Where do Cassiopaeans say when we get to 7th density the whole Universe starts all over again?

I’m not gonna pretend or kid myself that I don’t like 3D, being in a body, all the sensations. If we’ve done it all before and we are doing it again then it’s because we liked it… in my opinion anyhow

Well, being in union with the one knowledge must be "total", see all the creation from there and still choose physicality in addition to losing memory for said act to fulfill the greater purpose of continuing to contribute to the infinite creative cycle, it must not be by a decision based on a "taste" according to our interpretation because our definition comes from the STS mind, but from the group choice because in the end, we will also get there again to return again, naturally.

A: But this is a recurrent syndrome.

Q: (L) Is it a recurring syndrome only in the human race, or in all of creation?

A: The last thing.

What is the "all" of creation? usually we limit ourselves to thinking that all creation is existence on this blue marble and that on the neighborhood planets and much beyond, everything is empty just because we don't "see signs of life".

Q: (L) I was hoping that, if I were to become a pawn, at least some of the players would be good ones. Is it
is it too much to ask?

A: Yes. The "good guys” don't play chess.

Q: (L) But there have been so many strange events, so many synchronistic events. Are the good guys trying to help me, or are the bad guys trying to lead me astray?

A: Neither of us. Nature just takes its course.

Until recently I thought that I like this world, but I don't like to feed on others the way it is done here, I like many pleasures but I don't like the death in this world, but it's just a thought STS, when that thought is not part of you, everything above that we like will also "disappear" because it is part of a specific frequency and nature.

So if you want to continue experiencing it that's the price to pay, give up free will because the desire, the pleasures, the taste, that leads to possessing is part of the nature STS, you can't live between both frequencies, you can't live being half STS and half STO, and thus find a balance to avoid the "bad" of STS and not leave the "good" of STO. It's like living going to church, beating your chest, asking for forgiveness and going out judging people again giving each part its corresponding energy and already , everything's fine.

Although it has been mentioned that there are those who can live in alternate realities and so on and to my mind only an image jumps as such as a representation of the Merovingian of the matrix that only decides to enjoy in exchange for the responsibility of keeping captive the exiles who endanger the matrix and that to enjoy in his underworld and in a state between the physical and the ethereal or "demigods", he also had to make an agreement with the creator of the matrix, that is, with the STS creators or if I remember correctly, reincarnate from that side. Endless possibilities to choose from, but only two paths.

Q: (L) OK. One of the sensations I have experienced is that of being up to the crown of negative energies and third density experiences, and lately I have been thinking that this feeling of boredom, in the sense of self-mourning, is one of the main engines that drive us to want to find the way out of this trap that has us imprisoned. I want to get out of it. For... is this part of "nature”, as you call it?

A: Yes. When one perceives the futility of the limitations of life in the third density, it means that he is ready to graduate. Look at those who are in it.

This amusement park is huge for enough stimulation if that's what people are looking for, but do you want to live forever in a park like a child wishes? whether we like it or not, we all grow up, it's inevitable. Even staying ignorant is part of growing up (laughs) there is no "way out" of any kind. We can't just lie there holding back the navel of existence.

If you learn to distinguish, you will know what you should know for sure. That we are manipulated does not mean that we do not reach the necessary truth that we should achieve, and then the rest will come when appropriate.
Maybe it leaves open the door for the possibility that, after a certain amount of cycles, the Universe (One) will achieve something different, the 8th density. What do you think?
If that were true, the 8th density would also have to be part of "a certain amount of cycles" and there wouldn't be anything special or different about it. Everything is part of a cycle. The phases all beings have to go through are well defined, because the phases also define the beings.
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Maybe it leaves open the door for the possibility that, after a certain amount of cycles, the Universe (One) will achieve something different, the 8th density. What do you think?

I suggest you work more on your self to understand universe better, because you're it. This endless sequence of numbers 8, 9, 10, 11... have no real meaning. You don't need them. You are the one, the all. If you can't find satisfaction with "one", no other number, however big it is, will really be enough, it's a bottomless pit.

Session 16 July 1994 said:
Q: (L) What is your philosophy?

A: One.
My intention is not to block the discussion of any certain possibility, I just wanted to add what I consider a balancing stance.

Our journey is from duality to nonduality. Although the first "nondual" density is 5D and we are only at 3D (with STS/ego modality), it's interesting that we visit 5D as our home regularly between incarnations and, in fact, a part of us never leaves home even during incarnations. So, even if we are at 3D, the true nondual nature of reality/being is always accessible to us in some way. I believe that this fact is also a vital part of "work on self".
I suggest you work more on your self to understand universe better, because you're it. This endless sequence of numbers 8, 9, 10, 11... have no real meaning. You don't need them. You are the one, the all. If you can't find satisfaction with "one", no other number, however big it is, will really be enough, it's a bottomless pit.
I find it hard to grasp. By being satisfied with just the one, we would be satisfied by doing nothing at all. What does it mean "to be satisfied with one"?
How do parallel realities and universes play into this? In theory, there would be an infinite amount of ways our universe/existence can play out to reunite as one/7th density. Maybe what RA was getting at, is that after the reunion with 7th density, and the cycle begins again, it will play out differently than the one before. The cycle is repeated, and for a lack of a better word, it’s a different octave or frequency from the other one.
I find it hard to grasp. By being satisfied with just the one, we would be satisfied by doing nothing at all. What does it mean "to be satisfied with one"?

