Why do people have the illusion that things are getting better?


Jedi Master
Excuse my ignorance if this question is in some way explained/answered in the 'wave' series of books.
Im a slow reader and im still on the first book, lol.
Anyways, theres one thing ive noticed in 'awakened' communities (not this one though), its the thought that when the system eventually crashes (if it does) things will get better.
Is this not just another way 'they' manipulate us.

If the system crashes WE will be the ones who find life harder. Do people really think that everyone will start working together? People will get MORE narcasstic, and even MORE competitive.
It wont bring us together.
Do people think that those with real estate and assets are going to be equals when we are scraping money together to buy food to survive?

I just dont get it.
I have a hard time with 'lets beat the NWO with love and truth' , i really do.
Let me ask this question - if they could be beaten. (say for arguments sake someone invented a mind control device - for example) would we still beat them with truth and love?
Or is it just a way of spinning the obvious - we are 'done for it'.

I just dont get this 'we are beating them' attitude. Sharing information, becoming informed is one thing.
But just like the kid getting beated up at high school - he can feel the punches, and see the blows, but he cant stop it can he? Unless he FIGHTS BACK!

Anyways, i guess this was a mini-rant. All this false optimism makes me cring. Its all part of the brainwashing in my opinion.

Regards, Melatonin.Edited - Spelling mistake.
Things are getting better in the sense of every single moment we get to experience is a new moment with new possibilities, so that could be the source of the optimism.

I think the focus is on the wrong place with the NWO stuff.

Truth is, this ship is going down. Question is, where are you going to be when it does?

The way I see it, learn your lessons, do the best you can based on all you've learnt and your conscious. Gain Knowledge, hopefully that'll bring more awareness, then hope for the best.

What else can you do? Beat them? with what? Why do you want to beat them to begin with - how is that going to solve the problem of getting from point A -(STS) to point B -(STO)? Isnt that playing straight into STS hands... Isnt that the classic, 2 wrongs making a right... Maybe in a non-linear world that might be right.. who knows.

Just my thoughts.

By the system, I took it to mean the economic system and civilisation as we know it.

The way I see it with there fixation on things are getting better, is like, they are drug addicts. Like cocaine addicts. They are addicted to feel good chemicals and they think by feeling good all the time, about everything somehow they are getting closer to God. OSIT.
Hi Luke Wilson,

Just wanted to say - i dont have any solutions, and im not saying people should feel down (its their choice). Why bother? Enjoy your friends/family and make the best out of life.
Improve yourself, and influence what you can, when you can. Be nice to people.
It just provokes a reaction in me when i see truth-seekers getting optimistic about this particular situation. (NWO/money and the state of society's conditioning).
melatonin said:
Im a slow reader and im still on the first book, lol.
Anyways, theres one thing ive noticed in 'awakened' communities (not this one though), its the thought that when the system eventually crashes (if it does) things will get better.
Is this not just another way 'they' manipulate us.

If the system crashes WE will be the ones who find life harder. Do people really think that everyone will start working together? People will get MORE narcasstic, and even MORE competitive.
It wont bring us together.
Do people think that those with real estate and assets are going to be equals when we are scraping money together to buy food to survive?

I just dont get it.
I have a hard time with 'lets beat the NWO with love and truth' , i really do.
Let me ask this question - if they could be beaten. (say for arguments sake someone invented a mind control device - for example) would we still beat them with truth and love?
Or is it just a way of spinning the obvious - we are 'done for it'.

I just dont get this 'we are beating them' attitude. Sharing information, becoming informed is one thing.
But just like the kid getting beated up at high school - he can feel the punches, and see the blows, but he cant stop it can he? Unless he FIGHTS BACK!

Anyways, i guess this was a mini-rant. All this false optimism makes me cring. Its all part of the brainwashing in my opinion.

I agree with your view - it probably will not get better in this life for the staggering majority of us. The only cause for optimism as I see it is in the thought that if the C's are right about the state of affairs in 3D, they're probably right about the existence of an immortal soul and an afterlife, maybe in 4D, as well. We have a choice to try to live in a way that makes us eligible to move on to a greater understanding of our existence, and this might entail moving to 4D. But to survive the coming times in peace and prosperousness is not likely in my opinion - so I try to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
melatonin said:
If the system crashes WE will be the ones who find life harder.
Yes, you are probably right. But I fail to understand why people think that "an easy life" and "more stuff" is automatically "better" and that a harder life is automatically "worse". It seems that so many people are programmed to always choose comfort and stuff, and always reject the other choices. So life will be harder. SO WHAT?!

