Reality Transurfing - Vadim Zeland

I just listened to the following lecture Zeland gave in France, in 2012. The lecture is in Russian, and the French translation was taken out. Unfortunately couldn't find the full lecture with French translation, but maybe others will have better luck.

In any case, I have to admit that at first when I saw him wearing these big sunglasses, I was quite sceptical. ;-) He reminded me of all kind of Russian "esoterics" from the 90's. But then, after listening to the lecture, I found his words reasonable and very similar to what we discuss on the forum and SOTT. Very curious.

He talked primarily about our current way of living in the modern "technosphere", system of control, health and the importance of proper diet, the increasing prevalence of cancer and already existing methods of healing it (like Warburg hypothesis), GMOs, biosphere, dangers of EMF and smartphones, information hygene, etc.

If you want to hear someone in English, reading the entire book[steps 1-5] (8hours+ on YouTube) it is here
Thank you Laura for recommendation of this book and also for updating about how you view the content of this book.
I found second part of Transurfing in library and first one on youtube (in Poland there are nine volumes of his work instead of one big as you have). I will give them a careful try. I already started on the second part, on the beginning Vadim is explaining dreams and conscious dreams and further he goes on into "internal intention" and "external intention".
I decided do read (and weed) through this book, because you have said that
The ideas have echoes of Gurdjieff, Castaneda, Mouravieff, Paul, Stoics, etc, and a LOT of resonances with things the Cs have said,
and more of course.
And... I must admit that I'm tired of getting information in english all the time, so I decided to give it a try as I can read this piece in polish.
I admit also that his explanation about how "doing" is bringing one closer or away to/from "space of variants" ("different timelines"/location yeah?) helped me understand more directly what you, Laura, explained in Knowledge and Being video series. Even if I didn't read/hear the first volume, where I suppose he explains his base terms, I understand (I hope :-D) what he mean and I'm sure it is because I got information from your work and from forum previously. And ye, I'm only on the beginning but surprisingly I made this small discovery, which is quite big for me now, but I'll try a little bit more, let's see and exercise weeding :).
After some more reading about the topic I see that I wrongly understanded term "space of variants" as it is not a different timeline but the space of infinite potential, all the different branches of the tree, every possible outcome and so on... Correction applied!
I'm just about to start chapter 3. The thing that is standing out for me so far is that it seems that there have been times where I have kind of lucked out on the pendulum stuff, but in not really knowing all of the elements that makes it successful, or the elements - both internal and external - that challenge the success then it really was pretty hit and miss. So often trying to repeat the formula in other circumstances fails. It also helps to identify areas where my reactivity has hindered the process or fed a destructive pendulum.

I don't know why, but the symbolism of pendulums seems to be clarifying for me. You can either catch them when they're swinging towards goals or be knocked of course by them if you don't see a destructive one coming. Kind of like the difference between 'swing low, sweet chariot coming forth to carry me us home' and being knocked out by a swing on the playground out of lack of awareness.

The other realisation I've had from my own experiences is that I think that the process is more powerful, or outcomes more extreme, when it's conducted for reasons that lean more towards STO. And that's the balancing factor. STS might have a handle on this but are doing it for selfish (like the riches and fame discussed in the later chapters of the book) reasons in this STS world, but it takes fewer operating towards STO goals to reach the same level of success. Maybe that's why Gurdjieff said it would only take 200 aware people to change the course of things.
As I said, I think the explication of the information field (space of variants) and the activity of "pendulums" is very helpful. We've discussed it a bit more (Ark and I), considering how the trajectory changes in the book, that it is possible that this information is actually from STS sources at its inception, telling their followers how to avoid getting sucked up by pendulums that might waste their energy, but definitely encouraging them to become the heads of pendulums themselves!!! There is also the "withdrawal" approach that is recommended by Zeland with reminds one of some of the STS beings that withdraw into themselves and become torpid and sluggish.

Whatever the source of this information, as the Cs say, STS sources can deliver stark truth when they choose to and it can be useful to us to learn their tricks for evading "capture" and energy draining.

It seems pretty obvious that if one concentrates on moving to an alternative life line or sector of the "space of variants" that is predicated on STS, that's where one will end up: STS reality. However, the same methods can be used in the STO manner.