What I meant is related to the work on self.

I'll refer to a Sun symbol from a discussion in another thread:


To me, this image is a symbol of entire being/existence. The dot in the center is 7D, the outer circle can represent 1D, or let's say the area from the center dot to the outer circle contains the other 6 densities.

And now I want to support the representation with the following image:


The fixed arm of the compasses is in the middle (7D) and the adjustable arm is in 3D, in our situation. The image above might not represent it ideally but, nonetheless, I felt lucky to find such an image on the web.

I'm not exactly sure if this is an appropriate or accurate way to put it, but I think that our being STS or the fact that we have ego somehow means that we don't have a fixed arm in the center. Or, somehow we suffer a kind of confusion or delusion in this regard; not being consciouslly aware of a centrality of reality. To my current understanding, "the work on self" is about healing this confusion. What I meant by "one" is this centrality or sphericity (and "oneness") of reality, rather than it being like a straight line which never connects back to itself. All is one, here and now, and we are it.

I'll try to elaborate further in connection with the "satisfaction" issue.
How do parallel realities and universes play into this? In theory, there would be an infinite amount of ways our universe/existence can play out to reunite as one/7th density. Maybe what RA was getting at, is that after the reunion with 7th density, and the cycle begins again, it will play out differently than the one before. The cycle is repeated, and for a lack of a better word, it’s a different octave or frequency from the other one.
Yes, I agree that there's a "constant change". It's just like no two fingerprints or no two snow flakes are the same. "You can't swim in the same river twice".

But I think a deep concern about so-called "previous and future octaves" implies that we have a problem, an unsatisfaction with the current octave, yes? This seems to be closely related to why the C's emphatically insist that "time" is our biggest, the most troublesome illusion.
The following image is cut from the movie "Everything Everywhere All at Once" (a movie about time travel and parallel universes) and that drawing is almost exactly what I saw in a dream (I dream it about five or six years ago), where a woman was drawing that on a piece of paper and a man's voice behind me was saying "She's about to come full circle!".

Which leads me to think of the underground civilization that the C's claim is dedicated to exploring "the cylinder loop" (paraphrasing from memory).

I have thought that this drawing is a two-dimensional image of this cylinder loop.


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The following image is cut from the movie "Everything Everywhere All at Once" (a movie about time travel and parallel universes) and that drawing is almost exactly what I saw in a dream (I dream it about five or six years ago), where a woman was drawing that on a piece of paper and a man's voice behind me was saying "She's about to come full circle!".

Which leads me to think of the underground civilization that the C's claim is dedicated to exploring "the cylinder loop" (paraphrasing from memory).

I have thought that this drawing is a two-dimensional image of this cylinder loop.

The session info on cylinder loops seems to confirm time's flowing in a "closed-circuit":

Session 2 December 1995 said:
Q: (L) These individuals who have this time machine in Antarctica, what are they doing with it or what do they plan to do with it?

A: Exploring time sectors through loop of cylinder.

Session 5 February 2000 said:
(L) ...So, I drew three pictures here: one is a real cylinder, two is a which is a kind of cylinder inside a cylinder, and three, like a torus. Laura said that it wasn't any of these, that it should only have one side like a cylinder/mobius strip - no left and no right. So, this could be option 4, something like a Klein bottle or option 5, something called a twisted torus. Is it 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5? Or 6, none of the above? Is it one of these?

A: Selection 3.

Q: 3 is the torus. (L) What is a loop of the cylinder? Yes, there is one loop and then there is another loop. One loop is probably what we call time - cyclical time.

A: Time cycle.
I find it hard to grasp. By being satisfied with just the one, we would be satisfied by doing nothing at all. What does it mean "to be satisfied with one"?

I mean the satisfaction/happiness with the essense of our being.

M: True happiness cannot be found in things that change and pass away. Pleasure and pain alternate inexorably. Happiness comes from the self and can be found in the self only. Find your real self (swarupa) and all else will come with it.

M: What is your happiness worth when you have to strive and labour for it? True happiness is spontaneous and effortless.

M: Pleasure and pain alternate. Happiness is unshakable. What you can seek and find is not the real thing. Find what you have never lost, find the inalienable.

Q: The root of all desires and fears is the same -- the longing for happiness.

M: The happiness you can think of and long for, is mere physical or mental satisfaction. Such sensory or mental pleasure is not the real, the absolute happiness.

Questioner: The person immersed in the world has a life of many flavours. He weeps, he laughs, loves and hates, desires and fears, suffers and rejoices. The desireless and fearless jnani, what life has he? Is he not left high and dry in his aloofness?

