The Living Force
Thanks everyone!
The main things I am working on right now are the various degrees of anger, annoyances and irrations that I've been experiencing in my day-to-day life. Feelings were being stimulated from all kinds of sources, from injustices due to 'man's inhumanity to man' to people who say and do things that make me feel that THEY are being thoughtless and inconsiderate towards me. I am happy to say I have a much different perspective now!
I see my application of 'Strategic Enclosure' to sum up like this:
At the same time, my application of External Considering sums up like:
I'm also trying to use the concept of the 'petty tyrant' to my advantage. I represent feelings of anger as being like a midget 'little I' jumping up and down and stomping his tiny feet and yelling: "Just let me outta here! I'll give THEM 'what for'!".
It makes me smile, and most of the time seems to keep me from identifying with the emotions so that I can more easily empathize with the person I had previously thought was the troublemaker. I can then introspect and look for the source of the problem internally.
I'm also reading about 'seeing the unseen' and 'reading clues in the environment' so that "If I were being pursued by someone who intended to do me harm, I would have 'strategy' to escape their clutches...
The main things I am working on right now are the various degrees of anger, annoyances and irrations that I've been experiencing in my day-to-day life. Feelings were being stimulated from all kinds of sources, from injustices due to 'man's inhumanity to man' to people who say and do things that make me feel that THEY are being thoughtless and inconsiderate towards me. I am happy to say I have a much different perspective now!
I see my application of 'Strategic Enclosure' to sum up like this:
DonaldJHunt said:Basically, you want to act towards other people in your world strategically in such a way that you create space behind a wall, so to speak, to do the Work. If you let everyone know what you are thinking and what you are working on, you will be wide open for attacks of various kinds.
Autobot said:The part of you that does the Work should be kept private, hidden, tucked away from those in your External life in order to protect it as it grows. The key point is to not draw the attention of the General Law.
At the same time, my application of External Considering sums up like:
Autobot said:Gurdjieff in ISOTM said:But if a man really remembers himself he understands that another man is a machine just as he is himself. And then he will enter into his position, he will put himself in his place, and he will be really able to understand and feel what another man thinks and feels. If he can do this his work becomes easier for him. But if he approaches a man with his own requirements nothing except new internal considering can ever be obtained from it.
DonaldJHunt said:It also helps to act... ... by not daying and doing things that will disturb other people in your life in ways they never asked for.
I'm also trying to use the concept of the 'petty tyrant' to my advantage. I represent feelings of anger as being like a midget 'little I' jumping up and down and stomping his tiny feet and yelling: "Just let me outta here! I'll give THEM 'what for'!".
It makes me smile, and most of the time seems to keep me from identifying with the emotions so that I can more easily empathize with the person I had previously thought was the troublemaker. I can then introspect and look for the source of the problem internally.
I'm also reading about 'seeing the unseen' and 'reading clues in the environment' so that "If I were being pursued by someone who intended to do me harm, I would have 'strategy' to escape their clutches...