Is the entire purpose of life just to be comfortable and do as little work as possible?

Do people really think that everyone will start working together? People will get MORE narcasstic, and even MORE competitive.
Not everyone. Some will work together.

Do people think that those with real estate and assets are going to be equals when we are scraping money together to buy food to survive?
Some will. I strongly suspect that most of the greedy will see more violence and those who have a helpful spirit will see less. We shall see.
hithere - Ive had a past life regression, and i take it for granted im coming back. Its nice to see the 'C's confirm this though. Its the one thing that does give me strength, and should also give you strength.

curious_richard - This is where i get confused, you bring up a good point and i was going to post something about this earlier in the week. I personally believe earth is a training camp for souls. If thats the case how much of this NWO stuff is done purposely as part of the 'test' as such?? (by higher beings in human form).
Ive had plenty of trauma in my life, and ive grown alot more from negative experiences than positive - it certainly creates more emotional and mental strength.
Although theres plenty of learning to be done with good experiences.
I believe the majority of people (in worst case money system collapse) would act very selfishy. The good would be so out-numbered, it probably wouldnt even show. Sorry if i sound cynical.

Sometimes i think this whole awakening experience is just a mess of contradictions.

Edited - spelling mistake again.
Hi Melatonin,

Regarding the system crashing, are you happy with how things are now run by 5% of the population while 95% are silently enduring whatever is imposed upon their societies?
I'm not presuming to know that it will be 'better' when/if it crashes, neither am I certain that it will end up in a NWO, but it's pretty clear to me that it has reached a critical mass as it is now.

If the system crashes WE will be the ones who find life harder. Do people really think that everyone will start working together? People will get MORE narcasstic, and even MORE competitive.
It wont bring us together.

I'm hoping that people have the ability to work together when freed from beliefs that kept them prisoners of their own fears and ignorance.
I have faith in humanity because I know how awestruck we become when we fall seriously ill.
If you spend enough time in a hospital you see that 'awakening' even if momentarily can sometimes be spontaneous when people fully realise the futility of material existence. And then , in many cases they let go of petty nonsense that have plagued them for years.
If the veil of false immortality/salvation were drawn from people's eyes then they wouldn't be on each other's throats as much.

I have a hard time with 'lets beat the NWO with love and truth' , i really do.
Let me ask this question - if they could be beaten. (say for arguments sake someone invented a mind control device - for example) would we still beat them with truth and love?
Or is it just a way of spinning the obvious - we are 'done for it'.
I just dont get this 'we are beating them' attitude. Sharing information, becoming informed is one thing.
But just like the kid getting beated up at high school - he can feel the punches, and see the blows, but he cant stop it can he? Unless he FIGHTS BACK!

The war is constantly being waged. For me, fighting back refers to the end of complying and accomodating.
Denying to fall prey to lies even if they are my very own fuzzy lies.
Personally, I wouldn't be so worried about how we 'will' be manipulated but with how we're being manipulated Now. I think that if I can manage to end the lying and fear in myself now, then the next batch of nonsense will find me less gullible.

Of what I feel and understand, love and truth are the STO 'weapons'.
Surely, attaining a level of being that can discern love that stems from consciousness instead of need and remains unscathed in the face of objective reality, takes a certain amount of discipline and Work.
The same for Truth, or the closest we can get to it - light ie. information , gathered , retained and put in practice creating expanding awareness and becoming of service to self through others, as much as that is possible for our level.
(I don't pretend to have attained one or the other, just striving for it)
The need for that effort isn't explained on the package of new age that only perpetuates the words as if magic charms that can be used against all ills.
But then again, did effort ever come with the popular packages of religions/entertainment ?
The 'new age' movement is manipulation. Yet I suspect it serves a purpose as everything else in the universe.

Quoting ISOTM since I was just reading this paragraph last night.

