John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals"

Like many on the forum, after reading the book I was left still hungry for more info, more objectivity. The book felt like it presented a lot of appetizer but had no main course. Like seen on this tread, it brought more questioning than answer about DeSousa is experience, motive and reason. But, there is one chapter that so far as not been discussed on this tread and is one that probably impacted me the most.

THE FINAL GRAND REVEAL or TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it).

For DeSousa this event will take place in an altered state, in what he calls a commonly shared, worldwide dream state. DeSousa think that during dream state, to quote him, we are firmly within the paranormal-supernatural state and since every human must sleep and dream, then each human enters a paranormal state every single night. But he goes on to say that only one percent can enter what is known as lucid dream, that 99% of humanity as no ability or skill in the dream state and for this reason, the best scenario for an invasion to succeed would be to bring humanity in this extra-dimension or hyper-dimension realm of our overlord. There without the limitation of space time 3rd density, it will be easy for them to manipulate reality to subjugate any resistance that humanity may try to build. He goes on and describes how the overlord in this extra-dimension could create just with a thought any environment they wish, a new matrix to control any aspect of human life, they could create a new prison more easily that in 3rd density as there are less limitation in this other reality. So what I think he mean, is that the extra-dimension is accessible in our dream state but can only be navigated in a lucid dream like state or enhanced state of awareness.

I don’t know what you thought when reading this but me my first thought was that he was describing fourth density. He goes on to say that there is in the population what he calls the awakened.

From the book

THE AWAKENING RESOLUTION: We the paranormal believer, and the Awakened Communities who can see beyond the frailty of this false reality, resolve to prepare for what is to come by coalescing into associations that utilize our paranormal talents and abilities; in this way we shall support, strengthen and meld together into partnerships that will help us to attend to the betterment of humanity.

DeSousa make a distinction between paranormal believer and the Awakened. The first group are those how believe in the paranormal and what I think are probably the majority in multiple communities and second the awakened. What I think he means here is that the awakened may be part of that one percent (or some of them) with the ability to access the extra-dimension reality in a state of enhanced awareness or to put in Plato term, they got out of the cavern and witnessed the real or as DeSousa call it, they see beyond the frailty of this false 3rd density reality. Now as DeSousa wrote in his book and Plato in is allegory, it is almost impossible to awake anyone, it must come from within so instead of trying to awake anyone, the awaken should form Communities form groups, form tribes.

From the book.

Form tribes.

I am not talking about just any tribes but only those tribes that are anathema to the current mainstream reality paradigm and that are based upon the paranormal- spiritual abilities of those who form them.

He goes on to describe what differentiate good community and other that are formed as trap.

Didn’t the C`s told us that other group will form and that one day we would join force together.

I will conclude here and tell you why this particular part of his book appealed to me. I often add lucid dream and for a long time wondered if during such experience I had accessed other density. Since recently the C’s told us that there was not much limit to what one can access and experience in dream, this part of DeSousa book may be a corroboration of what we learned from the C’s. We are wondering where DeSousa got all the idea and concept that this forum as gained trough Laura experiment and communication with the C’s. Maybe and a big maybe here, is that DeSousa gained some of his knowledge from experience in this enhanced state of awareness in lucid dream. Maybe DeSousa as developed the ability to cross density, in which case he may be what the C’s call Bi-Density.

Well, as far as I know the C‘s once said something like „dreams are prime sources of desinformation“. It might not be black and white though and some people might be able to perceive more than „disinformation“ depending on their awareness and „abilities“ and/or circumstances. And of course lucid dreaming might also be a bit different. Generally speaking though, from what I heard of lucid dreaming over the years from people who do it purposefully, and also from my limited unforced experiences with it, it seems to me, generally speaking, that this is more of a distraction and „feel good“ thing for most people. I could be wrong though and there might be exceptions to that „rule“. Also, it often seems to me that people who seek out lucid dreaming might be playing a dangerous game because they might be attempting to play in dangerous territories that could be more dangerous then the densest jungles on the material plane.
Here it is below. There was also questions left in last session about the "watchers". I can assemble everything in one file if you wish:
Thank you, ryu. I refined the list a bit, removing questions that seemed more like comments or hypothetical, and leaving just the questions intended for the Cs, with links to the posts for reference. If anyone wants their questions added or changed, just reply and we'll keep the list updated.

