Here is a little anecdote about the hand disinfection gel.

Couples years ago, during another paranoia epedemic, my wife and I had a conversation with a friend of her about those hand disinfection gel that were mandatory at entrance of hospital and sometimes with a security guard to ensure compliance. Both my wife and her friend worked at the local hospital. We were saying to this person that hand disinfection gel is not helpfull at controlling disease and probably a bad thing since the gelling agent left on your hand after the alcohol evaporate will probably constitute a nice culturing medium.

No need to say that the person doubted what we were saying, in fact probably thinking we were completely crazy to question the acts of highly competent authorities. However it picked enough her curiosity that once at work she asked the doctor acting as the chief of the microbiology department (I won't name the guy) if the use of those disinfection gel at the entrance of the hospital was really effective. The answer of the doctor was that is was ONLY to reassure the public and had no benefit for infection control.
I was just standing outside having a smoke and there was a black helicopter flying low in a path over the house. It turned and headed east and then seemed to descend to land. I'm living within 30 mins drive of an international airport, a civil air port and an airforce base so seeing aircraft isn't unusual, but I haven't seen helicopters fly at a low level in the area unless they had news markings. I'm guessing that they're using airforce helicopters to keep an eye on things.
I was just standing outside having a smoke and there was a black helicopter flying low in a path over the house. It turned and headed east and then seemed to descend to land. I'm living within 30 mins drive of an international airport, a civil air port and an airforce base so seeing aircraft isn't unusual, but I haven't seen helicopters fly at a low level in the area unless they had news markings. I'm guessing that they're using airforce helicopters to keep an eye on things.
Not Adelaide by any chance?:lol: The aircraft here have been driving me nuts the past couple of weeks; day and night. They never used to fly jets at 2am or any other craft for that matter, during nighttime.
The Coronavirus hysteria is all over the world and India is not a exception. Indian Govt. also bought into it hook line and sinker. It is everybody's knowledge that controlling things is India is not easy with 12 times denser than US , 49% live in agricultural field labor and most of them uneducated, often doesn't trust the govt.

Govt. tested this calling it Janata Bandh ( People's Bandh) in 52 districts( out of 640) on March 22nd and asked people to stay inside. I talked to my relatives and they complained of media hysteria initially. Around 0% of the people followed the ordered and some were got hit by police to go back inside. There are lot of social media vedio's police beating the folks who haven't followed orders with sticks.

Modi asked people to come out at 5PM on March 22nd to approve police's effort to enforce to prevent the spread with claps and similar noise. Lot of video's people all sorts of means to make noise - utensils, shops shutters , plastic bottles etc.

Govt. announced 3 weeks lock down until April 14th. Indian Govt. website says , they screened 1.57 million, found 470 cases , 40 cured, 9 deaths. But, still they are not suspecting the validity. Their logic, if it spreads, it is impossible to prevent it, given the nature of citizens, population density and past apathy towards Govt. and what it says.
City after city, Country after Country and large Army's wouldn't be able to contain or control them. There would be rivers of blood in the streets. I think, this is what the elite 1% fear the most and why the talking heads are threating the public with fines if they don't obey orders?

I'm wondering if it's more that they want people to break the new rules so that they can fine them to raise revenue or have plausible excuse to use military force. Kind of like if people break the rules and pay up, they make money, if they don't pay up and we use military force then we can use shock and awe to keep others compliant. Then all these lockdowns and social distancing also serve to prevent the people from uniting against them.

Not Adelaide by any chance?:lol: The aircraft here have been driving me nuts the past couple of weeks; day and night. They never used to fly jets at 2am or any other craft for that matter, during nighttime.

No - Brisbane. It hasn't been over bearing yet - but maybe we're heading that way too.
I have been keeping up with thread and would like to thank everyone for their contributions and uplifting thoughts. That's a STO pendulum right there for you and who knows what kind of awareness it might be bringing into this world thru butterfly effects.

