Álvaro said:
Gonzo said:
Hi, Álvaro.
The question, "Why do you want to know yourself and ascend to Other density?"
Makes the assumption that members want to "ascend to Other density".
Hi Gonzo,
an assumption also ask why you want to know oneself, if we so strict. Probably in the forum there are people who do not care all that and just find it interesting transmissions C's, conspiracies, etc. The question is thus raised for everyone to reflect on what you want or not want and share it if you like. The theme of the "Ascension" is here as in "The Secret History ..." or The Wave, and therefore it is interesting to ask the question.
Hi Álvaro,
Fwiw, I also had the same thoughts as Gonzo. I think you posed two very good questions, but which aren't necessarily tied together.
For me, being part of this forum is about wishing to know ourselves, otherwise we would probably not be here. The fact that you asked
Why do we want to know ourselves is therefore rightly assuming so. Yet, wanting to ascend to another density is an entirely different type wish. It is also an hypothetical one, we have the C's word for it but no direct experience of the existence of 4D.
By asking "Why do you want to know yourself
and ascend to Other density?", the question assumes the first concept necessarily involves the other, whilst it isn't necessarily so.
I think you posed valuable and very interesting questions. It is an important part of our growth as individuals and as a group, to share our thoughts on self knowledge and ascension, I personally have learned with this thread. However we have two independent concepts woven together, wanting to know oneself isn't necessarily the equivalent to wanting to ascend to 4D, and can even be antagonistic if the wish to ascend stems from the wrong reasons.
Just my 2 cents :)
Edit: grammar