"But such pseudo-esoteric systems also play their part in the work and activities of esoteric circles. Namely, they are the intermediaries between humanity which is entirely immersed in the materialistic life and schools which are interested in the education of a certain number of people, as much for the purposes of their own existences as for the purposes of the work of a cosmic character which they may be carrying out. The very idea of esotericism, the idea of initiation, reaches people in most cases through pseudo-esoteric systems and schools; and if there were not these pseudo-esoteric schools the vast majority of humanity would have no possibility whatever of hearing and learning of the existence of anything greater than life because the truth in its pure form would be inaccessible for them. By reason of the many characteristics of man's being, particularly of the contemporary being, truth can only come to people in the form of a lie— only in this form are they able to accept it; only in this form are they able to digest and assimilate it. Truth undefiled would be, for them, indigestible food.
melatonin said:
curious_richard - This is where i get confused,
I am confused all the time. :) And I used to be so sure of everything...

I personally believe earth is a training camp for souls. If thats the case how much of this NWO stuff is done purposely as part of the 'test' as such?? (by higher beings in human form).
That is a good question, and insightful. That makes me think of the C's and the "short wave cycles" and "long wave cycles", which suggests to me that these "obstacles" are probably giving us a way to grow faster.
October 22, 1994:
A: Well, all things have desirable consequences as well as undesirable consequences, but it must also be mentioned here that everything that exists in all realms of the universe can experience existence in one of only two ways. That would be defined as a long wave cycle and a short wave cycle. Going back to your previous
question about why humans are "entrapped" in physical existence, which, of course, is voluntary and chosen, this was due to the desire to change from the long wave cycle experience of completely what you would call ethereal or spiritual existence, to the short wave cycle of what you call physical existence. The difference is that a long wave cycle involves only very gradual change in evolution in a cyclical manner. Whereas a short wave cycle involves a duality. And this is the case with souls in physical bodies as is experienced on this earth plane because the soul experiences an ethereal state for half the cycle and a physical state for the other half of the cycle. While these halves are not measured in time the way you measure time, the totality of experience is equal in each half. The necessity to form the short wave cycle was brought about through nature through the natural bounds of the universe when the group mind of souls chose to experience physicality as opposed to a completely ethereal existence.

I believe the majority of people (in worst case money system collapse) would act very selfishy.
I agree. There will be the psychopaths, plus the people who actively choose STS, plus the confused people who are hypnotized by the psychopaths, plus the Organic Portals who will "go with the flow" (which is run by the psychopaths). That is a lot of people...

The good would be so out-numbered, it probably wouldnt even show. Sorry if i sound cynical.
Maybe the good people will be able to hide, then.

Please note that if my writing has a "challenging tone", I do not mean that as an attack on you. I just mean to challenge certain ideas.
melatonin said:
Hi Luke Wilson,

Just wanted to say - i dont have any solutions, and im not saying people should feel down (its their choice). Why bother? Enjoy your friends/family and make the best out of life.

Sorry melatonin. I wasnt accusing you of anything.

I really dont know the answer to your questions. Was just trying to give you my point of view(which could be entirely wrong) to add to the discussion. Sorry if it came off in the wrong way.
curious_richard - I honestly didnt think any of what you wrote was 'off' in anyway.

Luke Wilson - Same again, i didnt think you was being 'funny' in the slightest. I wasnt being either.

Someone needs to invent tone of voice for written text on forums. :)

Eva - Im not happy with how the system currently is, i just dont understand why that instantly means that it falling apart will be better. Part of me thinks this is all part of 'their' plan. So the system falls apart, and is built from the bottom up to favour THEM even more.
Lets be honest the majority of people still rely on their government, and we couldnt stand against such plans.

The truth movement is just millions of people talking online, and a single number camped in tents outside parliment - in the uk anyway.
People seem to fall into 2 categories. Either they are un-aware, or they are aware - and are too busy with the self work stuff to organise themselves into a group that could could really make a change out in the 3D world.
All bases are covered for the NWO.

Edited - Changed the word trust to rely.
When something reaches a critical mass it ex/im-plodes or disintegrates to allow for something new to take its place.

Again, I really can't tell if it will be better in terms of everyday life but judging from myself the only way to evolve is to allow for complete breakdown of a belief system. In that sense, the theoretical breaking down in order to recreate on a more solid foundation holds truth.

As I see it, there has been a very long time of false breaking down of systems - governments , beliefs or religions. We are led to believe that something has changed while all the while the new, for instance, government picks up right where the previous one has left off.

