Reality Transurfing - Vadim Zeland

Thank you Laura for the suggestion and the caution. It’s interesting book to read/listen. I read first 5 chapters. Looks like same concepts of c’s/ G’s/Castaneda in a different way of explaining, though I felt that devil is in detail with many of the words he is using.

Pendulums: reminded me matrix movie energy sucking, habits created by operators, fruitless confrontation of general law etc.

Excess potential : comes from identification with some thing , produces excess potential, calls balancing forces of pendulum to act on us. Solution: get rid of internal and external self importance and maintaining inner silence , take help of soul by listening to heart(rustle of morning star) Guilt, negative emotions triggered by self importance makes us food for the predator , avoid it.

Avoiding negative emotions looked more like mental blocking, not getting effected by outside world, be in the world but not in being part of it, not bogged down by comparisons, not reacting to it mechanically. This need, watching to remember our selves, remember our selves and not get caught in the mental flows that surely are influenced by pendulums and making it a habit. At the same time, he gives example of fear of losing job when symptoms exist, working on next job removes the excess potential and does not call for destructive pendulums.

But, he thinks people shouldn’t worry about sensational earth changes.i guess he considers these events are random events that are sensationalized by media under the influence of destructive pendulums.

In the context of war, his explanation is more in line with G’s talk of planetary influences. He thinks people doesn’t respond to the triggers, they gets diffused. I guess it depends on what response means- simply ignore it or cognizant of it and not bought into their lies and resist? True in one sense of not buying in, unless resisted, ptb will create war. He thinks resistance is futile and Ignore it.

I think this is the problem with the too much attribution to information field ignoring the reality of the world.

Not being influenced by pendulum: sounds like free of predators mind as Castaneda calls it saddest day of the person. He suggests for a aim in the world to compensate for it.

He keeps talking about do as per the inner souls guidance, but he has not talked much how to find except do it by listening to heart , feels good. Unfortunately that can be tricky.

This reminded me of bringers of the dawn material where she went into ritual mode at the end.
Thanks for recommending this book and leaving insightful reviews. I have come across this book, not sure where exactly. The name definitely rings a bell. If it comes back to me, I'll let y'all know as it might be relevant and add to the discussion.

Either way, really looking forward to checking this one out! :-D

This is where I came across this book before:
The other realisation I've had from my own experiences is that I think that the process is more powerful, or outcomes more extreme, when it's conducted for reasons that lean more towards STO.

In re-evaluating with the additional comments, I guess the experience I was thinking of attracted people who wanted to do something out of consideration for others. But if I look at it from the point of view that this IS an STS world and STS has a finger in the pie of every endeavour then everyone involved was ultimately on an STS pendulum.
For those of you who have no idea what a 'Pendulum' is and would like to, but who also do not want to drag themselves through what sounds like it turns out is a fairly middling work of "the Secret" variety. (Thank-you, Laura for plumbing those depths for us.)

Reading this thread reminds me of why I was so excited about the C's, and Castaneda (and the Pleiadians, and John Keel, and Richard Dolan) early on. None of them promised riches and 12 step programs to achieving my dreams and a great beach body, etc. Rather, they focused exclusively on knowledge, on explaining the complex unseen workings of reality. That appealed to a completely circuit in my head which doesn't care about lottery tickets.
Here is my collection of quotes so far (bold is mine).

Chapter 1

In Transurfing the concept of fate is based on an alternative model of the universe. Before you wave your hand in disappointment and decide that you are being fed yet another chimera, remember, that every known concept of fate originates from a specific worldview, which in turn, is based on a number of unproven principles.[...]

The human mind likes to have its feet on solid ground free of ambiguity and so for centuries scholars have been tearing one theory to pieces in favour of another which is then placed high on a pedestal. After every fight on the intellectual battlefield for truth just one fact remains undefeated: every theory represents a separate aspect of the phenomenon of a multi-faceted reality.

Each theory that stands the test of time has its place for they all represent one aspect of reality. If you decide that fate is something predestined that you cannot personally change, then this is how it will be. In effect you are voluntarily giving yourself to the will of others, becoming like a small boat floating at the mercy of the waves. If however, you decide that you can create your own destiny then you will consciously take responsibility for everything that happens in your life, battling against the waves in an attempt to sail your little boat. You may have noticed that whatever you choose is always manifested. What you choose is what you get. Whatever worldview you choose to believe in, the truth of that worldview will always be on your side and others will argue with you because they too are right.[...]

The nature of the world is one but it reveals itself to us in many guises. As soon as one face has been studied and explained another appears that does not fully correspond to the first. Scientists have attempted to overcome these contradictions by encompassing the diverse manifestations of reality in a single model of the universe, but this is no easy task. There is one irrefutable fact that unites and reconciles all branches of knowledge and that is the diverse and multifaceted nature of reality. Variability is the world’s most fundamental quality.[...]

Generally speaking, information concerning all possible points along the path of moving matter is stored in an information field which we refer to here as the alternatives space. The field contains information about everything that ever has been, is, and ever will be.

The alternatives space is a material information structure. It is an infinite field containing information on all possible scenarios of any event that could ever possibly take place. One could say that the alternatives space contains absolutely everything...

The important thing is to establish that the alternatives space serves as a template or coordinate grid for the movement of all matter in time and space.

Every point in space contains its own version of a given event. For the ease of understanding let us say that each variation or version has a script and scenery. The scenery is the external form of a phenomenon, whereas the script is the path that matter moves along. For the sake of convenience the alternatives space can be said to have different sectors. The greater the distance between the sectors, the more the script and scenery will differ. A person’s destiny also has numerous alternatives.

Theoretically speaking, there are no limits to the scripts and sceneries of human existence because the alternatives space is infinite. Any seemingly insignificant event can affect a twist of fate. A person’s life, just like any other movement of matter represents a chain of cause and effect events. In the alternatives space the effect is always located in close proximity to its cause. One follows the other and so the sectors of a person’s destiny create a life line.The scripts and settings of the sectors on one line are more or less uniform. A person’s life flows evenly in one direction, until such time as an event occurs that changes the scripts and sceneries. When this happens destiny takes a turn and shifts to another life line.

