For those of you who speak German I wanted to share a voice of reason I found today. Sucharit Bhakdi is a medical specialist and has been director of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University Mainz.

In the short interview, he is debunking the Corona numbers as presented by the mainstream media. He is of course now smeared by a media campaign and I don't know whether it is hilarious or outrageous or rather both to see the media judging his numbers and facts to unscientific. I mean talking about a life of research and experience but we are far beyond that point.

To give a short summary of what he does in the video: he gives a short explanation on what coronaviruses are and how common they are. He then goes on to compare the average number of daily death in Germany (around 2200) and the percentage of death where coronaviruses have been found ( approx. 1%= 22, they were not the reason for the death but one factor amongst other illnesses) and he compares that to the numbers we are currently looking at in Germany with regard the coronavirus (approx. 30 death, officially linked to the coronavirus). That gives the hysteria of the shut down of entire countries a whole new perspective. He also was very clear about the negative impact the isolation might have especially on the elderly and calls the whole situation irresponsible.

That just to quickly sum it up, I am so grateful for every reasonable voice from the medical field that dares going out there and tell the truth. It costs those people a lot.
There are quite a number of people in Germany noticing the discrepancies between proclaimed threat and the real threat. I also found the video Pashalis shared excellent.
There is a new video out from Ken Jebsen from KenFm, one of the best and well known alternative Journalists in Germany. I skipped through it and by the looks of it, it seems like a very good video to share for all german speakers:

It is not the whole 2h 47m that is about Corona virus, only the first hour, in which he interviews several people. What comes after is very revealing about the political situation in Germany and even in Europe, but that is a topic for another thread.
Let me go further: what if those who now decide to tune themselves to different frequencies would be literally out of reach of the others, in terms of reality as we use to perceive it? And finally: what if that could result in glitches, where for example people coming from opposite spectrum won't be able to see each other?

Perfect! So we can get together and get out and about and the authoritarian followers who would otherwise be screaming foul won't see us!

I like it!
Below are some headlines from Denmark that shows there is a lot of concern for the consequences on the economy, but whatever was done so far in terms of restrictions was not good enough, so says WHO and its "experts".
Now WHO warns: Denmark will be shut down for months without switch to aggressive testing strategy
WHO recommendations cause Denmark to launch more offensive strategy - but experts say that is still not enough
Is the WHO indicating Denmark should be in lockdown longer than many others? At the moment they say that the temperature only is high enough to kill the virus in July.

Here are other headlines from local papers:
It is tempting to conclude the Coronavirus is not the real target, it is the people. And if we already after two weeks have headlines like the above, what will the Government(s) do in a few weeks?

At the same time one could read the following Russia bashing
Russia has tested 163,000 and found fewer infected than all other - there is something completely wrong
Under cover of the Coronavirus Putin removes the last vestiges of democracy in Russia - this is very ironic considering the kind of autocratic powers the Government has assumed.
WHO indeed.

Some screen shots from WHO's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan where they admit to limited testing capacities and rely on the word 'suspected' a lot!

View attachment 34527

View attachment 34525

View attachment 34526

The full plan can be downloaded from this page:

This kind of explains why the people at the department of transport the other day were OK with an individual answering two questions and operating on the assumption that coronavirus wasn't present if both answers were 'no'.

The questions were:
1. Have you been overseas in the last 14 days.
2. Have you been exposed to anyone with coronavirus.

The last question is odd because if there are so many asymptomatic cases, then how would you know?

In any case, it seems like this pandemic hoax is created on 'suspected' cases.

The lack of testing kit would be a good excuse to create a mega order to drain public founds.
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Interesting about the numbers of top tier folk being afflicted with this. Perhaps quite widespread and they are the only ones being tested routinely for minor symptoms? Or sympathy propaganda? Interesting conspiracy theories abound about this.
I don't see a real contagion problem with families getting out to a park or other relatively vacant recreational areas. Distancing could still be maintained, easily. But this cannot be. :(
When the CV was just starting up in China and we here on the forum began discussing it. I asked the I Ching this: What about this coronavirus? After reading through several interpretation of the hexagram I wrote down a few notes as take away points. At the time, it didn’t seem to relate much, but after the last session I went back to the notes and see them as more functional now. Here they are.