Obviously, STS is invested in acquiring more adherents, even to the point of raising them up to the pinnacle of pyramids (or pendulums) within 3 D reality; equally obvious to us, but not to Zeland because he is unaware of the 4 D STS origin of "pendulums", is that being at the pinnacle of power or fame, the top of your own pendulum, simply means that you are a top-level feeder source of energy for 4D STS - you haven't escaped anything.
I started reading the Paul’s book but took up this one instead given the postings. The first two chapters are quite good especially about the pendulums. The third chapter is a bit disappointing as the author is essentially saying that one should shut out bad thoughts and simply be swimming in good thoughts in order to move into a more pleasant reality. If we are to ignore all of the bad thoughts and feelings which get triggered due to these pendulums than won’t they just end up bottling inside us and creating toxicity? I do get his drift though but he is not very thorough on explaining the process which shows his blind spots. Castaneda’s method of stalking our inner predator whilst under attack from a petty tyrant remains the best analogy.

We can certainly move into a better reality and access those golden veins as he says but not by ignoring our STS thinking patterns. Rather those thinking patterns need to come out and addressed properly via mirroring and self-observation. And that might push us into a less pleasant reality to provide us with the necessary suffering.

As Laura said, the author has no understanding of STS/STO principles and I am personally sensing a bit of new age feel good message with focus on material universe. Perhaps next few chapters would be better. Paul’s book is definitely better having read first few pages.
The third chapter is a bit disappointing as the author is essentially saying that one should shut out bad thoughts and simply be swimming in good thoughts in order to move into a more pleasant reality. If we are to ignore all of the bad thoughts and feelings which get triggered due to these pendulums than won’t they just end up bottling inside us and creating toxicity? I do get his drift though but he is not very thorough on explaining the process which shows his blind spots. Castaneda’s method of stalking our inner predator whilst under attack from a petty tyrant remains the best analogy.

Yes, some things Zeland says make one think that the aim is to increase the psychopathic tendencies of the followers of his method. You'll see that even more when he goes off on how to aspire to be at the top of your own pendulum!!! Basically, you have to stop caring about anything at all; be "empty", as he says.

Another big difference: Zeland says you should ONLY do what you "like". You should ignore anything from the mind and just go with your "heart" which he has confused with the genetic body.

Castaneda, Gurdjieff, Cs, etc, on the other hand, say that Networking, analysis with the mind, and doing what "IT" does NOT Like is the key to the STO pathway.
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I have ordered the book, supposed to be arriving today. I feel, however, that at my stage of growth, reading this book might 'confuse' me. I have difficulty keeping up with all the reading and really trying to 'think with a hammer'. Don't feel confident enough in my own discernment at the moment. Am I backing out and taking the easy road here or is it wise to take it slow and learn from all the other avenues of learning provided here by the forum.
I have ordered the book, supposed to be arriving today. I feel, however, that at my stage of growth, reading this book might 'confuse' me. I have difficulty keeping up with all the reading and really trying to 'think with a hammer'. Don't feel confident enough in my own discernment at the moment. Am I backing out and taking the easy road here or is it wise to take it slow and learn from all the other avenues of learning provided here by the forum.

If you are easy confused, perhaps at some point we can just quote here extracts of Zeland that can be considered to be useful even to those of the STO persuasion? That can really cut down on the reading time!!!
Castaneda, Gurdjieff, Cs, etc, on the other hand, say that Networking, analysis with the mind, and doing what "IT" does NOT Like is the key to the STO pathway.

I think that good exercise can be to analyze the movement of energy. As C's said STO is the dispersal of the energy, STS is the retention of the energy. And this is a matter of analysis of mind, where the energy from what we are doing or thinking, finish their movement, and what is the end effect of its utilization. And this is not a matter of feeling, however, emotions can be some tip whether we act correctly, but mostly the observation is required and doing independently of feelings (but as I say our emotions can be helpful because sometimes mind have their restrictions and inner impulses can come from the higher self to the emotional center.)
If you are easy confused, perhaps at some point we can just quote here extracts of Zeland that can be considered to be useful even to those of the STO persuasion? That can really cut down on the reading time!!!

Thank you Laura, That is a wonderful idea. I'm on my 2nd reading of Paul and after reading Gaby's comments above I thought I should stick with one thing until I'm confident in my understanding.
If you are easy confused, perhaps at some point we can just quote here extracts of Zeland that can be considered to be useful even to those of the STO persuasion? That can really cut down on the reading time!!!

I could have explained better what I mean by confused. Since joining the Forum I feel I am always on catch up. Many of the books I have read were understood, especially those on psychopathy. Others were more difficult and I now know I need to reread and to reread slowly to fully digest.

This is where I wondered if adding a questionable book(from the point of view of discerning new phraseology) to the list would be counterproductive at the moment.
Yesterday, soon before going to bed, I wrote this post regarding on my bad presentment about Zeland. Today when I re-open the thread I realized that Laura had already made warnings. Anyway, I will ahead with this post; maybe it still may be useful.

