WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram are down

Just to note that the Tweet from 'Blomberg' above is a parody account, the Tweet is a joke, and the name of the 'Chinese hacker group' is an attempt at a joke name that's really profanity. See the reply from the same account (which i won't post what with the swearing and all).
Ooops, did not check that part, thanks!

Telegram, TikTok, Twitter also are having issues

Hm, I have issues with my internet connection since Saturday; I have cable internet with 250 Mbit/s and usually it goes smoothly.
But in last days connection brakes, video calls brake, etc…

Today, actually this evening, also news reported major problems with many different operators here in Germany: Vodafone, Telekom, O2 and 1&1

Connected? Probably…
What's interesting is that now they're reporting that Facebook data is on sale for hackers and that facebook.com domain was announced as if it was for sale.

Here's just a couple of reports I've found on Twitter:
Sputnik says the same:

Data of Over 1.5 Billion Facebook Users Reportedly Being Sold on Hacker Forum Amid Worldwide Outage​

Today, actually this evening, also news reported major problems with many different operators here in Germany: Vodafone, Telekom, O2 and 1&1
The internet still works excellent in my corner in Germany (I have Vodafone). Also, no issues with Telegram (yet).

Some other telecommunication services in the US seem to be down:

Verizon, T-Mobile and AT&T outage: Cellular service down​

After Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram now Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T cellular services are down, stranding tens of thousands of users worldwide.

Users in New York City, Los Angeles and Dallas reports problem with the service.

The trio’s outages began around 11:30 a.m. ET, with most customers reporting problems with mobile internet.

Users report that their smartphone connects to the internet via WiFi but not via cellular data.

Down Detector shows problem with Verizon, T-Mobile and AT&T networks. [...]
I don't know if it's true (even if it's noted from NY Times), but it's fun, here what I just read on telegram :
Facebook employees cannot enter the buildings to assess the outage because their access badges no longer work! So this appears to be a targeted attack! (Source New York Times)

My telegram is running, but media (pics or video) are not loading, whether they are attacked, or simply because FB & co are down many go on Telegram and other alternatives, or maybe it's something else. I would say that it's because many are going on Telegram & co that they are slow at this moment, they are used to raise the computer power at the same rate than the number of people joining, but I would assume that they are not ready for a surge in newcomers. Dunno ... the most important question at this moment is : do it take the popcorns out ?
The internet still works excellent in my corner in Germany (I have Vodafone).
I also have Vodafone cable on 250 Mbit/s and I could barely follow reading workshop on Saturday evening. I turned my camera off and on trying to free the bandwidth. I’m in NRW.
Today as well slow and braking occasionally.

I‘m on my mobile line now (Vodafone as well) and that works fine.
While checking the latest threads here I noticed this one, so much fun for the big guys at least here in the USA! As mentioned earlier in this thread, seems to be a BGP routing issue, Cisco will be busy for a while helping the affected services and routers. Not a small issue, if someone targeted these platforms it could take many hours if not days to get to the bottom of these outages! BGP issues will affect their core routers, where they connect to the vast internet and talk within their own network. Oh fun, couldn’t have happened to a nicer group of schmucks! Scramble on boys!
Here's a plausible reason : due to the hacking of many accounts, they stopped the services the time to repair the security breach and, logically, protect the (hacked) accounts involved. If it's that, then FB will not be online soon, or, a temporary solution could be implemented which would be to lock the 1,5 billions accounts the time they secure them.
This look from more to more as a major event, at least, a major one for the ones living in the matrix
As others do, I too wonder if they'll spin this as the beginning of the 'cyber-pandemic' they've been warning about - and if Mr Schwab is sitting on a leather chair in his command center rubbing his hands, thinking 'zey vill newer zuzpect uz!'.

What still doesn't make much sense to me is this: If the plan is to make a cyber-9/11 in order to restrict the internet as well as access to communication and tech, shouldn't the natural response of the people be to step *away* from such technologies, instead of becoming even more dependent on them, which is what they want? I mean, after such hack-attacks, would you trust all your money and information on the digital world only? Get it all in a microchip connected to 'The Cloud'? Maybe they are calculating that the masses are that stupid. Or maybe Mr Schwab and company are suffering from a serious case of wishful thinking.
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