John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

Thank you AI for compiling and refining it. Given that it looked clean, I submitted most the questions thought not in the exact order.
Details as follows:
Thank you, ryu. I refined the list a bit, removing questions that seemed more like comments or hypothetical, and leaving just the questions intended for the Cs, with links to the posts for reference. If anyone wants their questions added or changed, just reply and we'll keep the list updated.

- Bluegazer: I would ask the C's if it would be a good idea to contact DeSouza and show him the cassiopaea material. [Note that Chaze has sent him a copy of HS.]
I skipped the question as contacting John is already done.
-Ark: He is saying something to the extent that he was "given some knowledge". How? By whom? When? Channeling? Dreams? Letters or phone calls from Umos? He is vague about that. [Bear found that in another book he alludes to channeling.]
I skipped this too.
-TC: How does he know it? Does he know more than he is saying?
Question submitted.
-Ben: There's so many questions we could ask the C's about his claims, his background, his work with the FBI and so on.
I modified the question with the next sentence in the Ben's post and submitted the question.
There's so many questions we could ask the C's about his claims, his background, his work with the FBI and so on. While he is clearly aware of the nefarious intentions of at least some of the 'extradimensionals', Is he underestimating the reach and power of such beings?

-Alejo: Are these efforts to drip "disclosure" about the alien phenomenon, and the allowance of certain individuals to publish and spread details about it from official sources, the PTB's attempt to anticipate the aforementioned thinning of the veil caused by the wave?
-Jones: Are greys and/or Lizzie egregores? [I think the implication from the last session is yes, sinnce they are 4D.]
-Jones: Baldwin and Wickland give the idea that many Earth bound spirits either don't know they can go to the light, or don't think they can for some reason. What percentage of DeSouza's ED's are actually earthbound spirits - the type that used to have a body of their own?
-Keit: Does global awareness of "aliens" correspond with a 4D STS agenda. If it does, do they require more people "believing" in them. Would this make the displays on their part of "power and control" easier. If so, how would it manifest.
- Questions and rumination from Laura:
--All this is an interesting take on the matter, and one we can mostly agree with, but earlier in his book, he made the point that there was a difference between the realm of the aliens - Extra-dimensionality - and the so-called Astral realms. And we, ourselves, have made that distinction. So, this is one issue I would like to clear up with the Cs if possible.
--Do the grays ever change form like DeSouza suggests? Can they? He made the assumption that the grays could and did transform themselves into Nordics and he was off and running with the idea that "the idea that "Alien Races" are nothing more than a convenience... For Alien Visitors, changing forms may be as easy as changing an overcoat is for humans." So, we need to ask Cs if that is true.
--Do some hybrids look like Nordics? (That may already be covered.) And also, was Travis Walton revived by the aliens because he was accidentally killed by a plasma beam? If not, what was going on there?
submitted as below
Was Travis Walton revived by the aliens because he was accidentally killed by a plasma beam? If not, what was going on there?
-Laura: Is DeSouza deliberately mixing all of this stuff together so as to disguise an attempt to convey some really important information to his readers? Has he buried some gems in a bucket of mud?
-Keit: Who made the objects (Tictac/Nimitz encounter) that are seen in the following videos, and to whom they belong? (There are 3 videos in the thread that were released by the Pentagon.)
-TC: [DeSouza claims?] Tic Tac UAPs buzzing the US Navy being completely man-made objects, not hyperdimensional. He perceives this activity as being a facet of the 'fake alien invasion' scenario, a psy-op being done to vector the public, government and military understanding of the UFO phenomenon. [Is this true?]
-TC: [More DeSouza claims] His predictions of disappearing cities and their populations, and the appearance of hybrid monsters engineered from the samples taken during abductions and mutilations. [Are these true?]
-TC: Might as well ask if he’s Greenbaumed, given the sort of “New Age Programmer” installations that some GB victims get, and his high-strangeness experiences in his youth. Maybe such a programming could explain where he’s got some of his ideas from.
-happyliza: I am interested to know whether he is aware, or mentions in his book about terra terrestrials [presumably the underground race]. The preparations can just as easily be for an 'invasion' of the millions in Earth's centre and various places on Earth too. Also the mother ships. Both of which the C's have corroborated for us.
-lainey: With regards to the Roswell crashes on June 4th, July 1st, and July 4th, I was wondering if it was possible that these were 3 versions of the same crash? Was there was a time loop and 3 different crashes were perceived but it was the same ship crashing with a slightly different outcomes, or was it 3 separate ships that all happened to crash around the same area/time?
-Altair: Is DeSouza purposefully misguided by 4D STS regarding the "UFO topic"?

