I have to stay, all the staff seemed really nice today. They are on paid holidays! But in the meantime, like Gaby explained, people who SHOULD be there getting their treatments are refused, their appointments cancelled in order to avoid contagion. It seems that only patients receiving treatments for cancer are allowed, and a few rare others. Granted, we didn't go to the ICU, but I don't believe for a minute that it was full, or else, they'd be asking all the staff for help, there would have been more activity, and beds taken on other floors. What a farse this is...

My sister and brother-in-law have been sick for a week now, cough, fever, fatigue, one day it gets a little better and it comes back the next day. They phoned to get a doctor's appointment. The doctor refused them and offered them a phone call consultation !! (very useful to evaluate the symptoms with acuracy, isn't it ? ^^). He ended up telling them that they both had the virus. The doctor said he would call them to see how they were doing at the weekend. I find this situation to be a real mess.
A little more on this subject.

I'm re-reading "Defying Hitler" again and I got to the part in chapter 11 where Haffner talks about a very little documented phenomenon that took place in Germany from 1924, when the economy stabilized and a period of peace and some prosperity began.

According to Haffner, a significant sector of the population was lost in terms of how to deal with the possibility of living a quiet life and developing the personal and private aspects of self-realization. Countless people who were accustomed to filling their lives with the constant excitement from internal political/economic/social conflicts resulting from post-war misery, suddenly found themselves standing on a void where the possibility of building a life of their own, of living joys and frustrations emanating exclusively from their private lives, was not an option. These people were like addicts to chaos, to conflict, to the intense emotion of fighting for survival. They were incapable of building something great from an ordinary private life, of enjoying it and making it interesting. These people did not receive the end of political tension and the return to a quiet and free life as a gift, but as a deprivation, as if something vital had been taken away from them.

Haffner makes it clear that not all Germans reacted in this way. There were some who, during this period, learned how to live. They began to live their own lives free from the daily intoxication of war and the constant threat of revolution.

According to Haffner, it was at this time that, in an invisible way and without anyone noticing, the Germans were divided between those who would later become Nazis and those who would remain non-Nazis.

I think that in this passage of the book there is something relevant to the times we are lining in. I have the feeling that many of these "little Nazis" who are appearing as a result of the total lockdown that is being imposed all over the world, have this same, let me call it "syndrome": the inability to create something extraordinary from their inner world and to build a life that is worth living based on personal development, caring for the family, and to make their lives interesting from the little experiences that private life offers. I think that these kind of people find a purpose for their lives from interfering in the lives of others and exercising control over them.

Well, this was just some thoughts that came to my mind...

This lines up with the fact that a portion of the population is eagerly calling for a complete lock-down, MORE restrictions and MORE personal freedoms revoked. They're hungry for a police state.

The aliens among us are perhaps just not comfortable with having to make choices for themselves, having Big Sister absent from their lives.

Think of it! An entire race which never cut the apron strings.

And their comics are appalling:

Oh, I am sorry,

I think you got that wrong. I didn't make fun of you of course. it was on JEEPs reply, that i picked up the Gestapo. So don't worry. I am sorry when my wording is clumsy, I am no english native speaker, I am german.
Kein Problem, hab Deine Erklärung auch nicht ganz verstanden. 🙄 Alles gut!

No problem, actually, I also didn't really get your explanation either! 😬
More from previously referenced article:

Wondering if this is intentional or unintentional truth telling? The other infecting virus at work?
I took a friend to the biggest clinic close to our town today, and took some pictures. Sorry, they aren't great, but I was trying not to get caught!

This is a clinic with more than 300 beds, and approx. 77,000 patients per year. Usually they cannot give individual rooms even when requested, and they take people out of the ICU asap, because they don't have enough beds. They SHOULD be saturated now, yes?

The parking lot is usually packed, no room to park before driving around for 10 minutes. See the back today:

View attachment 34504

Usually you either don't see nurses, or they are running around super busy. Today:

View attachment 34505

The male nurse was smoking, what a horror!