Certainly, if you consider the real reasons behind the lock down, it seems the 4D STS are absolutely sh*tless scared. As C's said that, the only way to defeat them or reject their control is to raise your own awareness level which in turn helps the planet raise its vibrations. If the PTB think that they can just flick a switch to turn the economy OFF/ON without longlasting effects then they really are a victim of YCYOR syndrome and one can only pity them. I am almost gobsmacked by the sheer amount of money being thrown at the people when compared to respective GDP under the guise of relief. Where is this money coming from and why wasn't it offered during 2008 recession? Essentially, all money is fake and simply a number on a computer screen. Its a tool for controlling and piping humanity's creative output thru a set of narrow sieves into STS collection wells. They are merely bribing people with pittance just to keep the revolution at bay.

I can already see the plan failing as even when we come out of the lockdown, there would be a recession to deal with and plenty of unoccupied minds with time to kill. Take my example. I moved town during the 2008 recession and was unemployed for 4-5 months as there simply weren't enough jobs going round. During those days, I spent a lot more time on the computer researching on aliens etc, ended up on and rest as they say, is history. Best 4 months of my life when put into perspective. Imagine how many peeps out there would be about to do the same.

I have been out and about past few days getting a feel of the atmosphere. It feels mentally draining if you are around urban zones and shopping centers with no life in sight. As things stand here in Australia, we are in the final stages of full lockdown, all non-essential retail shops have been ordered to be closed by this Friday evening - most of the shops have already closed for next 4 weeks and put up notices. The place where I work have stood down all employees for the whole of April ie no one is getting paid for the whole month. We would be ok for a month or two, not much stressed about that but definitely worried about other people I know who will be impacted. At least I would be buried in reading books so, that's a plus :)

In terms of food and supplies, there was enough in the local supermarket as of yesterday so, I doubt there would be any drastic food shortages during the lockdown. Plenty of cows in Australia and they don't suffer from Covid-19, lol :) We have filled up the freezer with plenty of grass-fed beef, lots of bacon and eggs in the fridge and there is 15 KG Ghee in the pantry so, we should be fine for some time.

We did drive out to the mountains last week for an outing and it felt great. Plenty of elder people had come out for a walk in the mountains, the country cafe was bustling with people squished and dining together, even the local council had waived parking fees to attract more people - go figure lol. I just hope they don't close the regional public parks as my wife and I are planning to head out again for a day out and get some fresh air.

We have experienced some anxiety lately but now slowly starting to enjoy the lunacy and idiocracy on display here - it gets more wonderful every day. Its all possible in "The Twilight Zone" - great show as we are watching it now for the first time. Lockdown and self-isolation is trending. Its a wonderful time to be alive. Whats the worst that could happen? A comet perhaps? Are we really scared of dying?

Time to piece together my camouflage suit for survival purposes. In the last few weeks I've tried to reassure some people that this threat is being overblown. I had a short conversation with an employer last week and tried to reassure her of this. Today her husband asked me if I thought this was a hoax. The implication was, if I think this is a hoax I wont take necessary precautions and place others in the work place at risk. No, I don't think its a hoax, I explained but its not good to create fear and panic. He said he thinks all travel should stop, shut down the whole country in other words even though we don't have one case here. I said I was concerned about the economy... I guess he doesn't give a fig about that since he's a millionaire. Idiot! Although, I've been pretty good about going along to get along and being sympathetic to peoples worries, I'm somewhat to trusting and open with people I've known for years and whom I think accept me like these 2. The whole thing made me quite angry! Just yesterday I had a beautiful and exceptional day, full of strength. After several days of prayer and connecting with higher source (after the latest session) I was experiencing a state of Grace, perhaps you could call it. And today I'm angry! Not enough sleep last night and my immunity is low for this kind of thing. Sucked into the mind contagion, its good to keep ones distance from that as much as possible.. Another form of social distancing since these carriers have no idea they're infected.