Experiencing life lines placed very close together is like watching a play and then the next day going to the theatre again to see the same play but this time the stage scenery is different. If during the next theatre season you saw the play with the same actors but there had been significant changes to the script this would be like experiencing a life line situated slightly further away in the alternatives space. Finally, if you watched the same production in a different theatre you would see a totally different interpretation of the play and this would be like experiencing a life line that exists a significant distance from the first.

Reality has such diversity of form because the number of alternatives for its manifestation is limitless. Any starting point for one or another form of manifestation results in a chain of cause and effect relationships. One could say that reality unfolds through life depending on the selection of the original reference point and so ultimately, everyone gets what they choose.[...]

Managing your own destiny comes down to one single thing – making the choice. Transurfing shows you how to make that choice.

So, an information structure exists that contains an infinite number of potential alternatives each with its own unique script and scenery. The process of transformation into physical reality corresponds to that laid down in the information structure.[...]

Time of itself is as static as space. The passing of time is only felt when it turns like film footage, one shot following another. If you unroll the film and look at all the frames put together, there is no time because all the frames exist simultaneously. Time is static until we start looking at each frame in sequence. It is the same in life, which is why the idea that everything comes and goes is so deeply rooted in our minds.

Everything that is recorded in the field of information has always been there and will always be there. Life lines exist like a reel of film. Things that have happened in the past do not just disappear and what has yet to be in the future is already present here in the now. The current section of a person’s life is a material manifestation of the alternatives space in this section of their life line.[...]

One way or another, individual consciousness shapes a person’s destiny. This book focuses specifically on how this is possible. Thought energy transforms possible alternatives into physical reality. This statement is correct because reality can be manifested in any form defined by consciousness. Evidence of this hypothesis can be found not only in everyday life but also in the experiments of quantum physics. For our purposes, the specific mechanism by which thought energy interacts with the alternatives space is of no great consequence. It is not yet clear by what means the transfer of information takes place, whether on an energetic level or by some other means. For convenience sake we will simply work with the idea that thought energy ‘lights up’ a certain sector of the alternatives space, as a result of which, one alternative is transformed into physical reality. Waves of thought energy find the sector in the alternatives space that corresponds in quality. The alterative of that sector is then made manifest on the physical level, marking the process of how consciousness creates reality.[...]

The world is inhabited by millions of living organisms and every single one of them contributes to the creation of reality. Every living being has its own characteristic thought energy.[...]

We all live in the same world and yet every individual moves along their own life line. The qualities of the material world are the same for everybody; it is just that its concrete realization is unique within the context of a person’s life. For example, imagine that you are a tourist walking around a beautiful city. You admire the sites and the architecture. You take in the flower beds, the fountains, the park avenues and the smiling faces of the city’s prosperous inhabitants. Then as you pass by a rubbish bin you see a homeless person. He is in the same city as you, and the same dimension but he does not see what you see. He sees an empty bottle in the bin, a dirty wall, his competitor who wanted the bottle too and a policeman eyeing him with suspicion. You live on one life line and the homeless man on another. Your life lines intersected at a point in the alternatives space, bringing you together into the same world in the dimension of physical reality.[...]

For convenience sake we can talk about the parameter of thought energy that is frequency, just as radio waves have a frequency. Whenever you think about something in particular the frequency of your thoughts becomes attuned to a certain area within the alternatives space. When the thought energy reaches the relevant sector in the alternatives space the potential reality held within that sector begins to materialize. Energy has a highly complex structure and permeates everything that exists in the world. When energy passes through the human body it is modified by that person’s thoughts. By the time it exits the body it has acquired the same parameters as the thoughts. A radio transmitter works in the same way. Energy absorbs the characteristics of the thoughts of one’s mind. When energy exits the human body it radiates outwards in a thought wave that in turn transforms the sector of the alternatives space into physical reality. Whenever you think about something be it negative or positive you are radiating thought energy in the alternatives space. Modified energy accumulates in a specific sector of the field and this has the effect of introducing corresponding changes into your life.[...]

Whilst your thoughts are pretty much homogenous you will stay on the same life line. As soon as your relationship to reality changes in any way the parameters of thought energy take on new characteristics and the material manifestation of the layer of your world shifts to another line. On this new line events unfold according to a different script in accordance with the parameters of thought. If for some reason you dislike the new script you will struggle to change the situation. People tend to react negatively when they come up against obstacles, expressing their dissatisfaction or falling into despair. As a result, the thought energy they radiate refocuses to a line on which the number of obstacles is even greater making it seem as if their life is a slippery slope.

It might seem as if this process cannot be controlled but in fact the individual is in control and it is their own thoughts that are directing the path of material realization into problematic areas of the alternatives space. People think that obstacles can be overcome by action but in actual fact they ultimately experience whatever their dominant thoughts are. So if you choose to battle against the obstacles on your path you will experience an abundance of obstacles. If you are absorbed by thoughts about your own problems you will find that there are always problems in your life. Even if you take action to change the situation on your current life line on the material level it will not change the original script in the alternatives space. All you can effectively do is choose a different script. By trying to change parts of the script you do not like you inevitably get caught up thinking about what you do not like. Your thoughts are then successfully realised and you end up getting what you do not want.

The alternatives space contains an infinite number of possible life lines for every individual. No-one should feel hard done by if they do not like their fate, because everyone has the right to choose. The problem is that we do not know parameters of thought energy take on new characteristics and the material manifestation of the layer of your world shifts to another line. On this new line events unfold according to a different script in accordance with the parameters of thought. If for some reason you dislike the new script you will struggle to change the situation. People tend to react negatively when they come up against obstacles, expressing their dissatisfaction or falling into despair. As a result, the thought energy they radiate refocuses to a line on which the number of obstacles is even greater making it seem as if their life is a slippery slope.[...]


Reality is manifest in an infinite variety of forms.

