours is intact thus far. Looks like I'll be in hibernation mode for the next few days, thankfully I've got nowhere to go until after the turn of the year. Honestly I've never known a winter like this one, high winds and storms have become the norm, rather than the exception. Turbulent times in more ways than one.
In SC Alaska, it is the coldest day in our area for the year so far, at 0°F.
Today, it was sunny with ice fog over the inlet. The fog was dense enough to look at the sun and see it clearly with the fog filtering the brightness. Looking down on the fog from Eagle River, it looked dark on a otherwise bright, sunny day.
Adding to the beauty were the trees covered in frost. So, it was a real nice, real cold day.

Saw a bald eagle too, which isn't too rare, but they are often sighted in cold weather.

The disturbance linked to #tempête #Géraldine, which arrived yesterday evening via Brittany, is sweeping the whole of France this Sunday, from west to east. It causes heavy #pluies followed by showers accompanied by #puissantes gusts and #neige in the mountains.

Exactly 45 years ago (December 31, 1978), the northern half of France experienced one of the most brutal drops in temperature since the existence of weather stations. In Paris, we go from +10 to -10°C in a few hours! Our article of the day >>> https://urlr.me/9mXr1
Yesterday, including last night, it was +3 in Moscow and it was raining, now we have an hour and a half left before the new year and the temperature is -10. Not to say that this is something unprecedented, but still the difference in a day is not small.

Вчера, в том числе и прошлой ночью в Москве было +3 и шел дождь, сейчас у нас осталось полтора часа до нового года и температура -10. Не сказать, что это что то невиданное, но все же перепад за сутки не маленький.
There has been a lot of rain in Brisbane, Australia for a few weeks now. For the days that it was not raining, the weather is very humid and uncomfortable. It is quite unusual weather even for the summer here. It makes me think of the idea from the C's that the start of the new ice age is preceded by intense rainfall caused by increased water vapour and lower temperature in the atmosphere.
3 Jan 2024

The temperatures in the north have plunged considerably, in which the Laponian station Kvikkjokk measured -43.6°C [-46.48°F], this morning, which is the lowest temperature measured in Sweden since 1999. Almost all parts of Finland are ice cold, below -30°C. / -22°C.

Since 1-2 days, the weather here in Stockholm is very windy, with fierce gusts coming from the east, (hurricane force winds at the coasts, especially in Southern Sweden) - albeit Poland and Berlin reporting +10°C at the same time. In Stockholm, the temperatures hover around -7°C. Not so much extra snow added, though - but the winds surely make the weather feel rugged.

Sunshine hours 🌧️
up here... well gosh... This story is getting long in the tooth.... When has the sun shown itself here ?! Since the third week in October 2023, the clouds have dominated ever since, regardless cold or mild periods. Sure, a few days here and there were sunny... but overall - you just see clouds all the time. (which also meant no northern lights or stars *duh*)

You can clearly spot the sunshine character change in October...


However, for the whole of year 2023, we reached 2021 hours in total, ending up as the 8th most sunny year.

Stockholm, Sweden
7 Jan 2024

It surely is cold up here ! Once you get far outside of the city, in places like Uppsala airfield - the temperature went down at the most to -26.2°C (-14.8°F) yesterday morning. The snow depths are vast with 50 cm in Uppsala, 60 cm in Gävle, Kungsberget 69 cm. Stockholm Arlanda Airport got 26 cm, City 10 cm, and Södertälje in the SW, outside of Stockholm, 26 cm.

In the city of Stockholm it isn't as cold with "just" -11°C (12.2°F) right now, and a bit colder here were I live in the southern suburbs, while we got -17°C (1.4°F in Tullinge) which lies further outside from our suburbs (7 km from my place)

Atlantic mild air is about to swoop in over the Norwegian Mountains, penetrating the north of Sweden where the temperatures have been as low as -44°C** recently, but as of writing have risen to -5°C to +0°C. They are expected to go up further as much as +5°C in several places over North Sweden / Laponia.


**) The station Kvikkjokk-Årrenjarka in the north, got an all time low temperature record with -43.6°C in the morning of 4 Jan 2023, which surpassed its old record from 9 Jan 1918 which was -43.0°C.

This is a very old station, erected in 1887.

Where I live in the Okanagan Valley in Southwestern Canada, we haven't really had a winter. Usually it gets down to about -5C or so during the day, but it's been consistently warmer than that, some days even as much as +8C. A friend of mine has flower bulbs coming up, whereas last year that happened in late March. Very little moisture and very little snow, so we may be looking at a dry spring, drought conditions and fire hazard. I asked a man who has lived here for all 70 years of his life and he said the only other winter like this he could remember was back in '69.

Thursday is looking like the arctic blast will hit tho... -21C!
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