When the "God" was a "woman"

Rose Miller

The Force is Strong With This One
I don't know if what I'm about to ask makes sense to anyone else or if it makes sense at all!
My question is: what is the relationship between Mother Nature and seventh density?
Do they coincide one with the other or is Mother Nature just a part of it,half of it,maybe?
And,in that case,what does the male counterpart represent?

I have always been struck by those female representations of the Paleolithic period that suggest that there was a time when divinity was feminine.
Then that changed and nowadays all religious leaders are male,as well as the concept of divinity itself.

I would like to know your opinions,hipotheses or suppositions.
Thanks in advance


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Cuando "Dios" era "mujer"
No sé si lo que voy a preguntar tiene sentido para alguien más o si tiene sentido en absoluto!
Mi pregunta es: ¿cual es la relación entre la Madre Naturaleza y la séptima densidad?
Coincide una cosa con la otra o la Madre Naturaleza solo es una parte, la mitad, quizás?
Y, en ese caso, qué representa la contraparte masculina?

Siempre me han llamado la atención esas representaciones femeninas del periodo Paleolítico que hacen suponer que hubo un tiempo en que la divinidad era femenina.

Me gustaría conocer vuestras opiniones, hipótesis o suposiciones.
Gracias por adelantado
Quando "Dio" era "donna"
Non so se cio che sto per chiedere avra senso per qualcunaltro o se avra senso in assoluto!
La mia domanda e: qual'e la relazione tra la Natura e la settima densita?
Coincidono l'una con l'altra o la Natura e solo una parte, la meta, forse?
E, in quel caso, qual'e il corrispondente mascolino?

Mi hanno sempre incuriosito quelle rappresentazioni femminili del periodo Paleolítico che suggeriscono che ci fu un tempo in cui la divinita era femminile.

Mi piacerebbe conoscere le vostre opinioni, ipotesi o supposizioni.
Grazie per anticipato e scusate se mancano gli accenti (non so come metterli dalla tablet... )
Hi Rose,

I cannot answer your question in detail, and I only remember that Laura wrote a lot about in the first volume of the secret history of the world.

Here is an overview from the Casswiki:


Archeology and mythology suggest that a masculine, often war-like and vindictive dominator god supplanted a feminine, co-operation oriented goddess at some point in prehistory. This was a global development, although its timing varies and there is evidence of the co-existence of both forms of worship for a time.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk discusses this subject, and how the notion of gender ties in with the divine in her article series, ”The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man”, as well as in her book The Secret History of the World. We will use this as our starting point and frame of reference in the below.

The goddess worship may be tied to the more northern latitudes and to archaic shamanism which partially remains in native traditions worldwide, as in Siberia and Mongolia. The bloodthirsty dominator god was a more southern phenomenon, as seen with Baal and Yahweh in North Africa, the gods of the Indus civilization and the feathered serpents of meso-American ancient civilizations. But this is not completely clear-cut, since there is also evidence of bloody conquest by northern peoples. (For more on the north-south divide in the nature of ancient historical and prehistorical civilizations, see circle people vs. pyramid people.)

The shift from a goddess deity to monotheistic worship of a male dominator god appears to indicate a funda- mental change of cultural values and social organization. We can summarize it as follows:

  • Abundance vs. exclusivity. Nature is no longer seen as providing; it must be made to yield.

  • Cyclic time vs. linear time. Formerly, in cyclical time, all things recur and every end is followed by a new

    beginning. With the linear time model, there is an end once and for all and only the ’chosen’ survive.

  • Place of women in society. It seems the social status of women took a decisive fall with the establishment

    of agricultural settlements and monotheism.

  • Polytheism vs. monotheism. The monotheistic dominator god requires exclusive worship and makes threats to enforce this.

  • Hunter-gatherer and herding vs. land ownership and large scale agriculture and cities. There is generally little written record of goddess worship. Records seem to begin with commerce and centralized rule associated with large scale agriculture and cities.
  • Establishment of a professional and exclusive priestly establishment. Shamanism also had its tradition and forms, but the establishment of a priestly cast as the exclusive mediators between the people and the divine seems to coincide with the decline of the prehistoric goddess. Leviticus gives the general idea of a legalistic and formalized religion with a priestly cast in power. The divine becomes an instrument of institutionalized power instead of being a part of life.
    The decline of the goddess seems to coincide with a general vilification of women, as in the Old Testament story of Genesis or the myth of Helen of Troy being at the source of the calamity of the Trojan war.
    All these developments range over an extremely broad range of geography and time and we can hardly speak of any single event or consistent timeline.
The transitions discussed above took place in pre-historic times and the evidence for them is archeological and sometimes carried over in myth which was said to have already been ancient when first recorded. The megalithic cultures of Europe may have been a more recent part of the ancient goddess worship, extending near historical times.