Variability is the world’s most fundamental quality.

Any model of the universe represents just one manifestation of reality.

Any branch of knowledge bases itself on one chosen aspect of the manifestation of reality.

Your choice is always realized. You always receive what you choose.

The alternatives space is an information field recording all that was, is and ever will be.

The information field contains potential alternative scenarios to any event.

Each alternative has a script and scenery.

Space can be divided into sectors and each sector contains an alternative scenario of an event.

The greater the distance between sectors, the more the alternatives will differ.

Sectors with roughly uniform parameters are arranged in a life line.

Material realisation moves through space like a bundle of density.

The radiation of thought energy materializes an alternative.

Every organism contributes to the creation of material realization.

When the parameters of thought energy change, a shift occurs to a different life line.

You cannot change the fact that scenery exists, but you can choose a different type of scenery.

You do not have to fight for happiness. You simply have to choose an alternative reality that is more to your liking.

To be continued...
Chapter 2. Pendulums

Destructive pendulums

We are taught from childhood to obey the will of others, to perform our duties, serve our country, our family, the company we work for, a political party, the state, or even an idea; to serve anyone except ourselves. To varying degrees, everyone has a sense of duty, responsibility, necessity and guilt. Everyone is ready to serve a group or organization in one way or another, be it family, a club, school, company, political party, the state and so on. All these structures emerge and develop when a separate group of people begin to think and act in the same way. Then, they are joined by others and the structure grows, gaining strength, forcing its members to follow the rules and eventually amassing the potential to gain control over large groups of society.

On the material level the structure consists of a group of people united by common goals and material objects, such as buildings, furniture, equipment, machinery, technology and so on. On an energetic level however, a structure appears when a group of people think in the same way, as a result of which, the parameters of their thought energy are identical. Their thought energy finally unites into a single current. When this happens, as if in the middle of an entire ocean of energy, a separate, independent energy-information structure is created which is referred to as an energy pendulum. Eventually this structure begins to live its own life and subjugate to its laws the very people who created it.

The structure is referred to as a pendulum because the more people–adherents–that feed it with their energy, the more powerfully it sways. Every pendulum has its own characteristic beat frequency. For example, if you want to get a swing moving you have to push it to a certain rhythm or frequency. This is called the resonant frequency. If the number of adherents decreases, the force of its swing is weakened. If it loses all its adherents the pendulum will stop moving completely, and thereby cease to exist as a separate identity.[...]

Any structure whose particular features were created by collective thought energy represents a pendulum. Generally speaking, all living beings capable of radiating energy at a particular vibration will sooner or later form an energy pendulum. Examples of pendulums in nature are bacterial colonies, populations of living creatures, schools of fish, herds of animals, forests, prairies, ant hills, etc., Essentially, any organised, homogenous structure made up of living organisms can be a pendulum.

Every living organism represents a single unit of energy and so can also be considered an elementary pendulum. When a group of individual pendulums begin to sway in unison, a group pendulum is created which looms over its followers like a superstructure. The group pendulum exists as an independent entity and sets rules for its adherents to follow, partly to keep them together but also to attract new ones. This type of entity is independent in the sense that it develops according to its own laws. Its adherents are unaware of the fact that they are acting in accordance with the laws of the pendulum, and not their own will. For example, a bureaucratic apparatus develops as an independent structure irrespective of the will of its individual officials. Of course, an influential official is free to make their own decisions but only to the extent that they do not contradict the laws of the system, otherwise that particular adherent will be rejected. Even people who represent individual pendulums are not always aware of their true motivations, energy vampires being one such example.[...]

That said, an individual can find themselves under the protectorship of a pendulum and achieve outstanding results. Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin and other similar figures were all favourites of destructive pendulums. This does not mean that the pendulum was actually concerned for their personal well-being for it exploited them to its own end. When Napoleon was asked whether he had ever been truly happy he could count just a few days over his entire life.[...]

The pendulum can hide its motives behind various well meaning masks and yet its activities can ruin the lives of its adherents. The greatest threat the pendulum poses to the individual is that it leads its victims away from other life lines where they would be able to find happiness. These are the characteristic features of a destructive pendulum:

A pendulum feeds on the energy of its adherents which increases the power of its sway.

  • A pendulum strives to attract as many followers as possible to source as much energy as possible.
  • A pendulum makes a contradistinction between its group of adherents and all other groups (we are good and they are bad, we are better than they are, etc).
  • A pendulum acts aggressively towards anyone who refuses to follow it, attempting to win them over, neutralize their position or get rid of them.
  • A pendulum hides behind masks and lofty ideas; it plays on people’s feelings to justify its actions and attract as many adherents as possible.
  • Essentially, the pendulum is an ‘egregore’ and yet the concept of ‘egregore’ does not fully reflect the entire range of possible interactions between an individual and an energy based information structure. Pendulums play a much greater role in people’s lives than one might like to think.
The most important thing is to be able to recognize a pendulum and avoid being drawn into its game unless you stand to benefit from the interaction. There is one identifying factor by which a destructive pendulum can always be recognized. It always competes with others similar to it in the battle for adherents.[...]

The Battle of the Pendulums

The main feature of a destructive pendulum is its aggressive impulse to destroy other pendulums in order to win over potential adherents. With this purpose the pendulum works to turn its followers against the followers of other pendulums in the sense of: ‘We are good and they are bad.’ People who get involved in this type of argument end up losing their way and striving towards spurious goals which they mistakenly consider their own.[...]

Implementing its structure on a material level, the pendulum strengthens its position via financial means, facilities, equipment, and of course, human resources. The pendulum places its favourites at the top of the human pyramid. The favourites are made leaders at all levels, starting with low level managers and continuing up to heads of state and they are generally not required to have any particularly outstanding qualities. As a rule, those adherents become leaders whose qualities best fit with the structure of the pendulum. To the favourite it might appear that he has achieved impressive results in his life solely on individual merit. To some extent this may be true, but most of the work in promoting favourites is performed by the self-organizing structure of the pendulum. If a favourite’s parameters fail to meet the requirements of the system, they will be ruthlessly eliminated.