- Bluegazer: I would ask the C's if it would be a good idea to contact DeSouza and show him the cassiopaea material. [Note that Chaze has sent him a copy of HS.]

-Ark: He is saying something to the extent that he was "given some knowledge". How? By whom? When? Channeling? Dreams? Letters or phone calls from Umos? He is vague about that. [Bear found that in another book he alludes to channeling.]
-TC: How does he know it? Does he know more than he is saying?

-Ben: There's so many questions we could ask the C's about his claims, his background, his work with the FBI and so on.

-Alejo: Are these efforts to drip "disclosure" about the alien phenomenon, and the allowance of certain individuals to publish and spread details about it from official sources, the PTB's attempt to anticipate the aforementioned thinning of the veil caused by the wave?

-Jones: Are greys and/or Lizzie egregores? [I think the implication from the last session is yes, sinnce they are 4D.]

-Jones: Baldwin and Wickland give the idea that many Earth bound spirits either don't know they can go to the light, or don't think they can for some reason. What percentage of DeSouza's ED's are actually earthbound spirits - the type that used to have a body of their own?

-Keit: Does global awareness of "aliens" correspond with a 4D STS agenda. If it does, do they require more people "believing" in them. Would this make the displays on their part of "power and control" easier. If so, how would it manifest.

- Questions and rumination from Laura:
--All this is an interesting take on the matter, and one we can mostly agree with, but earlier in his book, he made the point that there was a difference between the realm of the aliens - Extra-dimensionality - and the so-called Astral realms. And we, ourselves, have made that distinction. So, this is one issue I would like to clear up with the Cs if possible.
--Do the grays ever change form like DeSouza suggests? Can they? He made the assumption that the grays could and did transform themselves into Nordics and he was off and running with the idea that "the idea that "Alien Races" are nothing more than a convenience... For Alien Visitors, changing forms may be as easy as changing an overcoat is for humans." So, we need to ask Cs if that is true.
--Do some hybrids look like Nordics? (That may already be covered.) And also, was Travis Walton revived by the aliens because he was accidentally killed by a plasma beam? If not, what was going on there?

-Laura: Is DeSouza deliberately mixing all of this stuff together so as to disguise an attempt to convey some really important information to his readers? Has he buried some gems in a bucket of mud?

-Keit: Who made the objects (Tictac/Nimitz encounter) that are seen in the following videos, and to whom they belong? (There are 3 videos in the thread that were released by the Pentagon.)
-TC: [DeSouza claims?] Tic Tac UAPs buzzing the US Navy being completely man-made objects, not hyperdimensional. He perceives this activity as being a facet of the 'fake alien invasion' scenario, a psy-op being done to vector the public, government and military understanding of the UFO phenomenon. [Is this true?]

-TC: [More DeSouza claims] His predictions of disappearing cities and their populations, and the appearance of hybrid monsters engineered from the samples taken during abductions and mutilations. [Are these true?]

-TC: Might as well ask if he’s Greenbaumed, given the sort of “New Age Programmer” installations that some GB victims get, and his high-strangeness experiences in his youth. Maybe such a programming could explain where he’s got some of his ideas from.

-happyliza: I am interested to know whether he is aware, or mentions in his book about terra terrestrials [presumably the underground race]. The preparations can just as easily be for an 'invasion' of the millions in Earth's centre and various places on Earth too. Also the mother ships. Both of which the C's have corroborated for us.

-lainey: With regards to the Roswell crashes on June 4th, July 1st, and July 4th, I was wondering if it was possible that these were 3 versions of the same crash? Was there was a time loop and 3 different crashes were perceived but it was the same ship crashing with a slightly different outcomes, or was it 3 separate ships that all happened to crash around the same area/time?

