Re: Why do you want want to know himself and ascend to Other density?
Interesting question Eongar. My first reaction was a gut feeling of "because I just do". And trying to think of it, dig the reasons for it, is proving to be harder then I expected.
In order to answer, I will divide your question into two. The first being the whys of wanting to know oneself, and the second, the whys of wanting to ascend to 4D.
In answer to the first question, the very first thing that comes to my mind is that the alternative, not wanting to know myself shows a rather hopeless, gloomy and scary world as the result.
On the other hand, the glimpses of a world where knowing oneself is prioritised, present a world where what is Real emerges to the surfface. And what is Real is Truth, with which I choose to align myself with, at least to my conscious awareness.
To further answer I have to relate to my own past experience. That experience tells me that in each moment of growth, with each step I climb up the never ending staircase of growth, what lies ahead surpasses any hardship and creates a better world not only for myself, but for the ones surrounding me.
I've found time and time again the world to be much "bigger", to have different "colours", in a nutshell to be completely different then I'd ever expected it to be. With every step on the inner staircase of growth, I see my inner world transforming, and with that, the outer world as well.
This leads me to question: if the outer world has seemingly changed so much, and it changes every time I change, surely it results from my perception. What is then real?
The drive to continue pursuing what is real comes from something, or somewhere that I don't yet understand, so I'll leave my answer to the first question at that.
In answer to the second question, why do I want to ascend to 4D, I don't really know if that is my wish. Well, if 4D lies at the end of this cycle of growth, then I will gladly welcome it. But for me, thinking of 4D seems vague, it is only a concept, an hypotheses that might lie at the end of my path. I know I wish to grow, that is for sure, but I don't know what lies ahead. I don't know what surprises each step might bring, so I can only foresee a few steps and take it from there.