We will next look at manifestations of the feminine in the divine over historical times.

The ascent into power of the single monotheistic male deity was very slow. It took millennia for the goddess to be completely eclipsed, this eclipse reaching its peak probably in the Middle Ages, through both the Catholics of the West and the Islamic expansion from the Middle East. The crusades, witch hunts, and the extermination of the Cathars correspond to the low point of the goddess.

It seems that the dominator god started as a consort or defender of the goddess, progressively eclipsing the latter. Even in the Old Testament, the main manifesto of the male dominator, God is variously referred to by names of masculine and feminine gender. A once and for all substitution was not possible, hence tradition had to be morphed slowly.

In ancient Egypt the worship of Isis was eclipsed by the solar deity Ra. The union of Isis and Osiris may well represent a survival of the pre-historic goddess and the concept of the divine union of male and female and shamanistic ascent to the higher worlds. The worship of the solar deity, the edification of massive temples and centralized theocratic rule however drove these to the side. The Isis mysteries, it seems, survived well past Egyptian times in hermetic form, as suggested by Fulcanelli and others. As always, establishing authenticity is problematic.

By Greek and Roman times, the male head of the Pantheon was already installed but the pantheon was het- erogenous and practices varied widely. Local deities were also frequently absorbed into the pantheon thus we cannot speak of any great monopoly of worship. The mystery schools of antiquity probably contained survivals of the goddess and ancient shamanistic practices.

The takeover of the one dominator took a decisive step when Constantine hijacked primitive Christianity and made it the exclusive state religion. With this he also came to validate the Yahweh of the Old Testament.

Elements of the divine feminine are also found in the broader Christian tradition. The Sophia of the Gnostics is a sort of errant feminine principle of wisdom which is fallen to Earth. This same Sophia is sometimes seen as a feminine principle of wisdom mediating between the world and the Holy Spirit. Virgin Mary may have received most of the heritage of the goddess within the Christian tradition, now however well absorbed into the patriarchal framework. Myths of Maria Magdalena as the female disciple or sometimes spouse of Christ also form a certain undercurrent in the stream of tradition.

While the goddess is mostly associated with earth, fertility, things which grow, abundance, culture and peace, this is not always so. In the Hellenic pantheon the many goddesses had a definite mean streak, as in scheming, jealousy, aggression and fickleness. The Greek pantheon was, at least on the exterior, remarkably anthropo- morphic, as if being a celestial projection of the human penchant for drama.

Mythology 1065

The best known representation of the dark side of the feminine may be the Hindu Kali.

Further reading

• The Secret History of the World

I hope this helps a bit.
Hello Rose Miller and :welcome: to the forum.

The best place to start your inquiry is in the Casswiki pdf - notably the pages Goddess and Density - and follow all the links that are provided there. Best to bookmark and/or download that Casswiki file for future reference on other subjects. It's quite vast and comprehensive.

An alternative start would be to begin reading the article series by Laura entitled: The grail quest and the destiny of man - which is a link provided by the Goddess page just mentioned.

Happy reading ! :-)

Oops !! Gawan beat me to it... :thup:
Hola rosa

No puedo responder a tu pregunta en detalle, y solo recuerdo que Laura escribió mucho sobre el primer volumen de La historia secreta del mundo .

Aquí hay una descripción general de Casswiki :

Espero que esto ayude un poco.
Thank you
Hi Rose,

I cannot answer your question in detail, and I only remember that Laura wrote a lot about in the first volume of the secret history of the world.

Here is an overview from the Casswiki:

Espero que esto ayude un poco.
Hola rosa

No puedo responder a tu pregunta en detalle, y solo recuerdo que Laura escribió mucho sobre el primer volumen de La historia secreta del mundo .

Aquí hay una descripción general de Casswiki :

Espero que esto ayude un poco.
Thank you,Gawan!
Hola Rose Miller y :welcome: al foro.

The best place to start your inquiry is in the Casswiki pdf - notably the pages Goddess and Density - and follow all the links that are provided there. Best to bookmark and/or download that Casswiki file for future reference on other subjects. It's quite vast and comprehensive.