-Altair: Is DeSouza purposefully misguided by 4D STS regarding the "UFO topic"?
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Could be that he is or has been in contact with this 'Great Voice' or knows a person or people who are in terms of where some of his information comes from.
It looks like deSouza indeed "channels" some of the information through what he calls the "Great Voice". In this interview he touches upon the origin of the "Great Voice" as being the higher self of each individual, or maybe the "future" higher self so to speak:
Despite the title of the video, the interview goes all over the place and doesn't not center only on the great voice.
Maybe the book "clear hearers" clarifies more on the source, or what he perceives to be the source of the "revelations" in "extra-dimensionals", and whether it's exactly what he's been told or if it was his personal interpretation of what's he's been told.

I think the subject of interpretation is important because as much as literal human-looking hybrids make some sense for infiltration and covert activities, chimeras as animals with human heads like in "mars attacks" could be a metaphor for human population reduced to an animalistic state (like when Circe transforms Odysseus' companions), which would be part of the global programming next to the sexual degeneration we're witnessing everywhere.
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I thought the book was a pretty good introduction to what the UFO phenomenon really is for someone who doesn't have the time or inclination to sift through a library. High Strangeness is better of course, but is denser and even more "out there." The book would have more value to me if he was totally unfamiliar with the Cassiopaean material because he does corroborate a lot of it and coming from a different angle it's sort of like validation of a lot of their claims, even though he definitely puts his own spin on things. Like Stavish he likes to lump a lot of disparate things into one be all end all neat little theory of everything, although his FBI mind is able to appreciate much more of the nuance. The major sticking points for me were his idea that humanity is the center of the physical universe and that all alien activity is strictly outside of it, relegating things such as alien abduction and hybridization and crop circles to the same ethereal space. Here the exactitude of the Cassiopaean cosmology is helpful, and they warned Laura early on about drifting into this ethereal only theoretical position. This was also an issue I had with Keel where he proposes this nonlocalized and ephemeral "superspectrum," which must act on humans to manifest physical phenomenon, as the answer to everything. The 4D aliens do have a physical existence independent of human physicality, it is just that their physical laws are somehow different from ours. I could quibble over certain topics he presents with a vague New Age gloss, but overall it's not too bad if you're not susceptible to it. I also suspect that he is allowed to publish this information because a lot of it seems like it is very close but won't quite get you there.

Something interesting that was mentioned in the book a couple of times and seemed like a big deal for the PTB was "disappearances," that cities were just going to vanish and this was cited as a reason that would eventually force their hand into creating some type of disclosure narrative to explain it. I remembered that this was also alluded to in the transcripts with the description of New Mexico more or less disappearing by going into 4D, and NSA agents quaking in their boots at the prospect. While I don't see much evidence that the rules of 3D reality are starting to unravel just yet, it would be interesting to know if this is behind part of the disclosure narrative; to get out in front of the effects of the Wave by framing it as alien interference. He also said that bad EDs would be framed as good and vice-versa, which wouldn't be too surprising if 4D STS is really running the show. The PTB could utilize both the terror of an alien invasion which isn't actually happening as described while also bolstering their credibility by demonstrating that they are receiving guidance from the good guys, where the reality is exactly the opposite and they are bringing the world body politic into some kind of alliance with 4D STS. Sooner or later this card will have to be played, but it seems like we're still a long ways off from that level of intensity and we're still in the "planting seeds" stage.
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Watched the video where he is interviewed about ‘Clear-Hearers’. He doesn’t say that he gets his information from the ‘Great Voice’. He says that the ‘Great Voice’ comes in more desperate and rare situations and in times of crisis.

Now he did say these things below about the ‘Great Voice’ that echoes in a way what the C’s have said in terms of ‘we are you in the future’.

19:20 min

And my final investigative conclusion […] that the entity, that the ‘Great Voice’, when it is the ‘Great Voice’, when it fits these parameters, is actual a great unknown, unfathomable version of you. Of the person themselves, but it is upstream from you. It is this great version of you that stands in the breath of God. That stands in the place that we can’t even imagine. That is, it’s this great version of you.

