Good to see some people are thinking critically about the situation!
Getting this kind of thinking going is the sword we need to swing - the war is through us! Tweet tweet tweet - FB FB FB!

Stumbled upon this in determining verb for sword movement:
How much blood would it take to make a sword?
That puts you at 64,749.9 grams of blood-iron sand, or a genocidal 16,188 doomed souls to create a single steel blade. To put that in perspective, you're looking at killing roughly half as many people as the bubonic plague did in 1625 London.Oct 9, 2018
This is how much human blood you need to make a longsword ... › Gaming › blood-iron-sword-myth-explored

How to Actually Make a Sword “Forged From the Blood of Your Enemies”
p.s. read the comments from last link - one is hilarious! Good for break from CV terror!
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update for here in north carolina.. mecklenburg county has issued a stay at home order starting 8AM Thursday through to April 16th. there have been no deaths since the first case was reported on March 3rd. schools remain closed until May 15th.

for those who may not know, charlotte, NC's biggest city, is located in mecklenburg county. lucky for me, i work in cabarrus county.. but cabarrus borders directly with mecklenburg. we'll see how it plays out.
I already wrote that Russia is moving in the same scenario (as the Western countries), only in small steps:
- In Moscow (and the Moscow region), people over 65 were forbidden to go out (only to work and on important matters), as well as people with chronic diseases. I am glad that I left Moscow (but people close to me remained there).
- Today there was news that the central bank recommended restricting the issuance of cash at ATMs (complete nonsense). But after some time, these guys “gave back,” they were misunderstood. While the money will be issued! )
- My sister is a medical worker in St. Petersburg (children's direction). She knows about Cs, we discussed the situation the other day. A decree was issued (on Friday) so that in a couple of days all the doctors in the country would register in some database on the site. (The Ministry of Health does not know how many doctors work for them? How many people do they pay money for? Why such a rush?)
- Doctors were forbidden to take vacations and sick leave, although their hospital had almost no visitors (until recently there were crowds of people).
- In the area where they live (in St. Petersburg), traffic jams disappeared, there are very few people in shops and on the streets (although there is a very populated area and few grocery stores).
- In my city, everything is calm, although hysteria on toilet paper flashed (as well as buying up different kinds of food). But everything calmed down on this, the shops are full of food.
In any case, I have a piece of land with a house near the city where I am engaged in agriculture (grow vegetables and fruits), in which case we will all go there.
Still need to catch up with the latest posts, but just wanted to share the following. A popular Dutch investigative journalist and crime reporter, Peter R. de Vries, tweeted the following (my translation):

Good to see some people are thinking critically about the situation!

Peter R. is a topic of his own... that man raises some serious red flags usually (his connections to the amsterdam underground - crying at the funeral of his top criminal friend cor van hout?).

That aside, judge a man by his fruits? It's interesting to see that he speaks up like this. The general Dutch audience that I know like him, even if he's called out on his controversial statements more often. This will probably cause a stir in the media...

... and then more public outcry where citizens are going to ask the government for a lockdown, maybe?
Since I have posted about the ongoings here in Bavaria, Germany before, I will continue with my observations.

First of all our situation as a couple with a shop allowed open is somewhat strange. For us the routine is more or less normal. And to my surprise there are still a lot of people on the streets, although mostly alone or in twos. There are stories about an old lady in my hometown that got quite heavily fined because of feeding doves in a park (so you are allowed to stroll around, or walk your dog, but NOT feeding doves?) and of course some lefty punkers who are allergic to police shooing them in different corners of the park, at least keeping them from gathering.

Lots of peeps wear facemasks now, totally ignoring the fact that in china or elsewhere in asia they wear masks when they are infected, to protect others; not the other way round. I learned that the local wastewater treatment plant already has problems because of people not getting any TP used other tissues, not suitable for the sewage treatment apparatus/machines/filters. I googled that phenomenon when home from work - and it is a widespread thing! There are already even announcements to close down those plants - to clean the filters because they don't work anymore. Oh boy. THAT could also be a very real consequence that would make everything even crazier. Imagine sewage overflow...

more and more people seem to think around the lines of "well, let's hope the remedy (the curfew) won't kill more (economically) than the disease". Well, we had a second extremely bad day in the shop, but that was also how last week started off, and in the end - the whole week put together - it was ok. So we go on and watch what happens. There is nothing else to do.

I know that all sounds quite composed, but to be honest, now and then I get a little shiver and it takes me a lot of effort and strength to go back to balance.
I learned that the local wastewater treatment plant already has problems because of people not getting any TP used other tissues, not suitable for the sewage treatment apparatus/machines/filters. I googled that phenomenon when home from work - and it is a widespread thing! There are already even announcements to close down those plants - to clean the filters because they don't work anymore. Oh boy. THAT could also be a very real consequence that would make everything even crazier. Imagine sewage overflow...
Geeze - makes me think of San Francisco and other cities having human waste on streets - people forget that's a recipe for real plague!!
On Sunday I went for a walk in the park, I noticed only few walking people, and a lot of police, taped playgrounds and outdoor exercise machines , everything closed, real ghost town.
Today new bans were announced in Poland:
You are not allowed to gather on boulevards, in parks or in playgrounds.
No more than two people should move on the streets (however, this restriction does not apply to families).
It is allowed to go out to help a person in need, for example to take food or medicine.
There will be restrictions on public transport - only seats, divided by two. If there are 70 seats in the vehicle, there can be a maximum of 35 people on board.
It is up to the local authority to decide on the formula for verifying passenger numbers.
Up to five people will be able to attend masses and funerals.
The penalty for unjustified gathering may result in a fine of up to 5 thousand , and the army will help the police in their verification activities
Restrictions apply from midnight 25 March to 11 April
I have been pretty busy at work lately, partly trying to keep the panic at bay ... so far, no lay off planned or scheduled but will have to see how it will evolve.

Sorry if it has already been reported, I will catch up with the comments on this threads and the session later this week :)

Situation in Norway: 20200324

Today, the Norwegian Government decided to prolong the measure in place until after Easter:
Source: (Norwegian): Skoler og barnehager stenges til over påske

Skoler og barnehager stenges til over påske
Statsminister Erna Solberg viderefører tiltakene frem til 13.4. Blant det nye er at en folkemengde ute ikke kan være mer enn fem personer.

Schools and kindergarten are to be closed until after Easter.
PM Erna Solberg prolongs the restrictions til April 13th. However, the maximum number of people allowed in a crowd is now down to 5.

For a more graphical interpretation (NB. quite full or red, but so far not completely red ...)

Restrictions enforced.png
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