Seriously sick coronavirus patients in New York state’s largest hospital system are being given massive doses of vitamin C — based on promising reports that it’s helped people in hard-hit China, The Post has learned.

Dr. Andrew G. Weber, a pulmonologist and critical-care specialist affiliated with two Northwell Health facilities on Long Island, said his intensive-care patients with the coronavirus immediately receive 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C.

Identical amounts of the powerful antioxidant are then re-administered three or four times a day, he said.

New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C
Nous logeons un médecin pendant quelques jours dans notre maison d'hôtes (notre seul client :-). Elle est venue aider la maison de santé de la petite commune non à cause de trop de malades, mais pour préparer la structure en cas d'aggravation de la situation. Elle a déjà étée dans 3 départements différents du sud de la France. Elle m'a dit que dans ces trois départements la situation est calme pour le moment. Elle m'a dit aussi qu'ils n'ont pas eu encore des test à disposition. Que « les tests sont réservés pour les cas très graves et encore... ». Du coup, dès la présence d'un symptôme, même petit comme un léger mal de gorge ils classent les cas comme suspects et les mettent en isolation complète. Je lui alors demandé comment les statistiques des infectés et décès étaient fiables vu la quasi absence de tests. Elle m'a répondu que probablement les cas suspects étaient aussi comptabilisés, « mais bon, il vaut mieux être trop prudents que pas assez... C'est très compliqué pour nous aussi, on suit les directives, c'est ce qu'il y a de mieux à faire pour l'instant... »

We accommodate a doctor for a few days in our guesthouse (our only guest :-). She came to help the health centre of our small village not because of too many sick people, but to prepare the infrastructure in case of a worsening of the situation. She has already been in 3 different departments in the south of France. She told me that in these three departments the situation is calm for the moment. She also told me that they haven't had any tests at their disposal yet, that "the tests are kept for very serious cases and still... ». So, as soon as there is a symptom, even a slight sore throat, they list the cases as suspect and put them in complete confinement. I then asked her how the number of infected people and deaths from Codiv19 could be reliable given the almost total absence of tests. She replied that probably the suspect cases were also counted, "but well, it is better to be more cautious than not enough... It's very complicated for us too, we're following the directives, that's the best thing to do for now... »
The crazy thing is that more people in SA are likely to die of hunger due to not being able to get paid (or possible economic collapse) than could possibly die of corona.
Welcome to reality?? I'm just so angry about this. It's not just a local thing, it's a global thing. It seems more people will die from enforced quarantine - and it's economic consequences than this 'souped up' cold.
This is about children, so perhaps people here might jump in and offer advice as many have sons and daughters, nieces, nephews and grandchildren.

The ptb virtue to children most anytime, they like to remind people, and now these actions of theirs are wearing children down in probably many cases, or most cases in sever ways.

The feds ordered the native reserves around here with strict obedience of isolation, their children are more than stuck and I've heard from a few. Kids in town and elsewhere are equally stuck and their understandings are limited while being backstopped with authoritarian fear - they can't get away from it. Teenagers are climbing the walls and depression is running high. Parents are struggling and are being worn thin from within and without.

Had a face-time type call from my granddaughter who is under 5 yrs. and in another province. She is asking me, are you in quarantine. No I said. My daddy is in quarantine and I miss him. I know you do, it will be over soon and you can see him again, I said. This is a virus; there is no play time, no friends. Can see depression in her eyes, her total lack of understanding. Would like to go and get here out of the city, yet that has its own problems. Frustrating and sad. What do you tell them, what are people here telling them to help calm their anxieties?

Of course, this is amplified around the world (some are experiencing this here as reader/members) and it is the cruelest damn thing these people have done to children, let alone others. This will not be forgot. One might even see, if prolonged much longer, that there will be deep cascading psychological damage that may well be long lived.

This is not right, don't even know what to say, and how long will people continue to take this I don't know either, yet it won't be long.

Thank you for any good advice you may have to parents etc. in advance.

Gosh, it's really tough on the little ones who can understand something very bad is happening and are scared, even worse, so are the adults!

Children have the ability to live in the moment, so I would play fun music, read stories, play their favourite games, do some baking or plant some flowers, thereby creating an atmosphere of joy and creation. (STO)

They really need someone with solid, strong, no- nonsense and loving energy, as they are more psychically open and easily influenced. Lots of hugs and an atmosphere of love and protection. Maybe role plays where they can be a strong person and practice being very confident.