25:40 min

That’s another reason why I came to the final conclusion that this entity is you. Because I believe there are divine, there are laws of divine non-interference where God, creator force, does not, does not disrupt our free will. But this ‘Great Voice’ does, it does. It will come and it will take a decision that you made and it will completely reverse it. And it will even force you, sort of, force you to take the opposite position on something you decided. And that is one of the reasons I know, at the conclusion of all this, at the conclusion of this investigative file that I put together, that this entity is arguably you, because it is allowed to reverse your decisions and no one can do that except you yourself. In order to not violate that law of divine non-interference.
Well, as far as I know the C‘s once said something like „dreams are prime sources of desinformation“. It might not be black and white though and some people might be able to perceive more than „disinformation“ depending on their awareness and „abilities“ and/or circumstances. And of course lucid dreaming might also be a bit different. Generally speaking though, from what I heard of lucid dreaming over the years from people who do it purposefully, and also from my limited unforced experiences with it, it seems to me, generally speaking, that this is more of a distraction and „feel good“ thing for most people. I could be wrong though and there might be exceptions to that „rule“. Also, it often seems to me that people who seek out lucid dreaming might be playing a dangerous game because they might be attempting to play in dangerous territories that could be more dangerous then the densest jungles on the material plane.
I think the C's also said at some point that Lucid Dreaming was mostly entertainment. But that isn't to say that one might not be delving into dangerous territories even if mentally, to create such an imaginary reality where one believes entertainment is reality... like believing that what one sees in a movie is real.
Watched the video where he is interviewed about ‘Clear-Hearers’. He doesn’t say that he gets his information from the ‘Great Voice’. He says that the ‘Great Voice’ comes in more desperate and rare situations and in times of crisis.

Now he did say these things below about the ‘Great Voice’ that echoes in a way what the C’s have said in terms of ‘we are you in the future’.
DESOUZA: "That’s another reason why I came to the final conclusion that this entity is you. Because I believe there are divine, there are laws of divine non-interference where God, creator force, does not, does not disrupt our free will. But this ‘Great Voice’ does, it does. It will come and it will take a decision that you made and it will completely reverse it. And it will even force you, sort of, force you to take the opposite position on something you decided. And that is one of the reasons I know, at the conclusion of all this, at the conclusion of this investigative file that I put together, that this entity is arguably you, because it is allowed to reverse your decisions and no one can do that except you yourself. In order to not violate that law of divine non-interference."
Desouza's comment sounds a bit like it is related to the 'duplicate copy' of the Soul Imprint that Laura mentioned earlier - what Desouza offers suggests it has the potential to be used in some way from another density (4D?) to interface with your 3D Soul and alter choices and decisions you are likely to make? A bit like a version of 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' but on a soul imprint level; a 'medium' they can use to try to 'interface' through - and directly sabotage the Soul.

I am relating my comment above also to Laura's previous post #92 where she is quoting from a session with the C's:
From that soul imprint a duplicate copy or
cloning, if you will, which appears on fourth density, can
then be made and studied
and the soul imprint is then
replaced into the original body at whatever density it was
If I have understood this correctly and this is what can be happening to some people, I wonder if continually raising your own FRV in 3D and simply having awareness of the potential of this (knowledge), is one of the only ways of protecting yourself from this type of manipulation or 'attack' from (what would appear to be) 4D STS.

Mike mentioned:
He says that the ‘Great Voice’ comes in more desperate and rare situations and in times of crisis
So perhaps this is something that occurs when STS forces are doing all they can to sabotage a Soul with a particular FRV, from reaching their highest potential? That immediately made me think of Laura and so many experiences she has had where the Control System has clearly tried to sabotage her path repeatedly.

Perhaps some souls have some inherent connection to the DCM/Universe that cannot be easily corrupted - but still - STS will give it a damn good try. STS also have the advantage of being able to manipulate 'time' and move back and forth to continually try to alter the outcome, but if they use 'the Great Voice' in more rare situations / times of crisis, it must be because they are REALLY desperate.