An alternative start would be to begin reading the article series by Laura entitled: The grail quest and the destiny of man - which is a link provided by the Goddess page just mentioned.

Happy reading ! :-)

Oops !! Gawan beat me to it... :thup:
And thank you,Palinurus!
Generally, being a "god" or "goddess" does not presuppose a "7th density" existence; usually, quite the contrary as it appears that most gods occupy a much lower level, either in the mind of a very 3rd density human, and/or a 4th density existence which makes the pose as a "god" rather fraudulent, though certainly, in relation to 3 D existence, 4 D must seem very much god-like.
Generalmente, ser un "dios" o "diosa" no presupone una existencia de "séptima densidad"; Por lo general, todo lo contrario, ya que parece que la mayoría de los dioses ocupan un nivel mucho más bajo, ya sea en la mente de un humano de la 3ª densidad, y / o una existencia de la 4ª densidad, lo que hace que la pose de "dios" sea bastante fraudulenta, aunque ciertamente, en relación con la existencia 3 D, la 4 D debe parecer muy divina.
Thank you very much,Laura!
Hello Rose

Excerpts from Laura's Quest for the Grail:

"Nevertheless, the emerging "uniformity" of Christianity appealed to Constantine who was looking for the tool to strengthen his own military power.
This was a guy who executed his own son and boiled his wife alive.
Constantine saw Christianity as a way to get rid of dissent.
To make things even more uniform, Constantine presided over the first ecumenical council at Nicaea in 325.
What did the Council of Nicaea do besides establishing serious controls for the control system?
Well, it laid the foundation for the control and subjugation of women.
Nevertheless, this merger seems to have been the plan and the adoption of the Hebrew Bible was a political manoeuvre.
Included in this Bible was the Hebrew creation myth that assumed a posture of contempt for women, and this move was used to lock women into the role of passive and inferior beings.
Even today, Hebrew men are taught to offer the daily prayer:
"Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who did not make me a woman."
All this was to further suppress the ancient pagan religions which were feminine and cyclical, nurturing and cooperative, and which did NOT postulate an end of the world, in which hellfire and damnation were imminent, and for which a "saviour" outside of oneself was needed!

A lot of things to read, which make us grow
Thanks to Laura

Tenderness for all

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
If you haven't come across it before Rose Miller, I found the book below one of the most balanced, thoughtful and insightful explorations of the whole topic you raise.


The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image - by Anne Baring & Jules Cashford

A comprehensive, scholarly accessible study, in which the authors draw upon poetry and mythology, art and literature, archaeology and psychology to show how the myth of the goddess has been lost from our formal Judeo-Christian images of the divine. They explain what happened to the goddess, when, and how she was excluded from western culture, and the implications of this loss.

It's far from perfect and it has some big gaps in its understanding as to the principle reasons behind the shifts over time, most likely as a direct result of multiple catastrophes / comet cycles that in some ways appear to have played a role impacting the environment, consciousness and thus awareness. You can detect these tell-tell dramatic shifts embedded in the landmark art works and stories that seem to capture or narrate very significant changes as they come to the surface post these psyche-shaking outbursts from 'the great mother'.

I think that's one of the most interesting take aways from the whole arch of the story - how what appears to have been once an absolute trust in the 'mothering', nurturing, wholeness of being, became step by step, shattered into conflicting pieces as each trauma occurred - for how could she be our complete and all embracing shelter when she arises like a monster from the deep and with fire and brimstone smashes her children to a pulp!? This tension between being part of a complex whole in which male and female, life and death, seem to have been once holistically held in a singularity of shared 'loving' essence, (with I suspect no perceived boundaries of consciousness and being between female and male identity), began to be strained by experiencing the overwhelming fear and terror of her rampaging 'unkind' form. Slowly over time, through repeating trauma, came the very first stages of dividing things up into distinct parts. For eons they remained within the bounds of the whole but bit by bit the distance between them inched apart... and we all know where that eventually took us.

That's the paradox. That there is actually likely some deep layers of actual traumatizing experience embedded in what is known today as 'misogyny'. That she who is meant to be constant and true and ever loving becomes false, deceitful and monstrous if you turn your back on her for an instant! That she will destroy you if you fall into her lustful trap and trust fully in her!