You can check the submitted questions here Questions to the Cassiopaea Team
Other than the main question of where did he get the information (and has he read any of Laura's work?) I'm still very curious about one other thing.

In the Redacted interview (about 38 mins in) DeSouza describes being interrogated in a US military base. After a UFO encounter he was arrested at a military base and asked about his level of knowledge about UFO phenomena, it seemed that the UFO had been specifically drawn to him and he was asked about that. The people doing this were at the base but not military personnel. They were dressed in black and he was quite convinced that they did not work for the US government, they seemed to outrank everybody at the base as well as his FBI supervisors (who told him to cooperate with their questioning).

I'm not convinced that he has any real evidence to suggest these people were above the level of government. Who were they?

I genuinely am interested in this one, but I understand it would need rephrasing as a question for the C's. I'll do that if you guys think it's worth doing, because I'm not sure it's a worthy enough question to be asked along with all the others.
I genuinely am interested in this one, but I understand it would need rephrasing as a question for the C's. I'll do that if you guys think it's worth doing, because I'm not sure it's a worthy enough question to be asked along with all the others.
If you can think of a better way to reformulate that question, I'd say go for it.
I finished reading the book the other day and I think that overall it's pretty good that people are interested in reading this material. I liked the way he emphasizes how people should transcend material/physical life and focus in the soul and its spiritual connection to the Creator. I think he was also helpful in portraying how understanding an "extradimensional" reality is the key to make sense of so much.

I think the authoritative statements of his conclusions, and he does jump into conclusions, stems from his strong sense/connection with his intuition and/or channeled material. He could apply more critical thinking and discernment, he could also benefit from networking with individuals with a critical mind.
Can we have the finalized questions in a word Doc that I can print?

Also, add these posts to the doc:

John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

Can we have the finalized questions in a word Doc that I can print?

Also, add these posts to the doc:

John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

working on it.
I enjoyed reading about all the UFO cases in "The Extradimensionals", I had read about most of the cases DeSouza described in other various works. The book gave me some idea of the current state of the UFO genre today. I had started reading about UFOs shortly before I discovered this forum - some 20 years ago. 'Disclosure' of some kind is indeed upon us it seems.

I saw the same problems with DeSouza's work as many here have already brought out. He jumps to conclusions without providing much argument or sources, and his statements are often outlandish - such statements normally require a lot of proof. DeSouza seems to want to jump into the deep end of the pool and provide explanations for all kinds of things he finds there using his knowledge of what he has seen in the kiddie pool as a guide.

DeSouza's difficulties are anyone's difficulties when investigating the 'unknown'. We use our often mistaken ideas about what we know to explain encounters with what we do not know. DeSouza seems to want to have quick and ready answers or solutions to some 'high strangeness' type stuff that can perhaps best be understood by changing ourselves somehow over time and with a considerable amount of effort.

DeSouza defines what a new and improved UFO investigator would be like:

Yet, as important as the physical requirement is, the more important requirement is that they must be genuine believers like the leader of the group. This is of greater importance for success than anything else. Each member of that investigative team must be able to convince audiences, beyond any shadow of doubt, that they have had paranormal experiences and have a real belief in the area that is being investigated. There should be rotating, beautifully re-enacted mini-bios on the members’ personal paranormal experiences featured on a regular basis to reinforce the “true believer” aspect of the show. Beware—as you know—people will say anything to get on television.

4. This is crucial: Omit the formulaic role of cynic/doubter/scientific materialist from the team. The rest of mainstream culture and cultural conditioning throughout the planet provides enormous counter balance against the purveyors of true faith and belief in any supernatural topic. Also, have the Leader always make it clear that the investigation is not restricted or determined by the scientific paradigm—that the truth of the investigative conclusion is ultimately decided by “the experiencer” and by the leader’s final investigative conclusion based on human authenticity. The experiencer involved will make the initial allegation over whether the paranormal phenomenon was “real” but the leader will make the final determination.

