Will the Internet be shut down by the PTB?

Not very clever to shut down the internet before the vaccination process is completed. To much havoc. But one day... who knows? Can you imagine a better chance to rewrite history and sience than a bunch of Russian hackers wiping it all out by destroying all the servers?
They wont shut the internet down but will implement more national level controls around which websites are allowed etc in the guise of “making communities safer” and protecting “people from trollls and online abuse” etc. A bit like how the national highways are controlled via speed cameras, patrol cars and the like to “keep everyone safe.”
I keep thinking that there is going to be some sort of attack on the grid and/or the banking system (as the PTB have been slowly rumbling about and with the Solar Storm hacking thing). Perhaps this will be parlayed into the rationale for digital currency, further suppression of information and free speech on the internet and eventually "chipping." Am I right Cs? Or is it a wait and C!??
I remember seeing a post on FB quiting Q who were saying similar. That very soon the PTB will be turning off the internet.
The quote suggested that it would be for about a week and recommended that everyone had supplies of canned food because obviously it would be very difficult to buy food from supermarkets who relie on internet connection for thier Payment systems.
I am not sure Q are reliable in thier suggestions but I do think that turning off the Web is quite possible.
I think if I was inside the PTB and wanting to cause as much damage to as many people as possible then switching of the internet would be a possibility.
The possibility of this happening just makes me think do I have enough music and videos that I would be able to watch for entertainment during such times? At the moment I do have many episodes of The Turkish Ertugrul that I have yet to watch which would at least be something to pass the time :)
More from the World Economic Forum. Really makes you wonder what in heck they are scheming:
Vaccine "Safety" Hackers per World Economic Forum

Clearly any "pro-choice" vaccine information will be dealt with as a hack or interference and probably taken off the internet. Or perhaps it is meant to heat the furor even further between the vaccine skeptics vs the true believers, the branding being that any real information about vaccines as "Russian disinformation" disparaging Moderna, AstraZeneca or Pfizer. From the article: "Enter nation states that might mount disinformation campaigns to amplify doubt or to disparage a vaccine developer or manufacturer. The result would be tantamount to a manufacturing shutdown, stalling efforts to improve public health and the economy." This seems like grasping at straws per the PTB, but they could limit the flow of information about this topic and others as "nation state interference."

The other thing that may be intended is that once the grid goes down, cold storage goes down and the vaccines that are so susceptible to temperature get destroyed. How would they benefit? First that comes to mind is something along the lines of [ICODE]the Russians have hacked the grid, the vaccines have been destroyed (boo-hoo) and now we have to extend lockdowns because without the vaccine we cannot get back to normal. Or this could be a way to somehow have people get vaccinated (again) when digital tracking is available. Their line might be: "the vaccine lot you got is defective. we must chip you to make sure you got the right dose." What do others think? This article sure is creepy.
The more technologically advanced we get, the more delicate and vulnerable we become, and dependent. And so, our technological way of life is susceptible to highjacking by forces with crude, destructive means, and so this creates a certainty of warfare and destruction.

America has been invading countries for decades. What is the first thing they do? Cut power and communications.

So, when conquest turns inward, the methods we always used on our enemies, we use on enemies in a virtual landscape, and when someone gets too powerful, they are cut down by others....

In order to maintain control, its appearance must be maintained. But there is no control where it is only illusory, and those who wield power, do so by appearances only, and in attempting to control our perceptions, they have hope to control.

So, it is by suggestion that we are subordinate to tech, but all we have to do is cut the wires and power, and the reason we haven't is because there is enough goodwill to have this manmade resource serve us. But for the crude powers, they will encroach - exploiting our dependencies - being parasites until we determine that the best course is to cut the wires and power.

So, to the question. Will they turn off the internet? It is more our job to do that, and they want us to want it more than them as it gives them bargaining power, and at some point, we will turn it off. It's only defense is us. It is delicate and vulnerable, and we appreciate it for all its benefit, but in the hands of these people, they would hope we worship it and never consider its utility, outside the scope of managing our perceptions.