The “neo -New Agey” work of Vadim Zeland despite being interesting I felt something deep disturbing . Nonetheless I really don’t know much of his work except for a 90 pages —which I read yesterday— or so that I ran over his volume 1. Thus, I can only offer, at first, a shallow evaluation: his description of the predator —he calls “pendulum”— is old and so very explored in many preceding works by notable and inspiring speakers —e.g. Lewis Carroll midst many others. Even so, it seems useful to the degree that it promotes the awareness on the parasitism setup over the human psyche so much discussed elsewhere.

Yet, to say the least, his methods are vague, and weirder than that, he at first makes an invitation to follow him at the same time he states nobody should trust him:

V. Zeland vol. 1, chapter “Simple Solutions to Complicated Problems”
The goal of a destructive pendulum is to get energy from you. In order to accomplish this, it has to fix the frequency of your radiating thoughts on the problem. This is very easy to do, if you are convinced that the problem is difficult. If you accept these rules of the game, the pendulum will easily take you by the hand and lead you into an intricate labyrinth. […]

This is truly only the beginning. Doesn’t it seem to you that I have taken you by the hand and I am about to lead you into a labyrinth? That’s right, be free even of the people that preach to you about your freedom.

A little confuse, no?!! It seems that Zeland is not only saying he is a regular man with natural imperfections, instead he is telling you that he is a kind of preacher doing the same that pendulums do. Now that this fact was revealed to you, even so, do you choose to accept his guidance? This does not seem an invitation to be free, but an invitation to be a slave. It seems like just the traditional and standard procedure of sts puppeteers. They first gain your agreement to slavery; the rest is easy.
As the C’s said, September 13th 2009
Acceptance of torture is the "mark of the beast."

Should then we throw the book in the garbage? Well, I have again and again in my life obtained good secrets from sts literature, sometimes openly sts books, which nevertheless were useful to increase awareness. Where do we find a 100% sto literature? Is there somewhere such? I believe so, it exists but is really rare to find that in a sts world. Whatsoever, in my opinion reading a deep sts book is dangerous, more in particular those disguised as sto books. Then if you ask me, I‘d say avoid such books until, at least, you have more confidence and information.

Based on interpretation of my Calvary experiences, I think that when someone starts the Work, the counter-measure approach described by Zeland seems applicable to minor adversities, yet higher sts echelons become more complex and interested in you as you advances your knowledge.

Thus, I reckon that at certain point, the pendulums are transformed from “autonomous” to employees of these higher forces —for example see what happened to Elkins, the wanderer of the Ra material— to the point that the unleaded “Pendulumic” plots and techniques look like just a play of infants.

Neither those employees, nor the higher echelons are limited by the perception of time that mankind illusorily has. They inspect ahead the present, and so they start their manipulation “returning” to when you are a baby, setting up environments and forced choices aimed to when you finally acquired a specific knowledge if this is nearly unavoidable. They act not only over our present, they act over our past and over our future at the same “time”. We are being challenged by ultra-forces, you know. Their webs are superbly elaborate. So, if you can, just don’t go into them.

So, as I said, it’s interesting how we can obtain clues from everywhere. Have you noticed that a “pendulum” is used as piece of old clocks; also, that pendulum-scales are used to measure “weight? Time, …, Gravity?!!!
I was just reading chapter III, and what cought my attention was ENVY. Envy is a deadly sin as we know from the Bible, so getting rid of envy is important.

Another obstacle on the path to wealth is envy. To envy someone means to be annoyed by someone else’s success. There is nothing constructive about envy at all. In fact, it has a very strong, destructive element. A person’s psyche works in such a way, that if they envy something that another has they try to devalue it in every way possible. This is the logic of being “green with envy”: “I envy what he has. I don’t have it and probably never will have. He is no better than I am. That thing he has can’t be that good then. Perhaps I don’t need it after all.” The desire to posses something is transformed into a psychological defence which then develops into rejection. The aspect of rejection takes place on a subtle level because the subconscious mind takes everything literally. Your conscious mind only plays at devaluing the object of envy to comfort the person for not having it, but the subconscious mind takes it all seriously and bends over backwards to make sure that the person does not receive what has been so ardently devalued.

So as we see in the first sentance to mr. Vadim it's abouth wealth. But ok, I wanted to reexamine my envy, do I still have envy about something, how to get rid of envy. I typed how to get rid of envy in duckduckgo and this page showed up:
It's got lovly quotes from Bible:

James 3:16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
Proverbs 14:30 A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.
Proverbs 27:4 Wrath is cruel, anger is overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?
James 4:2-3 You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. Yet, you do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.
James 3:14-15 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.
And the last one is from saint Paul which gets us back to you have to read the book Paul's necessary sin.
Galatians 5:19-21 Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
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