Perhaps it is reserved for crisis situations because:

- it can alter the 'future' through a series of 'Butterly Effect' events and this is something that should only be used in desperation/as a last resort?

- there is a limit to how often they can try to use it before the Soul 'wakes up' and realises what is going on...
their spidey senses/authentic Higher Self can 'feel' / KNOW that something is 'off'

We all know 'they' never wanted Laura (or the group as a whole!) to get this far and they have repeatedly attacked Laura and those close to her constantly in some form.

As I write this, part of the 'Evening Reading' comes to mind...

"Because you have made Knowledge and Awareness your refuge,
the Cosmic Mind your habitation,
no evil shall befall you,
no scourge come near your home.

For Cosmic Mind will give Awareness
to guard you in all your ways.

On the foundation of Knowledge it will bear you up,
lest you dash your foot against a stone.

Because you know that Knowledge protects

and hold to this in love of Cosmic Mind
You will be delivered.
Call upon Cassiopaea
And Knowledge will answer;
Awareness will be with you in Trouble;
Knowledge will give long life and happiness."

Watched the video where he is interviewed about ‘Clear-Hearers’. He doesn’t say that he gets his information from the ‘Great Voice’. He says that the ‘Great Voice’ comes in more desperate and rare situations and in times of crisis.
Maybe this video, starting at about 1h50m gives more clues as to his more active clear-hearing .
Basically he asks questions in meditation and receives answers in the form of hearing, something like that.
A possible question could be formulated around whether the source from which he has his revelations is what he thinks it is for example.
Also, I think that it is in Clear-Hearing that the cosmology falls short and where the devil in the detail could be lurking, especially in regards to "the law of free-will" that in the context of the video of the workshop (maybe it's more nuanced in the book, who knows) being applied in the 3d context, could lead to cosmic cointelpro. Maybe it's just my interpretation of the content of the video but IMHO, a question to keep in mind if "what's the catch?".
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Sorry to plug that AI stuff here, but I was interested if the Clear-Hearers book can be summarized without investing much time into reading 300 pages. Below are my queries to the (gpt-3.5) LLM, wondering how accurate are the answers :-)
Ask: Summarize the context.
The context is a personal narrative about the author's experiences growing up in a dangerous neighborhood in New York City. The author recalls witnessing a violent incident as a child and living in fear for their safety. Despite the precautions taken by the author's father, they believe that it was God's protection that kept their family safe. The author also discusses their mother's success in the loan business and their own education in law and criminal investigation.

Ask: How God protected author's family?
God protected the author's family by keeping them from being assaulted or killed during the entire time they lived in a dangerous neighborhood. Despite living in a heavily fortified apartment and feeling the presence of predatory eyes, nothing violent ever happened to the author's family. The author attributes this protection to God's "Protective Hand" and compares it to the aura that must have enveloped ancient holy men.

Ask: Who is the author?
The author of the given context information is John DeSouza.

Ask: Elaborate on DeSouza.
John DeSouza is the author of the book "Clear-hearers" and is described as a former FBI Special Agent in the area of Counter-Terrorism and Violent Crime Investigations. He held a Top Secret security clearance during his time at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. DeSouza claims to have had paranormal experiences that led him to discover the truth of "Clear-Hearing," which is the subject of his book. He now focuses on his companies and writing books on spiritual and paranormal subjects. The author can be reached at

Ask: What is Clear-Hearing?
Clear-Hearing refers to the ability to hear the "Great Voice," which is described as a crystal clear voice of love and caring authority that seeks the benefit of the individual. It is distinguished from ordinary mental illness and is seen as an extraordinary ability rather than a bothersome condition. Clear-Hearers are described as razor sharp spears of destiny, guided and calibrated to absolute clarity of purpose by the power of the Great Voice.