The pendulum battle is destructive to its followers because they think they are acting on personal conviction when in fact they are following the will of another entity. In the majority of cases, the personal conviction of the devotees is taken over by the pendulum. As soon as a person attunes to the pendulum’s frequency an interaction begins to take place between them on an energetic level. The frequency of the devotee’s thought energy is stabilized and supported by the energy of the pendulum. A kind of lock-on takes place, and the adherent is trapped in a feed-back loop. The adherent radiates energy to the resonance frequency of the pendulum which in turn, feeds a little energy to the devotee thereby maintaining its influence over them.[...]

A pendulum gets a firm grip on the frequency of an adherent’s thought energy by dominating it. It is like when you are humming a little tune to yourself but become aware of some other loud music being played nearby. The loud music dominates your senses, making it extremely difficult to stay focused on your own tune.[...]

Puppet Strings

Pendulums are very good at coercing their adherents to give up energy voluntarily. A large, powerful pendulum, for example, can force its adherents to act according to a certain set of rules. Weaker pendulums go about things slightly differently. When an individual lacks the power to force another to do something they turn to other methods such as reasonable argument, persuasion and promises. These are feebler methods unique to a human society that has divorced itself from the forces of nature. Sometimes pendulums will use these techniques as well but they also have a much more powerful weapon at their disposal. Pendulums are energy-beings, and so they function in accordance with the immutable laws of the universe.

The individual gives their energy to the pendulum when their thought energy is radiating at the same resonance frequency. A person does not have to be consciously sending thoughts to benefit the pendulum. As you know, most human thought and action originates in the realm of the unconscious. The pendulums make use of this feature of the human psyche. They manage to get energy not only from their adherents but also from their ardent opponents.[...]

The pendulum’s main task is to engage people in any way possible in order to occupy their thoughts. With the advent of mass media the pendulums’ techniques have become more sophisticated, and a person can become highly dependent. You have probably noticed that
news programs are usually dominated by bad news evoking strong emotions: anxiety, fear, resentment, anger and hatred. The task of the journalists and correspondents is to attract attention. The media, being pendulums themselves, stand in service to yet more powerful pendulums. Their declared aim is free access to all information but their true singular goal is to attune people’s thoughts in all ways possible to the desired frequency.

One of the pendulums’ favourite ways of gaining access to your energy is to throw you off balance.
Once you have lost a sense of your own equilibrium you start to ‘wobble’ at the same frequency of the pendulum, thereby enabling it to sway more strongly. Let us say, for example, that prices have risen. You react negatively, become resentful, complain, and exchange information with your friends. This is a natural and even proper response, but it is also exactly what the pendulum is expecting. You radiate negative energy into the world at the frequency of the pendulum. It receives the energy, swings harder, and the situation is aggravated.

The strongest string the pendulum can pull you with is fear, the most ancient and powerful of human emotions. It does not matter what exactly you are afraid of. If the fear is associated with any aspect of the pendulum it will receive your energy. Anxiety and worry are weaker emotions but still relatively effective puppet strings. These feelings are excellent at attuning thought energy to the frequency of a pendulum. If you are concerned about something you find it hard to focus on anything else.

The feeling of guilt is also one of the most extensive of channels through which the pendulum can pump your energy. Guilt is imposed on us from childhood and it is a convenient method of manipulation. “If you are guilty you must do what I say.” Guilt is hard to live with and so people try to get rid of it either via punishment or righting the wrong they have done. Both imply submission, obedience and a certain thought pattern.[...]

The list of strings the pendulum uses to control its puppets goes on: justice, pride, ambition, honour, love, hate, greed, generosity, curiosity, interest, hunger, and other feelings and needs. Feelings and interests allow a person’s thoughts to be directed in a certain way. If a theme evokes neither interest nor emotion, then it is very difficult to focus on. Pendulums wound a person’s feelings or play on their needs in order to capture a flow of thought energy.

As a rule, people react in uniform ways to external negative stimulus. Bad news evokes discontent. Worrying news evokes anxiety and fear. Insult evokes animosity, etc. Habits also serve as a trigger for the clamping mechanism such as the habit of getting irritated or anxious over nothing, responding to provocation and responding negatively to negative stimulus in general. A person can be aware of the fact that negative thoughts and actions lead to no good but continue to make the same old mistakes out of habit.[...]

If a person has escaped the grip of obligation and entered into a battle with a pendulum they will only waste their energy, at best being thrown out of the system, and at worst being more aggressively squashed. An adherent that takes it upon themselves to break the rules established by a pendulum may find themselves beyond the law. On the surface of things it looks as if the former adherent is being punished for their protest but in actual fact punishment is delivered because the adherent is no longer submissive enough to continue being a source of energy.

We say that ‘a fault confessed is half redressed’ because a person who has acknowledged their guilt is willing to subjugate themselves to the power of the pendulum. The pendulum is not interested in the adherent’s remorse for their actions. It is only interested in restoring lost control. A pendulum will instantly become kinder if you allow it to manipulate you. If the accused refuses to repent they can be got rid of because nothing more can be gained from them. If they do repent the pendulum’s true motives are usually veiled behind moral principles saying that a person who has shown remorse cannot be such a villain after all. You can easily differentiate between true moral principles and the hidden interests of the system if you keep in mind what the pendulum really represents and what its true goals are.

You get what you do not want

Everyone is confronted with negative information or a challenging event at some time of another. Bad news and unfortunate events are provocation on the part of the pendulum. People obviously do not want to have this negativity in their lives, but generally speaking they always respond in one of two ways. If the information they receive is not too hurtful they let it go and it is quickly forgotten. If the provocative information is annoying or frightening, i.e. touches a chord in a person’s soul, then their mental energy is captured in the pendulum’s loop and the person is attuned to the resonance frequency.