A cautious advance in the face of volatile conditions will lead to safety.

Don’t run from fate, meet it, and let it guide you.

Business as usual to avoid trouble.

Stay out of sight-low profile-ignore crowds.

Balanced preceptors prevent confusion.

Choices and consequences = razors edge.

Review your options.
Interesting about the numbers of top tier folk being afflicted with this. Perhaps quite widespread and they are the only ones being tested routinely for minor symptoms? Or sympathy propaganda? Interesting conspiracy theories abound about this.
I don't see a real contagion problem with families getting out to a park or other relatively vacant recreational areas. Distancing could still be maintained, easily. But this cannot be. :(

All the influencers/celebritys being used should be a red flag and to reafirm the message being pushed to do what your told to do and not to ignore the messsge,more added daily like Prince Charles today in u.k.
This is about children, so perhaps people here might jump in and offer advice as many have sons and daughters, nieces, nephews and grandchildren.

The ptb virtue to children most anytime, they like to remind people, and now these actions of theirs are wearing children down in probably many cases, or most cases in sever ways.

The feds ordered the native reserves around here with strict obedience of isolation, their children are more than stuck and I've heard from a few. Kids in town and elsewhere are equally stuck and their understandings are limited while being backstopped with authoritarian fear - they can't get away from it. Teenagers are climbing the walls and depression is running high. Parents are struggling and are being worn thin from within and without.

Had a face-time type call from my granddaughter who is under 5 yrs. and in another province. She is asking me, are you in quarantine. No I said. My daddy is in quarantine and I miss him. I know you do, it will be over soon and you can see him again, I said. This is a virus; there is no play time, no friends. Can see depression in her eyes, her total lack of understanding. Would like to go and get here out of the city, yet that has its own problems. Frustrating and sad. What do you tell them, what are people here telling them to help calm their anxieties?

Of course, this is amplified around the world (some are experiencing this here as reader/members) and it is the cruelest damn thing these people have done to children, let alone others. This will not be forgot. One might even see, if prolonged much longer, that there will be deep cascading psychological damage that may well be long lived.

This is not right, don't even know what to say, and how long will people continue to take this I don't know either, yet it won't be long.

Thank you for any good advice you may have to parents etc. in advance.

Hi Voyageur,
I've got 2 children here at home (UK) for at least the next 3 weeks and understand your frustrations.
(Last week our son got sent home because the school said he was coughing in class and showing "symptoms". When my wife had collected him and asked what had actually happened, he said he coughed once and was just feeling a bit light headed because he was hungry!)

So, we've decided to adopt a routine for the children...
first of all, no late nights, bedtime is the same as if it was a school night. Our daughter (7) gets up around 7:00, where as our son (12) sleeps in until approx. 8:30.
Breakfast is served once they get up, egg and bacon usually... having both parents at home is alot easier, rather than my wife having to do it on her own, ok so we are supposed to be working from home now, but priorities first!
While I'm cooking, my wife goes out for a run to get her "government recommended" exercise, usually she'd be doing this after they'd gone to school anyway.
I do some press ups and dips whilst the breakfast is cooking!

Once that's done, bedrooms have to be tidied up.
School work until 10:30, break for 30 mins and then more work until lunchtime.
The schools are providing them with plenty of work to do, so we just go through it all and pick what's appropriate...
We all sit together in the dining room whilst working. (My wife and I talked at length the other evening and came to the conclusion that whatever happens, we cannot get stressed by all this upheaval, arguing is a definite no, no. Any problems that do arise, just talk...)
Fortunately the weather here is lovely, so come the afternoon we head out into the garden, for games, trampolining, tennis, football etc.
If they want to watch some tv later in the day, thats fine with us, they knew all about "screen time" from before this.
This all sounds very structured lol but we're finding that just having this routine for the children is working. They've adapted to it straight away and there hasn't been any complaints so far, it is only 3 days so far though!