View attachment 34506

The welcoming tent, outside. An incompetent woman was asking people who they had an appointment with, and after 10 minutes, she managed to contact the right service to announce that my friend was there for his appointment. She told me I couldn't accompany my friend even though he needed help, and had to stay outside. She handed him a small yellow piece of paper with nothing written on it:

View attachment 34507

With that precious paper, we then went to the guard, who kindly took it (we had seen the entrance lady and were approve, bravo!), and he let me in, no problem, no questions asked. It seems that they aren't all on board with the rules...

We are only allowed to enter the clinic through the emergency room, all other entrances are closed. And this is what it looked like. Usually it's full, with people standing outside.

View attachment 34508

We finally made it to the radiotherapy waiting room, which is nicely decorated with medical tape, so that people sit far away from each other. Social distancing. Notice too the busy nurses at the back, getting coffee and playing with their phones.

View attachment 34510

Visitors strictly forbidden on every floor.

View attachment 34511

And THEN, on the pneumology floor, several rooms were empty or with a patient and the door open. BUT CAREFUL, this is terrible, ONE door in the entire floor had what (I assume) was a Corona sign: "Before entering please go to the nurse's office". I guess that's for the cleaners and the people who distribute lunch, since nobody is allowed to visit. I could have opened the door had I wanted to. Zero risk, probably.

View attachment 34512

And the signs in the waiting room: only one ambulance driver can accompany the patient, and they must not stay in the waiting room unless the patient is on a bed. No relatives/friends allowed (but they let me in without checking), one person can sit every two seats.

View attachment 34514

The main hall, usually packed as well.

View attachment 34515

Now I believe it, it's a real epidemic, OMG!!!:rolleyes::violin:

I have to stay, all the staff seemed really nice today. They are on paid holidays! But in the meantime, like Gaby explained, people who SHOULD be there getting their treatments are refused, their appointments cancelled in order to avoid contagion. It seems that only patients receiving treatments for cancer are allowed, and a few rare others. Granted, we didn't go to the ICU, but I don't believe for a minute that it was full, or else, they'd be asking all the staff for help, there would have been more activity, and beds taken on other floors. What a farse this is...
The phenomenon here seems to be that SOME clinics are empty - I have a customer whos wife had skin cancer, and she was on a heavy schedule of check ups. ALL of her three or four hospitals she went to lately were almost empty On the other hands there are hospitals which seem to be totally filled up to the max. Overflooded. Is this system crisis or managed thing?
According to Haffner, it was at this time that, in an invisible way and without anyone noticing, the Germans were divided between those who would later become Nazis and those who would remain non-Nazis.

I think that in this passage of the book there is something relevant to the times we are lining in. I have the feeling that many of these "little Nazis" who are appearing as a result of the total lockdown that is being imposed all over the world, have this same, let me call it "syndrome": the inability to create something extraordinary from their inner world and to build a life that is worth living based on personal development, caring for the family, and to make their lives interesting from the little experiences that private life offers. I think that these kind of people find a purpose for their lives from interfering in the lives of others and exercising control over them.

Well, this was just some thoughts that came to my mind...

Firstly I have not read that book, but it sounds worth grabbing...

I have been thinking about this for a while, and have come to the conclusion that those begging for more lock downs, and such, and spying on neighbors, and ranting about people going outside, are the materialistic, Darwinian, nihilistic types. Those with no faith basically. Of course, if you feel that your life here is all there is, you will do anything to save it, and become fertile fodder for those spreading the fear around Covid-19.