Events then unfold fairly predictably. The person gets angry, worried and afraid, expresses their upset in an agitated fashion, and in general, actively radiates energy at the frequency of the destructive pendulum. Not all the negative energy is harvested by the pendulum. Some of it radiates out to sectors in the alternatives space that correspond to the quality of the person’s thought energy which facilitates a shift to a life line where what the person would rather avoid is to be found in excess. If you remember, when a person’s thought energy is attuned to a certain frequency, they shift to a corresponding life line. A pendulum ensnares a person’s thought energy holding it at a certain frequency. This is what is so destructive about the role of a pendulum.[...]

The only way to eliminate the things you do not want from your life is to break free from the influence of the pendulum that has seized your thought energy and from then on, avoid responding to its provocation or getting pulled into its game. You can free yourself from a pendulum’s influence in two ways by defeating it or by stopping its sway.

Defeating the Pendulum

Trying to battle with a pendulum is futile. As was explained above, when you battle with a pendulum you just end up supplying it with energy. The first and most important condition for successfully defeating a pendulum is to refuse to get into conflict with it.
Firstly, the more actively you try to fight off pendulums that get you down the more they will pressure you. You can repeat endlessly: “Leave me alone! Get away from me!” and think you are fighting them off, but actually, you are just providing them with energy making them cling to you even more.

Secondly, you do not have the right to judge or change anything. Everything you see and experience should be accepted as if they were paintings on display, whether you like them or not. There may be many paintings in an exhibition that are not to your taste but it would never occur to you to demand that they be removed from the exhibition room. Once you have recognized the pendulum’s right to exist, you also have the right to leave it behind remaining free of its influence. The main thing is not fight it, judge it, get angry, or loose your self-control because by doing so you agree to play the game. The pendulum should be calmly taken for granted as a necessary evil and left at that. Any position of opposition supplies the pendulum with energy.

Before you can fully understand what it means to choose, you have to know how to decline. Most people have a vague idea of what they do want but know exactly what they do not want. In an effort to get rid of things or events that they do not want in their life, people act in a manner that has the opposite effect. To decline something you have to first accept its existence. The word “accept” in this context does not mean to embrace something and let it into your personal space. It means simply to recognize its right to existence and then pass by indifferently. To accept and let go of something means to consider the meaning of something and let it pass, waving goodbye as it leaves. This is much more effective than letting something into you personal space, becoming attached to something and then trying to oppose it.[...]

Imagine that you are a radio. If your day to day life is like waking up every day listening to a radio programme that you hate all you have to do is tune in to a different frequency!

You might think that you can protect yourself from unwanted pendulums by putting up iron boundaries between yourself and the world but this is an illusion. Putting on protective armour is like saying: “I am a blank wall. I see nothing; I hear nothing; I do not know anything. I won’t talk to anyone. I am unavailable.” It requires a huge amount of energy to support this kind of protective field.

A person who deliberately isolates themselves from the world will find themselves in a constant state of tension. Aside from that, the energy of their protective field will be vibrating at the same frequency as the pendulum against which their defence is directed. This is exactly what the pendulum wants. The pendulum does not care whether you provide it with your energy willingly or not.[...]

The pendulum’s principal objective is to attract as many adherents as possible and reap their energy. If you ignore the pendulum it will leave you alone and switch its focus to others who can be drawn into the game and attuned to the necessary resonance frequency.[...]

We often come across situations, however, where it is not that easy to ignore the pendulum. For example, if your boss demands something from you, an outright refusal or open defense of yourself would entail a loss of energy because both approaches amount to fighting the pendulum. You can however, act as if you are willing to play the pendulum’s game as long as you remain aware of the fact that you are just pretending.

Imagine a heavily built burly man was to come at you with a sledgehammer and take a blow at you. If you react as if you are totally unperturbed, neither going to defend yourself nor to attack him you could calmly step aside and observe the man take his sledgehammer and hack down into the empty space beside you. When you behave in this calm and unperturbed manner the pendulum cannot hook into you and instead falls past you into empty space.

The same principle is central to certain martial arts like aikido. In aikido when one player makes an attack the opponent defends by taking the other player by the arm and moving in the direction of the attack as if casually seeing them on their way. Without having to exert any force the defending player sends their opponent flying in the direction of the original attack. The secret lies in not trying to block the attack. The players learn to accept the momentum of the attack and to move with the other player in this direction for a while before letting go. The energy of the attack is spent in empty space, because there is nothing to catch hold of.

Stopping a Pendulum

If you ever find yourself in a situation that you know will unfold according to a set script, do something surprising. It does not matter what you do as long as it is something that does not fit with the standard script. This will stop the pendulum’s swing. As long as you are acting out a prepared script you are effectively agreeing to play by the pendulum’s rules and give away your energy at the resonance frequency. If however, the vibrational frequency of your energy differs significantly from that of the pendulum, dissonance will be created which will disturb the pendulum’s beat
. [...]

Of course, it is difficult to control yourself at moments when what you really want to do is vent your anger and have a good rant. At these times it is hardest of all to remember that a pendulum is behind it all, trying to incite a response so that it can draw on your energy. Do not respond to provocation. The pendulum is like a vampire that exploits the anaesthetic of your habit of responding negatively. Even now, despite having just read these lines you could express your irritation if you were distracted by an unwanted telephone call. If you set yourself the goal of remembering until it becomes habit, you will gradually work up immunity to the provocation of pendulums.

You will probably have noticed how when you respond to a disappointing situation with irritation, displeasure or other negative emotion the situation escalates in the same spirit or other things start to go wrong too. This is the pendulum swinging higher and higher. If you react, you end up being the one to push it higher. It is more effective to act in the opposite manner: either not reacting at all or reacting in an abnormal way. For example, if when you find yourself in an unpleasant situation you respond with false enthusiasm or wacky delight the pendulum’s swing will be brought to rest and you will see that the provocation stops with it.

Earlier we said that the habit of reacting negatively to unpleasant circumstances triggers the pendulum’s mechanism for capturing thought energy. This habit will fade if you decide to play your own game in which you deliberately substitute negative emotion with positive emotion: confidence for fear, enthusiasm for gloom, indifference for resentment; joy for irritation. Try reacting “inappropriately” to small nuisances.[...]