DeSouza may be getting in a bit too deep by removing 'the materialist' from the team. He may need an anchor to the 'real world'. I would suggest a good 'paranormal researcher' would have a big category for 'the unknown'. He or she would be comfortable in not knowing everything - knowing that one cannot know some things and that some things are practically unknowable.
The C's warned that if we get into a hurry we may miss a lot of valuable things along the shore of our journey.

Casteneda called everything we know about the world "The Tonal" and everything we don't know "The Nagual". We are living in a time where the 'island of the tonal' is being encroached on by the unknown - from "Tales of Power":

"The tonal is everything we are," he proceeded. "Name it! Anything we have a word for is the tonal. And since the tonal is its own doings, then everything, obviously, has to fall under its domain."
I reminded him that he had said that the tonal was the social person, a term which I myself had used with him to mean a human being as the end result of socialization processes. I pointed out that if the tonal was that product, it could not be everything, as he had said, because the world around us was not the product of socialization. Don Juan reminded me that my argument had no basis for him, and that, long before, he had already made the point that there was no world at large but only a description of the world which wehad learned to visualize and take for granted.

"The tonal is everything we know," he said. "I think this initself is enough reason for the tonal to be such an overpowering affair."
He paused for a moment. He seemed to be definitely waiting for comments or questions, but I had none. Yet I felt obligated to voice a question and struggled to formulate an appropriate one. I failed. I felt that the admonitions with which he had opened our conversation had perhaps served as a deterrent to any inquiry on my part. I felt strangely numb. I could not concentrateand order my thoughts. In fact I felt and knew, without the shadow ofa doubt, that I was incapable of thinking and yet I knew this without thinking, if that were at all possible. I looked at don Juan. He was staring at the middle part of my body. He lifted his eyes and my clarity of mind returned instantly.
"The tonal is everything we know," he repeated slowly. "And that includes not only us, as persons, but everything in our world. It can be said that thetonal is everything that meets the eye. "We begin to groom it at the moment of birth. The moment we take the first gasp of air we also breathe in power for the tonal. So, it is proper to say that thet onal of a human being is intimately tied to his birth.

"You must remember this point. It is of great importance in understandin gall this. The tonal begins at birth and ends at death." I wanted to recapitulate all the points that he had made. I went as far as opening my mouth to ask him to repeat the salient points of ourconversation, but to my amazement I could not vocalize my words. Iwas experiencing a most curious incapacity, my words were heavy and I had no control over that sensation. I looked at don Juan to signal him that I could not talk. He was again staring at the area around my stomach. He lifted his eyes and asked me how I felt. Words poured out of me as if I had been unplugged. I told him that I had been having the peculiar sensation of not being able to talk or think and yet mythoughts had been crystal clear.

"Your thoughts have been crystal clear?" he asked. I realized thenthat the clarity had not pertained to my thoughts, but to my perception of the world. "Are you doing something to me, don Juan?" I asked. "I am trying to convince you that your comments are not necessary," he said and laughed. "You meanyou don't want me to ask questions?" "No, no. Ask anything you want, but don't let your attention waver."
I had to admit that I had been distracted by the immensity of the topic. 70 "I still cannot understand, don Juan, what you mean by the statement that the tonal is everything,"
I said after a moment'spause. "The tonal is what makes the world." "Is thet onal the creator of the world?" Don Juan scratched his temples.
"The tonal makes the world only in a manner of speaking. Itcan not create or change anything, and yet it makes the world becauseits function is to judge, and assess, and witness. I say that the tonal makes the world because it witnesses and assesses it according to tonal rules. In a very strange manner the tonal is a creator that doesn't create a thing. In other words, the tonal makes up the rules by which it apprehends the world. So, in a manner of speaking, it creates the world."
He hummed a popular tune, beating the rhythm with his fingers on the side of his chair. His eyes were shining; they seemed to sparkle. He chuckled, shaking his head.
"You're not following me," he said, smiling. "I am. I have no problems," I said, but I did not sound very convincing. "The tonal is an island," he explained.
"The best way of describing it is to say that the tonal is this." Heran his hand over the table top. "We can say that the tonal is like the top of this table. An island. And on this island we have everything. This island is, in fact, the world.