But if I imagine this happening on a greater scale, ie. everything breaking down, all banks and businesses falling down to pieces, life isn't likely to remain the same. It will be far harder to keep up with a plan of imitating break-down to impose the exact same standards. I think the game will be played on a different level then.

Practically speaking I know of quite a few self-sustaining communities and people that are actively becoming part of an alternative way of life. I also know a Whole lot of people, that do not trust their government - if I said the vast majority of greek people I wouldn't be far from the truth.
The amount of political demonstrations that have taken place last year in greece has been overwhelming.
Nonetheless, I'm not sure if I would be ready to follow any system that would attempt to create a new hierarchy even if it appeared to stem from what you called the truth movement, in that regard, I find it rational that seekers of truth are mainly occupied in self-work and creating awareness, or at the most small communities that can, even now, live outside the system instead of creating a new system themselves.
The LOTR scene of Galadriel passing the 'test' of the ring comes to mind.

I get upset and frightened when I allow my imagination to project into a future I can't predict or fully comprehend, it becomes negative imagination within seconds! Reminding myself that all there is, is Now, helps me settle my emotions and do my part, live. As you said, making the best out of life is what matters. In whichever way we see fit.

A friend sent me this quote a few days ago maybe it can help put your mind at ease a little bit, as it did for me.

I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do."

Helen Keller
1880-1968, Author and Lecturer
Hi Eva,

Thanks for the quote. :)
Personally im not saying i have any answers or can do anything. In fact even within my small circle im not much help to anyone. Im still dealing with my own issues of the past to see too much clarity on current events, nevermind reading material to open my mind up even more.

You are quite obviously one of many people who wouldnt buy into a new system that wouldnt benefit the majority - i just cant help thinking that we would get conned/overwhelmed and bogged down by so many other things that it would just happen without much of an outcry. (im from england)
Edit - Spelling mistake.

Theres a pattern in peoples behaviour. Its like with the Iraq War - massive outcry for a year or two (in england) " Wheres the weapons of mass destruction " and then the majority are eventually manipulated by BBC news to focus on victims of war and 'the countrys pride in battle'. (very cleverly combining WW2 - a battle that is seen as 'legit' with the iraq invasion).

Same with fuel prices. Massive outcry as fuel hits over £1 a litre!! Now? Its nearly £1.40. Before you know it it will be £2 a litre. Same cycle again. Massive outcry for a few months, then before you know it, its £2.15.

People protest for as long as they realise it makes NO DIFFERENCE! Then, they focus on survival again.

I hope you dont mind me generalising here.
People protest for as long as they realise it makes NO DIFFERENCE! Then, they focus on survival again.

Yep. But we are not focused on survival. We are focused on immortality -- how to live in accordance with Truth. If we do that, we will contribute to the pool of consciousness that will eventually pull this planet out of darkness.

After all, who really wants to be the last man standing? Surrounded by corpses, picking his teeth with the bones of former friends. Only to die alone.

We can wake up, and we can help others to awake. That has to be enough.

When we start to thinking about jump-starting the process, I think it helps to remember our own experiences as seekers. Ten years ago, if a some stranger cornered you and started yapping about how you needed to wake up and stop feeding inter-dimensional predators, would you have listened? I wouldn't have. I had other lessons to attend to. ;D
Hi Dorothy Minder,

Most people are focusing on survival, whether they think they are or not. Even spreading the truth requires some currency, internet connection/phone etc etc.

People ARE AWAKE though - since when havent people been aware that their government is corrupt? Again this is part of the brainwashing in my opinion. 'THEY' are brainwashing us to think that all this is new, that we are breaking into new territory, we are making headway - its rubbish.

The multi dimensional aliens/past lives stuff/nature of reality is alot for some people to believe in. But if we changed society (somehow) from the top downwards, then people would have more time to focus and consider things like this anyway, because they wouldnt be fighting to feed their young and keep them warm everyday of the week.

You said "After all, who really wants to be the last man standing? Surrounded by corpses, picking his teeth with the bones of former friends. Only to die alone.

We can wake up, and we can help others to awake. That has to be enough. "

- But thats exactually what the truth movement ISNT doing in my opinion. Let me ask you this. If you didnt have the internet, and a mobile phone and the conveniance of being able to 'spread the truth' , would you feel like you was doing anything? Without that illusion that things really were changing would anyone actually think they were?

(All said in a very respectful and friendly tone of voice). Melatonin.