A pendulum-person approaches you with a problem which you solve, not in an obvious way, but on an energetic level. The technique is based on the principle that stops a pendulum. You give the pendulum your energy, but only a tiny piece of it in comparison to the amount of energy you could have lost had you been drawn into the pendulum’s game. Besides that, you have also done a good deed by helping someone in need, if only for a short time. The interesting thing is that this person will adopt a friendlier attitude towards you even though they may never guess why they feel so comfortable in your company. That can be your secret.[...]

Psychologists and psychotherapists are well acquainted with equivalent practices of defeating or stopping a pendulum. In this sense the techniques described here are nothing new. However, they will be of value to anyone unfamiliar with practical psychology and give a clear understanding of how and why psychological protection is so effective.

Simple Solutions to Complex Problems

The goal of a destructive pendulum is always to feed on your energy. To do this it has to attune the vibration of your thought energy to the frequency of the problem and keep it there. This is easy to do if you are convinced that the problem is complex
. If you accept the game rules, the pendulum will take you by the hand and lead you into an intricate labyrinth.[...]

We are all constantly confronted with difficulties of some kind over the course of our lives, especially when we face something new or unfamiliar. Approaching problems with anxiety or even a reverential fear is for most people a deeply rooted habit. When weighing up their ability to deal with a problem most people verge on the side of self-doubt. Consequently, all this anxiety is an excellent puppet string.

A pendulum can act via its adherents, i.e. people who are connected with a particular problem as well as non-living objects. The pendulum holds a person’s thought energy at a certain frequency, sucking their energy whilst they carry the burden of the problem. You might think that focusing on the problem would help you to concentrate on finding a solution to it, and yet the opposite happens; it actually hinders you from finding a solution.

The pendulum focuses our thinking on a very narrow sector of the informational field. As a result, a person thinks and acts within the limits of a narrow corridor, unable to see the bigger picture or perceive the solution which may well lie outside that sector of the information field.
Unusual or intuitive solutions often present themselves when you free yourself from the pendulum and are able to think in a different way. The secret of genius lies in remaining free from the influence of pendulums. While the thought energy of most people is held at certain frequencies by pendulums, the thought energy of a genius is free to attune itself to different frequencies and move into unexplored areas of the information field.

The way to avoid getting caught in the pendulum’s snare is to keep whatever problem you are dealing with in perspective and remain aware of the pendulum’s intent to trick you into playing its game. Rent yourself out–be detached. Try looking at the situation as if you had no emotional attachment to it. Act as you normally would but remain observant, don’t play the game. Remember that the pendulum wants to take you by the hand and lead you into a complex labyrinth. Do not let the problem get a hold on you, scare, worry, or confuse you. Just remember that there is always a straightforward solution to every problem. Do not accept the “complicated” interpretation projected by the pendulum.

The Suspended State

When you have disentangled yourself from the influence of destructive pendulums you acquire a newfound freedom but if you do not have a goal to focus on you can find yourself hanging in a suspended state. If you have neglected your goals being because of a preoccupation with defeating the pendulums around you or stopping their sway, you may end up in a vacuum.

Pendulums do not necessarily have to represent something detrimental as long as a person is self-aware. It is never possible to be completely free of pendulums.


A pendulum is created by the energy of a group of people thinking in the same way.

A pendulum is an energy based information structure.

A pendulum maintains the thought energy of the adherent at its own vibrational frequency.

A harsh battle for adherents takes place between the pendulums.

A destructive pendulum forces goals onto its adherents that are not of their own making.

A pendulum plays on human emotion, thereby catching the individual in their web.

If there is something that you really do not want it will appear in your life.

To free oneself from a pendulum means to give it no place in your life.

To give something no place in your life does not mean to try and avoid it; it means to ignore it.

To bring a pendulum to rest you have to change the established game script.

Positive visualization will gently bring the swing of a human pendulum to rest.

The energy of a stilled pendulum becomes available to you.

Problems are solved by defeating or stopping the pendulum that created them.

To solve a problem, rent yourself out.

To avoid getting stuck in a suspended state, find your own pendulums.

It is essential to acquire the habit of remembering what you know.

To be continued.
Here is my collection of quotes so far (bold is mine).

Excellent! I was hoping you would embrace the task. I was prepared to give it a go but you do a better, more comprehensive job. There really is some good stuff in those first two chapters!

Maybe at some point we can have a discussion about what the difference is once one is more or less freed from the influence of "pendulums." Whether at that point a person decides to become the fulcrum of their own pendulum and use the energy of followers to bolster them to their so called STS 'desired reality.' (Lifestyles of the rich and famous) Or whether they choose to use their freed up energy to give freely to others who are likewise freed and can reciprocate, multiplying the effect and effectiveness in an STO dynamic. (or something like that)
Might be useful to examine the whole idea of "pendulums" and how it differs from Gurdjieff, Castaneda and Cs. Zeland appears to think that they just emerge from something like limbic resonance and doesn't appear to realize that such hierarchical structures are actually feeding mechanisms for 4D STS. The Resonance exists between humans - the the part of the brain that is "the Predator's Mind" etc - and 4D STS overlords.
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"Defeating the Pendulum

Trying to battle with a pendulum is futile. As was explained above, when you battle with a pendulum you just end up supplying it with energy. The first and most important condition for successfully defeating a pendulum is to refuse to get into conflict with it.
Firstly, the more actively you try to fight off pendulums that get you down the more they will pressure you. You can repeat endlessly: “Leave me alone! Get away from me!” and think you are fighting them off, but actually, you are just providing them with energy making them cling to you even more."

What he says above is certainly true but sometimes it's not possible to avoid conflict. In some cases (even though these cases might be rare) not overpowering one's opponent at their own level will just make the opponent stronger and even more of a bully. At least one must know of both these possible situations.