Lots Of laughter is also healing. I think you could use this as an opportunity to really help provide a healing energy for the little ones and "make it better". They could give you some suggestions also, get their creative juices going.

I love ( nice) kids and find them so much fun, but they're are some godawful brats out there too, which is why I stopped teaching English at Kindergartens.

I think what to do with the kids is an important question, and I'm sure others here will have some great ideas as well. Good luck! ☘🌟
We accommodate a doctor for a few days in our guesthouse (our only guest :-). She came to help the health centre of our small village not because of too many sick people, but to prepare the infrastructure in case of a worsening of the situation. She has already been in 3 different departments in the south of France. She told me that in these three departments the situation is calm for the moment. She also told me that they haven't had any tests at their disposal yet, that "the tests are kept for very serious cases and still... ». So, as soon as there is a symptom, even a slight sore throat, they list the cases as suspect and put them in complete confinement. I then asked her how the number of infected people and deaths from Codiv19 could be reliable given the almost total absence of tests. She replied that probably the suspect cases were also counted, "but well, it is better to be more cautious than not enough... It's very complicated for us too, we're following the directives, that's the best thing to do for now... »

This is EXACTLY what I mentioned on my previous post here:

I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the obvious. I was starting to get worried!!

Today is my first day of a 10-day shift work, and I'm back home. Since there is so little work, we're splitting the day in two, so I'll go in the second half of the day. I got the news that things in the hospital are not so bad. That is, there are beds available. There are ONLY THREE more confirmed cases so far in my region, all of them with significant diseases. One case is my patient. She has pulmonary hypertension, COPD of the pulmonary fibrosis variety, high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases that I can't recall on the top of my head. She's by all means, in a pretty bad shape before all of this even began. And guess what? She's doing fine. Right before this mess began, I told her about the sodium bicarbonate for the flu, and she was going to do it.

The other confirmed case is a patient that is young (in his 60s) but with a history of lung cancer among other things, so he is missing a big chunk of one of his lungs due to prior surgery. The other confirmed case is an elderly man with multiple diseases. These two might not make it, but even then, COVID-19 was not their main problem to begin with.

It bears repeating, these are the kind of people that are being tested for COVID-19. The worst of the worst in terms of number of diseases and types of diseases and patient age, because it's the type of patients that go into respiratory failure when they get any infection - whether banal or not. It's no wonder the mortality is so high.

The rest of patients gets only a suspicious COVID-19 label with no tests done, neither PCR (genetic) nor antibodies.

The summary of the first 10 days in the COVID-19/respiratory circuit in my region is as follows: The day that most patients were visited was on my watch, and I summarized that experience here:

I worked in the "coronavirus" circuit today and in 12 hours, I saw 17 patients, all of them stable with either the common cold and/or gastroenteritis. Almost 5 of them were just hysterics induced by the emergency curfew. One case was a confirmed case of flu by influenza, and he just wanted a prescription for his symptoms. On a normal day, I can see around 40 patients in 6 hours. None of the people I saw today came in contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus and I didn't have any reasons to think that they had any different from the usual stuff around this time of the year.

The rest of the days, hardly anybody showed up. There has been up to 70 teleconsultations in one day, but these are no COVID patients. Is the general population with doubts or asking for a renewal of their chronic prescriptions and so forth. So the population with multiple co-morbidites waits patiently at home as I said before, because the system that told there's better things to do right now.
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do not want to be a prophet, but it seems that the authorities in Russia are also starting to go crazy. Small steps get faster. Yesterday, the head of the State Duma proposed giving prison terms to quarantine violators (up to 7 years in prison), and TODAY they have submitted a bill to the State Duma about it. - В Думу внесли законопроект о лишении свободы за нарушение карантина
(this is one of the main news sites in Russia, they link to other state media - TASS)

You can start betting how many days they will need to pass this bill.

One is still happy that no matter how harsh laws are adopted in Russia, their implementation will be very poor.

Threat In St. Petersburg, museums, theaters, food courts, swimming pools and fitness centers will be closed from March 26 until April 30 (initially they wanted to close before April 12)
Schoolchildren in St. Petersburg were transferred to home schooling (my nephew is very happy about this;) last week.
Schools work as usual in my city
We accommodate a doctor for a few days in our guesthouse (our only guest :-). She came to help the health centre of our small village not because of too many sick people, but to prepare the infrastructure in case of a worsening of the situation. She has already been in 3 different departments in the south of France. She told me that in these three departments the situation is calm for the moment. She also told me that they haven't had any tests at their disposal yet, that "the tests are kept for very serious cases and still... ». So, as soon as there is a symptom, even a slight sore throat, they list the cases as suspect and put them in complete confinement. I then asked her how the number of infected people and deaths from Codiv19 could be reliable given the almost total absence of tests. She replied that probably the suspect cases were also counted, "but well, it is better to be more cautious than not enough... It's very complicated for us too, we're following the directives, that's the best thing to do for now... »

"Following the directives" which amounts to counting every sniffle and sneeze as "corona virus", and ONLY testing very serious cases which are all, undoubtedly, comorbidities. And there you have it: the creation of a Hoax Pandemic.