M: His state is not so desolate. It tastes of the pure, uncaused, undiluted bliss. He is happy and fully aware that happiness is his very nature and that he need not do anything, nor strive for anything to secure it. It follows him, more real than the body, nearer than the mind itself. You imagine that without cause there can be no happiness. To me dependence on anything for happiness is utter misery. Pleasure and pain have causes, while my state is my own, totally uncaused, independent, unassailable.

Q: If I am free, why am I in a body?

M: You are not in the body, the body is in you! The mind is in you. They happen to you. They are there because you find them interesting. Your very nature has the infinite capacity to enjoy. It is full of zest and affection. It sheds its radiance on all that comes within its focus of awareness and nothing is excluded. It does not know evil nor ugliness, it hopes, it trusts, it loves. You people do not know how much you miss by not knowing your own true self. You are neither the body nor the mind, neither the fuel nor the fire. They appear and disappear according to their own laws.

That which you are, your true self, you love it, and whatever you do, you do for your own happiness. To find it, to know it, to cherish it is your basic urge. Since time immemorial you loved yourself, but never wisely. Use your body and mind wisely in the service of the self, that is all. Be true to your own self, love your self absolutely. Do not pretend that you love others as yourself. Unless you have realised them as one with yourself, you cannot love them. Don't pretend to be what you are not, don't refuse to be what you are. Your love of others is the result of self-knowledge, not its cause. Without self-realisation, no virtue is genuine. When you know beyond all doubting that the same life flows through all that is and you are that life, you will love all naturally and spontaneously. When you realise the depth and fullness of your love of yourself, you know that every living being and the entire universe are included in your affection. But when you look at anything as separate from you, you cannot love it for you are afraid of it. Alienation causes fear and fear deepens alienation. It is a vicious circle. Only self-realisation can break it. Go for it resolutely.

Q: (…) I may not want to change. My life is good enough as it is.

M: You say so because you have not seen how painful is the life you live. You are like a child sleeping with a lollypop in its mouth. You may feel happy for a moment by being totally self-centred, but it is enough to have a good look at human faces to perceive the universality of suffering. Even your own happiness is so vulnerable and short-lived, at the mercy of a bank-crash, or a stomach ulcer. It is just a moment of respite, a mere gap between two sorrows. Real happiness is not vulnerable, because it does not depend on circumstances.

Q: Are you talking from your own experience? Are you too unhappy?

M: I have no personal problems. But the world is full of living beings whose lives are squeezed between fear and craving. They are like cattle driven to the slaughter house, jumping and frisking, carefree and happy, yet dead and skinned within an hour.

You say you are happy. Are you really happy, or are you merely trying to convince yourself. Look at yourself fearlessly and you will at once realise that your happiness depends on conditions and circumstances, hence it is momentary, not real. Real happiness flows from within.

Q: Of what use is your happiness to me? It does not make me happy.

M: You can have the whole of it and more for the mere asking. But you do not ask; you don't seem to want.

Q: Why do you say so? I do want to be happy.

M: You are quite satisfied with pleasures. There is no place for happiness. Empty your cup and clean it. It cannot be filled otherwise. Others can give you pleasure, but never happiness.

Q: A chain of pleasurable events is good enough.

M: Soon it ends in pain, if not in disaster. What is Yoga after all, but seeking lasting happiness within?

Q: You can speak only for the East. In the West the conditions are different and what you say does not apply.

M: There is no East and West in sorrow and fear. The problem is universal -- suffering and the ending of suffering. The cause of suffering is dependence and independence is the remedy. Yoga is the science and the art of self-liberation through self-understanding.

Q: I do not think I am fit for Yoga.

M: What else are you fit for? All your going and coming, seeking pleasure, loving and hating -- all this shows that you struggle against limitations, self-imposed or accepted. In your ignorance you make mistakes and cause pain to yourself and others, but the urge is there and shall not be denied. The same urge that seeks birth, happiness and death shall seek understanding and liberation. It is like a spark of fire in a cargo of cotton. You may not know about it, but sooner or later the ship will burst in flames. Liberation is a natural process and in the long run, inevitable. But it is within your power to bring it into the now.

Q: Then why are so few liberated people in the world?

M: In a forest only some of the trees are in full bloom at a given moment, yet every one will have its turn.

Sooner or later your physical and mental resources will come to an end. What will you do then? Despair? All right, despair. You will get tired of despairing and begin to question. At that moment you will be fit for conscious Yoga.

Q: I find all this seeking and brooding most unnatural.

M: Yours is the naturalness of a born cripple. You may be unaware but it does not make you normal. What it means to be natural or normal you do not know, nor do you know that you do not know.

At present you are drifting and therefore in danger, for to a drifter any moment anything may happen. It would be better to wake up and see your situation. That you are -- you know. What you are -- you don't know. Find out what you are.
I find it hard to grasp. By being satisfied with just the one, we would be satisfied by doing nothing at all. What does it mean "to be satisfied with one"?

The One is also known as 'The Creator'. So that doesn't mean doing nothing. I suggest you read Mouravieff's Gnosis Trilogy and you'll get an idea as to what's involved in approaching The One.
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