Edited - Spelling again.
Hi Melatonin,

I didn't mean to sound glib or dismissive of what you're saying, so if I came across that way, I apologize. In fact, I very much agree with you that most people are focused on survival, that protest is common but short-lived and ineffectual, and that many people use technology simply to vent while at the same time calling it a "movement."

Let me ask you this. If you didnt have the internet, and a mobile phone and the conveniance of being able to 'spread the truth' , would you feel like you was doing anything? Without that illusion that things really were changing would anyone actually think they were?

Great questions.

Would I feel like I was doing anything? Yes, I would... but perhaps not enough. My previous post in this thread wouldn't mean anything if I weren't also doing consistent self-work and acting to remove myself from the predatory systems and thought processes that I recognize. It's hard to know how much I'm falling short. I'm working diligently on myself, but I can imagine working harder. Still have a ways to go.

The weight, though, seems to be on your second question, which points back to the subject of the thread, "Why do people have the illusion that things are getting better?" And I agree with you: In general, for the vast majority, things are not getting better. The much trumpeted "march of progress" is nonsense and brainwashing that disguises the horror of this planet's 3D reality.

For those that truly want to awake, however, now is a remarkable time because the gulf between control system propaganda and the facts of everyday life continues to widen. Anyone who unplugs from the virtual realities of TV, mainstream media, video games, spectator sports, etc. can't help but notice serious incongruities between the official stories and their own lived experience.

Let me pause for a moment because I think we're using the work "awake" differently, and I want to clarify.

People ARE AWAKE though - since when havent people been aware that their government is corrupt? Again this is part of the brainwashing in my opinion. 'THEY' are brainwashing us to think that all this is new, that we are breaking into new territory, we are making headway - its rubbish.

I think you are using "awake" more charitably than I am. When I say "awake," I don't mean an awareness of government corruption. If that's what you mean, then I agree that most people do realize their governments are at least partly corrupt. But I don't think pointing to bad guys "out there," as most of those people are doing, is enough. By "awake," I mean being aware not only of the violence and oppression done to us, but also the violence and oppression done through us. In other words, someone who is "awake" understands the full context of his actions. Every gesture, thought and emotion. It's a very high standard, and one I personally have not reached. There may be a some on this board who have. Certainly, though, I am awakening, and throughout this process I can network with others who are awakening, and we can help each other.

Back to the main topic:
But if we changed society (somehow) from the top downwards, then people would have more time to focus and consider things like this anyway, because they wouldnt be fighting to feed their young and keep them warm everyday of the week.

It is heartbreaking. But I think it's important to recognize a fundamental point: The System is rigged. Surveying history, it seems every popular movement that tried to change society from the top downwards simply became the evil that it set out to replace. There are clear reasons that this happens, and these reasons are all related.

- First and most importantly, it represents trying to force a minority conception of how things ought to be onto the majority, against their will. It may be "high-minded" but it's still STS.

- Second, the STS forces that govern this planet's 3D reality are too powerful. Consciousness can overcome them, but any movement less than fully conscious quickly becomes an appendage of the STS beast.

-Third, to repeat a quote I heard somewhere, "you can't wake people who are pretending to be asleep."

I'll end with an example:

In Britain, millions of people watch The Thick of It. In the U.S., millions watch the Daily Show and Colbert Report. All three shows satirize the utter deceit of our nations' (mis)leaders. People laugh because, as you pointed out, some part of them knows that our governments are corrupt. But for some reason, most people stop there. They laugh for 30 minutes, bemoan the state of the world with a chuckle, and then go back to whatever they were doing before. Some part of them refuses to acknowledge implications like, "you can't trust your government about anything," or "billions live and die at the whim of psychopaths." Why? Well, to truly recognize these implications, many viewers would need to acknowledge their own complicity. Psychopaths run the show because we won't take responsibility. We let them do the dirty work. Meanwhile, we can enjoy our steaks, beer and football, never thinking about the fact that 3,140,000,000 people live on less than $2.50 per day (as of 2005).

So, finally, to answer the question, "Why do people have the illusion that things are getting better?": They have that illusion because powerful forces spoon feed them mindless pleasures and sophisticated propaganda, and they can't bring themselves to push away from the table.

Don't know if any of this helps.

(All likewise said in a very respectful and friendly tone of voice :) )


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