Anyway, its a fascinating read full of multiple layers of suggestion. I found every chapter a goldmine and beautifully written with no real hint of agenda (though it is clearly heavily influenced by a Jungian view of myth and story... but that's no bad thing compared with other reductive, ideologically driven takes).


I still enjoy thinking of the wonderful image of Zoe and Bios. It dates from the period of splitting (though it was absorbed later by the Greeks as a key sustaining metaphor) and it is I think an attempt to still hold the pieces firmly together. Zoe being the eternal string of life force, of 'information', of perpetual creation represented as an infinite line of connecting beads that flows eternally through time and space, and Bios being the holy child of that process (normally presented as a male Bull) who falls from a single bead into incarnation - thus the body of the eternal goddess becomes flesh, flesh that remains part of her eternal being even though it has but one unique flowering at a time, part of her yet separate, remaining always with her yet bursting forth into its own existence, creating new embodied life through the act of separation (the bull being both her child and her lover). Female / male working together to create all and everything there is. His energy of ferocious will, fire and masculine power being but an aspect of her ever fertile, tenderizing womb - whilst still being uniquely him). Over and out.
Cuando "Dios" era "mujer"
No sé si lo que voy a preguntar tiene sentido para alguien más o si tiene sentido en absoluto!
Mi pregunta es: ¿cual es la relación entre la Madre Naturaleza y la séptima densidad?
Coincide una cosa con la otra o la Madre Naturaleza solo es una parte, la mitad, quizás?
Y, en ese caso, qué representa la contraparte masculina?

Siempre me han llamado la atención esas representaciones femeninas del periodo Paleolítico que hacen suponer que hubo un tiempo en que la divinidad era femenina.

Me gustaría conocer vuestras opiniones, hipótesis o suposiciones.
Gracias por adelantado

Hola Rose, buen dia, algo interesante que encontre en las ultimas sesiones de los C's y que quizas tenga que ver con tu pregunta, fue el hecho de que los C's mencionaran que el primer cristo habia sido mujer, en otras sesiones de los C's tambien se menciona a que en el tiempo de la caida la energia femenina tubo un papel crucial. Por otro lado en algunos libros de Carlos Castañeda el brujo chaman Don Juan Matus hace referencia y menciones de que el 90% del universo es de naturaleza femenina.

Hello Rose, good morning, something interesting that I found in the last sessions of the C's and that perhaps has to do with your question, was the fact that the C's mentioned that the first Christ had been a woman, in other sessions of the C's as well It is mentioned that in the time of the fall the feminine energy played a crucial role. On the other hand, in some books by Carlos Castañeda, the shaman sorcerer Don Juan Matus makes reference and mentions that 90% of the universe is feminine in nature.

Have good day : )
Generally, being a "god" or "goddess" does not presuppose a "7th density" existence; usually, quite the contrary as it appears that most gods occupy a much lower level, either in the mind of a very 3rd density human, and/or a 4th density existence which makes the pose as a "god" rather fraudulent, though certainly, in relation to 3 D existence, 4 D must seem very much god-like.
I have taken some time to meditate on your words,Laura...
Years ago I read Kyle Griffith,"Invisible school. War in heaven" and I understand perfectly what you mean.
But...although it may just be a personal bias of mine, I find it at least complicated to see Mother Nature as those gods that have no capacity to create and limit themselves to manipulate,imitate,drain,parasitize and live off the backs of other beings.
Mother Nature does not ask for or enjoy of kind of worship,not even the most basic respect.
And,in spite of being continuously subjected,violated,exploited by human race and other alien races,she continues to manifest herself with abundance and creativity.
Frankly,I find it very hard to think that it does not go beyond fourth density like that bunch of charlatan gods...
I may be wrong,but that's how I feel about it.
I have taken some time to meditate on your words,Laura...
Years ago I read Kyle Griffith,"Invisible school. War in heaven" and I understand perfectly what you mean.
But...although it may just be a personal bias of mine, I find it at least complicated to see Mother Nature as those gods that have no capacity to create and limit themselves to manipulate,imitate,drain,parasitize and live off the backs of other beings.
Mother Nature does not ask for or enjoy of kind of worship,not even the most basic respect.
And,in spite of being continuously subjected,violated,exploited by human race and other alien races,she continues to manifest herself with abundance and creativity.
Frankly,I find it very hard to think that it does not go beyond fourth density like that bunch of charlatan gods...
I may be wrong,but that's how I feel about it.
I stand corrected: "The invisible college. War in heaven" Kyle Griffith
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