He seems to emphasize "not fighting" and even though this is true we still live in this 3D world where physical threats are around us all the time and knowing how to fight (or at least understanding the concept) at it's most basic level is, to me, a precursor to knowing how "not to fight." Bruce lee called it the way of "fighting without fighting." One must know about, and even be skilled in, fighting in order to be able to avoid it. I certainly could be wrong but I wonder if this is his version of "turning the other cheek" so that we become passive, like a fly in the ointment of his teachings which subtly leads to where the present day Gurdjieff groups are who think they are being "spiritual" when they avoid addressing the conflicts that present day humanity is mired in because they think they are above it all on some higher spiritual plane or something (which is anything but "spiritual").

I remember Theodore Illion saying in the book 'Darkness Over Tibet' :
"Real understanding in spiritual matters is the result of much bitter fighting, of suffering, spiritual agony and soul passion. Life itself would have no meaning if there was no fighting on all planes, if all was smooth and monotonous. Everything fights in nature. Every plant fights to get more sunshine, every animal fights for food; the angels themselves fight. Constant struggle on all planes to which it has access is the birthright of the creature. Woe to him who wants to put himself on a level with the Creator and escape fighting!”

Just some thoughts FWIW.
"Real understanding in spiritual matters is the result of much bitter fighting, of suffering, spiritual agony and soul passion. Life itself would have no meaning if there was no fighting on all planes, if all was smooth and monotonous. Everything fights in nature. Every plant fights to get more sunshine, every animal fights for food; the angels themselves fight. Constant struggle on all planes to which it has access is the birthright of the creature. Woe to him who wants to put himself on a level with the Creator and escape fighting!”

Thanks for bringing that up. I was thinking that in some cases, doing what 'it' doesn't want to do means stepping into conflict if you're going to break down any rigidities around avoidance and being too nice. The world certainly provides plenty of opportunity for practice.
What he says above is certainly true but sometimes it's not possible to avoid conflict. In some cases (even though these cases might be rare) not overpowering one's opponent at their own level will just make the opponent stronger and even more of a bully. At least one must know of both these possible situations.

He seems to emphasize "not fighting" and even though this is true we still live in this 3D world where physical threats are around us all the time and knowing how to fight (or at least understanding the concept) at it's most basic level is, to me, a precursor to knowing how "not to fight." Bruce lee called it the way of "fighting without fighting." One must know about, and even be skilled in, fighting in order to be able to avoid it. I certainly could be wrong but I wonder if this is his version of "turning the other cheek" so that we become passive, like a fly in the ointment of his teachings which subtly leads to where the present day Gurdjieff groups are who think they are being "spiritual" when they avoid addressing the conflicts that present day humanity is mired in because they think they are above it all on some higher spiritual plane or something (which is anything but "spiritual").
Just some thoughts FWIW.

Oh, kenlee, your post made me smile with remembrance of "The Old Group discussions"!
You are STILL a Warrior at Heart!
If I recall clearly, you have a very brave and masculine protective frequency.
You would always be my choice if there was a rumble with another Tribe!

Just a few pages on in the book, he DOES get into the Fighting part, FWIW:

Stopping a Pendulum

There are some situations where the pendulum cannot be defeated which means it cannot be ignored or escaped.

I had a friend once, who was a really nice, kind-hearted guy as well as being gifted with incredible physical strength. Late one evening we were travelling in a tram and spotted a group of bullies looking for trouble; in other words, a really destructive pendulum.

There were quite a few of them and they were feeding each other with negative energy convinced of their own invulnerability. As a rule, this type of group needs to be constantly bullying someone who will react to their provocation in order to increase their energy level.
The men in the group started picking on my friend, probably because the kind and peaceful expression on his face suggested he was easy prey. They tried in any way they could to pick a fight by insulting and taunting him; however, my friend remained silent and refused to be provoked. In other words, he was trying to defeat the pendulum.

I decided not to get involved because I knew he had nothing to fear whereas the thugs were really risking it. Finally, my friend could not take it any longer and got up from his seat and heading for the exit. The most brazen adherent blocked his way.
Then my friend, who was by now totally cornered, grabbed the punk by the scruff of the neck and delivered a powerful blow to his head. The victim’s face was smashed to a pulp.
The remaining toughies froze with fear and amazement. My friend turned to grab the next one, who in a trembling voice mumbled: “That’s enough, man…stop!”

The energy of the pendulum had been instantly dispersed and its adherents, who were very taken aback, edged slowly away from him, finally tumbling out of the tram.

Of course, people like my friend who can stand up for themselves are lucky but what do you do if you are not like that?

If there is nowhere to retreat to you can stop the pendulum’s swing by doing something extraordinary that no one would ever expect. Somebody told me a story once about a man who was cornered by a pack of “fearless” street gang members.
He was about to get beaten up when he turned to the gang leader with an insane stare and said, “What would you like me to break first: your jaw or your nose?”

The question clearly did not fit with the usual script and the gang leader was taken aback for a moment.

Then with unhealthy enthusiasm the man cried: “Or maybe I’ll just tear your ear off!” and with that he grabbed the gang leader by the ear, who let out an agonizing cry.

The entire scenario that the gang was used to playing out had gone awry. The gang leader was no longer thinking about beating anybody up.

His only concern was how to save his ear from the madman’s grip.
The gang let the man go, assuming he was a psychiatric patient, and he escaped a fatal beating.

If you ever find yourself in a situation that you know will unfold according to a set script, do something surprising. It does not matter what you do as long as it is something that does not fit with the standard script. This will stop the pendulum’s swing.

As long as you are acting out a prepared script you are effectively agreeing to play by the pendulum’s rules and give away your energy at the resonance frequency.

If however, the vibrational frequency of your energy differs significantly from that of the pendulum, dissonance will be created which will disturb the pendulum’s beat.

At the same time, it is not worth looking for trouble if you are dealing with a pendulum that has nothing to lose.

If you are mugged by a person who is desperate for money it is better to hand over your wallet right away. Some people even carry a ten pound note with them just in case they end up in a similar situation. If the robber is a drug addict or mentally ill, even a martial arts expert could end up losing their life.