And just WHO is making the "directives"???
I'd like to share some thoughts that steadily grow in my head for some time now. They're loosely based on Dembski's "Being as communion" and Vadim's "Reality transurfing" (or equivalent concept).

The world as we know it is collapsing before our very eyes. It is (or rather was) based on collective agreement on how everything (should) function and where we are in relation to this formation. Recently it was quite stable matrix of information evolving in self adjusting pace with occasional accelerations, which were usually not as dramatic as what is happening right now. I think that current changes could be compared in essence to global catastrophe, like cosmic bombardments, with main difference being the number of casualties (so far). The effect is that a new reality is naturally emerging but its chaotic fabric causes illusion of vacuum that needs to be urgently replaced with more stable system of thought, believes, etc. That in itself raises an array of other issues but I'd like to concentrate on a very specific scenario, which I think many of us could identify with.

People who didn't play to the script of the elapsing world, i.e. those who were able to think interdependently and question everything, were diverging from the main line of cosmic evolution but they were still trapped in this matrix, the status quo that was to strong to let them escape from it (think of a powerful pendulum). What if currently escaping for those who felt trapped is finally possible? Let me go further: what if those who now decide to tune themselves to different frequencies would be literally out of reach of the others, in terms of reality as we use to perceive it? And finally: what if that could result in glitches, where for example people coming from opposite spectrum won't be able to see each other?

In December 2019 C' said that "there will be a new reality to explore" and this is just my two cents in this topic. FWIW
I took a friend to the biggest clinic close to our town today, and took some pictures. Sorry, they aren't great, but I was trying not to get caught!

This is a clinic with more than 300 beds, and approx. 77,000 patients per year. Usually they cannot give individual rooms even when requested, and they take people out of the ICU asap, because they don't have enough beds. They SHOULD be saturated now, yes?

The parking lot is usually packed, no room to park before driving around for 10 minutes.

I went to the same clinic earlier in the day.

The welcoming tent, outside. An incompetent woman was asking people who they had an appointment with, and after 10 minutes, she managed to contact the right service to announce that my friend was there for his appointment. She told me I couldn't accompany my friend even though he needed help, and had to stay outside. She handed him a small yellow piece of paper with nothing written on it:
The guy that I saw was fully rigged out with several face masks, standing behind a table, I stood in front of another table, reached over and showed him my appointment (for a stress test (heart health)) form (issued by the same clinic). He then consulted a file, probably for that department, then consulted another file, said nothing, looked again at the
appointment form, then gave me the yellow piece of paper (like a postit notepaper) to gain entry. My driver was not allowed to accompany me.

We are only allowed to enter the clinic through the emergency room, all other entrances are closed. And this is what it looked like. Usually it's full, with people standing outside.

The cardiology department is on the third floor and is normally accessed via a pedestrian tunnel from the rear car park that is at the same level. This was the first approach used to get in after parking close by, Just before the entry door, the corridor was tapped off and note saying about only one entrance, so had retrace steps and go back to the emergency room welcoming tent, almost at the other end of the clinic. Having gained entry I then walked the length of clinic to get to the cardiology department, where the entrance doors are normally open, to find them closed and a notice saying that all appointments are cancelled, and apologising for it. Now I am an 'at risk' person, over 60 and with a long-term illness, so in fact, 'doubly at risk'! Yet nobody thought to contact me about the cancellation! And, thus avoid'all that possible contagion'!
Now I believe it, it's a real epidemic, OMG!!!:rolleyes::violin:

I have to stay, all the staff seemed really nice today. They are on paid holidays! But in the meantime, like Gaby explained, people who SHOULD be there getting their treatments are refused, their appointments cancelled in order to avoid contagion. It seems that only patients receiving treatments for cancer are allowed, and a few rare others. Granted, we didn't go to the ICU, but I don't believe for a minute that it was full, or else, they'd be asking all the staff for help, there would have been more activity, and beds taken on other floors. What a farse this is...
According to Sputnik the matter is less clear. Poland Says Its Airspace Open for Russian Planes Carrying Aid to Italy Poland says Russian planes were allowed to pass through, but no request was sent. More planes are scheduled, it is to be seen which paths they take.
Государственная подлость: Польша не пропустила российские самолёты с помощью для Италии
24.03.2020 - 1:00