Pres. Trump is saying he hopes to have the country open up again by Easter, thats 2 weeks longer then the initial 2 weeks he enforced. I surely hope he will be able to do that otherwise we're looking at very serious times. He's aware of the consequences.
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Phu, finally caught up with this massive tread. Well, at least the last 50 pages. :-)

Reporting from Norway I can confirm Artofdream's update. We are more or less on par with the madness. Yesterday the government extended the measures. And they are really on to it. Social distancing is no up 0.5m from 1.5m to 2m. But we are still allowed to get some fresh air.

Current death related to Covid19(84) is 12 and death related to annual flu are about 900.

I'm still employed by the local kommune(municipal) in kindergarden and it makes working at home somewhat ineffective. :-) But out of 100 children only two is attending, so I'm at home with my 16 year old son and our cat. My son is for now mentally well. He read “A Guide to the Good Life” during the winter-break so he is somewhat vaccinated.

Living 40minutes outside our capitol, Oslo, in a more tranquill pace than the citydwellers and I dont see any facemask here, but I seence that the locals are tensing up – less smiles and eyecontact. I will try to keep up the smilling. :-)

I went for a trip to Oslo a week ago to sample the atmosphere and it was like a eastern holiday. Hardly no facemask but some closed shops, and some employees at some handled the reminders of social distancing.

The last week I have not traveled out of the peninsula so I can't tell more than that we have the local Type 2 that are minding us about SD and huffing about careless teenagers playing soccer.

The goverment are following the templated given, by whom? And to day I read that the FHI(Folkehelseinstituttet), the goverment goto experts, was looking into developing an app for CV-tracking us on our phone. CDC is maybe the US exivalent of FHI. Some datapoint here is that they dont have to disclose their income and taxes – tradesecret they claim, they also manifacture vaccines Rockefeller-foundation finacially supported the founding back in 1929, and Camilla Stoltenberg is the director. She is the sister of secretary general of NATO and former PM of Norway, Jens Stoltenberg.
This is about children, so perhaps people here might jump in and offer advice as many have sons and daughters, nieces, nephews and grandchildren.

The ptb virtue to children most anytime, they like to remind people, and now these actions of theirs are wearing children down in probably many cases, or most cases in sever ways.

The feds ordered the native reserves around here with strict obedience of isolation, their children are more than stuck and I've heard from a few. Kids in town and elsewhere are equally stuck and their understandings are limited while being backstopped with authoritarian fear - they can't get away from it. Teenagers are climbing the walls and depression is running high. Parents are struggling and are being worn thin from within and without.

Had a face-time type call from my granddaughter who is under 5 yrs. and in another province. She is asking me, are you in quarantine. No I said. My daddy is in quarantine and I miss him. I know you do, it will be over soon and you can see him again, I said. This is a virus; there is no play time, no friends. Can see depression in her eyes, her total lack of understanding. Would like to go and get here out of the city, yet that has its own problems. Frustrating and sad. What do you tell them, what are people here telling them to help calm their anxieties?

Of course, this is amplified around the world (some are experiencing this here as reader/members) and it is the cruelest damn thing these people have done to children, let alone others. This will not be forgot. One might even see, if prolonged much longer, that there will be deep cascading psychological damage that may well be long lived.

This is not right, don't even know what to say, and how long will people continue to take this I don't know either, yet it won't be long.

Thank you for any good advice you may have to parents etc. in advance.
I have been watching news reports coming out of the UK closely

What do you or the UK folks here make of this? Some sanity in the UK?

Status of COVID-19
As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.

The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.
The need to have a national, coordinated response remains, but this is being met by the government’s COVID-19 response.

Cases of COVID-19 are no longer managed by HCID treatment centres only. All healthcare workers managing possible and confirmed cases should follow the updated national infection and prevention (IPC) guidance for COVID-19, which supersedes all previous IPC guidance for COVID-19. This guidance includes instructions about different personal protective equipment (PPE) ensembles that are appropriate for different clinical scenarios.
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