They are both aware of what's going on, but because we speak about things openly, they have far less questions than I imagine they would if we didn't.

So, gettin back to the children, if they see us getting stressed it's going to have a knock on effect.
If I remember rightly, the C's said something along the lines of to "tell your children".
Its been a good exercise over the years when they have asked questions, to reply in a way that they can understand the answer. Keep it simple and to the point. This does sometimes lead to other topics of conversation... be warned!

They need to feel that they are part of the family and not just children.

Things are going to get rougher than this and we don't want it to be a shock for them.
So, apparently the rules for the rest of us do not apply to the elite? Is Albert now spreading the joy among his social pals?
My dad came back from Thailand today; plane was packed (no distances between travellers), quick fever check at the airport, that was it. So sometimes it also seems to depend on where you are whether the rules apply or not.

Meanwhile the King of Thailand also went to Bavaria for holiday (!) and rented a whole grand hotel for himself and his whole retinue. Normally the hotel is under lock down as all other hotels in Bavaria, but they asked for an extra permission and got it promptly.

Funny thing is that Thailand has much less cases of positiv CV testings than Germany or even only Bavaria. They say that the curfew is also applied on them, skilifts and that kind of stuff is closed anyways, so they have to stay inside the - quite big - gand hotel.
An update from Russia. So far, we have 658 confirmed cases of coronavirus which is 163 more than yesterday.

Yesterday President Putin visited the Moscow clinic treating these patients. Following that he had a long discussion with the Russian government and today he has delivered his second address to the nation. The address is truly remarkable, here is the transcript translated via Deepl (the bolding is mine):

Russian President
Address to Russian Citizens
25 March 2020

V. Putin: Dear citizens of Russia! Dear friends!

I am addressing you on a matter which is of concern to all of us now.

We see how sharply the situation with the coronavirus epidemic in the world is developing. In many countries, the number of people falling ill continues to grow. The entire world economy is under attack, and its downturn is already predicted.

Thanks to the measures taken in advance, we are still able to contain the wide and rapid spread of the disease. But we should understand that Russia - simply even by virtue of its geographical position - cannot shut itself off from the threat. Near our borders there are states already seriously affected by the epidemic, and it is impossible to completely block its penetration into our country objectively.

But what we can and are already doing is to work professionally, organized and ahead of schedule. And the main priority here is the life and health of our citizens.

The deployment of the system of timely medical care and prevention involves all opportunities and resources. I would especially like to address to doctors, paramedics, nurses, hospital staff, polyclinics, FAPs, emergency services, our scientists. You are now at the forefront of the country's defense. I sincerely thank you all for your dedicated work.

I ask citizens to pay utmost attention to the recommendations of doctors and authorities. A lot depends on it now. This is especially true for the most vulnerable groups of the population: older people and those who suffer from chronic diseases. Both for them and for all citizens, the task now is to reduce risks as much as possible.

Naturally, there is also a question of organizing an all-Russian vote on amendments to the Constitution, with a pre-determined date - April 22. You know how serious, how serious I am about this. And of course, I will ask you to come and express your opinion on this issue, which is of principle and key importance for our country and our society.

However, as I said before, the absolute priority for us is the health, life and security of people. Therefore, I believe that the voting should be postponed to a later date.

Let us assess how the situation will develop in the regions and in the whole country, and only on the basis of professional opinion, recommendations of doctors, specialists we will make a decision on a new voting day.

Next. Now it is crucial to prevent the threat of rapid spread of the disease.

Therefore, I declare the next week as non-working, with the preservation of wages. That is, the weekend will last from Saturday 28 March to Sunday 5 April.

Naturally, all life support structures, including medical facilities, pharmacies, shops, institutions providing banking, financial settlements, transport, as well as authorities at all levels will continue their work.