This has been my observation anyway...
Ok I M really sorry for posting this, it s just that I wasn't expecting my sister to joke about the virus, she is alone in quarantine in her appartement in Paris. She is afraid to go out because every year she get the flu and always end-up in bronchitis. Her son William who is a medic and use to work at Salté Priere Hospital in Paris in intensif care but left a year or so ago for another employer, phone them back to tell them that he was ready to go back if they needed him. He start tomorrow, will get is training for the corona virus. William was the first,first responder to arrive at the Bataclan, it a block away from where my sister lived, he was in charge of the respond team, received a medal from the president for it and another one from the firefighter, for whom he worked as a benevol for ten years. My sister is afraid, she follow the news and believe what they say so it difficult situation, I can only encourage her and telling that it will pass. Anyway, I got to go super is ready.
Your sister is not the only one to believe what tv is showing and at one point people are really lost, can not differentiate reality with fiction. The news are so horrible, like a King novel, that they really believe the Black Death is here. It is not their fault, it is the fault of the mass-media. Your sister is just another victim of them, crapules they are, criminals. And people living alone have more difficulty, if they see all day tv. to deal with all of this non-sense. Don't worry fo the Nauseatum Macron and the picture of him when old. I hope your sister will be ok!
Funny how this current global lockdown is aligning with Easter which the evil elite would like nothing better than to cancel! Is the public going to be satisfied to have church services via TV? What about Palm Sunday? Talk about your test of faith!
A thought is trying to formulate in my mind about the tie-in with Easter - while also avoiding 'anticipating'. It just seems too coincidental that the peak of this crisis is also time for Easter/spring and dawn:
Ostara, otherwise known as Ēostre, is the Germanic goddess of spring and dawn. On the old Germanic calendar, the equivalent month to April was called “Ōstarmānod” – or Easter-month. The evidence for Ostara as an actual goddess people worshipped is sketchy.
A dawning of a new age - a new STO world order rather than the STS new world order that 3D/4D are so aggressively working to materialize (they can't create!).
Getting this kind of thinking going is the sword we need to swing - the war is through us! Tweet tweet tweet - FB FB FB!
Keeping in mind what the Cs said about "symbolic communication":

Perseus' sword

Julius Caesar's army fought with swords:

Vercingetorix throws down his arms at the feet of Julius Caesar, painting by Lionel Royer. Musée Crozatier, Le Puy-en-Velay, France.


Gladius is the general Latin word for "sword". In the Roman Republic, the term gladius Hispaniensis (Spanish sword) referred (and still refers) specifically to the short sword, 60 cm (24 inches) long, used by Roman legionaries from the 3rd century BC. Several different better-known designs followed; among collectors and historical reenactors, the two primary kinds of swords are known as the Mainz gladius, and the Pompeii gladius which follows the Mainz type, which had itself followed the 'Hispaniensis' (these names refer to where or how the canonical example was found). More recent archaeological finds have confirmed the appearance of the earlier version, the gladius Hispaniensis. The legionaries wore their gladii on their right hips.

  • NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe
  • Legionnaires disease, also known as legionellosis, is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by any type of Legionella bacteria. Signs and symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, high fever, muscle pains, and headaches. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may also occur.
Left hand looks odd - was a sword being held, now missing?

Statue of Julius Caesar, Via dei Fori Imperiali, Rome

"Those who live by the sword, die by the sword!"

OK - I need to mull all of this over before continuing and possibly coming up with STO countermove that we can launch. And have to eat sometime - and sleep too! :curse:
I have been watching news reports coming out of the UK closely, since it seems, they were the first to push closing Borders during the time foreign Countries were still pulling their citizen's and Embassy Staff out of China and right after the first cases of the Coronavirus in Italy were confirmed on 31 January 2020. Boris Johnson seems to be "the band leader" in directing the rules in self quarantines, after
school closings, downsizing public gatherings and closing down sports functions. Other Countries then began to follow what the British were doing. Trump has been slow in adopting the same draconian procedures in demanding "lock-downs" and verbally threatening fines and penalties, if the public doesn't submit.

Britain and the Bank of England (BoE) seem to be following the same financial format that was used during the 2008-9 Bank Bailout's. Only now, they are bailing out the conglomerate large multinational Corporations, to the tune of $$Billion's. Former BoE Governor Mervyn King gave a hint to that fact. The Big Bank Bailout

Much more serious than the 2008 crisis, former BoE Governor King says
Britain faces a "much more serious" economic challenge now than in 2008 when the country's banking system almost collapsed, and must be prepared for far higher borrowing, former Bank of England Governor Mervyn King said on Monday.