"There is apersonal tonal for every one of us, and there is a collective one forall of us at any given time, which we can call the tonal of the times.
" He pointed to the rows of tables in the restaurant." Look! Every table has the same configuration. Certain items arepresent on all of them. They are, however, individually different from each other; some tables are more crowded than others; they have different food on them, different plates, different atmosphere, yet we have to admit that all the tables in this restaurant are very alike. The same thing happens with the tonal. We can say that the tonal of the times is what makes us alike, in the same way it make sall the tables in this restaurant alike. Each table separately, nevertheless, is an individual case, just like the personal tonal of each of us. But the important factor to keep in mind is that everything we know about ourselves and about our world is on the island of the tonal. See what I mean?"

"If the tonal is everything we know about ourselves and our world, what, then, is the nagual?" "The nagual is the part of us which we do not deal with at all." "I beg your pardon?" "The nagual is the part of us for which there is no description - no words, no names, no feelings, no knowledge." "That's a contradiction, don Juan. I n my opinion if it can't be felt or described or named, it cannot exist." "It's a contradiction only in your opinion. I warned you before, don't knock yourself out trying to understand this."
"Would you say that the nagual is the mind?"
"No. The mind is an item on the table. The mind is part ofthe tonal. Let's say that the mind is the chili sauce." He took a bottle of sauce and placed it in front of me.
"Is the nagual the soul?"
"No. The soul is also on the table. Let's say that the soul is the ashtray."
"Is it thethoughts of men?"
"No. Thoughts are also on the table. Thoughts are like the silverware." He picked up a forkand placed it next to the chili sauce and the ashtray.
"Isit a state of grace? Heaven?"
"Not that either. That, whatever it might be, is also part of the tonal. It is, let's say, the napkin." I went on giving possible ways of describing whathe was alluding to: pure intellect, psyche, energy, vital force, immortality, life principle. For each thing I named he found an itemon the table to serve as a counterpart and shoved it in front of me, until he had all the objects on the table stashed in one pile.
Don Juan seemed to be enjoying himself immensely. He giggled and rubbed his hands every time I named another possibility.
"Is the nagual the Supreme Being, the Almighty, God?" I asked.
"No. God is also on the table. Let's say that God is the tablecloth."He made a joking gesture of pulling the tablecloth in order to stack it up with the rest of the items he had put in front of me.
"But, are you saying that God does not exist?"
"No. I didn't say that. All I said was that the nagual was not God, because God is an item of our personal tonal and of the tonal of the times. The tonal is, as I've already said, everything we think the world is composed of, including God, of course. God has no more importance other than being a part of the tonal of our time."
"In my understanding, don Juan, God is everything. Aren't we talking about the same thing?"
"No. God is only everything you can think of, therefore, properly speaking, he is only another item on the island. God cannot be witnessed at will, he can only be talked about. The nagual, on the other hand, is at the service of the warrior. It can be witnessed, but it cannot be talked about."
"If the nagual is not any of the things I have mentioned,"I said, "perhaps you can tell me about its location. Where is it?"
Don Juan made a sweeping gesture and pointed to the area beyond the boundaries of the table. He swept his hand, as if with the back of it he were cleaning an imaginary surface that went beyond the edges of the table. "The nagual is there," hes aid. "There, surrounding the island. The nagual is there, where power hovers.

We should learn a lot about ourselves that we don't currently know on our way to learning about UFOs.
Can we have the finalized questions in a word Doc that I can print?

Also, add these posts to the doc:

John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

Here is the document. I tried my best to shorten the questions mentioned in some of the above mentioned posts.

Feel free to modify or format as per the needs. Word document is in 2019 version. I am also adding pdf version to avoid version compatibility issues.


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  • Questions_Cs_06242023.pdf
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I haven't quite caught up with the thread yet. I respect the information in his book, Clear-Hearers. It strikes me that both STS and STO can use what he calls the "Law of Election Correction" to abridge free will to some extent, or point a person in the desired direction. If I summarize it properly, he came up with this law as an explanation for why voices, visions, and physical feelings can be sent or interfered with. According to this law, if an event may alter the grand plan for an individual, then this "Great Voice" may be allowed to interfere.

If the sender is STO, though, I would assume feelings, or the "Small Voice," or conscience would be a better choice than this Great Voice.
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