Once again, a long weekend is planned precisely in order to reduce the spread of the disease.

I appeal to all citizens of the country. Let us not act relying on our Russian "avos". Please don't think how we do it: "Ah, it won't touch me!" It can affect anyone. And then what is happening today in many Western countries, both in Europe and across the ocean, may become our nearest future. All recommendations must be followed. We must save ourselves and our loved ones, show discipline and responsibility. And believe me, the safest thing now is to be home.

I will speak separately about the current socio-economic situation. Here we also need additional steps, first of all, to ensure social protection of citizens, the preservation of their income and jobs, as well as support for small and medium business, which employs millions of people.

In this regard, the following priority measures will be implemented.

First. All social benefits that are granted to citizens should be automatically extended over the next six months, without the need for any additional certificates or instances. For example, if a family is entitled to benefits in the housing and utilities sector, it will not have to regularly confirm its income level in order to receive such support.

I would also like to draw your attention to the following: payments for the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory to veterans and home front workers in the amount of 75 and 50 thousand roubles respectively should be made before the May holidays, earlier than usual, already in April.

The second. It is necessary to support families with children. I suggest that in the next three months, starting in April, all families entitled to maternity capital should be paid an additional five thousand roubles monthly for each child under three years of age inclusive.

Such support is especially important for families where children are not currently attending nursery or kindergarten, for parents who are on sick leave or on vacation to care for a child.

As for our new support measure, namely, payments for children aged three to seven years inclusive, I instruct the Government to force all organizational measures so that families start receiving these payments not in July as planned, but a month earlier, already in June. I also ask governors to expedite the transfer of the necessary information from the regional civil registry offices to the tax service. Colleagues, it is essential that payments begin to be made. Pay attention to this.

Third. We need to support those who are on sick leave or have lost their jobs. Now the sick pay is calculated on the basis of the employee's experience and salary. As a result, employees, especially young people, can receive extremely low sick leave payments. This is certainly not fair. I propose setting a norm: sick pay should be calculated based on the amount of at least 1 minimal salary per month. For the time being, such a norm will be valid until the end of this year, and then we will make a decision based on the situation.

The Russian economy, as well as the economies of other countries, is under strong negative pressure due to the consequences of the epidemic. And, as I said, we need to support those who may face the loss of their jobs.

Now, except for some categories of citizens, the maximum payment of unemployment benefits is limited to 8 thousand rubles per month. I suggest increasing it to the level of the minimum wage, that is 12 130 rubles.

The fourth. Another area of risk is citizens' loans. It is clear that with a sharp decline in income it is difficult or simply impossible to pay off the debt in the previous regime.

I propose to provide for holidays on both consumer and mortgage loans. What are we talking about? If a person finds himself in a difficult life situation, namely: his monthly income has fallen sharply by more than 30%, he should have the right to temporarily suspend the servicing of his debt and prolong it. Without any penalties, of course.

I ask the Bank of Russia to provide for a similar mechanism to extend loans to individual entrepreneurs.

If the payment of debt for objective reasons is impossible in principle, then even in this case, a citizen should not get into a deadlock and become a hostage of creditor claims. The bankruptcy procedure should be feasible and not burdensome. I request the Government and Parliament to expedite the adoption of the necessary changes to the regulatory framework.

Fifth. Small, medium business, micro-enterprises, especially in the sphere of services, now face objective difficulties with the reduction of orders and revenues.

It is necessary to help such companies to continue their sustainable work, and thus to keep their employees. I repeat, our most important task now is to ensure stability in the labour market and prevent an upsurge in unemployment.

The state will assist businesses in solving this problem.

I propose to provide the following support measures for those enterprises, for those sectors that are most affected by the current difficult situation.

I think it is necessary for small and medium businesses to be granted a postponement on all taxes, except for VAT, for the next six months. And for micro-enterprises, with the exception of such a tax deferral, to give a deferral on insurance contributions to social funds.