Ask: Can you name some Clear-Hearers?
Yes, some Clear-Hearers mentioned in the context are Socrates, Joan of Arc, and the author Howard Storm.

Ask: What is that Great Voice you've mentioned?
The Great Voice mentioned in the context is a voice that is heard internally, originating from within one's head or heart. It is believed to be connected to the great Overmind of creation and only says things that are beneficial and loving. It acts in protection and magnification and would never suggest harm or spread negativity. It is described as sounding like the individual's own voice, but with great authority and confidence.

Ask: Elaborate on the great Overmind.
The great Overmind, also referred to as the Superconsciousness, is described as a swirling inky darkness that connects all thinking beings to the mind of Creator-Source. It is believed to be a tiny drop of Creator-Source's essence that expanded and transformed into a wonderful ebony swirling pool that hovers over our heads, above the third heaven. This Superconsciousness can be accessed by anyone through the power of their intentions.
Tapping into the great ebony pool of the Overmind is not considered channeling, as it does not involve connecting two distinct beings. Instead, it is seen as transcending apparent limitations and entering a part of the universe where the Mind of Creator-Source is contained. This experience is often described as the "Felt Presence of Direct Experience" and can only be truly understood through the act of doing it oneself.
Creative thinkers, such as writers, artists, inventors, and businessmen, often tap into the Overmind when they experience moments of inspiration and revelation. It is during these moments that ideas, thoughts, creativity, and powerful truths are revealed, seemingly originating from a place beyond the thinker's consciousness. Many great advances for mankind have been stumbled upon through this connection to the Superconsciousness.
Terence McKenna, a philosopher and thinker, advocated for the exploration of altered states of mind, including the use of psychedelic substances, to access human consciousness. While the author does not endorse McKenna's literal methods, they appreciate his originality and sharp commentaries on the origins and nature of human consciousness.
In summary, the great Overmind or Superconsciousness is a concept that suggests a connection between all thinking beings and the mind of Creator-Source. It can be accessed through intention and is often experienced by creative thinkers during moments of inspiration and revelation.

Ask: How is God compared to the Overmind?
In the given context, God is compared to the Oversoul or the Superconsciousness. Ralph Waldo Emerson referred to the Superconsciousness as the Oversoul and described it as "the lap of an immense intelligence that is far beyond our human mind." This implies that God, being connected to the Breath and Mind of God, is also connected to the Superconsciousness or Oversoul.

Ask: What is "Breath and Mind of God"?
Based on the given context information, "Breath and Mind of God" refers to the state of being in constant communication with the Great Voice or the Superconsciousness gulf, which is described as the authority that sits at the right hand of Creator-Source-Source. It is a state where one receives mind-vibrating, bell-ringing, declaratory pronouncements and guidance from this higher authority.

Ask: Elaborate on Creator-Source-Source.
The term "Creator-Source" refers to the ultimate and original source of all things. It is described as the entity that created all souls and all goodness in the multiple universes. Creator-Source is eternal, infinite, and the only true Creator of reality. Human souls, on the other hand, are like mirrors that reflect a small portion of the brilliance of Creator-Source. While human souls have the ability to co-create and manifest realities, they can never be the original creators of reality. They can reproduce, amplify, and expand upon ideas and values already known to them by Creator-Source, but their creations will always be contained within the matrix that Creator-Source has established.

The concept of Creator-Source being the ultimate and only Creator is emphasized, as human souls are not meant to replace or surpass Creator-Source. Instead, they long to be with Creator-Source and share in the experience of manifesting reality. As "Manifestors of Reality," human souls will have the ability to create and amplify good things based on what they have learned from Creator-Source's example. These creations are seen as reflections of Creator-Source's love, and they will grow in their understanding of this love through their manifestations. However, they will never replace or replace Creator-Source's love.

In summary, Creator-Source is the original and only Creator of all things, while human souls have the ability to co-create and manifest realities based on what they have learned from Creator-Source. The creations of human souls are reflections of Creator-Source's love and are meant to be shared with Creator-Source, but they do not replace or surpass Creator-Source's role as the ultimate Source and Repository of all things.