I'm guessing, this Corporate Bail-out is the resurrection of what the Climate Change Movement was meant to accomplish but at a lower pace but fizzled out?

Use coronavirus rescue packages to fight climate change: UK adviser
Gigantic stimulus packages to prop up the world economy
during the coronavirus crisis should be designed to tackle climate change, according to a senior adviser from Britain which is hosting the next U.N. summit on global warming.

U.N. to create global coronavirus fund, Norway says

The United Nations will create a fund to prevent the spread of coronavirus and support the treatment of patients worldwide, Norway said on Monday.

So, while the thieves are looting the Treasury, in plain sight, they order and demand that the citizen's isolate themselves in their own domains - lest they get wind "of the real reason" they are being abused by their own Governments and "take to the streets and topple their Dictator's"! It would only take one large City - like New York City - to start the Protests and it would light the whole World on fire.
City after city, Country after Country and large Army's wouldn't be able to contain or control them. There would be rivers of blood in the streets. I think, this is what the elite 1% fear the most and why the talking heads are threating the public with fines if they don't obey orders?

Britons who break lockdown face 30-pound fine: PM Johnson's spokesman
UK could strengthen punishment for flouting coronavirus measures, Gove says
UK PM Johnson orders Britons: you must stay at home
Britain's Johnson says will stop large gatherings and weddings
UK's Cummings denies 'too bad' quote on pensioners dying from coronavirus

The Mexican President has stated he is willing to bail out the people, not the big Corporations while the Canadian President is willing to "sanction" anyone who doesn't obey orders!

Mexican president vows to bail out the poor, not big companies, in coronavirus response
'Enough is enough': Trudeau tells Canadians to stay home, major province clamps down

A clearly unhappy Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday said people defying advice to isolate themselves to fight a coronavirus outbreak should "go home and stay home" or face sanctions.

They are handing out $Millions to big Corporations, lay off workers ... then ask them to volunteer? How do we feed our families?

UK calls for 250,000 volunteers as virus deaths surge
The number of coronavirus deaths in Britain jumped on Tuesday, the first day of a national lockdown, while the government called for 250,000 volunteers for the health service and announced a temporary hospital would open in London next week.

France eyes 'shadow army' of fruit pickers as coronavirus bites
France appealed on Tuesday to workers laid off
by the coronavirus crisis to help farmers pick fruit and vegetables that will otherwise be left to rot in the fields due to a shortage of seasonal workers.

Even Israel is trying to cash in on the chaos.

Israeli defense ministry launches COVID-19 voice-test study
An analysis of coronavirus patients' voices could yield a "vocal fingerprint"
to help detect COVID-19 symptoms in others and prioritize testing and treatment, the Israeli Defence Ministry said on Tuesday.

But in the end, while the World has gone MAD, Gandalf has the perfect solution ...

Indeed @Keyhole but it is up to us to choose our new reality and go with one that goes along the line with what we are aiming for.
Spiritual thought: We ALL have been connected with this virus/ for some who chose to leave it will be a welcome break from the mess (apparently) of this world/ Others have made plans to stay/ There will be fireworks/ Relax! Enjoy the show! This may be our final CORRECTION on a spiritual level as a species (illusion)? How else did you imagine it would raise it's MEDUSA head? We all have our crosses to bear. Lucky, this time we are the cross No need to (symbolically) wear it in front of the entire race?! Let's groove! The sky is pink and the nights will be purple. Go with the flow (wave/ onde)!!! No need to get all worked up, this is the shape/ form it takes in our perceptions. Yet ABOVE WE ARE DOING SO MUCH MORE... MY FEELING TODAY! STILL NOT COUNTING....
I have been watching news reports coming out of the UK closely, since it seems, they were the first to push closing Borders during the time foreign Countries were still pulling their citizen's and Embassy Staff out of China and right after the first cases of the Coronavirus in Italy were confirmed on 31 January 2020. Boris Johnson seems to be "the band leader" in directing the rules in self quarantines, after
school closings, downsizing public gatherings and closing down sports functions. Other Countries then began to follow what the British were doing.

