What amuses me is that for some time, the tifinagh letter ⵣ (late north-African script derived from Phoenician) that corresponds to the letter Z, symbolizes freedom and being free.
The Phoenician alphabet, through the Greek and Hebrew scripts based on it, gave rise to all the alphabets used today in Europe and the Arabic alphabet, and even the Devanagari, used today in India.

In Mishnaic Hebrew, zayin (זין) means "sword", and the verb lezayen (לזיין) means "to arm". In gematria, zayin represents the number seven and when used at the beginning of Hebrew years it means 7000 (i.e. זתשנד in numbers would be the future date 7754).
The Russian Ministry of Defense posted an image on Instagram explaining that the 'Z' is an abbreviation for the Russian phrase “for victory” (“За победу” whose phonetic transcription would be “Za pobedu”), while the 'V' symbolizes the phrase “strength in truth” (“Сила в правде”) and “the task will be completed” (“Задача будет выполнена”).
Yes, but only when they picked up the mad conspiracy ball and played with it to their advantage. Russian sense of humour, you know. Before that, military officials gave the exercises explanation. Again, AFAIK.
Yes, but only when they picked up the mad conspiracy ball and played with it to their advantage. Russian sense of humour, you know. Before that, military officials gave the exercises explanation. Again, AFAIK.
Well, we'll have to see, although to be honest I don't think there's anything, but that, I THINK... who knows if they thought of playing with talismans and other things.
One possible conclusion, then, is that the "Z" originally appeared as the markings associated with military exercises and was then adopted as a higher value symbol, in response to the struggle with a real military threat.
Seems to me that there's no essential conflict between the mundane explanation for the use of Z given by the Russian military and the more esoteric interpretations. It might well have started as the military said, but then became adopted as a symbol by both Russian soldiers and their cheerleaders online, thanks to both the ubiquity of the symbol and various resonances in the collective subconscious. As the symbol grows, it accrues an increasing amount of meaning to itself, gaining psychic weight as it goes. In the end, the answer to "which meaning is correct?" is essentially - all of them.
Symbols represent ideology
Stated that way suggest "all symbols" which is wrong. A red heart is a symbol of love. There are mathematical and musical symbols, there are letters, religious symbols and many more. It's better to avoid broad categorisation since it usually is either trivial or wrong thus carries little to no meaning. Perhaps you could elaborate a bit on your thought so that it's easier to relate without having to guess and risking missing your point?
Stated that way suggest "all symbols" which is wrong. A red heart is a symbol of love. There are mathematical and musical symbols, there are letters, religious symbols and many more. It's better to avoid broad categorisation since it usually is either trivial or wrong thus carries little to no meaning. Perhaps you could elaborate a bit on your thought so that it's easier to relate without having to guess and risking missing your point?
I did not say "all symbols". Said "symbols", by wich I mean "in general". There are always exceptions. In general, widely used mathematical, musical symbols, letters and religious symbols are not coincidental. They stem from either ideology, beliefs or knowledge of their nature or special mathematical/energy patterns etc. Name a symbol for me to study and very likely I will find hidden layers or a deeper understanding of it. Even bathroom signs for men and for women reflect certain knowledge about the nature of our reality. When things seem happen accidentally/without a reason often it means that those things were not studied enough to understand connections.
I did not say "all symbols". Said "symbols", by wich I mean "in general". There are always exceptions. In general, widely used mathematical, musical symbols, letters and religious symbols are not coincidental. They stem from either ideology, beliefs or knowledge of their nature or special mathematical/energy patterns etc. Name a symbol for me to study and very likely I will find hidden layers or a deeper understanding of it. Even bathroom signs for men and for women reflect certain knowledge about the nature of our reality. When things seem happen accidentally/without a reason often it means that those things were not studied enough to understand connections.
I think what Possibility of Being meant was that by you declaring that "Symbols represent ideology" you are writing in a way where all symbols represent ideology, otherwise you could've written "some symbols represent ideology".

I concur with the conversation here, I think all symbols carry information, like you said, even a symbol for a bathroom or an arrow in the context of an airport, for instance, carries information. Same goes for pictographs or letters on an alphabet, they contain a lot of information and it's tied to the larger meaning of the sounds, and as such I would like to think that the choice of the letter Z wasn't random or simply a designation of the origin of a specific military force, though I suppose it can actually mean just that.

From what I know Russians tend to be rather practical in their approaches and probably didn't spend much time conceiving of a meaning for a symbol before launching their operation, they probably went.. "Z?"... "sure, that works"... "ok, Z it is". I could be wrong of course.

But, having said the above, I do find it interesting however, how that little symbol has been attaining meaning through everyone else observing it, where in the future it could represent resistance, support, understanding of what's at stake. So, while I agree that symbols are containers of deeper sets of information and meaning, they are also provided a meaning by communal imprint, if you will, people might come to one day see that "Z" and understand so much more about courage, and service to humanity, and tenacity and strategy and valor.

Just like the cross and Caesar, or even the Swastika and Nazism, there is the intended effect of a symbol or icon, and then what it ends up becoming by association of every person who observes it during their lives.

Just a few thoughts.
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Cosa significa l’emblema “Z” che i combattenti russi espongono fieramente?
Non è la lettera zeta, nell’alfabeto russo, il cirillico, non esiste.
E perché preoccupa i “Democratici” occidentali fino a odiarlo e voler perseguire chi l’espone?
Lo #Z è un antico simbolo cristiano ortodosso. Importantissimo per i popoli slavi, fornisce protezione dalle forze oscure.
La barra superiore dello Z rappresenta il Paradiso, DIO, quella inferiore la Terra, il Figlio, mentre la diagonale: lo Spirito Santo che contemporaneamente congiunge e chiude lo spazio tra cielo e terra, sbarrando l'ingresso al male.
Questo simbolo ancestrale è la più antica preghiera slava praticata oggi, come “nel nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo. Amen"
Ecco perché loro lo odiano e vogliono eliminarlo.
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