Ask: Is God the Creator-Source?
Yes, according to the context information, God is referred to as the Creator-Source.

Ask: Is the author also a Clear-Hearer?
Based on the given context information, it is not clear whether the author is also a Clear-Hearer. The context mentions that the author has conducted an investigation into the identity of the Great Voice and has experienced visitation and messages from this source since childhood. However, it does not explicitly state that the author is a Clear-Hearer.

Ask: Can you give me information about the author's childhood?
Based on the provided context information, we can gather some information about the author's childhood. The author mentions witnessing a street battle and the death of a young boy close to their own age. They also mention their father's approach to dealing with emotional issues, which was to ignore them. The author's father was described as an educated and hardworking man who had little tolerance for fools and worked as a city bus driver and later as a prison guard. The author's parents had a tumultuous relationship, filled with screaming and backbiting, and eventually divorced when the author was thirteen years old.

Ask: Elaborate on messages that the author had since childhood.
Since childhood, the author's mother had the ability to see and feel things that others couldn't. She could perceive people's moods, whether they were telling the truth or lying, and even sense if they were involved in something nefarious. The author initially didn't pay much attention to his mother's abilities, but later realized that she was the most powerful intuitive-sensitive (psychic) he would ever know. However, his mother always tried to avoid using these abilities and would run away from them. Despite her attempts to avoid them, the author's mother would sometimes have experiences where these abilities would sneak up on her.
One specific message that the author's mother received was in a dream. She told the author that she had been receiving visits from a boy named Dutchy who had died young in their old neighborhood. The author initially lied and said he didn't remember Dutchy, but in reality, he had been thinking about him a lot. Dutchy's message to the author was, "Johnny, I'm fine. Everything happened exactly as it must. Don't be scart." This message brought a sense of relief to the author, as he had never prayed for Dutchy, never attended his funeral, and tried to avoid thinking about him.
Additionally, the author's mother mentioned that there was another little boy with Dutchy who had a message as well. However, the context does not provide further elaboration on this second message.

Ask: So the author wasn't hearing any voices?
No, the author was hearing voices.

Ask: Elaborate on voices that author heard.
The author describes hearing voices throughout their life. They attribute these voices to spirits in their house and have experienced instances where they hear their name being called out, but find no one in the room. They also hear voices that sound like they are coming from another room, as if a group of people were having a conversation. In their early 20's, the author hears a great voice in their head that sounds like their own voice. This voice asks if they want to know their past lives, and after initially saying no, the author changes their answer to yes. They then have a profound spiritual experience where they receive a download of energy and visions of previous lives. The author is intrigued by this great voice and seeks to find its source.

Ask: Can anyone be a Clear-Hearer?
Based on the given context information, it can be inferred that anyone has the potential to be a Clear-Hearer. The text mentions that there have been many Clear-Hearers throughout history, both well-known and obscure. It also suggests that there are people currently who are Clear-Hearers but may not be aware of it. Therefore, it can be concluded that anyone has the possibility of being a Clear-Hearer.
I have continued to read DeSouza and I finally pinned down what is it about his writing that bugs me, and I wanted to share it with you FWIW.

I was comparing him to John Keel, which is the only other researcher that I have read extensively on the topic, and I noticed that the reason that Keel is so engaging, besides his writing style, is that he takes you through a journey of evidence and delivers what he has learned (or is learning) as a result, and that way no matter how out there some of his conclusions may seem, it always feels like you're open to reinterpret and carry on.

There's a transparency in the journalistic work and the interpretation of the evidence, he also shows you wrong conclusions, Keel takes you through his thinking process as he presents you the evidence, the patterns he recognizes and his own questions. One may agree or disagree with Keel in the end, but getting to that point doesn't feel forced. It's easy to engage with the process even if wrong at times.

DeSouza, on the other hand, presents you conclusions, no evidence, no thought process, no struggle, no study. And that makes it difficult to get engaged with what he is presenting, even if correct at times. It requires a lot more of the reader to grasp understanding, almost to the point of belief.