Italy, France and Spain were ahead of UK when it comes to borders, quarantines and school closures, I'm afraid.
It is extremely sad that there are so few people who see what's really going on. The greater the panic around, and the greater the restrictions were, the more people around me began to believe in the official narrative. I didn't expect it to be so bad. There is only one person who still shares my view of the situation and we can talk about it. I'm grateful that I have that one. And grateful for an opportunity to read all of your messages here. As some have already mentioned, it is extremely helpful in staying sane at the moment.

I looked at the SOTT calendar from 2016 today and I think the quote for March perfectly fits the current situation. Maybe the person who was responsible for choosing this quote had an unconscious premonition on what's going to happen.

The Devil never sleeps! Pompeo is being his nasty self again - can't leave China alone. The G20 leaders will be holding an emergency session on the Coronavirus situation this Thursday.

Pompeo says China still withholding coronavirus information
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday sharpened his criticism of China's handling of the coronavirus outbreak, saying its ruling Communist Party was still denying the world information it needs to prevent further cases.

G20 leaders to convene by video conference on Thursday about coronavirus
FILE PHOTO: Journalists sit in the media center during the meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 22, 2020./File Photo
Leaders from the Group of 20 major economies will convene a video conference on Thursday to discuss the coronavirus epidemic, the Saudi secretariat said, amid criticism that the group has been slow to respond to the global crisis.

Putin to take part in extraordinary G20 summit to discuss coronavirus: Kremlin
FILE PHOTO: Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with his Kyrgyz counterpart Sooronbay Jeenbekov at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia February 27, 2020. REUTERS/Evgenia Novozhenina/File Photo
Russian President Vladimir Putin will take part in a summit of Group of 20 economies to discuss the coronavirus crisis by video link on Thursday, the Kremlin said on Tuesday.

'Can you hear me?' Video conferencing complicates EU coordination
FILE PHOTO: European Council President Charles Michel attends a conference call with European leaders on Coronavirus, COVID-19, at the European Council, Brussels, Belgium March 10, 2020. Stephanie Leqocq/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo
The European Union's decision-making process is being sorely tested by video conferencing during the coronavirus pandemic, EU officials say, with one calling it a "catastrophe".

U.N. chief wants $2 billion to help poor countries combat coronavirus
U.N. chief Antonio Guterres said on Monday the world body wants $2 billion to help poor countries combat coronavirus and warned that a massive, coordinated package would also be needed to deal with the pandemic's social and economic impact around the world.

Olympics postponement deals another blow to Japan's economy
FILE PHOTO: A woman wearing a protective face mask, following an outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), walks past the Olympic rings in front of the Japan Olympics Museum in Tokyo, Japan March 13, 2020. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha/File Photo
Postponing the Olympics is a heavy blow that is almost certain to push Japan's persistently weak economy, the world's third-largest, into recession.
Let the games begin, new measures brought in, kick of tomorrow wednesday. Should be interesting, all are welcome if you keep away😀

  • Physical distancing restrictions remain in place;
  • People should stay home as much as possible, work from home if they can, and only leave home to go to work if there is no alternative;
  • Only go to the shops for essential supplies, for medical or dental appointments, to care for others or to take physical exercise;
  • Social events or gatherings involving more than 4 people that have not already been cancelled should be cancelled;
  • Non-essential indoor visits to other people’s homes should be avoided. Social gatherings of individuals outdoors should be no more than 4, unless from the same household.
  • No unnecessary travel should take place within the country or overseas.
  • All theatres, gyms, hairdressers, casinos and bingo halls are to close.
"The Defence Forces are preparing for a great role in the State’s response to the national health crisis and the legislation will clear the path for retired soldiers to return to service" It's to help the elderly don't you know.
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