But it is the same whether the wires are cut, or we just turn off our devices. So this notion of being without the internet is a fear tactic, brought on by the very people who would wedge its usefulness and importance against our nature into the will of a parasitic nature. Understanding that, we can only observe how our tools affect them. And it matters not so much, as it came from us, and into the hands of those who would become mystified by it, thinking it makes them gods.
I'm seeing a lot of talk about the an internet "shutdown", as if it were a simple on-off switch. It's a lot more complex than that, and multiple orthogonal overlapping measures could be applied to restrict internet freedom while keeping the idiocracy subsection running. That was a good point earlier about how messing up with DNS tables would indeed break all cross-site scripting, but indeed if they 'restored limited backups', a few greenlit amazon AWS and google adsense servers could still serve what they'd consider as 'vital'.

Traffic shaping is now so commonplace, people no longer remember why it's toxic, and of course shadowbanning has turned from a conspiracy theory 8 years ago to a widely shared experience now, and I am thinking of similar measures being enacted - from shadow firmware updates to order your 'smart home' parts to callback, to ISPs simply tagging and reporting those who use VPNs, whatever the content, a simple 'crowbar method' to break encryption - cancelling section 230 could also be used to go after independent hosting companies, forcing them to undergo a certification with 'official' fact checkers before being allowed to be 'neutral' platforms again...

Most of all, I'm curious if that should actually be a concern, or if the magnetic flip fries the circuits first :)
The other thing to keep in mind is that even in the event of heavy censorship, how exactly will they do that?

For example, will they just can Cassiopaea.org outright via DNS, hosting company shutdown, or whatever, or will it be like, 'wear masks!' yet you can still wear certain types of 'free-breathing' masks that allows you to breathe just fine and everyone will be happy?

In other words, it may be a simple question of making the forum and SOTT private - login only. No public content.

Of course, sharing on social media would be dead, but if fully controlled, that wouldn't matter anyway. We can also forget the idea of growing except by word of mouth.

As for communication, it's the same thing. E-mail may survive, but be censored... Or not.

Would it still be possible to communicate via non-standard ports even if DNS is down? Maybe... We already have a double-encrypted chat client that allows FOTCM houses to stay in touch without the use of any 3rd-party software or servers. It could be expanded easily to encompass all FOTCM members. Of course, to do that, e-mail or some means of communication would still need to be working because everyone would need a login and password... So yeah, it's complicated, and it really depends on what happens next.

Another thing to keep in mind is this: Had you known 1 year ago that there would be Covid lockdowns and all these restrictions, what would you have done differently? Would you have told everyone to wear a certain type of mask, or tried to minimize the effects of the lockdown in some other way? Had you done so, would the current restrictions by the PTB have been even worse because they would have gotten wind of it and clamped down on THAT, too?

Knowing things in advance isn't always a good thing. Even the C's won't tell us what will happen next because:
a) They can't - free will and all that
b) They don't want to because of what we might do beforehand in reaction to those events
c) They really don't know because 'Always in Motion is the Future'

So, the way I think about it is, well... I just think about it, period! What would I do in this situation or that?

But no matter how many plans I may have, none of it matters until reality changes and we are all left to cope as well as possible.

But I'm 100% confident that we WILL cope - just like we are doing with the Covid nonsense.

Finally, I'm not 100% confident that things will turn out as so many are predicting. Very few saw Covid-19 coming. EVERYONE sees the cyberpandemic coming. The PTB often change course in response to the people's awareness of their plans. Apparently, 'surprise attacks' are necessary for whatever reason.

In any case, I'm pretty sure 2021 will be an even MORE interesting year than this one...
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One option I've come across is NextCloud, which is open-source software developed by a German company. The software they develop let you create and host your own open source cloud service for file sharing, mail, calendars, chats, productivity applications such as word documents and spreadsheets, and the like. I don't have any IT education; I'm just a hobbyist linux user, but it seemed like a cool project.
The other thing to keep in mind is that even in the event of heavy censorship, how exactly will they do that?

For example, will they just can Cassiopaea.org outright via DNS, hosting company shutdown, or whatever, or will it be like, 'wear masks!' yet you can still wear certain types of 'free-breathing' masks that allows you to breathe just fine and everyone will be happy?

In other words, it may be a simple question of making the forum and SOTT private - login only. No public content.

Of course, sharing on social media would be dead, but if fully controlled, that wouldn't matter anyway. We can also forget the idea of growing except by word of mouth.

As for communication, it's the same thing. E-mail may survive, but be censored... Or not.