As for bank loans, small and medium businesses, as well as micro-enterprises that are in a difficult situation, should also be granted a grace period for the next six months.

In general, I ask the Government and the Central Bank to propose and take additional measures to ensure sustainable crediting of the real sector, including the provision of state guarantees and subsidies.

Next. Enterprises that find themselves in a difficult situation should be protected from bankruptcy. In this regard, I propose to introduce a six-month moratorium on filing applications by creditors for bankruptcy of companies and recovery of debts and fines.

Again, these measures will be extended to companies that operate in the sectors most affected by the current difficult situation. At the same time, I instruct the Government to constantly monitor the situation and, if necessary, to expand and adjust the list of sectors that need support.

Sixth. Now we are obliged to do everything possible to support the income of citizens, especially those employed in small and medium-sized enterprises.

In order for such enterprises to have additional resources for this purpose, I propose to halve, from 30 to 15 percent, the amount of insurance premiums for them.
Such a reduced rate will apply to the amount of wages that exceeds the minimum wage. If wages are at the level of the minimum wage or even lower for some reason, the rate will remain the same, 30 per cent.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the reduced rate will be introduced not for several months, not only as an anti-crisis measure, but for the long term. And thus we create a long-term incentive for employers to raise the salaries of their employees.

And finally, I propose two more measures. I'll tell you about them separately.

One. All payments of income (in the form of interest and dividends) leaving Russia abroad to offshore jurisdictions should be taxed adequately.

Now two thirds of such funds, and, in fact, these are the income of specific individuals, as a result of various schemes of so-called optimization are subject to the real tax rate of only 2%. Whereas citizens even with small salaries pay income tax of 13 percent. This, of course, to put it mildly, is unfair.

Therefore, I propose that those who withdraw their income in the form of dividends to foreign accounts should be subject to a tax rate of 15 per cent on such dividends. Naturally, this will require adjusting our double taxation agreements with some countries. I ask the Government to organize such work. If foreign partners do not accept our proposals, Russia will withdraw from these agreements unilaterally. And we will start with those countries through which significant resources of Russian origin are passing, which is the most sensitive for our country.

The second thing. In many countries of the world, the interest income of individuals on bank deposits and investments in securities is subject to income tax. Such income is not subject to taxation in our country.

I propose for citizens, whose total volume of bank deposits or investments in debt securities exceeds 1 million rubles, to establish a tax on interest income in the amount of 13 percent. That is, I repeat, not the deposit itself, but only the interest earned on such investments will be taxed on personal income.

I emphasize that this measure will affect only about one percent of depositors. At the same time, the conditions for placing funds in Russian banks will remain attractive and among the most profitable in the world.

The proposed solutions are not easy. But I ask you to treat them with understanding. And I would like to add that all additional budget revenues that will be generated by the implementation of the two measures, I propose to target them to finance measures to support families with children, to help people who have faced unemployment or are on sick leave.

Dear citizens of Russia!

All measures which are and still will be taken, will work, will give result if we show solidarity, understanding of complexity of a current situation. If the state, society, citizens will act together, if we do everything that depends on each of us.

We need to remember our personal responsibility for our loved ones, for those who live near us, who need our help and support. In general, such solidarity is the strength of society, the reliability of mutual assistance, the effectiveness of our response to the challenge we face.

Thank you for your attention.
There was a video clip from 2019 with a popular Indian astrologer who was asked about the economy outlook for 2020. She expressed concerns about the period February-March. She said that after May it should be better, but still taking into consideration that February-March would be problematic. She wasn't exactly wrong so far.
A friend of mine also came back from Thailand today. Fortunately, he got another flight with Qatar Airways. In Phuket he had to go through strict temperature controls, otherwise things were very quiet there. The plane was completely full.

What surprised him after landing in Munich Germany was the following:

- No police or other security
- No controls or questioning where the passengers came from
- He could just walk through the exit with hundreds of passengers and get into a taxi

He found that very strange given the otherwise bizarre restrictions. I hope it makes him think a little more. ;-)
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