For instance, at some point he says "let me tell you a story... aliens have no connection to god, but humans do!" then he runs with that conclusion and builds every other aspect of his system based on it, without explanation (maybe I haven't gotten to that point in the book, so I will allow for that), and then he proceeds to say things like: since they have no soul, and god made this time-space shield, then that explains why earth is so special and if you're awakened, then you recognize this as true.

I will also allow for the fact that maybe DeSouza has an entirely different thinking process to the likes of Keel, and he probably simply wanted to rush to present a book of conclusions, and he has done some of the work in the background, so it may simply be a matter of writing styles, different eras and whatnot.

But there's a lot more of a benefit of the doubt required to read DeSouza than someone who may present you the process from evidence to conclusion. It's hard to discern how rigorous he was. That explains also his tone on interviews, the over confident sales person thing.

anyway, I just wanted to share those observations with you all.
I have continued to read DeSouza and I finally pinned down what is it about his writing that bugs me, and I wanted to share it with you FWIW.

I was comparing him to John Keel, which is the only other researcher that I have read extensively on the topic, and I noticed that the reason that Keel is so engaging, besides his writing style, is that he takes you through a journey of evidence and delivers what he has learned (or is learning) as a result, and that way no matter how out there some of his conclusions may seem, it always feels like you're open to reinterpret and carry on.

There's a transparency in the journalistic work and the interpretation of the evidence, he also shows you wrong conclusions, Keel takes you through his thinking process as he presents you the evidence, the patterns he recognizes and his own questions. One may agree or disagree with Keel in the end, but getting to that point doesn't feel forced. It's easy to engage with the process even if wrong at times.

DeSouza, on the other hand, presents you conclusions, no evidence, no thought process, no struggle, no study. And that makes it difficult to get engaged with what he is presenting, even if correct at times. It requires a lot more of the reader to grasp understanding, almost to the point of belief.

For instance, at some point he says "let me tell you a story... aliens have no connection to god, but humans do!" then he runs with that conclusion and builds every other aspect of his system based on it, without explanation (maybe I haven't gotten to that point in the book, so I will allow for that), and then he proceeds to say things like: since they have no soul, and god made this time-space shield, then that explains why earth is so special and if you're awakened, then you recognize this as true.

I will also allow for the fact that maybe DeSouza has an entirely different thinking process to the likes of Keel, and he probably simply wanted to rush to present a book of conclusions, and he has done some of the work in the background, so it may simply be a matter of writing styles, different eras and whatnot.

But there's a lot more of a benefit of the doubt required to read DeSouza than someone who may present you the process from evidence to conclusion. It's hard to discern how rigorous he was. That explains also his tone on interviews, the over confident sales person thing.

anyway, I just wanted to share those observations with you all.

I don't have the book yet, and obviously haven't read it yet. But going from the videos and context of peoples comments here, I think you just hit the nail squarely on the head there @Alejo !

I‘m almost finished with the book. My working assumption is: DeSouza has had (or still has) a direct line to a higher STO source and that information was corrupted to some degree afterwards or during the „Great Voice“process itself. Overall I think many of the things he is saying seem to be similar to the C‘s while some seem to be corrupted.
Okay, can one of you collect the questions together for the next Cs session? There are a number of them scattered through this thread.
I created a little website, where members can send their questions. I networked with Scottie and Chu about this and they requested me to post it here. Here is the link of the site.

  • Submit your question and it will land in a Data sheet(google sheet) which Chateau team will use it for asking questions.
  • Currently Edit option is not available after submitting the question. But you can put a comment in the "Modification request" page of the sheet. One of the Sheet editors ( currently me and Chu) will update.
  • If you want me to add more people as sheet editors, please PM me.
  • I will archive the questions that are already asked after the sessions.
I will suggest you to enter your questions using the site mentioned above. Probably this will help in rewording the questions suitable for asking.

Please let me know if you have any questions or challenges in using it. I entered one of the Laura's question for testing.
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