Jedi Master
Excuse my ignorance if this question is in some way explained/answered in the 'wave' series of books.
Im a slow reader and im still on the first book, lol.
Anyways, theres one thing ive noticed in 'awakened' communities (not this one though), its the thought that when the system eventually crashes (if it does) things will get better.
Is this not just another way 'they' manipulate us.
If the system crashes WE will be the ones who find life harder. Do people really think that everyone will start working together? People will get MORE narcasstic, and even MORE competitive.
It wont bring us together.
Do people think that those with real estate and assets are going to be equals when we are scraping money together to buy food to survive?
I just dont get it.
I have a hard time with 'lets beat the NWO with love and truth' , i really do.
Let me ask this question - if they could be beaten. (say for arguments sake someone invented a mind control device - for example) would we still beat them with truth and love?
Or is it just a way of spinning the obvious - we are 'done for it'.
I just dont get this 'we are beating them' attitude. Sharing information, becoming informed is one thing.
But just like the kid getting beated up at high school - he can feel the punches, and see the blows, but he cant stop it can he? Unless he FIGHTS BACK!
Anyways, i guess this was a mini-rant. All this false optimism makes me cring. Its all part of the brainwashing in my opinion.
Regards, Melatonin.Edited - Spelling mistake.
Im a slow reader and im still on the first book, lol.
Anyways, theres one thing ive noticed in 'awakened' communities (not this one though), its the thought that when the system eventually crashes (if it does) things will get better.
Is this not just another way 'they' manipulate us.
If the system crashes WE will be the ones who find life harder. Do people really think that everyone will start working together? People will get MORE narcasstic, and even MORE competitive.
It wont bring us together.
Do people think that those with real estate and assets are going to be equals when we are scraping money together to buy food to survive?
I just dont get it.
I have a hard time with 'lets beat the NWO with love and truth' , i really do.
Let me ask this question - if they could be beaten. (say for arguments sake someone invented a mind control device - for example) would we still beat them with truth and love?
Or is it just a way of spinning the obvious - we are 'done for it'.
I just dont get this 'we are beating them' attitude. Sharing information, becoming informed is one thing.
But just like the kid getting beated up at high school - he can feel the punches, and see the blows, but he cant stop it can he? Unless he FIGHTS BACK!
Anyways, i guess this was a mini-rant. All this false optimism makes me cring. Its all part of the brainwashing in my opinion.
Regards, Melatonin.Edited - Spelling mistake.