From the comments: ''Argerich captures the demonic in Mozart better than anyone. This piece is full of anger and metaphysical rage. Mozart is saying "I know the state of things and it's bad." And he's pissed about it. He's trying constantly to contain the anger but it continually breaks free. It seems he's finally done it in the second movement, but then in the middle section it breaks out again with even greater vehemence. In the third movement the anger is taken to an even higher level until a breaking point is reached. But the D major reached at the conclusion of the piece is not a victory, but a cynical conclusion to an epic battle. Mozart seems to be saying that there is no solution, and the only response left is satire. Stick your tongue out at the devil and he'll go away. A fascinating piece which was extremely avant-garde at the time it was written and again demonstrated that in Music there was Mozart and then everyone else. He was very far ahead of his colleagues and it is questionable whether even the Romantics fully understood the implications of what he was doing. This is a truly great performance and Argerich and Rabinovitch come very close to capturing and expressing what this incredible piece is about.''