State meanness: Poland did not pass Russian planes with help for Italy

24.03.2020 - 1: 00

Государственная подлость: Польша не пропустила российские самолёты с помощью для Италии
"Following the directives" which amounts to counting every sniffle and sneeze as "corona virus", and ONLY testing very serious cases which are all, undoubtedly, comorbidities. And there you have it: the creation of a Hoax Pandemic.

And just WHO is making the "directives"???

WHO indeed.

Some screen shots from WHO's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan where they admit to limited testing capacities and rely on the word 'suspected' a lot!

Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 8.37.37 pm.png

Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 8.19.56 pm.png

Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 8.23.06 pm.png

The full plan can be downloaded from this page:

This kind of explains why the people at the department of transport the other day were OK with an individual answering two questions and operating on the assumption that coronavirus wasn't present if both answers were 'no'.

The questions were:
1. Have you been overseas in the last 14 days.
2. Have you been exposed to anyone with coronavirus.

The last question is odd because if there are so many asymptomatic cases, then how would you know?

In any case, it seems like this pandemic hoax is created on 'suspected' cases.
"Following the directives" which amounts to counting every sniffle and sneeze as "corona virus", and ONLY testing very serious cases which are all, undoubtedly, comorbidities. And there you have it: the creation of a Hoax Pandemic.

And just WHO is making the "directives"???
Even about directives she was confused, as they are not always clear and change almost every day, which, she told me, has created lot of tension in the health center amongs the staff (how to answer the calls, what and which case and which person to give priority, etc...) The doctor in question is a joung woman who has just begun her career, so it's probably difficult for her to call official medecine system into question. She was hesitant in her answers and appeared quilte lost in her face. I stayed very kind, as I just wanted some pieces of information and prevent her from barricade herself :-)
This is EXACTLY what I mentioned on my previous post here:

I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the obvious. I was starting to get worried!!

Today is my first day of a 10-day shift work, and I'm back home. Since there is so little work, we're splitting the day in two, so I'll go in the second half of the day. I got the news that things in the hospital are not so bad. That is, there are beds available. There are ONLY THREE more confirmed cases so far in my region, all of them with significant diseases. One case is my patient. She has pulmonary hypertension, COPD of the pulmonary fibrosis variety, high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases that I can't recall on the top of my head. She's by all means, in a pretty bad shape before all of this even began. And guess what? She's doing fine. Right before this mess began, I told her about the sodium bicarbonate for the flu, and she was going to do it.

The other confirmed case is a patient that is young (in his 60s) but with a history of lung cancer among other things, so he is missing a big chunk of one of his lungs due to prior surgery. The other confirmed case is an elderly man with multiple diseases. These two might not make it, but even then, COVID-19 was not their main problem to begin with.

It bears repeating, these are the kind of people that are being tested for COVID-19. The worst of the worst in terms of number of diseases and types of diseases and patient age, because it's the type of patients that go into respiratory failure when they get any infection - whether banal or not. It's no wonder the mortality is so high.

The rest of patients gets only a suspicious COVID-19 label with no tests done, neither PCR (genetic) nor antibodies.

The summary of the first 10 days in the COVID-19/respiratory circuit in my region is as follows: The day that most patients were visited was on my watch, and I summarized that experience here:

The rest of the days, hardly anybody showed up. There has been up to 70 teleconsultations in one day, but these are no COVID patients. Is the general population with doubts or asking for a renewal of their chronic prescriptions and so forth. So the population with multiple co-morbidites waits patiently at home as I said before, because the system that told there's better things to do right now.

I went to bed feeling off and woke up with a scratchy throat.

So, I dutifully looked up the symptoms like a good citizen. WebMD lists them with the percentage probability of their being related to Coronavirus...

Fatigue and headaches and random complaints? Holy cow!

Minus those low percentage intense symptoms, I've apparently been laboring under covid-19 on and off since I hit my 40's! Good to know.

I might note, however, that after my normal Good Morning World! glass of rock salt and Vitamin C, that scratchiness is fading fast.

Maybe I discovered the cure? Those silly Chinese! It was so easy all along. They didn't have to fumigate their cities and rush build hospitals after all.
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