Obviously, it is better to have no contact at all with types like this, just as you would avoid a rabid dog. If things were to suddenly go wrong it could end in a tragic and yet absurd death.
A sense of humor and strong imagination can be very helpful if you want to stop a pendulum’s swing
because they can help you transform your irritation into a game.

Zeland, Vadim. Reality transurfing. Steps I-V (pp. 56-60). Ves Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
His ideas of pendulums are certainly interesting. What I found disturbing is that he considers ALL types of pendulums as destructive by nature. In chapter 3 he introduces "antipode to pendulums" - "wave of good fortune" the description of which is pretty shallow, IMO.

Consider these lines from his summary:

A pendulum is created by the energy of a group of people thinking in the same way.

A pendulum is an energy based information structure.

A pendulum maintains the thought energy of the adherent at its own vibrational frequency.

So what prevents existing of constructive pendulums, fed and driven by STO energy? Isn't it the vibrational frequency of the pendulum and the nature of its energy that counts? Can't our forum group ("the tribe") be described as a constructive pendulum?
Anyway, here are some quotes from Chapter 3 "The Wave of fortune"

The ‘wheel of fortune’ and ‘bluebird of happiness’ are not simply abstract metaphors. The wave of fortune is really a set of life lines that are auspicious for you personally. The alternatives space contains everything, including lines like golden veins than run through the information field.

The wave of good fortune brings happiness without taking your energy. It can be compared to a sea wave that carries an exhausted swimmer onto the shore. The wave of fortune will carry you onto happy life lines. Like the pendulum, the wave has no interest in your fate, but it has no need of your personal energy either. If you want to, you can float with the wave and let it carry you but if you do not want go with the wave it will pass you by with no regret. The wave of fortune is a temporary formation. It does not feed on the energy of other beings and so eventually fades like sea waves break upon the shore.

The wave of fortune sometimes touches your life in the form of good news. The wave of good fortune brings in information from other life lines. In comparison with your current life line, the resonance of the information is perceived as good news. The task is to grab hold of the rope and pull yourself onto the line that the information originated from, for there you will find not just good news but fortuitous circumstances also.

It seems as if the wave comes and goes, whereas in actual fact the wave of fortune does not move, increase in strength or weaken. In this model we have used the term ‘wave’ as a metaphor but as has already been mentioned, the wave of fortune is stationary in the discontinuity created by moving among different life lines that creates the impression of the wave as you either take hold of a from stroke of luck, embracing the blessing and inviting it into your life, or distance yourself from it, distracted by other pendulums.

Because the wave has no interest in you personally it is easy to lose sight of. The wave will pass you by and set off on its own way. This is why people are inclined to believe that the bluebird of happiness is hard to catch. You do not actually have to make a huge effort to saddle a wave of good luck. It is a question of choice. If you accept the wave of fortune into your life it will stay with you. If you allow yourself to be influenced by a destructive pendulum and become immersed in its negative energy you will be distanced from the wave of good fortune.

The Boomerang

Most people’s minds are filled with constant chatter. If the chatter is not controlled negative thoughts begin to dominate very often. As people we are most concerned with what we fear, with what oppresses or displeases us. The human psyche has developed over a period of thousands of years under the influence of destructive pendulums, which have kept people in a condition of fear so that they can be manipulated. As a result, people tend to have a very clear idea of what they do not want and yet have a very vague idea of what they do want.

To align your will with a negative thought machine means to play the game of a destructive pendulum and radiate energy at its resonance frequency. This is a very detrimental habit. It is entirely in your interests to replace it with the habit of consciously controlling your thoughts.[...]

It is difficult to practice this type of behaviour at first because the old habit of reacting negatively to anything that disappoints us is so deeply entrenched. The most important thing to remember when you suffer a setback is that the setback has been created by a pendulum that is trying to get its hook into you. Once you remember this fact, you can make a conscious choice as to whether you would rather vent your negative emotions and give energy to the pendulum, or gain victory over the pendulum by leaving it without a scrap of your emotional energy.

Once you can remember this, it is not that difficult to defeat a pendulum or still its sway. As has already been said, pendulums pull on your emotional strings, and your habits are the trigger for the mechanism that captures your thoughts. Even though you have just read this chapter and have set yourself the goal of not responding to any bitter pill, you might still fall into the old pattern of expressing a negative reaction. However, you will become conscious of the fact that you forgot and responded out of habit instead. As soon as you can remember in time–the situation will be under your control.

If you practice this technique consistently, with time you will succeed in replacing the old habit with a new one. Until that happens, pendulums will try to provoke you in all kinds of ways. You will notice how as soon as you start behaving differently you are bombarded with unpleasant news and circumstances as if someone was deliberately trying to thwart you. Do not give up. On the whole these will be small frustrations rather than anything more serious. If you do not give up and learn to remember the victory will be quite impressive.


The wave of good fortune is an accumulation of favourable life lines in the alternatives space.

A cascade of good luck follows only if you have let yourself become imbued with the joyful energy evoked by the first stroke of luck.

Destructive pendulums will try to coax you away from the wave of fortune.

When you overcome dependence on pendulums you win your freedom.

By taking on and transmitting negative energy you create your own hell.

By accepting and transmitting positive energy you create your own heaven.

Your thoughts always return to you like a boomerang.

Pendulums cannot throw you off the wave of fortune once remembering has become a habit.

The habit of remembering is developed through consistent practice.
His ideas of pendulums are certainly interesting. What I found disturbing is that he considers ALL types of pendulums as destructive by nature. In chapter 3 he introduces "antipode to pendulums" - "wave of good fortune" the description of which is pretty shallow, IMO.

Consider these lines from his summary:

So what prevents existing of constructive pendulums, fed and driven by STO energy? Isn't it the vibrational frequency of the pendulum and the nature of its energy that counts? Can't our forum group ("the tribe") be described as a constructive pendulum?

I find that his view of pendulum amounts to what can be called an egregore elsewhere.
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