Would it still be possible to communicate via non-standard ports even if DNS is down? Maybe... We already have a double-encrypted chat client that allows FOTCM houses to stay in touch without the use of any 3rd-party software or servers. It could be expanded easily to encompass all FOTCM members. Of course, to do that, e-mail or some means of communication would still need to be working because everyone would need a login and password... So yeah, it's complicated, and it really depends on what happens next.

Another thing to keep in mind is this: Had you known 1 year ago that there would be Covid lockdowns and all these restrictions, what would you have done differently? Would you have told everyone to wear a certain type of mask, or tried to minimize the effects of the lockdown in some other way? Had you done so, would the current restrictions by the PTB have been even worse because they would have gotten wind of it and clamped down on THAT, too?

Knowing things in advance isn't always a good thing. Even the C's won't tell us what will happen next because:
a) They can't - free will and all that
b) They don't want to because of what we might do beforehand in reaction to those events
c) They really don't know because 'Always in Motion is the Future'

So, the way I think about it is, well... I just think about it, period! What would I do in this situation or that?

But no matter how many plans I may have, none of it matters until reality changes and we are all left to cope as well as possible.

But I'm 100% confident that we WILL cope - just like we are doing with the Covid nonsense.

Finally, I'm not 100% confident that things will turn out as so many are predicting. Very few saw Covid-19 coming. EVERYONE sees the cyberpandemic coming. The PTB often change course in response to the people's awareness of their plans. Apparently, 'surprise attacks' are necessary for whatever reason.

In any case, I'm pretty sure 2021 will be an even MORE interesting year than this one...
Honestly sometimes I wonder if the C’s say things or don’t say things because they know there will be a course change based on what’s published in a transcript, which we know the PTB and military types have been reading from the beginning. So if their more dire predictions don’t pan out as expected, it very well could be that they knew that the PTB pretty much has to change course to avoid “validating” the C’s in a rather dramatic fashion. It would be bad for business.

I mean the PTB are clever, but they aren’t 6th density STO clever. The C’s transcripts don’t exist in a vacuum, and what they say is definitely considered among many other factors by the PTB when deciding what to do and how/when to do it. For all we know, the C’s forced their hand and changed their plans by simply publicly telling us what those plans may have been, potentially mitigating countless planned disasters, giving us some reprieve, all while preserving free will and never having to lift a finger to interfere with any plans directly. Unless of course those plans contain wishful thinking and are likely to backfire in a way PTB won’t foresee, then the C’a tell us nothing and say “wait and see” and let the PTB shoot themselves in the foot.

And even if the PTB realize this, they’re still between a rock and a hard place. Do what the C’s said will happen and give them further validation? Or try to change plans and do something that wasn’t directly predicted (but usually hinted at), knowing that it’s probably going fail because they’re being “allowed” to do it since the C’s didn’t warn us to discourage the action - so they’re probably doing something stupid. Then again, their wishful thinking probably wouldn’t allow them to consider that what they’re doing is probably stupid.

Of course there are other reasons the C’s wouldn’t warn us about specific plans - could be too dangerous for the group to publicize, or the proper question simply wasn’t asked, or it just isn’t important enough to warn because the impact is localized or necessary for growth of the planet etc. But I do wonder how many plans had to be changed and ultimate outcome and direction became different simply because the C’s were clever, all while preserving free will. I’d imagine a 6D being would consider a kazillion things and repercussions and futures for every word being uttered. So when they told Laura a while back that she will always get the most correct and appropriate answer to her questions if she simply has faith, my guess is that they meant beyond simply being correct, but with respect to the broadest possible context - the impact their answer has on the readers, on the PTB, on the world, on the universe, on future readers of the transcripts, and tons of things I can’t even imagine.
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One option I've come across is NextCloud, which is open-source software developed by a German company. The software they develop let you create and host your own open source cloud service for file sharing, mail, calendars, chats, productivity applications such as word documents and spreadsheets, and the like. I don't have any IT education; I'm just a hobbyist linux user, but it seemed like a cool project.
There’s a few self-hosted solutions out there but the issue as always is having sufficient storage, compute and bandwidth which is costly and power hungry. Its relatively cheaper and easier these days though but overall still a costly endeavour. Another issue is then protecting your host and content from cyber-attacks which is a whole different banana.

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